Synology DS920+ vs QNAP TS-453D NAS Comparison

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[Music] hello and welcome back and today I want to talk about some brand new next xx xx been a weird year for the release schedule hasn't it although the devices that we thought were going to arrive at the end of largely it kind of disappeared for a while and we've waited till almost halfway through 2020 to finally start seeing some decent hardware arrived on the scene and the two new for base from Synology and qunit are definitely something that you guys can get behind they are the Synology ds9 20 plus and the QNAP TS 4 5 3d now these two nails devices are definitely bringing a lot to the party they are very much examples of what both brands have you know presented themselves to the end users home and business users alike and the 4 bi desktop is kind of the sweet spot for a not a lot of buyers looking at this kind of technology you know external storage devices like USB sound so but when it comes down to it now sees no more than you know you know it used to be just a simple hard drive that we looked at you know in network connected by the network of the internet and now NASA has turned into its own operating system and both of these brands how presenting us with the best of their wares in these devices now the 920 is the service will follow up to the very popular nine one eight from Synology and the TS four five 3d is to follow up to the again very popular TS four five three B both of these devices are designed to give you the end-user pretty much the best of what you can get at that price point allowing a lot of multi-user environment when it comes to multimedia to backup to surveillance clicks media server ideal business tear backups with a multi-tiered backup strategy and a lot of options in between but on top of that both of these devices are designed very much within within their own company rhetoric and because of that they both represent their own standards very very highly now what we're going to look at today is several things when we look at design we're going to look at hardware and we want to look at software and old Emily help you decide between them but before we go any further let's discover what they've got in common both of these devices do provide an excellent base for a number of modern Nazz applications they can both be used as a plex media server to a mid-level degree they can both be utilized for DLNA media servers they can both be use for a Mac and Windows and Android and iOS based strategy of all of your backup tears and synchronization they can both be used in conjunction with cloud services such as Dropbox and Google Drive which mean that you can backup the contents and announce the cloud or synchronize the cloud with the nas and have a multi-tiered strategy as well as improvement with things like hybrid mount and hybrid share for both companies meaning that you can make your cloud storage appear localized and you can interact with your cloud storage utilizing Synology and QNAP software assets talking of solange in kynapse off with assets both of them arrive with their own great surveillance software in surveillance station and qvr pro both of them arriving with a great selection of tools that can be utilized within IP cameras IP speakers and a bunch of security services with camera licenses included but there are more licenses on the Q net than the serology we'll touch on that later on top of that in terms of software you've got AI recognition applications with both devices arriving with photo recognition and cataloging services built in with Q Maggie from Q napkin Synology moments from Synology obviously both of them allowing you to index decades of digital photos and get facial recognition along with person and thing recognition and you can catalog and search fronts in a far more intelligent manner rather than just looking at file names you'll actually know what in the photos and allowed to search accordingly on top of that they've both got lots of business applications available to you with docker and container station allowing you to create virtual models and virtual sandbox environments of software and interfaces from Linux down to a lot of stuff in github and they both arrived with supported virtualization with Synology virtual machine and cannot virtualization station they both arrived with lots of applications to create virtual and remote applications talking of virtue on the remote they can both be accessed either locally in your own environment or via the internet but there are other you know divulge ins in that that we'll talk about later on on top of that both of these devices arrived with Intel based processors they both arrived with ddr4 memory they both arrived with what is considered the standard right now in network attached storage so regardless of which one of these two you go for you are gonna have a lot to play with and a lot of capabilities open to you but let's move into our first section design in terms of design both of these NASA's have gone very much a different route and again they both represent what their respective brands are prioritize the Synology arrived in that you know familiar plastic chassis there with this analogy like oh that's ventilated on the site it's got USB 3 on the front and back for support we compatible devices we'll talk about that more in the hardware section and a couple of LAN port on the rear and an expandable eSATA port the chassis is very compact it's a 4 by the memory is expandable again we'll touch on that later but ultimately the device itself is very compact nice square kind of visually interesting and of the two I'd say in terms of aesthetic design the Synology definitely looks the better but the QNAP on the other hand is designed for a multi-purpose environment it's designed for a different target market and again you will hear me say this a few times in this video and others the Synology design very much in the Mac mold in terms of software and aesthetic design whereas the qnap is a lot more about the way windows and Android users feel about data and processes and the way they like to interact with their data and that kind of thing in their hardware so in terms of the Kuna it's a slightly more rounded edge chassis it's the familiar one that we've seen in it previous generation but recolored much like the Synology but without the calorie and the QNAP arrives there with a removable front panel both of them are got clicking low trace but nology arrived sorry the qnap arrived with the ventilation far more prevalent on the sides and base it doesn't have that branded logo that Synology have but they've anything that chassis does appear to be a little bit more compact on the rear of the device you've got so many more ports you've got your USB 3 port with five ports versus two and again they support those devices you know external storage peripheral devices that are compatible and the QNAP arrives with two LAN ports to us sorry a single HDMI port I should say which is pretty insane it's HDMI 2.0 so 4k will leave all that for the hardware section even though I've trod on my toes several times and it has got a PCIe slot for expandable ax T and a single rear fan now let's talk about that fan for a second the four v 3d has got a single fan the 920 Plus has got two smaller fans now there's lots of arguments back and forth both of them we use plastic chassis with metal internals and the two fans according to the spec sheet at least do seem to generate less noise and consume less power than that one big fan but these are very very small differences I'm not really something we can give an advantage one over the other on the sake of that fan or mother will say is if you're particularly sensitive to these sort of things with regard to the vibrations or if you can have an incredible close proximity with the mat this may be a factor in your buying choice but ultimately in terms of design they both have very much represent what each brand is putting out there right now I think the majority of us would agree that the Synology looks probably them all sleek and modern designed of the two is very minimalistic but the qnap can't afford to have some of those design choices because of just how much capability it's adding externally to the chassis so you can't really have busy and discrete it doesn't really work so next let's talk about hardware I've already half touched on it already but let's really talk about it they've both arrived with the same CPU that's the Intel Celeron j4 1 to 5 and it is a one-point sorry zero gigahertz processor that can be burst up to 2.7 gigahertz her core which is pretty impressive let's be honest at you know garnering up to the 3 gigahertz limit there call now this processor enable seems like ddr4 with both of them arriving with full gig of ddr4 memory that could be upgraded to a gig and on top of that this CPU has got you HD HD graphics supported up to 600 which means graphical manipulation is exceptionally good compared to its predecessor there is a slight overlap and I will talk about that later in the video but the CPU allows obviously IES and I level encryption so more a faster performance overall with encryption enabled they override would support 1080p in 4k transcoding and of course that transcoding will be at its highest limit natively not utilizing plex media server which is a little bit more resource intensive even with a Plex pass and hardware transcoding and labeled they both arrive with that for Santa base built into the front Dale which means support up to the very latest CJ ironwork hard drive in that 16 TB which is really good and again that's the biggest commercial now scribe you can buy right now on top of that they both arrived with support of a 1gb e which are now a number of you were a little bit disappointed by in terms of the Synology port is really interesting it's the keynote dust ball 1 GB II but it also supports 2.5 GB II environments that's right by default the QNAP the TS 4 v 3 deep arrived with two 2.5 gb e ports this is a big big jump for within the standard of networking now we don't have a full committed price right now available to us on the 4 v 3d another 4 v 3 BP is arriving at quite a comfortable price point right now but i think this is a quite a significant jump forward so we might see a noticeable for jump in price there but after this point after that CPU and the memory the QNAP just arrives with significantly more hardware which if you cannot take an advantage of it and makes it very hard to ignore you've got those 2 x 2.5 gb imports you got 5 USB 3 ports which is always handy you've got HDMI 2.0 which allows 4k 60 frames per second direct output with the cue not even arriving with dedicated software allowing you to install apps and have an its own graphical user interface its own GUI over HDMI net includes things for their own first party apps as well as Plex and you've got cody unofficially as well as surveillance libre office chrome all kinds of applications both official and unofficial can be run on this device utilizing that HDMI port on top of that you've also got a PCIe expandability built into it with a pci gen 2 x 4 slot that means you can add 10 GbE you can add it SSD caching with both nvme Psalter and sorry nvm em2 and eSATA m2 SSD built in the qmt card indeed inside that you can install I should say doesn't arrive with it you can have combined in combo cards that allow you to have both 10gbe and and m2 SSD cache and built in not just that you can have Wi-Fi cards built in you can have sound cards built in there's a quite a lot of compatible PCIe cards on the 4 point 3d right now according to the spec sheets and compared to what we've seen in previous generations from qnet now I mentioned SSD caching because that is one area of contention here because if you're going to use SSD caching and you're going to focus a lot on the internal operations of the net with less of a concern about what happens externally so you're not too worried about the speed in which you access the data you're more concerned with how the data is processed in the gnash then this analogy has something for you much like its predecessor the Synology 920 plus arrives with two nvme SSD bays built-in that's right you can install two nvme SSDs into the Synology along with the four SATA base and it allows you to use them in caching to vastly improve the performance of the traditional slower hard drive in that Rader now let's see something's phonology I've been working on a great deal in newer generation in slightly older generation devices like the nominate and the ten nineteen but three of the four new son ologies that were announced relatively recently all arrived with nvme m2 SSD cache built-in you do have to buy the drive yourself so it's just empty bags much like the hard drive base but that SSD caching will vastly improve internal operation speeds on those hard drives now although the Kuna does not arrive with the SSD bays and standards you can get upgrade cards or even unofficial upgrade cards from other companies to install nvme SSDs inside this device and have access to their nvme caching why do I bring this up because even though it doesn't have that feature built-in if you do pay the extra and get those a car that has them the nvme bays built-in for the unit to take advantage of the QNAP can not only take advantage of those SSDs in caching it can use them for raw storage that's right you can actually utilize those 2.5 gb port on the device or get a combo card I've got 10 GbE and SSD bays on it and directly access 2 bags of SSD or fast storage and use the hard drive now you can use both systems if you like you can use SSD caching for the drives or you can choose to utilize the SSDs for all storage something currently serology doesn't offer serology only let you use those SSD bays for raw storage which is unusual really given that the SSDs if you install a standard two and a half inch SATA SSD into this 9920 it will allow you to use the SSD as well storage so the potential is there personality to let users use SSD for raw storage but they would rather the nvme to be utilized for that SSD caching maybe things will change in DSM 7 I'm not sure but right now if you are going to use an SSD for caching only and you care about the internal operation speed of your NAS chances are the Synology is going to float you about quite a lot but the QNAP does seem to bring a lot more options on how you utilize your nose and how you want to interact with your data internally and externally that you just cannot ignore next we can talk about software now software is another dividing point between these two companies I've compared to knowledge Inc you not notice for a long time but it's worth highlighting that in the newer generations things have really changed so knowledge you used to be a brand that I would say focused on software / hardware in a big big way with - not focusing on hardware / software in a big big way in 2020 the playing fields are exceptionally level both companies have got very very well of old software now both of them have got software and applications in the role of apps both to be installed on and as in the app center and locally on mobile and desktop client devices that are just fantastic both of them are arriving with support with the third-party application - - I would say in terms of software probably some of you still have the lead in terms of their apps because they just have some apps that no one else has not only if they've got things like serology chat Synology Drive and you know a bunch of other applications active backup suite as well they've got a lot of other applications adjusting to look more visually appealing and again their entire collaboration suite of applications allowing you to replace your Microsoft Office or Google Docs with Synology office replacing Dropbox and Google Drive with Synology Drive replacing what's happened Skype with Synology chat all of it working within the mass is very very impressive and with a lot of other applications followed after that and again do check out the NASA compare article below where I go into a lot more detail about this and the applications on the Synology are probably the better overall but the QNAP applications are more diverse the QNAP the most part the applications tick a lot of boxes and let's not forget that a lot of the key more exciting application from Synology do appear to be arriving in DSM 7 coming very very soon and yet these are available now on the QNAP platform you know platform has got probably the best multi-tiered backup application I've seen getting hyper backup sync 3 there and that hybrid backup sync 3 I should say is easily the best backup Naza app right now it's it's very user friendly it covers up far more platforms and anyone else and although it lacks a lot of the kind of enterprise e polish of active backup suite which is more of a backup and synced device Hydra backup sync 3 does bring a hell of a lot to the table and to me it's still the better tool overall from top of that queue at utilization of recognition a facial recognition AI support is better saving that they've incorporated the facial recognition into their surveillance platform you know without having to buy a GPU powered now so you can buy the full 5 3d and you can take advantage of a number of those surveillance add-ons that are only available from then I will say you will utilize a lot of your mouse power to take advantage of them and some of them are still in beta but they are arriving for this now platform and not lot to certain models which is something Synology you've done because of them wanting the best possible performance meaning that they've restricted it to certain levels with GPU powered now's the Synology qts platform currently at time of recording is QPS 4.4.2 is up against analogies DSM 6.2 with 7 on the horizon at a horizon end of the year they both provide a lot in terms of design I would say that once again the Synology DSM platform is very Mac it's all the decisions are hidden in the background and it's a very very polished user experience slightly more responsive the Refresh does seem a little bit quicker but you will feel it a little bit limited if you are more of a techie that wants the hard decision once the configurations want to tinker and make things are very spoke to your needs the qnet platform is still incredibly user-friendly and qts does bring a lot to the table in terms of software but it is just the genius bit more of a learning curve and I really do mean a tiny bit but you can configure it in so many more ways although both of them arrived with a lot of first party software and support a third party software let's talk about the one that you guys have probably want to know about in this video clicks media server plex media server is one of these software applications that is really helped the nouns industry helping a lot of people have their own movies their own TV shows around boxes or a music their own photos now and more and allowing you to enjoy them in your own home without two-streams certified platforms that rely on internet connections as well as choosing how long when you can watch shows and buying something on a streaming platform never feels quite as satisfying as owning it yourself whether you're converting your own physical optical media into digital form on these nowadays using an external DVD drive or downloading them directly from the purchase site onto the net so both of them do support connect media server very well we don't have them here in the studio importantly so we can't really make an accurate accusation as to how well they run but what I will say based on previous generations such as the four point three B that's right yeah the four point three feet and the DES norm of a plus the nominal plus did seemingly run clicks that little bit better and that was because of the way it's in order to use caching technology in the background things have changed a lot since then and the Q net does arrive with a few extra things under the hood that aren't available on the Kim app on this analogy but I will say that between them plex media server will run very very well on both of them now I've said I'd come back to an overlap on the CV CPU I've mentioned it previously in other videos but we're seeing indications that the CPU inside the 920 and the 4.3 D although better than its predecessor in almost every single way does seem to handle h.265 i intimidate media slightly and I do mean slightly worse than its predecessor in terms of encoding and decoding this is not a huge deal but do check what your media collection is primarily by May transcoding will assist you but if you're having announcer the cpu that can't handle an encoding and decoding of this particular project very very well indeed then you may see problem so do double check where your media collection has before buying one of these devices the chances are you're the user that's gonna have to start looking at Pentium III maybe even an i5 net overall but let's get to the conclusion which one of these two nowadays should you buy I think I would have addressed this earlier Anka is very very important about looking at the brand and what they bring to the table because how you utilize your data and how you want to access it is ultimately what's going to make you choose between these two devices if you're going to be utilizing one GBE and have no plans to upgrade in the next three to five years or you only care about the speed of the files being them smaller files overall on the net the Synology is going to be the most appealing to you because of its improvement on the internal operations and of course it's far more um easy friendly feel the cue map on the other hand if how you at the speed at which you access the data externally matters the most to you and the devices with which you connect to it not just over the network or the internet but locally with an HDMI monitor and keyboard and mouse add directly cable to cable connecting your PC or Mac to the NAS for a single cable that's what you're planning the Qun a p45 3d is certainly the one for you the comparison I will often make is comparing PC gaming with console gaming in this analogy the QNAP is PC gaming you can figure it the way you want it may seem like you need a little bit of extra knowledge to get the most out of it and I do mean a little but the qnap is a far more configurable platform overall which means you can tweak it to your own bespoke needs and get the best result for you but if you don't want to tinker you don't want to mess around what you want is something that works to a certain standard and maintains that standard it says we will do this and we will give you this the whole time the Synology is one for you this analogy is these console gaming it might be a fixed brain right it might be that the options are far less configurable but it will give you what it promises and we'll give it to you as soon as you press the X button but thank you so much for watching I hope you found this video helpful right now that overrun a bit didn't it today thank you so much for watching if you do choose to go with one of these two nouns do let me know which one in the comments which one kind of earned your favor the most do visit the NASA compare article in the description we're going to a lot more detail about these devices and of course if you are interested in now is to visit the guys at a swank on 25 years in the piece they know what they are doing otherwise thank you so much for watching once again and I will see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 52,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DS920+, DS920+ NAS, DS920+ NAS Drive, DS920+ vs TS-453D, QNAP 2020, QNAP Drive, QNAP NAS, QNAP NAS Drive, QNAP NAS Server, QNAP or Synology, QNAP or Synology NAS, QNAP Server, QNAP TS-453D NAS, QNAP TS-453D NAS Drive, QNAP vs Synology, Synology, Synology 2020, Synology Drive, Synology DS920+, Synology DS920+ NAS, Synology DS920+ NAS Drive, synology nas, synology nas drive, Synology NAS server, Synology or QNAP, Synology Vs QNAP, TS-453D, TS-453D NAS, TS-453D vs DS920+ NAS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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