Synology NAS - Before You Buy

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[Music] hello and welcome back and today i want to talk about synology nas and things you need to know before you buy this is part of a four part series where we're going to talk about the main nas brands that we talk about on the channel the most and when choosing between them i've compared this nas against that nas and more but today i want to focus on one specific brand this is synology and i think they are still one of the very best nas brands in the entire spectrum of this area of the market but they're not perfect for everyone so although they are still one of my favorite brands out there because bt rfs synology hybrid raid dsm the mobile apps all of the things that company has brought to the table today i want to say five things that you need to know before you buy a synology nas and don't worry all the other brands are getting one of these we're going to keep things as neutral as possible but before you buy synology and ads number one you have to know that you are buying a system that is leveraged in terms of what your at least what you're paying on day one a little bit more towards software than hardware synology is a brand that prioritizes its software very very high and you know to their credit they still make some of the best applications available in the market today active backup suite their virtual machine platform is squeaky clean as hell solidity moment then you've got something chat's known to calendar all of those applications that can replace a number of third-party apps from the likes of microsoft and google in your operational environment they have their own apps and therefore all of the data stays in house that's why when you buy synology now system a lot of money you spend for every 100 quid that you spend chances are 60 to 70 quid of that has gone towards the software rather than the hardware they update the software regularly and very much in the aesthetic of apple they do promote their platform in terms of ease and utility more than any other brand that's kind of the big market they're going for and therefore when you're buying a scientific product uh product do know that you are spending more you're on the software than the hardware and they do get a lot more out of that hardware but you have to bear that in mind overall it's very much a comparison i make here on the channel quite a lot that synology is kind of the console gamer uh of the market when a lot of the other brands are pc gamer they are very much the platform that goes look we are telling you this is exactly what it can do and your synology experience will be the same we will promise you to give you this great standard but you can't tweak it that much you can't configure it that much you need to do things its way and you are paying a little bit more for a system that will give you a very fluid slick although slightly less customizable experience than most reason number two that you should know a thing that you should know before you buy synology now system is that they do favor their own hardware a great deal more than third party if you are looking to do upgrades if you are looking to install network interface cards if you're looking to install ssds if you're looking to install memory upgrades know that synology do favor their own hardware first they do even have that range of ssds as well that we're seeing appearing more on the compatibility list and although they do support a number of third-party um accessories in terms of networking device cards from intel and melanex obviously hard drives they don't produce themselves so they support wd and seagating companies like that and ssds as well as they release more and more of their own hardware we are seeing them prioritize their own hardware understandably so they have bench tested it to hell and they've used and designed it parallel to their now systems in a number of cases so you can see a lot of the reason they would do that but if you are looking to use a lot of your own third-party hardware installed inside a synology now system then you may see often that their compatibility lists may be a touch hesitant to you know back you up on getting that stuff and of course we've discussed here on the channel when it comes here to installing uh memory inside of synology nas they are pretty much blanket we will only recommend our own memory as far as synology are concerned and a lot of that is to do with that support they're not saying that it's necessarily bad they are saying that you are using an unsupported system and therefore they can't provide you support on an unsupported configuration so it's kind of understandable but it's something you should know before buying a synology nas the third thing you should know uh about the system and it's kind of in line with that first point about it being a 60 40 hardware versus software setup is generally synology systems will cost you more there's lots of things that that money is trickled down into to do with say extended warranty they generally have longer warranties on their systems and a number of other brands but also just generally the price tag you pay if you are buying this system for its hardware and you can use a lot of third-party software like your own uh you know microsoft systems you can be using your office 365 or g suite and stuff like that if you are using your own setup and therefore you are buying this system more for its hardware than its software you are going to be in enough spending more overall like for like whenever you see systems have got the same hardware in a synology compared with say a qnap or an asus store or some of the more enterprise level stuff going higher up the ladder you do find that synology will cost you more for the hardware so do bear that in mind if you're going down the road of buying nas you're going to spend more on a synology for that hardware the fourth thing you should know about synology as a brand is they are very very aware of the power of their marketing again this comes a lot of it down to that apple rhetoric they um they're very very conscious of having a certain image and when it comes to their year-on-year launch events which are always a delight to look at because the amount of hardware and software that gets shown they talk a lot about the power of their brand they talk a lot about a number of units deployed number of applications deployed they talk and in terms of global share they are very aware of the power of their own brand and that can often be um you know a double-edged sword for a number of users because a number of people will be less inclined towards it's one of the big arguments that a lot of android users have towards apple devices because they think it's a lot of brand rhetoric a lot of smoke and mirrors but at the same time a more brand aware nas producer will be very conscious of the power of the consumer and you do see that time and time again with synology's um interactions with end users both at the high business level and home user level you see a lot of positive interactions there and a lot of that comes from that brand awareness that synology has so it's not really a criticism it's more about knowing who you are dealing with as a brand when you are buying hardware from a producer and the last thing you should be aware of is that synology is incredibly focused towards network and internet access whenever we've done unboxings whenever we've done comparisons whenever we've talked about synology you'll always notice there is almost never an hdmi port only in a few very rare exceptions of surveillance devices you never see an hdmi out on these devices you never see direct attached storage access like a usb that can be utilized for das like you've seen on some qnap platform same with thunderbolt as well there is no thunderbolt on these systems they have integrated 10gbe more and more this is the synology ds1621xs plus very recently released in terms of when this video is being made at least and you know 10 gbe is only something we're gradually seeing coming into uh the desktop market from them although it's been there in the rack mount for a while but they are a brand that is incredibly focused on access via the network and the internet with almost no quarter given to the likes of local access or direct access there's no lcd panels there on the front to give you real-time information we're seeing more and more phasing out of physical usb copy buttons there it is our system uh the remote controls for all a little while they dabbled with the idea of remote controls uh with their system for multimedia they abandoned that very quickly indeed they are a company that is incredibly focused on network and internet access and you know sometimes to their credit that does work out very very well with regards to that caching in the background and things being incredibly fluid there and again that comes back to that rhetoric and design synology is still one of my favorite brands and don't walk away from this video thinking my god he's saying they're terrible i'm not saying that i'm saying that when you buy a synology nas and again we will be talking about all the brands that you need to know what you're buying so just be very aware that sonology are very much the corporate option for a number of you out there it is a good thing a number of people prefer hotels to guest houses it's just one of those things but this has been synology nas before you buy there's something i've missed do let me know in the comments i'll try and do a follow-up to this next year in case things change but otherwise thank you so much for watching click like if you want to learn more click subscribe um it's you know to be abreast of all these videos to come and it helps me understand what you guys like in these and i can make more of these maybe this is going to be a running series let's find out otherwise visit nas compares visit and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 83,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NAS Server, NAS Drive, NAS Guide, Synology, Synology NAS Drive, Synology NAS Server, Synology DiskStation, network attached storage, nas drive, Best Synology NAS, Mac NAS, NAS Drive Review, NAS vs Cloud, Synology nas, Synology server, Synology drive, Synology backup, synology raid, synology plex
Id: O-_-xHoJENY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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