Synology DS220+ vs DS220j NAS Comparison

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hello and welcome to today's video just before we start i just wanted to add something here at the beginning something i normally say at the end of every video but because it's at the end sometimes i worry it doesn't get caught long story short if you are looking for free advice on network adapt storage data storage anything to do really with networkers general storage and you need a helping hand take advantage of the free advice section that knows compares it is genuinely free you go down select that option there's a couple of boxes to fill out there but there's nothing committal nothing's done with your email it is manned by myself and nearly the web guide we provide free data storage and network advice and before you spend thousands or hundreds of pounds on a professional use the free one we might be able to help you it's unbiased we don't charge for it if you donate buttons though but you can largely ignore them if you want it's there to help everyone from small to big nas owners so go ahead and take advantage of it roll the start hello and welcome back and today i want to talk about these two nazis this is the ds220j and this is the ds220 plus j plus so similar what could be the difference and if you've just arrived in the world of network attached storage with two model ids that are so incredibly similar how much difference can there be and the simple answer is loads although they run the same software known as the sm disk station manager um currently at the time of recording the sm 6.2 but with the sm7 in um its release candidate we're probably going to see the sm7 coming soon think of that as the upgrade between windows 8 and windows 10 dare i say these two do arrive with the same software and services but it has to be said that to the extent of which individual applications are available or individual applications are supported there's a wide difference between these two solutions and ultimately when you are looking at buying your first nas whether you're moving away from cloud services like dropbox and google drive or more or you're looking to buy a brand new system for a home media setup or surveillance setup or something or even for business to wrap your business data around your customers from your clients to your individual staff members these two are actually a little bit viable but it has to be said that the one at this end of the table is significantly better both in the amount of resources it uses typically and on what you get for your money in terms of value and today's video although i say it's comparing the 220j with the 220 plus it's really about helping you understand why you shouldn't buy this at all and go for this if you can't stretch towards this the budget that you have available to you once you include drives and cables and stuff like that then i get it this is still a very viable solution but if you can budget it lower the capacity on them hard drives maybe cut corners on some of the other areas of your network setup this will pay you dividends so the 220j arrives about 160 dollars so again it's not too bad if you look at how much it costs for either cloud account every year in a subscription service but the two two zero plus arrives at 299 close to double the price of that how on earth can that be justified given earlier on in the video i said that these two two bay nasis both of which have very similar software available to you how is that justified let me go through the reasons reason number one is the cpu the cpu on both these devices is very very different the cpu inside this is a quad core arm or arm processor which is a 64 bit variant of arm and this is 1.4 gigahertz per core across also one uh each core and it is a real tech rtd 1296 now arm or arm based processors are ones that designed for mobile phones typically they're designed for what efficiency they are designed to use simplified code or compressed simplified code to uh uh do instructions internally with as little power utilization as possible and therefore more power efficient generally while you find arm processors inside mobile devices now this cpu is a dual core so you're already thinking wait two versus four that's awful hold your high horses the cpu inside this is an intel celeron which is a a dual core 2.0 um gigahertz cpus already higher in frequency and each one of those can be burst up to 2.9 gigahertz so when it's pushed when it's needed this graphically embedded cpu which has uhd h and uhd 600 graphics i should say this cpu can be burst to twice the performance of this on top of that that cpu is a 64-bit x86 processor that's very very important it will be able to handle much bigger more complex instruction it will also be able to get the job done quicker and with fewer resources used so therefore this system has a great deal more resources open for utilization both in the software and outside on top of that this system also has more memory now memory is what you need to support simultaneous services simultaneous users all of that at any given time when you run an application part or all of it lives in the memory it's kind of the hands of the machine and this system arrives with 512 megabytes of um ddr4 static memory that is non-upgradable memory now at least 20 to maybe 25 of that is going to be utilized just for basic running of that system this arrives with two gigabytes so that's over 2 000 megabytes by default of ddr4 memory of a higher frequency and it can be upgraded up to six gigabytes when needed so not only have you got a cpu that can do more with less hardware utilized it also has more memory to do things more simultaneously so again in terms of hardware both of these devices this has just got a higher glass ceiling and more abilities straight off the bat in a way that this can only dream now that hardware difference between them you can see the chassis are slightly different here this is non-hot swappable the drives have to go inside you have to remove the casing and put them in whereas this has that removable front panel and the drives can be installed in and out they both support the latest sata hard drives but it has to be said that this system um allows you to only hot swap those drives but gives you better performance out of those drives internally even externally when we look at the rear of these devices we will see that in terms of external connectivity this system here has two ethernet ports and this only has the one which means with link aggregation that you can have in excess of 200 megabytes per second throughput to those connected drives whereas this will only go about to 100 megs and even then that cpu is gonna have to push quite hard to max that connection off of those two drives internally you may also have noticed that this has a front mounted usb port and although both of these systems have got support of usb 3.2 gm1 so five gigabits per second this system only has two ports this has three and will do a better job supporting externally connected drives for it now in terms of software support on these devices so many more things are possible on this device both of them has the same support synology's dsm software 6.2 and 7 but you can do so so so much more on this system for example although both of them arrive with support of ext4 this system supports btrfs it allows you to take advantage of the um not so much safer but more robust file system with file self healing we check something in the background faster shared folder creation but more importantly snapshot generation there in the background this device does not support snapshots which takes kind of a blueprint image of the data within a folder or a large storage area and create a time-synced kind of timeline of images of that data as it changes which allow you to revert that's not possible on this but thanks to btrfs and the architecture inside this has it and with lower resource consumption the non-bt rfs systems on top of that this allows you to create up to 2 000 user accounts with this only allowing you to create up to about a thousand but even then you're going to be pushing the system pretty darn hard to reach it they both arrive in support of raid 1 and synology's hybrid raid fluid rate system but thanks to this is hot swapping you're probably going to get better utilization of shr in the long run as well the synology collaboration suite of applications drive chat office that sort of thing they both support it but it has to be said that this supported to a larger extent with more simultaneous chat more active users any one time or even maximum overall more download files at any given time more active shares more iscsi luns uh that you can do over multiple targets as well this has those features but on a far far far smaller level and therefore arise with a lower glass ceiling and you can hit this system's limitations fairly early doors now on top of that when it comes to facial recognition and taking advantage of synology moments and photo station or synology photos in the modern generation if you're moving away from ios photos and stuff or moving away from google photos both of these devices support um tagging and facial recognition this supports facial recognition but this supports facial recognition thing recognition subject recognition all of that stuff all built in and you'll get a better user experience both in fluidity and access as well as the features and services offered to you and the resources used while it's in operation and if you use the surveillance application synology's surveillance station 8.2 a great little application this supports up to a reported 12 cameras at once this supports up to 25 and although i always query those max numbers a little bit because you'd have to use the system for nothing else and max out camera licenses and memory i would say this is still maybe five to ten cameras max but this can comfortably get 15 to 20 out of that hardware inside and if you go for about 10 cameras you've still got enough resources there for plex media server or a number of the docker applications file management sharing using synology drive somebody drive of course available on both but much better file pinning and streaming service and stuff like that already available from this system just generally it has got more under the hood and yes it costs double but there is a reason for it it is better value for money dollar for dollar pound for pound overall and if you are looking at buying your first synology nas and again moving away from cloud services yes the 220 j is a viable option yes it is possible but i would still strongly recommend you up for the 220 plus thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed this video i know it's been a bit light and fluffy but it's important that you guys understand the difference and if i have helped you click like if you do want to learn more click subscribe and i will see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
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Keywords: DS220+, DS220+ NAS, DS220+ Price, New Synology, NEW synology NAS, Synology 2020 nas, Synology DS220+ NAS, synology nas drive, DS220+ plex, DS220+ Review, Synology DS220+ Review, Cheap Synology NAS, Budget Synology NAS, Best Cheap Synology, budget NAS, DS220+ vs DS220j, DS220j NAS Review, ds220J rEVIEW, DS220J Synology review, Synology DS220j NAS Drive Review, Synology DS220j NAS Review, Synology J NAS Review, Synology NAS review, Synology review, DS220j vs DS220+
Id: -5a58pxXqMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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