Clickfunnels 2.0 Tutorial For Beginners 2024 (COMPLETE GUIDE)

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clickfunnels 2.0 tutorial hello everyone welcome back to another video in this video we're going to be talking about clickfunnels 2.0 and I'm going to be teaching you how clickfunnels is one of the best ways to getting people to your website and turning them into Happy paying customers okay it's great for lead generation it's great for conversions and it's just amazing to get customers into what you're doing okay so in more grade that we're going to go over everything from sales funnel Creations to email marketing to creating your own course on clickfunnels as always and I will leave you a link down in the description below so that you can check clickfunnels out if you click on the link in the description below you'll come straight to a free trial page and on that free trial page You're simply going to sign up and once you sign up it's going to give you a 14-day free trial that you can check for yourself in the easiest most simplest way possible okay so please do make sure to check all of that out and once you check that out obviously you can go into the clickfunnel pricings as well and the pricings are pretty Sleek okay you get the basic the pro and the funnel hacker plan and once you get these plans it's pretty standard okay so the basic is 147 per month and you get all these prices then you get Pro for $197 per month and then the funnel hacker for $297 per month and obviously the features are even better than the pricing like they give it a run for its money and trust me you will not regret buying click funnels and its plans so to start this off once you have clicked on the link down in the description below and youve set everything up it's going to bring you to a place like this where it's going to ask you to set up your workspace and everything so that is exactly what we're going to do so you're going to add in your business name and all so let's say I'm going to add in my name okay and once you've added in your name from there on out what's going to happen is that there're also going to create a subdomain for you which is pretty incredible because if a website is creating a custom subdomain for you trust me it's a keeper because not a lot of people do that and it sets up a free domain for you obviously you can add your very own custom domain in clickfunnels as well if you want to but I'm just going to work with the free domain for now and once it takes you through all of that and once you've successfully registered you will be redirected to the clickfunnels dashboard on the main page so on the left you can see all kinds of different features that clickfunnel offers you and it's basically an all inone marketing tool so they offer a lot of features which we're all going to cover in this video and as always uh again I will leave you the link to this product down in the description below so please do make sure to click on it and check it out so basically clickfunnel offers creation products orders contacts analytics Marketing sales settings payments tools and all of that so we can get started with this so first of all let's discuss how you're going to add a you know actual domain into your click funnels like obviously you're working on the custom domain right now but how will you add your very own domain so to add your very own domain in this obviously you can uh go into your settings tab over here you're going to go to your user settings and once you're in your user settings obviously in the general section you can uh choose to change the settings and stylings of your main page then once you've gone from general settings it KES you over here and in this place you can edit your workspace details by messing around with your very own website domain so you can change your domain here by changing your workspace name which is pretty incredible uh then moving on you can also have a logo icon for your workspace which is pretty incredible it's a great feature you get payment settings where you can set up the payment method types and the currencies that are accepted by your country you have order number format which is your order number pref fix and all and then there's team settings where you can actually add a team for yourself okay so it's uh pretty fun and pretty well known to use this now to start things off let's first of all go to sites to actually discuss you know adding a custom domain so to add a custom domain you're going to go to sites and you're going to come to domains down here and once you come to domains down here you are going to get your domain which is already connected but you can either buy a new domain or connect an existing domain so when it comes to buying a domain what it will do is it will usually redirect you to a Google domains page and over there they're going to obviously tell you to buy a new domain so as you can see it starts loading in and as it loads in as I told you it takes you to your Google domain space where you can purchase a domain with your clickfunnel so you can write anything like uh let's say I'm just going to write Max shoes okay I'm just going to write that and click on search and it start searching the these domains which correlate with the Max shoes and you can buy your domains in uh the domain name availability Center you can buy it through ionos and you can see it gives you the pricings as well so it's potentially free for the first year which is pretty incredible and you can find other domains for yourself as well if you want to but if you're getting the you domcom domains it's pretty uh it's you know pretty great place to start now moving on from here you also connect the existing domain as I showed you so to connect an existing domain just go on connect existing domain as so and over here it says enter the domain with a subdomain so in the website www is the subdomain and is the domain so another example would be blog. where blog is the subdomain and mysite is the main domain so let's say I'm just going to keep the subdomain www do and you know obviously you're going to add the main domain name name you're going to click on continue and obviously from there it's going to ask you to verify if the domain you've entered is actually your domain and if you want to go ahead and work around with that so pretty easy and pretty incredible stuff to get your head around this okay now moving on what you can do for yourself uh you know moving ahead of this is to actually go into great detail in depth into the rest of the things that you can achieve through and existing domain that you've connected so you can actually see what DNS you have your Cloud fair and all the other things that you can directly add through your domain you can actually use a cloudfare domain for yourself as well which is pretty useful in terms of uh domains and custom domains in this case so once you've added a domain you can start building your own sales funnel so now to actually build our own sales funnel we would have to first of all add some products to our clickfunnels so what we you're going to do is you're going to navigate to the product section over here and you're going to create a product by clicking on create product now once you click on create product you can actually choose what kind of product you want to sell so in my case let's say I'm going to go with digital and then you would have to set an actual product name for yourself so let's say I'm just uh going to call it something it's basically like your uh other templates you know like your sales funnel templates and a whole lot more so let's say I'm going to go with a product called uh let's say it's an nft portrait I'm going to go with nft portrait nfts are obviously digital so I'm going to keep it that and uh then you're going to add a description of the whole portrait if you want to and click on create product so once you create product then you have payments so it says payments have not been yet set up you can set up the payments for yourself if you want to but you're also going to need to choose the price type over here so the price type in this case could be one time it could be subscription could be payment plan you can choose the amount whatever you want for maybe your subscription maybe your onetime payment maybe your payment plan so let's say I'm going to keep it on one time right now if you want it to be a subscription which is basically a recurring payment you could go with subscription if there's a payment plan you could go with that as well okay and there's amount per payment which can be updated later and you can charge a customer this is basically a recurring payment for subscription it's mainly you know for later sets so this goes in Pre postfix and this goes in prefix so payment plan is also when you can charge them more or less later on so I'm just going to keep it one time right now and once you keep it one time I'm going to add in $9 us and I'm going to set that price so once you set that price for yourself it's going to open up this page where you know you can add a description to your product add a whole image to your product obviously you know tell people what your product is about so I'm just going to add an image off of my browser I'm going to go into upload images and we are going to add an image of any nft that we have so let's say I have this nft over here so we're going to click on upload image so just add the image of your very own nft and once you've added the image of your nft then there's you know sales Channel visibility where you can actually make your product visible to your online store and customer center and I'm going to show you how you're going to do that in the easiest way in just a second as soon as the image uploads so here we can see it says image was successfully uploaded which is pretty incredible so you're just going to choose this image and add it here so there's your nft image there we go so once you do that you have your pricing over here then there's your inventory and shipping which you can keep separately for yourself and uh you know you could keep a fullment required for the SKU code of your inventory and shipping then moving on you can add variance to your product you know every product can have its own variants and you can add yours from this section if you want to obviously and here it says this product has multiple options like different sizes or colors I'm just going to keep it on this because it has one and here's your sales Channel visibility where you can change it from online store to customer center if you want to so online store you can you know go ahead and click on show this product on your online store so obviously I want that so I'm going to do that and show products in the customer center so I'm going to do that as well then you can add tags and keywords to organize everything and the great thing about tags is it also helps helps in uh you know your SEO so just keep sure to add these things for yourself and then we're going to go over to update product so what that does is it obviously adds this product into our inventory into our repertoire basically and you can also like where are people going to get this product from you know you're going to need to add some digital asset into this right so to do that you're going to go into purchase C and you're going to give people digital asset access right so you're going to open that up you're going to go into new digital asset and you're going to upload the actual file of the nft you know so just come here uh here's the nft file in itself so I'm just going to upload that once you upload that you're going to click on create file and as you click on create file that is going to upload your nft file in Jiffy obviously make sure to have added in your name I'm just going to add in the name and uh you're going to upload it once more I'm just going to do that real quick there we go and once you do that you're going to click on create file and what that will do is it will create the asset file that you can give to people for digital asset access so people can download this off of the products that you have added so I'm going to go back into products okay we're going to come into your nft portrait workspace the digital asset access open that up select the product click on Save and once we do that that basically shows you that your deliverable assets have been updated so that's how you're going to add a product for yourself okay now once you've added a product and everything what's going to happen from there is that we are going to go into our actual funnels to you know start creating funnels because we have a product now so we're pretty chill with the funnels so first of all we're going to go to our sites over here and in the site section we're going to go over to funnels you know there's the funnels tab over here but we're not going to go to that we're going to go to the funnels tab over here in the S section and once you go to a funnels tab in the S section over here what you're going to do is you're going to click on create funnel and you get tons and tons of templates for your funnel so actually you can use any type of product launch funnel for yourself where you can build a sales funnel and uh you know you can build an affiliate funnel for yourself whatever you'd like so just go with the optimal template you know most people go with something like a product launch funnel so you could search that up over here you should find a product launch funnel somewhere over here so there we go so here's your product launch funnel so I'm going to click on select so once you clicked on select and everything it basically brings you to the product launch section where it's going to be like uh you know the step one is to add an opt-in page step two is your thank you page step three is your launch Pages then there's your order page and then there's your confirmation page obviously you can start a funnel from scratch but why do that when you have templates on your hand right so yeah you're going to get the overview of this whole funnel and you can actually like go to the clickfunnel guides as well to see if you want this funnel now they're giving you these funnels over here so let's say I'm going to go with this funnel I'm going to click on select funnel and once you click on select funnel as you can see it starts installing the funnel straight away now the reason I brought you to site to actually make the funnels is because it's it gives you the actual you could say um temp templates in this section uh if it's not in this section that it doesn't really give you templates which is not what I'm striving for so yeah I'm just going to go ahead and add the necessary thing so it says we've installed your new funnel which is all good and fun so if it's installed my new funnel I'm going to click on customize now and actually go into the customization of this funnel which is exactly what I strive to do so once you click on customize now basically you can start editing your funnel you know Integrity where you can add new you know products new pages into your funnel with different mockups and all so we're just going to wait for this to load in and once it loads us into our proper funnel there we can obviously create a sales funnel motion tracker if you want to you can create any different type of sales product for yourself as well so these are pretty easy things to Aspire from now if you've added a funnel for yourself you can simply go over to funnels okay and once you go into funnels from there they're going to give you a whole example of how you're going to be able to add your funnels into your account so let me show you how we're going to do that for ourselves so as you can see once we're here in our funnel section you can see that we've created a copy of the launch funnel so you're simply going to go ahead and click on this where it's going to take you to the editing section of your funnel and in the editing section of your funnel what's going to happen as I said you're going to get a brief map of the whole funnel and in that brief map you're going to have to actually connect existing pages to each other and once you connect those existing pages to each other you're going to create steps in between those pages and that's the whole fun part when you create steps between those pages because when it comes to actually making those steps it uh takes a lot of work it takes a lot of uh you know it takes a lot of hassle but trust me the outcome is absolutely incredible and you will not regret it so here you can see we have our funnel over here and uh you can start adding different things in this funnel so as you can see you have basic four-step process so first of all there's the optin so you can preview this optin you know people are going to come to optin section which you can edit obviously so this is your optin section where people are going to optin they're going to sign up to this workspace they're going to join the workshop once they join the workshop they're going to come to the product launch page where they're going to see the actual product launch then they're going to get the order form where they're going to actually order the funnel and finally when they've done that they're going to get their order confirmation so that's the basic idea of how we are going to cover this whole funnel up for ourselves right so it gives us a good idea how all these things work with each other and how well tends to work with each other so really fun and really amazing stuff to get your head around and obviously when it comes to working with all of this you are going to want to make sure that you have a good eye for you know design and stuff because let's say we don't want it to be free marketing workshop I want it to be a free discount codes for next shoe fail I'm just going to write that you know considering we have a shoe store and then it's a sign up for this free let's say I'm going to change that to whatever I want so sign up for this free I'm going to bring it here discount code spree for your discounted shoes okay just write that so once you do that obviously you're going to start adding all the necessary things that are required in this so first of all there's the video you can obviously add a video of your basic uh you could say required element or you could add an image in place of this so let's say I want to add an image so I'm just going to simply delete that and bring an image over here and now once we are in the image section we're going to add the actual image that we want in this so we're going to come to the image gallery and once you come to the image gallery just click on upload images and as we go ahead and click on upload images uh you can go ahead and choose you know whatever shoe or whatever product but in our case obviously it's an nft so you can uh switch it from shoes to nft Cale and uh obviously as you change this free training and I'll give you your let's say nft for free you know just as an example don't actually scam people like this not the most ethical and professional thing to do but once we do this you're simply going to plug the photo of the nft art and once you've uploaded the photo you know there it is looks pretty nice so from here what you're going to want to do is you're going to add alternative texts you can uh mess around with the placement and the orientation of the actual design you can mess around with you know whatever necessary widgets you want to actually change in the picture and I'm just going to keep it this way I'm not going to change a lot of things about the video I mean you can make it squared but that will ruin its whole look so just keep a standard look of it okay I've kept it standard so that you know people don't get weirded out by it and once you do that what you're going to do from here is You're simply going to go ahead obviously make sure that the quality is at its best you can reduce the quality so that people you know don't see the whole design properly but I'm going to keep it normal and you can add borders you know edge of the borders a little bit so you know the style looks pretty nice but I'm going to keep it pretty standard add some Shadows if you want to you can check the views in Mobile as well so if it's all according to what you need You're simply going to go ahead and click on Save and once you click on save that will obviously change your opt-in page so you've obviously clearly just changed your optin page then obviously you're going to move on ahead to changing your product launch page okay because our opt-in page has just been successfully changed and now we need to mess around with our no main product launch where we're actually going to preach about our product so first of all I'm going to change back to my laptop View and once we change back to our laptop view what we're going to do over here is we're going to talk about this in more detail so in the pocket launch page you're actually going to want to talk more about your product you're going to tell people you know what your product preaches what your product is mainly about okay that is what we're going to be talking about over here and it obviously is a mixture of um you know the description of your product and what your product has to offer to the type of audience you're selling it to so so just add those necessary things over here so again I'm going to come here and delete that and I'm going to Simply click on ADD element and I'm going to add the image element inside here once you do that you're going to click on images and you are going to go to the image URL once you go to the image URL again you're going to add the image that you're preaching so you're I'm going to add story night nft okay you can simply just uh go ahead with the normal design there we go and you can make the text smaller because I would rather want it to be fitted into one design so to reduce the font obviously you're going to come here I'm going to take it down to 10 and uh obviously to take it down to 10 you're going to Simply go to the font settings and in the typography I'm just going to go with the yeah let's go with you know what let's just keep it over here looks pretty okay then obviously you're going to add all those things here and here's your call to action button so in your call to action button basically you're going to write here this like obviously your call to action so discount codes here okay you're simply going to write that and once you do that people are obviously going to click on this call to action section for yourself so once you write the discount codes element over here then you can obviously change these things over here as well so click on the bonuses below to download them for free you can obviously change them to click on the links down below to get things for free Etc then uh you know you can add your Facebook comments you can add more elements too to be honest so let me show you what more elements you can essentially add so first of all there's the section okay you can actually add a new section to this then there's elements you can add different rows you can add different lows of columns and all and you can add different assets for yourself as well so it's a pretty easy in general idea of how you are going to mess around with the editorial sequences of these things so yeah just uh mess around with it as much as you can and then obviously moving on what we're going to do is we're going to go over to our product launch and here's our product launch looks pretty nice make sure to change the videos over here because these are templates for other the template products so we don't want people to see these we want people to see something about our product so you're simply going to go ahead and click on Save and once you click on Save You're simply going to proceed to the order form page now clearly as you're seeing clickfunnels 2.0 provides you with one of the best features that there is when it comes to email marketing and you know getting leads and conversions so it's pretty incredible to use this for yourself so if you want to use these features in this program for yourself then please do make sure to click on the link down in the description deson below to get a free 14-day trial for yourself on click funnels so once we've gotten the you know 14-day free trial and everything and you've gotten the main idea of all of this what you're going to proceed onto doing is you're going to come over to your main order form page and in your main order form page you can um see all these things where you can add your whole orders what you'll get when you join today here you can add different nfts that people can potentially get I'm going to add the actual nft image I'm just going to go into upload images add the actual nft over here and just wait for it to upload so you know it's all about the design and how much you can edit it to your full potential so you know add the design over here there we go and then you can change the value of your items and then obviously this is your order form so I'm going to keep this the same essentially and uh once you do all of that click on Save and as we click on save finally we're going to go over ahead to our order confirmation and in your order confirmation page from there you're simply going to get into your final page of the funnel and the final page of the funnel is the easiest to make because it has the least amount of work in it to be honest so let's wait for it to load this page for us and once it loads the page for us we're going to be good to go from there and the best part about all of this is that when you actually complete your funnel trust me it makes life so much easier for you because you don't have to consecutively go through all these funnels again and again and again and you don't actually have to you know mess around with these again and again so it basically creates a template for your feature page and you shouldn't have an issue with you know messing around with it again so here it says thank you for your order you can access your your order below now so here's your order confirmation your product names the total price for these orders and all so you get the whole idea and concept of that from down here and then once we get an idea of all of that what we're simply going to do from there is you are going to go into the save section save everything about your order and yeah simply from there you can uh check the different info if it has any errors you can check the goes out now clearly my funnels don't have any errors you can see the layout of your general design it's pretty well off out see the assets that you've added then there's the popup codes okay if there's any popups on your page you can show them as well but obviously it's already a funnel so I'm not going to go ahead and add popups and you can actually add custom CSS styles for your page as well but uh we're going to you know keep that out of it so that's pretty much about it that's the general idea of how you're going to to design your sales funnel so once we've done all of this you're simply going to click on Save and once you simply click on save your updates have you know fully appeared so now what you're going to do is you're going to back out of it and your sales funnel is created okay so here is your sales funnel obviously this is in test mode so uh you can view it in test mode if you want to but you can also disable your test mode from this section over here and you can also see the analytics of your sales funnel in the the analytics section over here and uh it's a pretty good general idea of how you're going to do this so finally to publish your funnel you're going to click on settings create a name for the funnel I'm just going to keep it this way you're going to choose the domain you want to publish it on choose the path of the domain you can turn off the test mode and once you do all of that you're going to generate a funnel share link as well so you can actually share it with people and once we do that what's going to Simply happen is that you're going to get a generated link for the funnel which you're going to copy and obviously send it out to people so your funnel is published properly and you're simply going to click on update funnel which will update all the settings for it so as you can see your funnel is now live and you can actually send out a link of your funnel to people so here's my link and uh you can republish your funnel in the easiest most simplest way from there on out so let's say I have this link for the funnel right so let's say I'm going to go ahead and paste this link over here and obviously this is to share your click funnel out with other people that you want to actually work with and as you can see you have you know claim your funnel now once you've created a funnel you can add this funnel to you know different websites of yourself or you can actually add it to the existing website that you have for your clickfunnels 2.0 right so over here again yet what you're going to do is you're going to go into these uh designs over here you're going to go into your funnels and you can see you get a copy of everything with the live funnel that you have you're going to start getting orders on this funnel and those orders will appear over here you get your unique visitors you get the page views optins all of that will appear over here with the edited funnel settings then comes over to your pages as well where you can find your Standalone Pages theme Pages site Pages funnel pages and pages are obviously a great way to build community around your product now this is obviously in the case that you don't want to use a template and you want to create funnels solely through your own press solely through your own feature solely through your own working basically so in that case you're going to use these uh sequences for yourself and only in that case are you going to use these sequences if we don't use these sequences for ourselves in those cases then things are not going to work for us so please do make sure to use all of this and uh then moving on obviously you can see the orders that you've gotten through your funnels over here in your insights data you can see the subscription statuses you can see total value your number of orders and all those things that are needed for the actual funnel for yourself then there's fulfillments you get your contacts you get your analytics and you can even go into the marketing to actually Market your sales funnels so you can add a market contact address and everything then you have your email template which is basically for your email marketing so for your email marketing you will need to add a marketing address with your footage text and all so we're just going to go ahead and skim through this okay and you don't necessarily need to add a proper address or anything you just need to skim through it add the necessary State and all and once you do that add a postal code and once all of that is done yeah you're pretty much going to add a further text or on subscription this is necessary so add a photo text for yourself uh if you click on height powered by clickfunnels obviously you are going to need to pay them more for this because this is their Watermark and you're getting rid of it then you know there's fromom addresses and all so you're going to you know create all of that and you're going to click on Save and once you click on save that will basically create a marketing setting for you so then you have your email addresses which you're going to add for your email templates so obviously your marketing email addresses are needed and to create a template in your actual email templates you're going to give it a name so I'm going to give it a name over here create a subject let's say I'm going to call the subject uh new product so this is an email template for every time I get a new product so I'm going to click on create template and once you click on create template as you can see it takes you into the loading so it tells you this may take a few seconds etc etc so just wait for it to go ahead with that and uh moving on what you can more over do is obviously when you're done with the marketing of it and all you're simply going to go into the other options here are your dropping content blocks and all you know your videos your icons your menus HTML social spacer divider codes list paragraphs titles buttons all of those could be added here in the easiest ways possible so just go ahead and do that for yourself and you know knock yourself out with all the settings and things that you want to work with on this so drop the content blocks here and it should be pretty much good for you to go so let's say to start things off I'm going to go and give it a title so to give it a title we are going to be adding let's say nft line I'm going to go ahead and remove this launch so I'm going to go ahead and add all this and uh once you've added that what you're going to do is you're going to go more over into the content add your paragraphs and lists you know add more rows of content that you want to essentially add into Your Design so let's say I'm going to add that over here and you can add your content blocks in this so there we go you can add a new paragraph lock write your whole email template in this that dear user we have uh received that you are an email subscriber for us and you know we have a new product line coming out so we would love for you to check it out then you can add a button down here which could be a call to action for them to check it out immediately and then you can add the widgets in this as well and once you do all that you're going to Simply click on publish and exit and once you click on publish and exit that will create a um email template for you that you can start sending people out okay so if you gain contacts which you can simply gain from the contact Section over here you're going to Simply add your contacts or import contact from CSV which are essentially going to be your leads so you're going to communicate with them through your emails and uh when it comes to communicating with them through our emails obviously as you saw I had us create a proper email you could say funnel and uh we have our sales funnel for them to see we have products we have Pages for them to see and then we also have a template for them to read on so you know I've basically created a whole marketing section for myself over here which will help me get the most amazing and high number of leads with the most amazing conversions and generations so it gives us a very sleek and good idea of how things work with each other so yeah uh you're just going to work along with all of this for yourself which is a pretty good in general Outlook of how things work with each other so yeah that's the general idea of how things work and uh how things are when it comes to using clickfunnels 2.0 and then you can see your whole page is analytics over here uh you know how many orders your uh page has got how many optins how many page views you get the conversion rates with the total product sales total optins total customers and you can see a whole graphic chart over here that is going to actually tell people where your page constitutes and what it actually stands for and what it's actually about okay so all of that could be found over here in the simplest most easiest way so just go ahead and knock yourself out with all of this and that should be about it for when it comes to discussing clickfunnels 2.0 so that's the general idea of how you know clickfunnels essentially works and how you are going to be using this absolutely incredible software to create you know to gain leads to get conversions to actually increase sales when it comes to your products and all the essential Necessities for running a whole business platform so as we saw clickfunnels is an amazing all-in-one platform when it comes for your marketing and your sales funnel and uh you know the product scope for click funnels is absolutely out of this world so I would for sure recommend you users out there to use this incredible software and uh get straight into it when it comes to working with it because with clickfunnels 2.0 you can create courses you can craft your very own sales funnels okay and uh you can you know get robust far-reaching softwares so it's pretty incredible that means you don't have to pay for 10 different tools integrate them together troubleshoot different zaps and test everything over and over again you can do it all inside of clickfunnels for yourself it's great for course creators great for website Builders and you know a whole lot of other features like e-commerce store features robust CRM there's great landing page Builders membership site email marketing tools and a whole lot more so basically in general and in summary clickfunnels is an amazing application and clickfunnel 2.0 is amazing for your all-in-one email marketing and website making and even business platform so if you want to try all these things out for yourself please do make sure to check the link down in the description below and if you click on it you'll get 14-day free to use clickfunnels and you can also get the higher plans from there on out if you want to use those but yeah that's the general idea of how we're going to use clickfunnel 2.0 for ourselves and that's pretty much about it for this video so if you enjoyed watching please do make sure to drop down a like And subscribe to this Channel and if you want to see more videos like this in the future let me know down in the comments below and I'll make more for you till then that's pretty much about it for me thank you for watching and I'll see you all of you next time goodbye
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Views: 9,079
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Keywords: clickfunnels 2.0, clickfunnels 2.0 tutorial, Clickfunnels 2.0 training, how to use clickfunnels 2.0, clickfunnels 2.0 step by step tutorial, clickfunnels 2.0 walkthrough, clickfunnels 2.0 for beginners
Id: FPNJgh90quQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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