Synology DS923+ vs DS423+ vs DS920+ NAS Comparison

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foreign [Music] today we're going to be talking about something that's been bobbed around the channel and indeed the world of Synology news for quite a while we are looking at these three fully featured four bay disk station that is from Synology and I'm hopefully going to help you decide which one best suits your needs however we need to get a quick disclaimer off the bat first and foremost the top of my head's been sliced off haven't it I'm going to try my best to make sure I get as much of these snatches on screen as possible and it means that a lot of this video might end up with me looking a bit like this so I apologize in advance if that happens throughout the course of this video also this thing's between me and the mics I apologize if this sounds a bit muffled but today we are talking first about the newest Nas on our list this is the ds423 plus released in March 2023 we're going to talk about this the ds923 plus released at the closing stages of 2022 I believe November December time depending on where you are in the world and finally we're going to talk about this this is the Synology DS 920 plus released in June July 2020 um and a NASA that's featured on this channel substantially over the last two to three years why am I comparing them because a lot of users that have been looking at Synology now is trying to get a nice compact four by now solution have been hearing these three model IDs thrown around a lot and if you're new to the world of Nas you're going to be thinking well they look the same they look the same they sound the same it's the same damn solution but why are they different prices why have they got their own strength of weaknesses why can people saying one is better than the other and that's today's video so let's crash straight on with today's comparison so first and foremost while we're looking at these we're going to talk about the old one aren't we we're going to talk about the Buns we're going to talk about the cost and we're going to talk about which one's the best you know price but also value for money because that's going to come down in the hardware so straight away I'll tell you right now in terms of three of them as a bargain and looking for a bit of money for this particular reason this one's the best price this is the ds920 and right now it's already have discontinued this model a lot of you watching this will go well why are you comparing a device that are discontinued well for a couple of reasons one although it's officially discontinued by Synology it's still available secondhand online a lot it's been a very popular nest and on top of that there are still some bits of stock at the time of recording floating around none of the mainstream retailers you might pick it up the odd bit of stock might come from a third-party partner on Amazon selling some stock but the majority of the place is still selling the 920 are fairly kind of obscure e-tailers it's out there but it isn't exactly an abundant device in terms of stock out there now next up is this one in terms of price this one costs a little bit more and I do mean a little because the 43 although being the newest device is actually a lower tier in the Synology portfolio overall this knocks around for somewhere about 440 to 460 Mark again factoring your currency factoring your conversion rate factor in your shipping and tax as well and the 920 at launch was around 550 or 600 knicker and that's a price that's come down over that time so although it is a higher tier technically instability's portfolio because of it being in the market longer and because of it being available and discontinued by the brand but still a bit of stock floating around the price point is actually okay although in most places that people have got stopped they're actually starting to sell it now pre-populated only so you have to buy the drives as well now the middle one is probably the most enterprising Premium 4 Bay of the three it is the ds93 and this knocks around again between 550 560 and actually closer to six six fifty in some places because the hardware architecture inside is a big leap and a jump different from the other two on the table more on that in a moment so if the first thing you're caring about is the amount of money you're actually whacking down more than anything cheapest second cheapest most expensive there you go thanks for watching the end but what about value what about what you're getting for that money because it's not just about how much you pay it's about what you're getting back right and in terms of the three of these I would say in terms of value for money and what you're getting back this one gives you the most this one comes really close really close if it wasn't if it was still being available to buy it would probably win but this gives you the most for your money this gives you the second most and arguably at least until pricing gets a bit more fluid the ds423 gives you the least of the three how do I explain that well let's work in Reverse this device is four Bays of storage it can't be expanded it's got that quad-core Intel Celeron Processor the Intel j4125 a CPU originally released in 2019 2020 it's quad core four call fourth red it's got integrated graphics on board there so again you have things like transcoding if you're going to be using it for virtual machines Dockers for now you've got some good kind of a good mixture of traditional CPU power and graphical service support inside as well it's non-ecc memory with two gig of memory arriving on the default model that is soldered to the board so you can't remove it you can't swap it out but there is an additional upgrade slot for a four gig Synology memory module there so the max memory of this is six gig which is a weird number particularly when that CPU supports up to eight gig officially and you've kind of got this artificial cap which is really annoying again it cannot be expanded you've only got that four beta storage all of these supports an RG hyper Ray they all support btrfs they all support all of the optional um storage services that are rolling out DSM 7.2 things like worm and volume encryption that's coming out there and again you've got all of the features and services of DSM uh seven but we'll talk about that later on but it's that lack of expandability and the system arrives we thought the connections of one gigabit Ethernet and a couple of USB 3 ports there's two one GBE ports but again you can't upgrade those USB ports utilizing um an adapter you can't use a 2.5 g adapter to USB you can't use a 5G adapter for an upgrade that is the sky limit it is Boom one gig and there's two ports there with Port trunk in like aggregation or multi-channel so moving over to the 920 remember the 920 came out three or coming close to three years ago it arrives with the same CPU as this one this device that arrived in 2023 this 2020 box has got the same CPU that j4125 CPU quad-core integrated Graphics full thread blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah it has non-ecc memory so again no error correcting code memory but it arrives with four gig of memory by default sold it to the board fine but it's got that upgrade there so the result is this device gives you both four gig by default twice the memory of that and the option to upgrade it to 8 gig overall lovely stuff right so again you're hitting that Max cap it's at the end of the road no because although it also only has um a 1gbe ports there on the rear it should be highlighted that the 1gbe ports on this although the sky's the limit on that it does support an expansion so you can add another five base of storage you've still got the limitation there no USB adapters supported there for greater than gigabit connectivity no means to work great but a pcie but at least you can upgrade the storage down the line there to add another expansion device now that brings us to the one in the middle now the one in the middle when I talked earlier on about value for money what did I mean by that well the CPU inside is a different kind of processor and there's definitely going to be some people watching this who are not going to think the hardware architecture and this is value for money because it's a little bit more enterprising and they don't see the use in it they want to sell along with integrated Graphics whereas this is a dual core AMD embedded ryzen an R 1600 processor 2.6 gigahertz clock speed by default that can be burst up to 3.1 gigahertz that's a big old jump over what's capable in the celerant inside these it's a two core four thread processor so you've got some virtual CPU Behavior there to play around with it also rides with four gig of memory but this 4 gig is ECC memory error correcting code where when data have been passed through the system it does a check some little bit of parity data today goes in and out of the memory and then as it passes through if there's any inconsistencies during the right operation it repairs it and then sends it on its way so again you're avoiding long-term inconsistencies on a kind of warmish and cold data down the line or you don't want to come back to a few years down the line and go oh my God it's all buggered um that full git to be upgraded to 32 gig of memory yes we are talking about upgrades and therefore not the base level model but it's that scalability that's attractive there about the CPU memory combination yes it doesn't have integrated Graphics there and for those looking for a decent Celeron with integrated Graphics whether it is for Plex VM surveillance or whatever you're going to be pleased about that maybe you want a four call because you're going to divide processes a bit more but we can't act a bad CPU and it definitely is a CPU that prioritizes file transmission and file consistency Marvin rather than a more balanced point there between um graphical capabilities and uh performance also it's a gen 3 processor rather than a Gen 2 processor which means that the lines that are afforded to the system for all these different surfaces is a little bit more bandwidth to play with and what is one of the biggest examples of where that goes biggest example goes in that not only has it got the 1GB port and the expandability of this one but it also has an option to upgrade its network connectivity you with this device can add 10 GBE you can add 10 times the performance of that default Port as an upgrade yes you've got to pay I think it's I think the current retail is about 150 to 160 the price is all over the shop due to Hardware short duties and component shortages but this does at least give you the option to scale up to 10 GBE in its lifetime something that is just off the table on these devices for good or for bad um carrying on with value for money on these devices and we carry on with that subject of storage we've got to talk about something else and that is to do with the base of these products because both of these salute sorry all three of these Solutions arrive we with volume two nvme SSD Bays on the base they've all got these two little slots here what does that mean well these allow you to install M2 mvme SSD so you've got your four hard drive base there but you can also add M2M VMAs inside adding those can be used for caching read write caching is when data is being written to the system um so in the case of right caching you're writing data to the system but it writes it to the ssds and then internally moves it to the slower archival hard drive there by improving the responsive data being sent to the system in terms of recaching um more frequently access smaller data again we're talking metadata we're talking kind of compact um data there that more is felt in latency and responsiveness than anything that data is moved over uh don't move sorry copied over to the M2 SSD so it lives on the hard drives but moving forward when that data is required by connected users and services the system will pull it from the faster ssds rather than the hard drive yes you have to buy the SSD separately but caching can be beneficial particularly in larger data devices as well but where things really change is in the 2023 generation of devices allowing M2 and vmes to be used as storage poles effectively turning these four base systems into six by systems the M2 and vmes can either be used in both in a raid configuration as a storage pool for again fast tracking databases containers VMS lots of internal processes all running specific Synology apps from the ssds rather than the slower hard drives or you can use one as an SSD for storage pools and one for that read caching mentioned earlier on now this all sounds great right these are all Synology right that's all great we can use that wrong because right now these two support M2 and vme storage balls this one doesn't this older generation device does not support it now a lot of users have mixed feelings about that because these two have got the same CPU so why even though they've got the same CPU does this not support SSD storage port and this one does it reeks a little bit of an official Choice there by the brand and I think a lot of users that own existing uh ds920s have looked at using the third party uh kind of GitHub update and we talked about one on the channel that allow you to use m2mvmes in the 920 a storage pools unofficially now again by doing that you're probably on doing a good chance of knackering your warranty with the brand and your support long term because you're using it in a configuration and it means that the brand does not advertise but a lot of users that own the 920 are starting to come out of their warranty period in some cases and therefore they're less concerned about that yes you're still getting a software warranty which again you potentially invalidate in one shape or form by using it in an unsupported configuration but at the same time I think some users have had this for a while are prepared to give a pun but still nonetheless if you don't want to do that and you do plan on using the m2mvs as a storage poll these two are the ones for you but just bear in mind that those M2M VMAs I'm going to give you a thousand Megs each because that's the way the um the lines have been designed but not quite as straightforward as that those M2 and the amazing side that's going to be internal performance it's only if you're using a device like this one that has a 10 GB upgrade slot and therefore allowing you to have a thousand Megs external connection where you're going to be able to realize a lot of that performs externally but I do think it's worth highlighting that although this device has got those Gen 2 and has those m2mvme slots they are gen 2. these are gen 3. what's the difference Gen 2 generally in terms of traditional performance and again we talked could talk about dual Lane and stuff like that but predominantly a Gen 2 slot gives you 500 megabytes per second performance and that number afterwards times one times two times four times 16 on a GPU or whatever that just multiplies that number so in here if this is a Gen 2 times 2 slot that's 1000 Megs and if it's a Gen 2 times 4 slot and we will be digging in with putty soon that'll give you 2 000 Megs but we've already seen Synology several times cap the performance like in the 93 even though it's a three times four slot for the m2s they capped it and downgraded it to three times one meaning those M2 nvme's give you a thousand Megs each but given this is Gen 2 it's a question of whether you're able to take advantage of gen 2.2 or Gen 2 times 4 which will dig in in part in I do think given that you can't really capitalize on the performance of those M2 and vmes externally M2 nvme storage pools when you look at all three of these are just in a better position to be harnessed inside and out on the ds923 plus rather than that of the 423 plus and certainly unofficially which is going to be for everyone via GitHub and those little you know little changes you make in the back end they're they're on the 920. now I think another important question a lot of users are going to have about these three devices is going to be about DSM they all arrive at the same software so long as your disk station manager currently uh version 7.1 at the time of recording but there is a version 7.2 currently in beta and almost certainly going to arrive in the next few months as a fully flight release candidate and public availability so all three of them run the same software all three of them run the entire gamut of Synology applications they can run everything they've all got to camera licenses they all support a huge number of IP cameras they both so they all four of them support a similar level of virtual machines thanks to that combination of cores and thread positioning up they both arrive with support of the Synology calibration Suites energy drives a technology chatology mail Synology calendar they also arrived with support of active backup Suite virtual machine manager and survey station they all arrive with a huge amount of support of synology's applications and services within DSM and all of those client applications but one thing I will add is you are going to get faster file transmission speeds in this but you will get better multimedia handling on the whole on these now let me break that down that first point because of that CPU being far more efficient in terms of file transmission and speed and being a Gentry system with those broader bandwidth lines inside to be harnessed by the system the result is that embedded I'm sorry that uh embedded AMD ryzon processor there is just going to give you faster responses on traditional data storage Services okay what I mean by traditional I mean when you are measuring it in file speed less so about the handling of those files now the handling of those files if they're not too graphical and you do still have access to quite a decent degree of system services and that CPU does support 1080P and 4K multimedia as well you're still going to have a great time but if the media you're accessing all your graphical services that you're utilizing require a lot of manipulation of Graphics be in terms of encode decode in terms of conversions in terms of running a VM that has a lot of graphical GUI activity there in the back end all your you know widespread thumbnail generation of management and editing an Intel CPU is probably going to do a better job overall because of that onboard integrated Graphics now I Hazen to add just because it's got integrated Graphics doesn't mean it's going to be for everyone you a lot of users that are running standard media streaming in collects jellyfin uh MB stuff like that and also if you're going to be running cameras you can have a great time on the 923 and you're not going to need those conversions but there are users that fall into the following categories who may see benefit in integrated Graphics number one they're running cameras that default hevc or h.265 streams and if they either don't support 8.264 which is normally quite weird or it's inefficient management of the recorded feeds from the cameras running in to the nas that are on x264 forcing you into h.265 why is that important because hevc is widely available and supported and completely free to use whereas um eight sorry hdr264 a2vc or h.265 on the other hand is a kind of private license compression technique to make big files much smaller to manage and watch and some media that's in hevc format ratio of 265 requires on the client side transcoding and manipulation and conversion in order to be played if you're enjoying your media from the comfort of your sofa and you're using a device that has hevc support has a client that is like a fire stick or a phone or a console or a TV has client-side conversion support you don't need to worry because the client Hardware can play it or do the hard work but if you're running a system like the PlayStation for your streaming or Amazon Fire stick or some devices that do not have hevc support in that scenario the Nas is gonna have to reshape that far when you play it and therefore this CPU is not designed with that utility in mind when you're converting an agvc file on through all three these devices this will use substantially more power in order to get that done maybe you're not going to do it and it's not a problem but if you do think you're going to need those processes go for something with integrated Graphics like an Intel Celeron on these two devices another thing I will highlight when it comes to enjoying the media that's on your net and again this really is going more than anything out to uh multimedia users that are going to run media servers on these if you're accessing the nas remotely on like a mobile phone with a small screen or a limited internet connection or a wavering internet connection like you're on a train home or something like that on the commute though those are scenarios where you would want to reshap a file in on the fly in order to watch it yes you can transcode in advance of course you can do that but not a lot of users want to transcode their entire Digital Library just in case they want it on the train home and they rely on on the Fly transcoding which is something that this device for all of its bonuses and abilities is just not as good at doing as these two devices released three years apart here and in terms of DSM although the DSM experience is going to be largely the same on here although arguably you can do more active a user's active processes and more on this device it has to be said for multimedia users you're going to want to opt for these all three I've got three years of manufacturer's warranty all three have got extended life cycle um support of DSM from the brand themselves well outside the hardware warranty on these devices all three run very quietly all three have got this great Hardware um design in their chassis that looks great on a desk it looks great in a home lab and if you're running a business environment and you don't have a server closet these are going to look great on your desk it's a good design chassis with loads of airflow on the sides good active fans they're on the rear that can't even be swapped out for even quieter fans and broadly the same hard drive compatibility there although Synology and compatibility has been a bit all over the place but this has been comparing the ds423 with the ds923 with the ds-920 I hope you found this video helpful we've covered a lot of ground hopefully there's an article below that goes into more detail too let me know if you've got any further questions in the comments below and if you want to learn more or sees more comparisons where we're going to look at a lot more of the value series do check that out when it arrives but thank you so much for watching I hope you've enjoyed this video use the free advice section link below over on NAS Compares and please use the links below to Amazon if one you found this video helpful and two you're going to shop at Amazon anyway I will leave a link to a few different e-shops that I found that you know since this recording and even before this recording that I've got the 920 still on sale but bear in mind stock is super low but I'll leave them down there anyway and if you found the video helpful and if you're going to shop at Amazon anyway please use those links to go there it cost you nothing extra and if anything you buy when you get to Amazon via that link result in a kickback to here to me and Eddie we're the only ones here in as Compares and it allows us to keep doing what we do it's a nice passive way that you can support content create guys like us thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 100,438
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Keywords: DS423+ vs DS923+, DS923+ NAS, DS923+ vs DS423+, DS923+ vs DS922+, Intel J4125 vs Ryzen R1600, Intel vs Ryzen, J4125 VS r1600, Synology, synology 10gbe, Synology 10GbE Adapter, Synology 2022, Synology 2023, Synology DS423+, Synology DS423+ NAS Drive Review, Synology DS423+ Review, synology nas, Synology NAS 2022, Synology News, Synology Ryzen R1600, DS423+, DS423+ nas review, DS423+ vs DS920+, DS423+ VS DS923+, DS423+ VS DS423, DS223+, DS224+, Synology 2024, Synology nas
Id: D-iiMzBF-EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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