Synology 2024 - Confirmed Releases, Leaks, Rumours and Predictions

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foreign [Music] you know exactly what this is this is me and Eddie discussing uh sonology 2024 the plans for that brand things that we know things that we've got suspicions on things that we predict and myself and Eddie the web guy just over there I painted uh pointed in the right direction this time um we are going to go through everything we know and we're going to go through it Point by point and hopefully right now if you're going on the bottom of the timeline there yes this is going to be a long video but it should be all lovely and time stamp down there but we're going to break this into three sections for that first section of course is going to be things that are confirmed but before we go anywhere before we can get on to the first point Eddie be the web guy how are you feeling about Synology as a brand right now going into 2024. I'm feeling excited finally they're rolling out all of the new replacement models which been lately waiting so long because of the pandemic and things like that so there was like a gap in between but now when they start pushing them out there's just one after another so we're gonna be very busy covering all these new models it's been an absolute Deluge isn't it I mean seriously how many times have I started a video about going and today I want to talk about a new Synology frankly it's giving me a bloody migraine about another new Synology seriously now it's got to be like 15 20 times I've said that this year alone are they trying to destroy me but let's talk about I would argue the one this year that's scheduled and slightly for 2024. it's been our official confirmation but it is like the worst kept secret I'm seeing around that is of course the ds224 plus we've talked about it already on the channel don't even got a comparison video I believe very early doors um this is uh the two by uh Intel quad Cody until j4125 more on that later um CPU powered with two Giga ddr4 memory that can be upgraded to six gig of memory again six um and it's got a couple of lands there and it is remarkably similar to that of the ds220 that came before I said as much in my comparison and I'll be straight with you um I was not blown away by this and I know technology haven't officially revealed it it's looking increasingly that this is either going to be uh mid uh or maybe even early August uh release from the brand again the refresh of the ds220 Plus for those of you that bought it or that went for the like 2018 generation and then skipped a 20 20 generation game I'm gonna hold out for 2022 2023 there's gonna be some stuff and this arrived um so Eddie what do you think of the ds224 plus I think it's a little bit overdue based on comments where people are saying to me they're disappointed uh because of two things because it's named uh 24 plus because it doesn't sit very nicely with um other 23 plus series even though the hardware is the same and other things why people people are a little bit disappointed because they are seeing the CPU from old 920 Plus in in this box which I wouldn't be worried too much but um people don't like this the fact of old Hardware in the new new release I think well I think for me the thing that kind of cut me to the quick on it and again we won't talk too much about this now so we've talked about online but the thing that caught me the worst about it was I even if we give them the benefit of Doubt and play Devil's Advocate that this isn't the first time Synology have taken Hardware from a pro or premium or fully featured tier and then in the Next Generation moved it down the portfolio for the lower more value tier Series this isn't the first time they've done that but it's the fact that that CPU is like 2019 released and even Intel have pretty much gone we're moving on to other processors out there and when Intel moved forward with CPUs that's when we normally see Nas Brands refresh their models as they know the amount of hardware and chips post refresh by Intel is finite and therefore it's very surprising to me that we're seeing this I mean they must have absolutely coined it and bought a lot of these processors but to see that processor rolled out again in a series that has like a two-year refresh even means that one and more on this later on either one they're gonna do like a mid range upgrade like they did with that two one six plus two which was ugly and messy and unnecessary and just annoyed people that didn't go for it or they're actually going to commit to this model for another two years which means in two years time you know 2025 this system is going to be running on a 2019 Celeron Processor that Intel themselves have moved on from I like it as a embedded Graphics process and as you know I'd always like the little proteum and mid-range a little bit of everything too by and this is technically an upgrade over the ds220 that came before it but there's no denying this is not blowing anyone away I mean it's still it's still a good Nas because now you're going to be getting 720 or 920 CPU for half of the price because they'll be stealing these are two extra cores into this two base so to be honest I'm still using our 720 which has exactly the same CPU and there's no need for me to move on to another next model because it does all 4K um streaming locally or even using this video up remotely so there is no really need for upgrade so the hardware is good and you have you have it for half the price so it's not too bad again I can't argue with you everything you've said is true I just as a consumer and someone that's buying like I'm not saying a NASA SLR for right I mean again I've referenced this in other videos my own personal storage set up one day I will really elaborate on it I've got a Nas I've got um a qnap and a small Engineers both of which are eight and ten years old and I I run that's my home stuff and that's because I bought them myself and I wanted to make the most out of them but if I was going to jump onto Nas now I would want future proofing and when I buy a solution now I'm buying for that few to ten years and that's why there is kind of future proofing if you think about it if you think what ds220 can do today and what ds224 will be able to do that is quite the future proofing whereas ds220 was dual core uh Celeron so you could run barely maybe one virtual machine now out of a sudden you can do like four retail machines on the same same box so there is Improvement that there is actually a long-term sort of um written in there you are completely right and you know DSM 7.2 the longer the brand spends with any hardware architecture they can eat the most out of and make it as efficient as possible I know all of that is true but there is that happy Shopper quick save Safeway old man save money cheapy cheapy mentality that I've got built into me that wants value for money that looks at how old Hardware architecture like that and it's just slightly disappointing but I think we've talked about this device tell me um again we know of a couple of bits and Bobs but tell me the nouns that you were the most interested by I've always been curious about uh one-based Solutions because this is an entry point for everyone it's it's supposed to be affordable it's supposed to be a feature Rich for something that will sell Nas in general to someone who has had no clue that such a thing existed and that's why I really love one base and there is ds124 coming up there's not much of a difference but um there's a new CPU and why I like this CPU because it's slightly faster and the other thing is it comes with um AI engine as well and we can see that we will talk about this probably in later on the Synology is actually introducing now ai features in their office suit and things like that and I can see that um this CPU will actually boost performance for that software so there's not much of changes regarding the other Hardware like one gigabyte RAM is still there it's been there like almost 10 years almost the ones upgraded but I don't why they are keeping it low so that people would um consider upgrading to two things like that so that's um marketing trick on there and there's still old one gigabit ports nothing is upgradable everything is fixed including Ram including uh whatever we think but this CPU is good enough for multimedia it's actually a real Tech CPU rtd6019b if someone was asking super cool people Everyone super cool people it's really good down as for multimedia as long as you use Synology apps so this Nas is not good if you want to use it for something third-party Plex and um Docker you could actually use Docker as well but um it's not really made for that sort of performance as long as you are using Synology apps this is going to run for you perfectly fine I still have ds118 which runs perfectly fine and this is a nice upgrade for it I think with these any kind of one but it will move slightly away from someone to there we've always been sort of you must have seen it since the early days of the channel we were always fascinated by one base because when you look at any other portfolio in any industry actually any technology go nuts the way these things evolve over time um and what starts with a very basic it kind of does everything and then the Divergence and then you have different varying ways and then technology priorities will shift between different you look at hard drives with NAS Drives and surveillance and stuff and with one base it's always very interesting to see how much they're prepared to pack into a one Bay to do and that's something that changed around 2017-18 when prior to that one by Nazis were like the lowest of the low it was peasant fodder in terms of hardware and although this is no you know x86 based processor this is probably the best one by I've seen for a very long time and comparing it again to what my arguments were work with the ds224 plus about this idea of older Hardware being utilized on a newer device this is one of those exceptions to the rule because with one by Nas devices they don't have raid they're generally not considered very serious and having that small upgrade on this one Bay but maintaining that price point of the 2017 I think December released previous model and again they're probably going to add three to ten or maybe 15 knicker or something but to maintain that price point all of those years on that's why for me that's an exception to the rule and the ds124 is going to be a good Nas and we've already bench tested the 423 and the 223 which are forming that same family and they're good Nas systems even that ds223j is a pretty decent box with that CPU I think it comes down to DSM actually harnessing the the mpu capabilities of that CPU there is additional research I need to go into that but it is for me a very good one by and weirdly I'm more interested in that than the two by which I find bizarre as far as this goes unless you've got anything else to add I'll definitely because it is very affordable I wish they didn't stop making plus series one day because long in the past there was the s112 plus another few pluses one of them had more rum on the one day but then they just decided to keep a rum at one gigabyte and copy but moving forward I would say my next point and you've already touched on it here which is quite a nice I don't know if you did that on purpose if you did slick Segway my man um integrated AI into DSM um now over and again we're going to be referencing I should highlight a few things that happened uh last month when we went over to Taipei for computex and Synology Zone uh solution exhibition and a few things came out of that one of them was a big q a movie had with a few people then again that will be linked in the description and we'll be referencing that um we've got uh communication there with Michael Wang and he was telling us more and more about answering a lot of questions that users have placed in the comments and ultimately just kind of a lot of the questions people had about the brand and where they are moving forward now when it comes to AI they were showing off uh integration of effectively chat GPT level AI support in formulation of emails and utilizing some of the processes of the system and it does look like something they're going to sort of graduate into now that we know we know technology are going to integrate Ai and we let's be realistic towards the end of this year when they do their big Symposium of Synology 2024 uh be it small Live Events or a live streamed event um they're going to do a lot of focus on AI and the integration of AI into those services and there's going to be concerns people are always going to have about how much of that is out there how much of that is in the nas how much of it is using the subscription-based service how much of it is using a Synology partnered service okay but I genuinely think the way things are going that they will very lightly integrate this into DSM but I think it's more likely we're not going to see given the speed Synology normally has on these things I think we're looking at dsm-8 I don't think they're going to reveal dsm-8 at the end of the year because it's too far away into the distance Christ how long it took them to dsm-7 but I think AI related Innovations like this you're going to have to really dig deep into DSM to integrate these things to a point where it's going to be easier to kind of start again DSM where they're all the values down to zero on those apps and build them up again because that's what they did with dsm-7 when people are upgrading from 6 and 6.2 the sm7 fundamentally change a lot of the groundwork so the newer things could be built on them to be bigger and better and I think the Innovations in AI I think what's going to happen is we're going to see that integrated into a newer bigger version of DSM to separate it I think because there's just there's too much to change and integrate here would you agree or disagree Ed oh it depends yeah if it's just office suits there's nothing really that complicated it's more like an extension rather than anything else but you're right about building DSM around AI because um qnap tried to create their own smart file management apps and things like that but there is no AI it's more like a human automations are set up but there's AI in the background this could actually detect so many things like duplicate files um unnecessary snapshots and it could go through entire Nas set up and just figure out what the misconfigured and it would help you with troubleshooting and improving things and boosting things and so many things you can do that so there's there's some truths they could build their next DSM around Ai and it's going to happen because everyone is moving now towards AI if you don't you're just going to be left behind and when I mean ultimately when it comes to people utilizing DSM for me if I was going to be using DSM with AI first and foremost what I want to be able to say either by type or speech is just go sometimes you pull up that file for me that I want the equivalent of that I want to say the file and it will find me that file and that's ultimately the end point of the user experience of AI I think every AI interaction with the nas boils down to that do this thing for me get this thing for me do this thing for me and I just think integrating an AI into Synology processes either with their early experimentations that we're showing or something more formal is going to require a massive upheaval in DSM without creating conflict in the existing structure and also circumventing uh resources in that Qi that I mentioned earlier on uh q a I should say in that q a the last question I asked them was just simply any word on DS are you working on dsma and they went of course just that that's all we got from them and of course it was tight-lipped but at the same time it was just another indication that they're always thinking that far ahead and AI integration is going to be so much easier on a blank slate new OS version than it is going to be on the older gin but we're going to round things out with probably the last confirmation thing we know about Solange DSM 2024 and me and Ed debated back and forth who get to be the one to talk about this but I think Eddie over to you oh it's probably play um tier we could talk about because it looks like they completely finished with plate here and there's not going to be any more it to be honest that was actually kind of experimental um solution because they came about around 2014 and they lasted around four years so they replaced two generations then they decided there's no point because what it all it was was instead of quad core CPU they were slicing it down to two cores and same as RAM instead of two gigabit right gigabyte RAM it was one gigabyte RAM so they were thinking like there's no necessity to split the step in half so just go step one or step two and for that reason there was not gonna be any more play series and that's actually what someone you themselves have said that there is no need which they statement didn't actually believe me they said that there is ds223 and ds423 it was a real Tech CPU I wouldn't um accept that answer because I don't think so that's a multimedia announcement because in my opinion multimedia Nas is at least with Celeron inside that can cope with third-party apps like Plex and an enemy and any other thing so the answer is saying that ds223 is new multimedia and as it doesn't doesn't sit with me well I mean again going back to the question of um presentation and narration um imagine when we were talking about the ds224 plus there if that had been the ds224 play Same spec but imagine that had been the ds224 play priced at the play price a seller on CPU company suddenly the entire conversation changes because even though it is still that same older gen CPU it would be such a popular move and it would be a clear differentiation on Technology's portfolio to go right 723-923 these are a bit of business we've got that embedded rise and we've got your ECC you've got your optional 10g but we've redesignated the tier underneath as the plate here and if they'd done that with that two Bay and indeed the four bay the ds423 plus that would have made so much more sense and I'm sure some of the Synology is watching this and saying bad words about me now and sang swear words loudly into the air and I don't blame you um but personally I think that would have been narratively much better now I'm just going back to Eddie's point now I'm just going to bring up the Q a on my side because we're working on that and this comes uh from again the um this is uh the corporate Communications manager Michael Wang um and to go over to the uh play quote there and I'm sure you've got it there for you on screen but I asked it's been a while since we saw a play series class device has to play series of devices now been retired and he stated there are no plans for new play series systems at the moment our Tower lineup already offers numerous options with a lower price band when we release it the play series was focused on multimedia organization and sharing today any Synology Narrows can easily satisfy such needs therefore a new entry into our portfolio that is presented as a multimedia Focus solution has become increasingly unnecessary as Solutions such as our Synology ds223 and ds423 are able to provide an excellent balance between value efficiency and ability for both multimedia and non-multimedia users further entries into our Tower series only further improve upon this balance and you can't really argue with it that you know you can still get multimedia capabilities from the other systems but I think there were users that quite liked the play series the nomination because they knew ah multimedia ah business name is the NVR surveillance but yeah I can see what it's not just that also what they haven't listened to be honest it's been going on for 10 years now I think people been asking when there's going to be something multimedia friendly sexbay Aid Bay and then above are they just completely ignore so if you say ds423s there are new multimedia nothing you have terabytes of uh media on your Nas and sorry you need to buy two nasas in that case one for multimedia non-linked with something else which not even made to be linked it's just doesn't make sense and and maybe they've got the data to back it up that they're saying you know people aren't converting media as much people aren't transcoding as much and again there is a ring of Truth tonight but as we've done with some of of our 8K testing recently and even some of the higher in 4k testing sometimes client devices they need that conversion because they might well have an hevc license they may well have the ability to play that file but sometimes they're just heavy duty files for the network and sometimes converting whether you're on a houseboat a mobile home or just on a train doing the commute is something you want in your multimedia and I think there are users that consider that pretty much a standard of a Nas that's going to be used for multimedia but that's everything we've got confirmed okay so from now we're going to move on to our next section rumors so it kick us off for the first rumor this is something we've heard of little blibs and blobs about that's what these rumors are these are things when we found fragments of stuff online sometimes from synology's own uh Slash download databases sometimes when they released download areas and then they kind of accidentally leave in a bunch of model IDs and sometimes it's finding model IDs across the channel of products that are clearly in the roadmap but what's our first rumor yeah we could talk about some super cool stuff like XS series models and not just desktop also rackmans and there is a rumor about rs1624xs plot coming up and there's no there's no leaks about CPU Ram or whatever is available but it's probably going to be um as you know four bay plus expansion unit one year a unit which gonna come currently we are seeing Xeon d1527 on the r1619xs plus but if you need to predict what's going to come up it's probably gonna be um one of those new CPUs like dinner what the new Intel ones 1780b probably Rising something I was going to say yeah so this one then obviously ddr4 ECC nothing changes we we wish to see something already Gen 5 based but Synergy is usually very slow on these things so it's more likely queuing up will be first coming up with Gen 5 solution so it's going to be Gen 4 I think I mean again it's going to be 10g ready I don't think they're going to put on two 10g ports on this they didn't on the predecessor and I think they'll look at four Bays even with the 12 expansion and question the ability to saturate greater than one 10g port I think the only time I've seen them within this sector putting a couple of 10 G's is either fully fledged high-end rack mount or that DS 3622xs Tower 12 by but in the case of this device I agree with you that CPU I think will be the v18 uh 1780 B uh quad core processor there and again and for those who have watching my other videos I'm not overly it's not I don't like the CPU I've I've tested it on the ds23 XS it's a good CPU it's really capable and VM wise I'm an incredibly smooth experience but it's the fact we're seeing this CPU appear on non-xcess systems as well which I think there's something of a wobbly ground there yes the Nexus system has 10g it's got five years years of warranty it's going to have at least eight gig of memory on there that could be scaled up quite substantially it might even have m.2s like its predecessor did one of the very very very few rack mounts that has n.2 SSD base for caching and no doubt pools in this new release um but yeah but the problem is uh of course because so many people say like they want cores not threads because I know this CPU comes with eight uh threads and only four cores so that wouldn't be really an upgrade in in stats compared to existing um CPU because there are CPUs like um eight core based 4021 XS Series has um the Xeon D15 not 41 which has eight cores and six inch threads or six scores and twelves for as if it's 15 31 our version of CPU so and there's still that beefy CPU in that now as I just mentioned the 3622 that's another slightly older gin Intel Xeon but he's got plenty of calls and threads to play with it is a decent little CPU now they might might well go with that CPU that's in the 3622 excess nothing based on their existing uh ds1823 XS plus which is desktop model this is going to be probably the same same Hardware just in a rackmon version so see I want to believe it would be on that but I want to believe it but my one thing in my head that stops me fully forming that is solid you have also something of a history of repurposing an existing architecture and the pcbs and when they make changes to a new CPU it's a big step for them to go to a new CPU that may have a different socket connection or you know realignment of the the main mobo that these are going into so if the 16 19 was running on a Xeon architecture much like the other one like that 360 deal I mentioned there's every possibility that it might be easier for them to stick within that product family because then they can still use the same PCB arrangement for the rest of the motherboard and not have to make that many changes remember these are for their point of view Refreshers they're not new products so I think a lot of the time because they treat these like refreshes like that earlier point I mentioned I buy a Nas in 2012 I want it to last a decade I buy an ads in 2022 I want it to last a decade they see each one of these Solutions is basically the same device with tweaks they've been running that series I don't really treat them as new Solutions internally I don't think they're all slight refreshes and if it is easier for them to maintain that price point and just scale up the CPU to the next gen it wouldn't surprise me I would like to see them move on to over to that AMD singer for seeing them near it more and more I've still got reservations about them using the same CPU on an excess and a non-access system I think that chips away at the old value for money uh cheapy cheapy Robbie today but overall I'd like the sound of this now as I think there isn't a good entry-level rack mount for a lot of users outside of their usual three-year V 1500 B processor Nazis at the moment I'd like to see this realized with the m2s but that really is you know it's a can be a fairly good rack mount entry point for a lot of users there I think I mean for you what do you are you looking forward to this one um rock mountains are not the ones that excite me the most I like multimedia and all that fancy stuff I mean if we want to talk about things that we're excited about again I was one of the earliest enthusiasts for synology's cameras I think they're a little expensive than they need to be and I know they're taking early tippy toes into this but overall if you watch my reviews read the reviews read my comparisons I think at the day of recording this on the 18th I've got a Rio Link versus Synology camera comparison and you'll hear my thoughts on that more plug plug but I like the Synology cameras and one of the and by rumors again referring to that q a I mentioned earlier on they refer to them they I have every plan to expand in this area later this year as well as other reports I've found online they're gonna release small cameras in the 2024 series those two cameras they released at the beginning one of the biggest criticisms they got other than the pricing seeming a little high license or not um whilst there's only two there's a turret camera and a bullet camera which is pretty good they're probably the most popular and that's why they went for them first but right now pan tilt Zoom an optical zoom a dome camera a solar camera a wireless camera a dual lens cam where are they so I think we're going to have to I mean we're hearing rumors from Synology themselves and other sources that they are expanding into this camera area more and more I mean if you what were you what was your Vibe when you were looking at Synology releasing their own cameras um you know all in one family it's usually a good sign the price coming with that is not a good sign but overall I like their AI Solutions and I really hope they do release something like a PTZ style camera because if they are showing off their AI detecting people and cars things like that it's just asking begging for it that the camera could be able to actually follow that person if you want to maximize on your AI capabilities but um and Dome camera as well something you could stick in a ceiling and people couldn't destroy the stereo camera they are quite um vulnerable you can knock them off they do because the viewing they have to be in a certain almost reachable area it's I mean unless you're going particularly high on a premises like a dome camera will always be a little bit more you know preferable particularly internally as well when you want that slight element of mechanized or motor control in between but yeah they're definitely going to be expanding into the camera area but unfortunately we don't know more than that if I had to guess I'd definitely say a dome the Dome seems an obvious camera though exactly and pan tilt zoom in some realized lesser or greater degree form but it could be Dome wind speed is at um functionality that you can be moved around mechanically like automatically inside the Dome I just hope it definitely is not going to be any wireless camera I I can't see that happening it would be correct if they would release their old doorbell like or re-badged the doorbell that would be cool feature if they released that that would have been incredible I didn't even consider that a doorbell camera because again friend of the channel RJ he was we were talking a lot more about um wireless cameras and ones that use solar power and why they're just not real like it's incredibly difficult to manage that with a narrow system and he was highlighting it is simply a case of not only Power storage but Power delivery and the no solar cameras you know they just they're going to need an enormous battery so you just plug in the Lan cable that's it that's your doorbell sorted and when we were looking at the rear link doorbell that you know it's compatible with a lot of smart home stuff but it's also compatible with Synology you know people they're flying off the shelves and a doorbell camera even if you made it and called it the Synology intercom uh camera you know it doesn't have to be doorbell per se that would absolutely fly off the shelves so you're right that's the surprise I'm not going for that but let's round off this area already what about any more rumors to speak of you have people been asking for uh six pay and eBay Replacements and it looks like it it's about the time it's been quite a few years now and I think they've all rolled these things out are they going to be call 23 or 24 um plus series that's a question mark probably 24 plus but um as we as we mentioned excess series uh that exists already now they will probably repurpose the CPUs from higher tier up so they're going to be probably going to see um we 17 ATB introduced in the six space 1623 SS plus as we see now ds1823 XS plus are having it so they're gonna create a sex by version of the same same spec very likely very soon but I would I mean again we should probably highlight when we were talking about the rumors um when we see model IDs accidentally leak out of uh you know Synology downloads and documentation this is one of several Nas Solutions where the name is seemingly changed so we knew about the uh both or at least one of these devices 100 with a 23 and that's why we've had to kind of ER on the side of the unknown because we're you know it's going to upgrade to a 24 they're not just going to cancel that whole thing and given the previous generation was a 21 Series in both the 1821 and 1621 it would have been quite a smooth transition into the 23 respectively on both of those but seemingly they have missed that window and even though we've found the model ideas of 23 we've never found the model ideas of 24 but we know it exists so almost certainly is it will be the 1624 and 1824 respectively and given the history three of that eight back it's probably going to arrive in the Autumn close to Winter because that eight Bay has arrived end of year every two to three years for as long as I remember the the 18 17 18 19 18 20 it always is in vaguely that same end of year segment so I think that's when the 1824 would probably launch but you're right that v17aeb processor again the fact that it's in the XS series I'll stop harping on but I'm not a big fan of that and it'll be what we used to it'll probably be between two and four gig of memory it will have the option of 10 GB if they if they want to really you know call some bars they'll actually put 10 GB on this out the back even if it has got four ones uh one gigs and they go oh it's got SMB multi-channel fine give me a 10. I know you got a couple of M2 slots that would definitely be used for caching how much money if you put it on the plus series that's never going to happen plus series will always be upgradable access series are the only ones that might have a port or or more likely will have a long board at the back but not plus series you're right there is going to be portfolio overlap that they probably won't be a big fan of but you know things do change and I think people are crying out for better particularly again we've not really said it but 2.5 gig cost in the same as one gig effectively at production level and all of these CPUs rolling out with 2.5 g support as well as obviously 10g with auto negotiation but it's this system is going to arrive with a CPU that I think could comfortably accommodate say SSD pools that aren't limited to gen 3 times 1 but they probably will do that anyway for temp reasons or whatever and whether you know you'll have to still be bound by their own media more on that under hunches and prediction section in a moment um these are going to arrive it's not a you know we're calling it a rumor but it's largely guaranteed uh that that six and the eight by are going to roll out later this year and you know they're going to be more desirable than the older generation that came before and if you're on the fence right now wondering about whether to get the six and the 8 bay I will tell you right now to hold out it's only going maybe a few more months to release one of these two devices to land and they're just a better CPU overall the better capabilities but that ends our rumors section and now we're gonna go into the wild hunches these are our predictions and Hunters which we can say hand in the air we have no confirmation we have no confirmation in terms of model IDs leaks or confirmation stuff that we've been told these are just the things that we know about because we can look at the way things are going and on to the madcap predictions things that you know with our experience and monitor in this industry and Synology in general for the last what a decade we're going to kind of guess what we're where we think Synology is going to go and some of this I would argue is going to look pretty bloody likely but Eddie what's your first MadCat prediction that's probably the hard drives I'm not sure I want that to happen or not but anyway they start rolling out their own home consumer based hard drives and at this point they have only four capacities but they will be going up to 18 terabytes in size which is good there's nothing going to be above that probably just yet like 20 terabytes 22 terabytes which I wish to see because if they say that new mod media Nazis 2 Bay and 4B you want to put there as big drive as possible to actually be able to put your multimedia in that thing so yeah that's going to go up to 18 terabytes that's a good news about nvme range that needs to be refreshed as well because it looks already ridiculous a little bit because when you look at that our testing like our nvme pool testing in their own um performance sheets those results are really like bad because it's like read speed 700 and then you think like okay why is so slow and we meet pools you know is it CPU is it land what's the problem and then you dig deeper and see how they're using their own nvmes to do these tests and their tests look ridiculously slow so they need to have um better nvme's faster and remes is a better durability and things like that so and also capacities need to go up well I would say yeah pretty much I agree with the majority of what you said I mean their home use a range of hard drives there I think the largest one is 12 TB and given that they've been rather let's say creative with their compatibility listings on things like that look at the ds423 Plus for example and even the value series more so let's focus on that when you're looking at things like the ds223j the compatibility list for that drive for that product has got seven WD drives eight Seagate drives and 36 Toshiba drives and it's got their value series of hard drives and the largest capacity you can see on there is 14 TB from the third party and even their own drives I think go up to 12 TB on those value ones so if you're going to be capping people to utilizing these more domestic class Nas hard drives into and forbase as you rightly state that's not a lot of capacity in modern ages and return it to your point near about um m.2s they need to roll out a more prosumer or faster grade nvme notwithstanding the fact that there are existing sn3400 range is looking incredibly poultry and overtly expensive given gen 3 and even Gen 4 ssds have dropped in price but also they've got a premier flash station series you know and to be a brand that Champions a flash server when fabric storage and AI once again is being pioneered so readily not only have they not got an nvme or u.2 or even e1s capable uh flash server but their Flash servers only run on SATA ssds which even when you roll in you know a huge number of drives all raided together it's going to pale in comparison to real Fabric or Flash level storage that you're going to utilize nvme and there's a lot of other brands out there and we are talking hyperscale we're talking unified storage we're not just talking about the Nast here that these you know Technologies trying to combat here and if they're going to roll out their own solutions that only use their own drives for a single ecosystem unified storage solution they've really got to do something about the gaps in their SSD portfolio there because either they're hesitating on releasing the drives because there isn't a system that can take advantage of it or they're hesitating on releasing a flash station solution because they don't have the ssds for it and don't want to go third party whichever way you look at it it's a sadly lacking Gap in their portfolio there and talking about gaps in their portfolio and I'm sorry to not hand back to you yet Eddie because I'm proper wound up a Synology switch in all the other videos that we've made on this subject we've always said yeah Synology is going to have to do a switch it's obvious bloody obvious of course they're going to do a switch Badness you know this is the first video I'm going to State and no doubt this will be when technology released one to make me look a full-on fool that I don't think they're going to roll out a switch anytime soon I've always thought they would they've rolled out cameras now hard drives memory Network upgrades surveil all of that stuff they've covered the entire even a bloody router but when I I asked them about um the potential for a switch when I was conducting that q a to the guys in in the HQ I asked them specifically will a Synology now switch ever be a thing it seems to be the last piece in the ecosystem puzzle and Michael Wang responded Synology is always evaluating the needs of the market if there is a significant Market opportunity that presents itself for a product that can make use of our existing strengths or we're tying well with the rest of our Solutions it can be a possibility we do not want to introduce a network switching to our portfolio until we know we can bring something new and unique that cannot be achieved elsewhere already take for example our growing router range powered by S around 1.3 we believe that brings features and services that are unavailable elsewhere in the router Market to the same standard or user experience or value such as Synology safe search and VPN plus server we are often asked about the subject of producing our own twitch so Never Say Never I read that as we're not working on a switch which properly winds me up because again they would do such a good job of it and right now if you were to look at one of their competitors qnap they're absolutely caning it with those switches there and they're undercutting in price most the other layer 2 allow three switches out there and they're making a hell of a name for themselves in that expanded Marketplace and there's an empty jigsaw piece for Synology it's just a gaping Gap I mean obviously I think I know what you're going to say but what do you think on this I kind of agree with them if it's because there's no need for more switches especially if they are unmanaged managed different subject but pure dumb switch there's hundreds of Brands out there there's nothing snogy can reinwind to make it better it's just a switch it's like so you split that thing into how many things you need but uh something about manage switches they could technically they could introduce manage switch so they could um you know set the speed limits and then some sort of security firewalls but even even done routers already does these things and this SMB multi-channel now being quite mainstream there's also no need anymore for link aggregation because before I could agree and say okay you could release a managed switch so they could at least combine a few land ports but with SMB plus there's there's no need for switches anymore just get any switch there is okay Mr Nas do you think there will be this 94 plus um let's be realistic if we look at the existing portfolio right now all the ones we've known about the ds923 plus the ds723 plus the ds1522 plus the ds223 the ds22 at 423 the ds223j the ds224 plus and the ds-124 there's nothing left it's it's all it's all there it's all on the field and with the possible exception of like a ds-15 25 or 24 plus next summer in like 2024 I don't think I think this is it I think this is what Synology have rolled into that is at least as far as home diss station uses you know this is it you're not gonna see a new entry into any of those portfolios I don't think for the remainder of the next 10 maybe even 12 months now there's going to be exceptions we've alluded to two of them in the video earlier on I'm willing to bet at least one of those series will see an early refresh or like that horrible plus two stuff um But ultimately between all of the devices we've discussed Synology of Fairly regimented about these two to three year refresh cycles and unless they are compelled to do so and to do so due to Hardware constraints or shortages even something silly like a new PSU change we've seen that before in the 12 Bays when they rolled out they had to use a new internal PSU so they put a version two of that box with those exemptions I think this is it we've got the full Synology disk station 2024 maybe even 2025 Series in front of us and barring you know the uh six and the eight by you alluded to earlier on anything else is going to be Enterprise so no I don't think there's going to be a ds924 plus at the very least you know you might might get a ds923 plus two which again awful um but how about you do you agree with that or disagree yeah I agree I think they're going to be focusing on ragman Solutions refreshing all dark range and focusing more on the software Ai and office and all this uh this suit I think this is where the focus is going to be on and that's not necessary and cameras obviously yeah that's not necessarily going to be a bad thing either let's you know call the space that it's a good setup of you know tools and services in DSM when we buy a Synology net I think it's we know now that when you're buying it the bulk of that money is going towards DSM both in day one and development later on so we can't be too chillish about it but I think there'll be people like myself that look at the existing range of the 2022-2023 and going into 2024 series and just be a little disheartened by things like that Intel Celeron Processor they're in the hope that it will see a refresh but who's to say but this has been our uh confirmed uh items uh rumors and hundreds of predictions for solanology 2024. do you agree with the things that we've said do you disagree have you got points to make let us know in the comment below what you think apart from that Eddie as always it's been a great pleasure doing a video with you here um apart from that is there anything else people should look forward to soon no no you should all stay at home go nowhere do nothing and be alert thank you so much for watching everyone and we will see you now actually do you know what before we do that if you need assistance use the free advice section everyone as compares the big blue button on the right hand side of the page if you need further Community Support use the ask Nas Compares Community forum and if you need a little bit more one-to-one a bit the old verbal use our Discord and finally if you ever find our videos helpful and if you're going to shop at Amazon b h scan box any of the retailers we Link in the description if those two things are true as always please use those links to take you to those stores not only will it not cost you a bean extra to do it but anything you buy and I do mean anything resulting a small fee making its way back to me and Eddie here at as Compares this is literally it it's just us running Nas Compares here just me and him we're doing this video no one's behind the driving wheel that's comparison we gotta get back to it but if you use those links it allows you to passively support content creators like us as well as the free advice sections thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 31,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Synology 2024, Synology NAS, New Synology NAS, New Synology, Synology, Synology NAS Drive, Synology CC400W, CC400W, Synology CC400W cam, CC400W Camera, Synology CC400W Camera, Synology AI, Synology News, Synology AI Release, synology AI Integration, Synology NAS AI, Synology ChatGPT, Synology DSM 7.2, Synology DSM, DSM, dsm 8, dsm 7, dsm 7.3, Synology ransomware, Synology backups, Synology WORM, Synology Immutitble Backups, Synology NAS Backup
Id: oahB7pht33E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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