Synology Directory Service for Business

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well how do you tube unki Joe here hunky Joe's Playhouse today we're gonna play with Synology some more yes arson ology series of videos especially if you're gonna run Synology in a business now I typically run Windows servers in businesses but I'm moving slowly over and warming up to this analogy for a lot of my small to medium business clients because it's like an all-in-one package that works really well now one of the nice things about Windows Server is Windows Active Directory integrated DNS group policy is that kind of thing gives you a lot of control and flexibility over managing not only Windows access to Windows Server but access to Windows were 10 workstations allows you to kind of customize them control them and keep people from doing nefarious things on them so what we're gonna do today's and salt install Sun ologies version have a directory server onto the Synology flash station that is on loan to us so that's of the video today is going to be about now I was also going to include how to set up a Sana'a Gmail server for those of you that are interested in hosting your own email on Synology but I've decided to save that for another video for another time because this video was running a little bit long so all I'm doing what I'm sitting here talking to you is making it run longer so let's conserve ideo started right now [Music] I'd so the first thing we're gonna want to do is come over to package Center and come down here to packages all packages let's see if we can find it here it should be what's it called let's go let's change this to business and see if it's here they have changed the name of it so the Active Directory is Synology directory server I believe is what they're calling it let's find out so analogy directory server yes this is it so this is what we want to install so we'll click on install now part of this is it's also going to install a DNS server so keep in mind when you put this Active Directory or as Synology calls Synology directory server on there this then becomes also your internal DNS server so it's going to give you some additional benefits even if you're a home user running your own DNS server lets you kind of take control over that so we'll go ahead and download and install that alright so it's also installing the DNS server while it's downloading the active directory server actually I need to quit calling it that we ought to just call it Synology directory server so there's no confusion okay so it's running should have installed it now so come up here to the main menu and there should be a couple more icons on here one is the Synology directory server so we can right click and add that to the desktop and the other one is DNS servers so we can right-click and add that to the desktop as well now we're gonna need to go out and make some configuration changes to the network because instead of the Synology nas going out to the internet for its dns we want it first go to the DNS server that we have here locally so let's go make those Network changes now so you want to come into control panel and go to the network settings and make sure in your network interface which in my case is land 5 I go ahead and I put the IP address of this machine which is 20 dot 1 is going to be my DNS server 4 it's gonna be the authoritative DNS server for both internal and external so what'll happen is is that the DHCP our I'm sorry what'll happen is is the DNS server will become a forwarder so if you click on the DNS server you'll see that on the resolution it's grayed out here but it is enabled in enabled forwarders and it knows the forwarding IP is dot 8.88 4/8 so here's what'll happen if some device on the 20 dot or 20 subnet needs a DNS requests and the dns server here at 20.1 can't respond to it or can't fulfill it it'll then forward it 28.8 not 8 and resolve it that way now keep in mind we also have DHCP running so we want to go ahead and modify our DHCP server as well so we come there under DHCP server edit and what we want to do is make sure we put our 20.1 in here and then our secondary can be 8 8 8 8 so what will happen is as the DHCP server hands out IP addresses this will be the primary IP for DNS this would be the secondary so what that allows you to do is then in the event that this sorry in the event that this DNS server is down the workstations will still be able to get out and use Google for DNS so we'll just go ahead and click OK on here now what I'd like to do is go ahead and test that with one of the virtual machines to make sure DNS is working properly so let me go spin up a virtual machine will connect to it then we'll take a look all right so yeah this this is Hermes and it's got a lot of lot of stuff going on right now I'm actually encoding some videos while I'm doing this but this is one of the virtual machines it's a member of that workgroup so if I just right click down here on the network icon and open network and Internet settings one of the options you'll have is view your network properties so if we come here you'll see that indeed the DHCP server is now handing out the 20.1 is its primary IP for DNS and a tot 8.8 let's go see if that will work so I'm just gonna go out to a command prompt and run it as an administrator yeah we're just ping let's say and we'll see that our IP addresses DNS is working it's translating everything's working as it should so that's one of the first steps you need to do to get DNS set up right and seeing as we're running a DHCP server we also need to make sure that was configured correctly which we have now done so now we can move on with getting the directory services set up and getting them configured alright so we're back on our Synology Nazz the flash station so let's go and do Synology directory server and once we open it you'll see that it says welcome to this analogy directory server setup wizard it's going to click on next now the workgroup name I'm going to create is going to be called a lab net dot local and it'll automatically if I tab to the next field it'll automatically fill in the workgroup name okay it wants to know what account to use so we're going to use administrator and I'm going to type in a super secret password these are the keys to the kingdom folks so make sure you're using a secure password click on next domain name lab net dot local workgroup lab net click on apply then it'll go out and it will create the domain for you fairly simple now we're not gonna do a deep dive into Synology directory server where I'm just showing you basically how to set it up and create a domain and I'm gonna show you how to add computers to that domain Windows 10 computers we're not gonna we're not gotta bother with well maybe we will bother with Windows 7 I know some of you still use Windows 7 so so there you go there's lab net dot local the NetBIOS domain NetBIOS name is lab net and so if we come here to users and computers you'll see it's already creating a bunch of users for us there should be no computers in there there should be only one domain controller and that's the FS 10 18 plus so you'll see it's created groups and users we'll come back to that in a minute and then we have some domain policies in here that you can change so the maximum password age is 42 days the minimum is one day the minimum length is seven characters it enforces password history up to 24 records and it enables password strength check so we'll just click on apply on there no settings were changed so we really it's not gonna make any difference we can just simply close that all right so we're over here on Hermes where is where the location where our virtual machines are stored and we're gonna see if we can't run Windows 10 Pro VM 1 and we're gonna see if we can't add this to the new domain so let's see if we've got this done correctly so we're gonna click on file explorer and then right click on this PC and go to properties and right about the middle of the screen you have an option here to change settings we're gonna click there we're going to actually come here to rename this computer or change it to domain or workgroup click on change and we're gonna choose domain and this domain is called lab net dot local once we've typed it in click OK now I have not created a domain administrator account called Adama even though that's how we log on to this analogy I haven't created an account for it under active directory so what we're gonna need to use here is administrator and then our super secret password and click on OK and if all goes well it welcomes it should welcome us to the lab net dot local debate which it did will click OK click ok again close and then we need to restart the virtual machine now once we verify that we can login to the domain and sell the pretty pictures and everything and we'll go back to Synology and we'll create an account called Adama that has domain privileges I'll show you how to do that let's bring up the other virtual machine and let's do the same thing with it it's getting to join to the network or to the domain now I'm gonna be honest with you I don't know what the benefit is of doing this with Synology I haven't delved deeply into the Active Directory built into Synology but you know these are all building blocks in our Synology series so we'll learn as we go and hopefully this will there's some sort of group policy we can do something like that if nothing else it allows us to send our password expiration that kind of things so we're gonna do the same thing on this virtual machine so we'll go ahead and login and one thing I want to do once this virtual machine comes up is verify that we've got the new DHCP settings observes just check in the surveillance cameras up there I'm always a little worried when it gets a little spinning circle for a long period of time normally it goes pretty quickly yeah and um but another thing I've noticed about Windows 10 you know Windows 10 love it love it or hate it any time you start making some serious changes to Windows 10 the 1903 version for some reason we're getting these resetting the default apps etc so I haven't looked into that I'm just gonna come out here to the network Center and view the network properties and make sure we're getting our yeah we see our DNS domain name connection suffix suffix list etc so we should be ready to join this one to the lab net dot local domaine all right so again we're gonna right-click on this PC come down here to properties we're here to change settings change and we're gonna do lamb net dot local click OK and then we'll need to log on to the NASA the administrator account and our super secret password click OK welcomes us to the lab net domain tells us we must restart so we'll go ahead and restart now and I'm wondering if the this one says it's restarting I don't see it saying what this one is doing which is getting Windows ready I think there was some updates pending on VM one and that may be why it's stuck so good ol windows yeah I if there's one complaint major complaint I have about Windows 10 is deferring updates but Microsoft is doing what it's doing and if you're gonna use Windows what can I say unfortunately we're stuck we're stuck with Microsoft now when I come back and login this time I'll need login as administrator on the lab net domain so I'll click on the Control Alt Delete and then we need to choose other user lab net administrator pay close attention to that sign in - because if you don't have that right you won't actually log into the domain controller and I think this one out here is still stuck on updates so we'll have to fix that the problem is you you run it you run a risk and shutting a machine down if it's stuck on an update it could fubar the operating system so now that we're joined to aid an actual domain it's going to create a new profile for the administrator user before it presents us with a desktop okay so there we are and you see it's going through an app reset I don't ask me why it's doing this why windows chooses to do this but it is what it is and there's I be willing to bet there's probably an update that will fix this it just goes to show that Microsoft is not testing their OS before they put it out to the people like they used to in fact if you're if you watch Barnack leaves he used to work for Microsoft years ago but he used to be in the quality control Quality Control Department okay so it looks good let's just verify that we are a part of this domain now some come here to properties and you can see we're part of the lab net dot local now real quick let's switch over to Synology and let's go look if our computers out here yet let's see reload no I don't see any computers out here normally it'll tell you that there's a computer join to the there it is so there's my lab net 10/10 Pro VM 1 in 10 Pro VM 2 so they have both been actually joined to the domain success let's go to users and computers bring em up here we're gonna add a dhama so the login name is gonna be Adama and the user description is bill Adama and the super secret password now for admin users I like to change this to password never expires click on next now one thing I want to do is make sure that this user is a member of domain admins that will give him full control over the domain well it does on active directory I'm assuming it does the same thing with on Synology so we'll click on next let's see let's look at our summary here to main users and domain admins that all looks good so we'll click on apply so now we should be able to log on to those virtual machines as Adama and have still have full control yeah and there's a dhama right there so if we double click on them general profile oh there is a profile path member of good will have to come in here and play around this you can even set login hours I like this I'm starting to like Synology Active Directory server it looks like looks good and then it's kinda main policies so we'll come back to this let's go see if it works now on our workstations so let's try out our new account on Windows 10 vm 1 let's go to other user here and we're gonna type lab net backslash Adama and we'll use that new account and see if this works hopefully it will and there we go it's creating us a new new user profile time for a sip oh my goodness my coffee's getting low and it's almost lunchtime so we lunch every day from 12:30 to 1:30 you might notice my face a little red today I suffer from panic attacks and a heart palpitation well I get heart palpitations because of the panic attacks so I have fifty medication for it but I try not to take it unless it's absolutely necessary problem is I I felt the attack coming on about ten fifteen minutes ago usually my heart starts racing that kind of thing we don't know what's causing it still but I have these wonderful pills that I take and they kind of calm it so if you see my face getting flush which is because my blood pressure is on the rise and now thing to worry about I'm not having a heart attack my heart is healthy and all this good so just a little panic attack and it will pass you know and I never used to believe in panic attacks I thought people were like oh they're just overreacting nope nope nope nope that's not the case and you know it's way it is in life a lot of times you know until you experience it personally you have no idea what you're talking about about things so let's see here it looks like we're now joined to the domain we're just gonna verify that and I clicked one too many times so it's right-click on this PC and go to properties and we should be on lab Dan down local yes we are alright so let's look at son ology directory server because if you've ever seen me in my Windows courses I did a semi deep dive into Windows Active Directory one of the thing a lot one of the things I love about Windows Active Directory is in a larger environment you have what are called group policies so I've looked far and wide on Synology to see if they have anything similar and the best I can find right now as of this video is they have a domain policy but no actual group policy because in group policies you can set up drive shares you can set up all kinds of stuff you can do with group policy however there is there is a setting that it does have under users and computers so if I were to and if my user there are some things I can do I can change the login hours that this user is allowed to use computers I can also select what computers this user is allowed to log on to I can change the password I can disallow the user you see all the options here it's a very limited settings on what you can do general is just where you store more of their information for their active directory now it does allow you to have a profile path I'm not gonna get into profiles but basically it's it's a location for you to share desktop settings event type of thing for Windows 7 Windows 10 I can create a custom login script where it does mappings and I could also connect a local drive letter for example Drive J like you connect to a user's home directory but we're not going to use that and then of course a member of is to see what other memberships this user has so while it does have their directory server it is kind of limited in to function I'll do a little research on group policies and see if those are available under Synology but at this point as at the time of this video I don't see any way to do that so there you go YouTube again so analogies directory server is not an in-place replacement for Active Directory Active Directory has quite a few more features than Synology x' directory servers so I'll do a little more research on the application and see what I can find on it I'm eager to find out through the comparison charred on it but I think you're gonna find it's apples and oranges and not apples and apples when comparing it to Windows Active Directory and considering as much as you pay for these Synology nas units you could actually buy a Windows server license with five clients for about the same amount of money so it's one of those things you have to weigh all those Synology is pretty much sent it and forget it Windows Server requires quite a bit more maintenance than Synology would and you really need a person either someone you hire or someone who's available to assist you with Windows Server 2019 because there's a lot of things that can go wrong and need to be thought out ahead of time before you just plunk a server in place especially one running Active Directory so I guess I'll continue to research this subject and let you know what I find on Synology directory server so there you go YouTube we hope you found the video entertaining and informative as always don't forget we have a live stream coming out this Saturday November the second which is tomorrow so I'm putting out this video on Friday we'll have the live stream tomorrow at noon into Central Time and I'm looking forward to seeing a bunch of you there we're gonna do a shout out and I think you tell the patreon and PayPal subscribers over the past few months those that have donated and so you have that to look forward and we're gonna be giving a motherboard away so hope to see you then don't forget if you so inclined we doing so PayPal and patreon and hope to see you again on the other side [Music]
Channel: Unkyjoe's Playhouse
Views: 7,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology nas, synology active directory server, active directory, nas server, network attached storage, synology active directory group policy, business servers, synology nas setup, active directory basics, synology active directory server vs windows, synology active directory server review, unkyjoes playhouse, join windows 10 to synology directory server
Id: rNRtOTNfjnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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