A single mother takes her family on a road trip. But it's to an unwanted destination. | Sylvia

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mom what are you doing we said we'd be there at 6 30. for the snacks bag love i've got the snack bag can we go who's giving her that i've just had all this cleaned maisie can you get that offer please oh let her have it she's enjoying it no mom she's gonna get it everywhere mum but do you think i can't see what you're doing it's only a bit of chocolate yeah and most of it won't make it into her mouth [Music] sylvia's mother says sylvia's busy too busy to come sylvia is a 1984 opal senator and she's the only car we've ever owned i bought you the wages i got from working the teals at woolworths [Music] so far she's needed two new cam belts a carburetor three sets of tyres and the midsection of the exhaust replacing [Music] other than that she's been perfect better than perfect she's been asked [Music] yes maisie evie spelled her dreams oh that's character that is what's that mum where this car is a story people pay good money for that well i don't think the bloke buying it is expecting seats soaked in blackcurrant squash is he i'm just saying it adds character yeah well thanks i'll be sure to tell the bloke that you don't have to sell the car i'm sure something'll work out when mom when is something in a workout cause if you haven't realized things haven't been working out for a while have they who likes ice cream how can i get you darling [Music] are you all right yeah just waiting for my ice cream how much will that be please that's uh four pound 80 please mom where are we going i told you we need to sell the car but i like this car what are we gonna do without sylvia i don't know babe i don't want to sell her either but we need the money i have some money in my piggy bank you can have that keep it sweetheart you buy something nice with it no one ever said it would be easy love i don't know what i'm doing mum it's okay none of us do [Music] maisie what have i said about keeping the cop clean that man isn't very friendly can you wipe it off please [Music] hello [Music] tonight tomorrow lazy maisie you sleep [Music] i suppose i better do this now oh mom you look like you're having a nice sleep look after the kids while i'm gone yeah so [Music] [Music] [Music] didn't think you were still coming hi yeah sorry got a bit lost i'm i'm not used to coming around these parts do you want to come in for a tear of coffee or something no we better i better get going so that's it is it yeah yeah that's her well she's a great car you know proper reliable and she's great on petrol do you want to come have a look check she's all okay you're right i trust you it's just a run around for my daughter while she's doing her lessons well tell your daughter to look after her okay because that calm means a lot to us of course i guess you uh i'm paying on you yes please it's all in there check it if you like trust goes both ways i suppose i better get going it's set to rain that car's giving us a lot of happy memories please look after him yeah yeah understood [Music] so you [Music] uh um to the person that gets this car i just wanted to let you know what a special vehicle you've bought this car belonged to my mum and i she passed away february the 25th 2015 in a house fire along with my six-year-old and two-year-old daughters [Music] the last time we went out in this car together was the day they left me this car holds a lot of special memories for me my home and everything in it is gone and now i'm losing this last link i have with my mum and children through no fault of my own this car's all i had left to touch i'm not mad at you i hope this car is the best car you've ever owned i hope it runs for 100 more years and i hope the back seat is filled with kids and toys and random things [Music] my family filled this car with lots of love and other sticky things we took road trips blared 80s and country music and rolled the windows down i've changed more nappies in the back seat than i can count there's probably a lollipop or a crayon hidden somewhere that belongs to my baby maybe an entire marmite sandwich [Music] i don't know if you'll see it but there might be a dirty spot on the dash my daughter and i would pretend to go on adventures while we sat in the driveway and she'd always put her feet there [Music] the dent on the rear driver's side fender and the dent in the passenger side door where my daughter learned to ride and crash her bike a few months before a death i know it's just a car to you but to me it's so much more love joy and adventure was had in this car so now that it's yours please remember it isn't just a car it's a memory this car with all its quirks is the last piece of my family be nice to it play a country song she'd like that talk to them if you like i'm sure they'd like to see and hear about any new adventures you'd take in this car dad i love it can we take it for a drive of course love come on oh by the way her name is sylvia the very first day we got her we all rode round and doctor hook sylvia's mother came on the radio the name just kind of stuck when my daughter said that's what we should name the car so please don't change your name be blessed be happy live and love like we did i wish you and sylvia all the best you're riding with angels now my angels [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 220,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sylvia, drama short film, omeleto
Id: oK57P_9wcww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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