Synology 2-Bay NAS Buyers Guide - DS723+ vs DS220+ vs DS223 vs DS220j vs DVA1622

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foreign [Music] ERS and helping you decide what's the best one for your needs and getting it right first time now maybe you've got a Google Drive docking around somewhere you've got some Microsoft space on your OneDrive maybe a cheeky little Dropbox but one way or another you might have loads of cloud providers maybe you're paying a subscription and you've reached a point where you're suddenly looking at the annual numbers looking at how much it's costing you and going do you know what I'm just going to get my own server it can't be that difficult right and for the most part you would be correct to buying your own network attached or devices now never been so easy with so many TurnKey solutions that hardware and software combine together for you to set up relatively easily and a number of them quite affordably there's a lot of good choices out there and I think a lot of users look at the brand Synology and its reputation for not only a lovely bit of software that's user friendly but also just a general very good reputation in terms of security access customer services and availability there and in this video I want to show you all of their current available two by Nazis talk a little bit about buying refurbished ones as well and hopefully helping you decide which one's best for you now two Bay Nazis as the name suggests is a Nas with two base two storage base you can occupy with hard drives or ssds traditionally SATA in most cases there's very few exceptions at least a time of recording in synology's two by catalog but these are systems that you can run in a standard raid configuration of raid one where two drives are mirrored or a RAID 0 where it combines it together and there's other storage features such as expandability that we'll talk about later on and also support of things called M2 mvmes that we'll touch on but before we start talking about the current available lineup there what about if you're one of those users that's thinking do you know what I'm I'm gonna go secondhand I'm sure I can pick up some of these things on Amazon Seller Central eBay Marketplace Craigslist whatever you're gonna do and you're right it's very easy to pick up older generation two by network attached storage devices says many of them listed here some of them going back as much as 10 even some of them into the naughties um of the 2000s to you know available to body you can get some real Bargains there with a number of these and if you go to buy it now again you're going to get some very good options much much cheaper as you can see I'm sure from the right hand side of the screen there on some of that pricing so why shouldn't you do that well actually there's a lot of reasons why it's okay to do that but one of the reasons you shouldn't do that is to do its support now if we look at some of these there's ones like current generation devices like the 220 or we could look at this one here the ds214 Plus ds214 plus coming up on a decade old this system here and again it's a plus series it's going to have you know a moderately decent CPU actually it's not that great to be perfectly honest with you about it's a 10 year old now's then again you could have gone to Amazon look up some of the older generation models you might strike it lucky just make sure you click uh include out of stock you might find devices on here that aren't strictly available anymore now the reason that can be problematic is to do with that software because remember this Nas is going to be on for days weeks months maybe even years with intermittent uh restarts when you've got the firmware update firmware updates and that's the big word because firmware updates aren't just about adding new features and allowing you to do things quicker easier supporting a few new mobile apps no there's a few extra features that need to be factored in factored in and one of them is security updates Synology software like a lot of software is built on Linux and alongside them managing their own platform Linux in every different kernel version that gets released ultimately as soon as a new version of Linux which is what this and lots of other platforms are built on gets rolled out hackers and dodgy people around the world are trying to find vulnerabilities to get into it and gain control to your data often not to delete it but to encrypt it or ultimately take away access for you and charge you to get it back ransomware so those security patches and updates are incredibly important arguably in terms of long-term data uh retention way more important than those of new features and older generation devices eventually fall off the grid so for example we can switch here this is the list of all supported products by Synology and if we open up Ctrl F and we look up ds214 plus we can see that it is discontinued as limited service right now and limited service will often mean that you're not going to be getting the full complement of updates there so we can see with the OS firmware updates we can say whether we want to see the ones that have limited service and again what that results in in terms of Hardware or software is that you might not receive relevant security updates that are incredibly important to your system depending on the age of the device you go for and therefore you might be setting yourself up to move from the cloud onto your own private Nas turning on unaware that there is a vulnerability out there that you can no longer be patched for so there are tremendous savings against some of the older generation Nazis and I could make this video 100 times longer and talk about every soding two by Synology of ever released however I'm only focusing on the devices available right now in their current lineup of two bays that are new because I don't want to talk about old devices when you might go for one of these and it may have a vulnerability if you're going to keep it offline the whole time that's a different conversation entirely there now the last thing I'll say is if you do want to go down the pre-owned route it's worked taking a look at synology's own certified repair area they do refurbished Nazis where they have taken even Nazis that developed fault and then taken them back to the point you manufacture and repaired them officially or they have taken components and brought them together from other ranges that have drawn to a close to rebuild a previous generation devices either way the refurbished element area of Synology provides you the exact same solutions that you will find from perhaps one or two generations older but with the added benefit you get the full warranty support from the brand so you're not going to be getting some 6 12 month fob off warranty you're getting the full warranty so if it had five or three years warranty when it was new you're getting three to five years warranty with the refurb secondly you get economies to be made as well case in point if you go to the Synology shop in your region and again that will depend there at the top where you are in the world you scroll down and you may find as you can see in the refurbished area like here a ds-920 in the ds920 might be available in your region now again it will depend where you are you can check the regions you're in and you will have to search because Stocker will be light but you can end up getting older generation devices with the full warranty support like new from the brand themselves at a lower price points if you're gonna go pre-owned check there first it's going to cost a little bit more than your eBay using your Facebook marketplaces but you're getting that support and that is incredibly important but now let's rock on with the current generation of two bays and what's good and which one's best suited to you now my first Nas I already sort of showed it earlier on is the Synology ds220j this is entry level with a slight twist now this system runs on the RTD 1296 a 64-bit quad core arm processor but it's not 32-bits an arm V8 processor and Technology have done a lot of work with their DSM platform on this Nas it even supports the latest version of this on their software DSM 7.2 although certain features to do with encryption and immutable backups are not available on this due to that Hardware architecture the CPU indeed we saw on a range of mid-tier solutions uh in the 2017-18 series in one two and four by Nas devices it's got 1 GBE on the rear it's got USB 3 connectivity all the way through and the ultimately for the price point that you can find knocking around on NewEgg and Amazon and b h and stuff between 149 and 179 and Incredibly capable and good entry point into their ecosystem if you're looking at DLNA you're streaming locally that sort of thing great stuff if you're looking at an incredibly low end Plex Media Server and even then really pushing it a bit this might do the job oh ultimately for low-level backups or as an extra layer to existing backup strategy this in a halfway decent Nas what really bottlenecks it is this the memory because although we've seen this CPU and a bunch of other devices and it's been around now for the better part of uh five maybe even six years at this point that memory of half a gig is what significantly strangles this device now moving things up a notch those of you that already took the time to look up here above me at the price point here you may have noticed that there's almost a hundred pounds price difference between two devices here which seems really peculiar right well the ds223 here what you were getting for somewhere between 80 to 100 is the following first and foremost although it does arrive again with a quad core x80 I'm sorry a quad core arm-based processor at 64-bit what you're getting is a newer generation component it's still very much built of the same ilk but it's a new agenda generation processor that is had a better handling of multimedia decoder with a little bit I'm not going to call it integrated Graphics but certainly an area of this processor has graphical support of things like 4K but it also arrives with two gig of memory there so alongside the device having you know the same USB 3 connectivity and network connectivity what you're getting is a more capable processor inside but you're also getting four times the amount of memory so ultimately it means with this system it opens the door to utilizing btrfs as your file system for a much lower resource consuming snapshots there in the background and shared folder Recreation and file self-healing as data is checked as it passes through it during the right operation thanks to btrfs and file self-healing but on top of that it means you can access containers with Technologies uh container Manager application and again supporting DSM 7.2 and although at the moment we're seeing a slight sluggish nature of third-party applications rolling out support for this because this CPU hasn't really been explored in the way the previous Realtek and RTD 1296 had been up to this point above and beyond everything I said that the ds220j can do this can do it better it arrives with that extra amount of women from the bottom under the Bonnet which means if you are looking at utilizing Synology to do a simple platform not just behind the rest of your current existing storage system but as a primary now system this is the true entry point into synology's DSM platform there whether you're going to run it as a low-end Apple Time Machine you want to use Synology drive to recreate uh the GUI and the shared um collaboration team folder architecture with client devices that you have currently with Dropbox or Google Drive you can do that on this with this system support and I would say more than 80 to 85 percent of synology's um software options the majority of the collaboration Suite whether that is for multimedia whether that is utilizing some of the office applications or some of the backup applications like hyper back up there it doesn't give you access to some of the more Enterprise Grady features those we're going to touch on in a moment but if you are look to jump into the Synology platform and you want a little bit of the whole Synology experience but at an incredible budget point the ds223 is very much the nouns for you so on to the ds220 plus arguably one of the oldest Nazis in this entire lineup here the ds220 plus arrived in you know late spring early summer of 2020 and this device arriving with an Intel dual core processor there uh the j4025 CPU there with two gig of ddr4 memory that could be upgraded remember that's a new thing here um up to six gig overall this system with a couple of Lan ports there on the rear can pretty much support every Synology service but in an affordable way it's by no means a high-end business system but I would say this is where we tip from entry level into SMB where we enter into the early stages of prosumer this system with Plex Media Server support there of the four Nazis here I would say um unless you're going to be going for pretty much egregious use this is the Plex Media Server 2 Bay of the entire lineup lineup in the current generation of Synology systems there it's still not tippity-topity and it doesn't compare really to things like the ds920 for a number of reasons here and it's not expandable either in terms of storage which is a real shame um but overall this is where if you want to use a Synology system for Plex Media Server if you want to use it for surveillance very important because although surveillance was supported in surveillance station with a couple of camera licenses on the previous two devices though in those two devices surveillance will eat up more than half potentially two-thirds of the system resources just to use the two cameras in surveillance station on the previous two devices this on the other hand due to her having an x86 64-bit architecture and having that extra memory upgrade ability this is just a better system for all of those Synology Services is unlike the other ones which were 80 to 85 support this supports all of those applications it's just because it's a dual car architecture and the limitation of two to six gig of memory does present something of a glass ceiling there and of course the lack of expandability will hamper you a little bit short long term and at the price point of 299 dollars there sometimes when you're looking at this weighing up what you actually need this is where you also might think about moving onto a forebay now like the DS4 20j or the 418 at the time of recording again just focus on when it comes to the price point that thing to do with the CPU and that architecture because with the arm-based processors there the reason armor arm-based processors um are affordable is because of the way they compress instruction and therefore the extent went to the applications they can support is a lot more limited and therefore when you have an x86 processor like this one you can give it much more complex and detailed commands combined with its integrated graphics on board meaning it can run significantly more applications than those two NAS is mentioned before and it has better expandability for what it can do just remember it's a dual call though and on to the business we can talk about the ds723 arguably the most businessy Nas of the five now why is that well there's a few reasons first and foremost although it is a dual core CPU it's a dual core 4 thread arm oh sorry uh AMD processor here it's the uh r1600 it's a 2.6 gigahertz so noticeably High clock speed than everything we talked about thus far that can also be burst of 3.1 gigahertz but it doesn't have integrated Graphics more on that later on it also arrives with two gig of ddr4 memory which feels a little wimpy but it can be upgraded to a staggering 32 gig of memory this ain't just normal memory this is ECC error correcting code or error code correction this is memory that has data passes through the system it does a parity a blueprint if you will on an extra module on the memory as it passes through and at the end of the members there's any inconsistencies uh seen as the data is being cached and utilized in event written during that process it will then repair that not dissimilar to that of BTR RFS but it also adds another layer to ensure that your data remains consistent and intact which particularly with larger data sets with regards to the larger zipped up archives is essential for business also with this system alongside that it also has support of not only an expandability in memory and in storage with support of adding five Bays of storage with an expansion but alongside the two one gigabit Ethernet ports which by the way support link aggregation port trunking and of course SMB multi-channel much much more convenient way to combine those together but on top of that it also supports 10 GBE via an optional upgrade now the optional upgrade if we go back to the Synology store go back there is a small little module known as the e10g T1 this little add-on card here allows you to upgrade it retail approximately around 149 to 179 depending on where you shop and this little upgrade module here will allow you to add a 1 000 megabytes per second bandwidth tunnel between you and your system so if you are looking at video editing if you are looking at photo editing here on 10 GBE on the nas locally but also taking advantage of cloud services uh to either the remote access services and the local access services on a multi-user environment this is very much going to be the nas you want to look at there and on top of that with the ECC memory ensuring those much faster data transfers are consistent combined with BTR btrfs and DSM 7.2 with not only um you know low impact filing crypto volume encryption but also those are mutable backups thanks to right once read many or worm this all adds up to a far more robust long-term system for business and what it lacks in embedded Graphics which you're if unless you know you're going to use it for things like encode decode of multimedia and transcoding in your specific multimedia setup or you're running more complex cameras that are h.265 lead although there is an 8.265 license within DSM for certain applications overall unless you know you're going to need integrated graphics on your system for live graphical output I would strongly recommend this for any high speed file service utilization again anything to do with large scale backups anything to do with huge volume or for a huge frequency sharing there and of course any photo video editors not just those backing up should really look at this now still there's only one Nas to look at now but it's quite a weird one and our final two by is arguably something a little on the cusp and that is the DVA 1622 what makes this different well the DVA 1622 is their deep video analysis series available on a four by and a two by unlike the four-way which has a graphics card and costs about a million squillion quid the two by device here again hugely targeted towards surveillance here this system here not only has a much more camera licenses than any other system arriving with eight camera licenses by default and despite its modest architecture running on their Intel Celeron here the j4125 so the quad core version of the CPU we talked about over here the CPU also arrives again six gig of memory I would expect it to be the full complement of memory there also has HDMI out for your local Standalone surveillance system to really make the most of Synology surveillance system now look at that price point it is a big old jump from what we've seen thus far 629 dollars there but the camera licenses which remember are long term there's no they're not subscription based they are forever allow you to use this system with eight cameras also supporting AI related services all from within the system the AI supported services within surveillance station are more typically locked to one or two locations one on a DVA system like the two or even the four by year or they're locked into into synology's cameras something we've talked about already um with synology's cameras here which have a lot of those AI Support Services on the camera side and again these are to do and not all not all of them are included license plate recognition stuff like that is not rolled in you'd have to go for the deeper four base system there but still nonetheless you do still have a large complement of the AI tasks possible on this device and although this two by is built not dissimilar to the ds720 that came before it and it lacks the 10 gpe upgrade ability of the ds723 if you're looking at the most capable similarity 2 Bay for surveillance because you were impressed by their surveillance platform this is the one you need to go for unless you think you're going to be utilizing other features and so Services of DSM because you can still get this software to a lesser degree in any Synology Nas it just happens that to get it at its best in its most compact but capable form the DVA 1622 is very much the way to go but this has been buying a Synology two by Nas and getting it right first time have you enjoyed this have you found it helpful it's very hard to find a line talking about this subject without getting too much into the weeds a bit too into our baseball and ultimately not you know talking about things that you may or may not know so I do talk about everything to do with nas here on the channel and I've linked to a number of guides in the description if you've got any further questions of course though and you don't quite know what you need to go for we run a completely free advice section so completely we do a free advice section Below on NAS Compares there is a few paid options on there you can ignore them use a free one if you want alternatively we've got the Discord now open or you can ask other members of The Naz community and of course we've got the Forum as well ask Nas compares to answer your questions there as well and of course you can always ask me here in the comments otherwise if you have found this video helpful very important and if you were going to shop at b h at Newegg at ebuya at scan at Amazon if you're gonna do that anyway and you found this video helpful please use the link in the description to take you there anything you buy once you click that link and it takes you there and it doesn't cost you anything extra no data is collected if you go and use that link the result is that anything you buy we get a kickback it's just me and Eddie here doing this and every little tiny little nugget allows us to keep doing what we do but apart from that thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 32,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Synology NAS, Synology, Synology NAS Drive, Best Synology, Best Synology 2-Bay NAS, Best 2-Bay NAS, Best NAS, Best 2 HDD NAS, Best backup nas, Best NAS for Mac, Best NAS for Android, Best Photo Backup NAS, Best Surveillance NAS, Recoommended Synology NAS, Recommended NAS, DS220j, DS218, DS223+, DS224, DS723+, DS724+, DS224play, DS223, DS224j, DS223j, DS224SE, RS424, DS22J, DS223++, RS224+, DVA1622, DS224+, Synology SSD NAS, Synology NAS Guide, Synology Buyers Guide
Id: y3f4lXh7dc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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