Global Healing Campaign | [The Glory of God!] with Sydney Delchot

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[Music] good evening good evening welcome welcome to our [Applause] so we want to welcome you once again to our live broadcast coming to you live from the enr studio i trust that everyone is doing great and that you're ready for our online conference called global healing campaign this is another exciting conference for three days where we're going to minister god's word to you and god's spirit is going to minister to all of you to your houses to your family to your family members to those that are watching make sure you are ready let us know where you are coming from quickly on youtube in the comments we are having this interactive special panel tonight as i'm here with the nr team the theme of our nation's revolution and you that are watching also the ambassadors at home so um i am excited so excited so excited about this topic this this um event and this conference um because god told me to do it god spoke and we're going to minister god's word to you we're going to announce the word of the lord we're going to have a great discussion on a very important uh topic tonight all right this is the first evening of the campaign and the first evening of the conference so let us know what is happening on youtube communicate with us we want to have it as interactive as possible we're going to during this conference of course during the three days we're going to give you the opportunity to call in to the anr studio as we're going to minister life to you and god is about to do great miracles supernatural healings so a lot of things are about to happen a lot of things are about to take place we believe in testimonies we believe in god because god is real and miracles are real so this is the season and the time where we're going to experience that reality we're going to experience the power of god from your houses even from a distance listen despite kofit god is still doing miracles so god is still in the business of miracles this is what we believe this is what we proclaim this is what we declare and god is amazing this is a global broadcast for this global healing campaign we have people watching from the netherlands curacao suriname where people watching from amsterdam as i see reading your comments from uh till birth new utrecht from different uh prophecies in the netherlands different places all around the world so we are excited so excited to minister god's word to you as we are here live from the anal studios coming to you wherever you are coming to your houses coming to your family and get ready for god's word i am so excited i don't know about you guys but i am excited and i know that we are going to have this great discussion this great teaching that god wants us to do so listen we are in interesting times we are in an interesting season we are living in times and and um you know and in a decade rather where god is doing marvelous things we are just at the beginning of a new a decade we are in the beginning rather of a new a time and a season that god has placed us in and this what the world calls global pandemic is actually a reset in the world that god is doing and the church needs to be ready god's people we've got to be ready for whatsoever god is doing so we are god's people therefore since we are god's to us children and the children of god i believe it is important that we are forerunners with what we do that we are um you know the the the the catalyst of what god is doing on this earth and that we are the vehicle and the vessel that god wants to use to move to speak to prophesy to declare to operate from on this earth so this is very important that as we move as we minister as the word of god is coming to your brothers and sisters that are watching very important so listen let's go to second corinthians chapter four we're going to start our scripture on the first day of this online global healing campaign from second corinthians chapter four from first three prophets three i am so excited for what god is about to do tonight we will continue and continue to minister until god says stop tonight until god says stop will continue all right so listen second corinthians chapter four first three let's read ii corinthians chapter four from first three and the bible declares there but if our gospel behaved it is hid to them that are lost verse four in whom the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them all right so this is very very important to understand very important to understand this so the bible class in verse 4 i'm going to repeat it in womb the god of this world so the bible says there is a god of this world so this world has a god and then we have our god and this is the god of this world is written with a small g all right watch this in the bible in whom the god is a small god which is not the real god but it's being considered a god in this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not so in other words those that can't believe and those that do not have the ability to believe the bible says the reason why they can't believe is because the god of this world has blinded their minds not just their eyes because usually we think that when your eyes are blind that you can't see but the bible says that the minds of the people are blinded so the mind can only be blinded with it how is the mind blinded not just by the absence of light the blindness to the mind is ignorance the ability to understand the thing so they don't have the ability to really perceive god like we know god why because the bible says their hearts and their minds are have been blinded by the god of the world yes one of the gods of the world is called mammal mammal the god of money where people are blinded by the love of money for example one of the uh one of the idols of this world has to do with um with lust when people are blinded by lust they follow the desires of their flesh and they are not being led by the spirit of god so rather they are left there being they actually be led by their flesh in other words their their own flesh the desires of their flesh for example or is taking control of their life so in other words they can't and they do not really have control over several aspects of their lives because they are being led by the desires of the flesh and not by the desires of the spirit and not by the assignment of the spirit but they are being led by the desires of the flesh let's continue with ii corinthians 4 verse 4 where the bible says the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them so the only way for salvation to these people is to present the lord jesus christ to present and preach and minister and live the gospel the bible says this glorious gospel of christ the bible calls it a glorious gospel it is not just the gospel it is the glorious gospel of christ the glory means it is visible it is tangible it is it is manageable it is touchable you can actually see it you can you can witness it that's why we are talking about testimonies the the gospel of jesus christ has to be testified has to be witnessed has to be seen has to be lived out very important so the bible says that the glorious gospel of christ what is who the image of god my god so who's the image of god christ jesus the bible says the image of god is christ jesus unless that light of the glorious gospel shine unto the people for we preach not ourselves verse 5 but christ jesus the lord and ourselves your servants for jesus sake for six for god who commanded the light to shine out of darkness has shined in our hearts to get the light of the knowledge of the glory of god where in the face of jesus christ in the face of jesus christ is where we talk about and find the reality of the glory of god so listen there is a glory to behold there is a glory that increases and then there is an ever increasing glory where the glory that that you know that increases or rather that gets maximized or where the full potential of the glory is being manifested because that is the right terminology when you talk about when you talk about the glory the right terminology about the glory is that the glory of god is being uh manifested to the full potential in your life so people might talk about the glory might live in the glory might experience the glory of god but listen to this they might not experience or have the full manifestation of that glory in their lives why because they do not maximize the manifestation of the glory of god in their lives so as we see what does the light of this glory does the light of this glory the effect of the light of this glory opens the minds and opens the eyes of the people in the world in other words for example for your business for your life when you are being ignored in life when people don't see your business when your business doesn't flow where people don't recognize you at your job at your workplace on in school wherever you are in your family where you're not being noticed the bible says that the life of this glorious gospel the light of this glory will make you noticed noticeable people will actually notice you you will be seen you will be manifested because it is one thing to be alive and walk on this earth but it's a whole other thing for you to be manifested when god really manifests the potential that he has placed inside of you you are living now the maximized version of the glory of god in your life so you can actually live this life with a lesser degree of the glory of god but during this online conference i believe and i pray that all of you that are watching all of you in the studio will start living your life from the maximized place of the manifestation of god's glory in your life so there is something that we call ever increasing glory ever increasing glory is the glory that increases is the glory that grows is the glory that expands is a glory that is being manifested in your life so as we speak i decree and declare you are glory dispensers you are glory deliverers you are glory magnifiers everything you touch will turn into and will manifest what the glory of god it will manifest the glory of god very important believe it believe it believe it believe it i am a glory dispenser i am a glory deliverer i am a glory magnifier as i touch it the glory of god magnifies as i touch it i deliver the glory as i touch it i dispense the glory i release it i dispense it therefore i carry it before you because you can't release something that you don't have and this brings me to my next point a lot of people are looking for things in life but you're looking or seeking at the wrong place or in the wrong places or at the wrong persons so watch this usually what we look for in life if you're at the wrong position at the wrong place and maybe um with the wrong person or you want to get it from the from the from a person guess what if that person doesn't have it it cannot be released to you so you've got to be at the right place the right location in order to receive what you're looking for and i believe that as you're tuned in right now on this broadcast this is the best place that you could tune in yes yes this is the best place right now for you to be tuned in why am i saying this because god is going to release something in your life tonight i'm not talking about tomorrow i'm talking about tonight you're going to receive an answer to your problem some solution will be given to you aha moment a revelation an apocalypse an opening of the eyes blind spots in your life are going to be unveiled they're going to be removed because the light of this glorious gospel of christ shines on blind spots in your life so what is a blind spot in your life a blind spot in your life might be places that you ignore that you shouldn't ignore a blind spot in your life number two might also be a place of ignorance where you just need information of a specific aspect of your life or information and reformation or enlightenment when it comes to certain things in life you are just looking for answers seeking for answers you feel like there is a gap in your life a get maybe you notice a gap in your children's life maybe you know there's a gap in your spouse's life but you don't know where that get comes from so a lot of people maybe i'm going too quick i don't know but a lot of people a lot of people they have a gap in their life guess what and because of that emptiness that they have or that they experience in life they interpret it as if they need love human love number two some people might interpret it as if they need drugs some people might interpret it as if they need a cigarette [Music] this is why this is how they speak well i feel like i need to smoke no i feel like i need a drink no you don't what you feel is the craving of that emptiness inside of you it is not some kind of yeah i feel like smoking because i'm stressed the fact that you smoke because of stress is a sign that there is a gap in your life and a lot of people and a lot of youth a lot of young people especially they try to fill that gap with with natural things you know they try to fill that gift with with with the size of the flesh i repeat they try to fill the gap with the size of the flesh so before i continue there i want to give you something in order for you to really start getting to or get to a point in life where you start solving that issue solving the problem you've got to understand your highest calling in life what is your highest calling in life this is probably a question that you've never asked yourself [Music] why am i born your purpose on earth is not just an encounter between your father and your mother no the reason why you're here is not just an encounter and it's definitely not a mistake there is a reason and a purpose and an assignment for your life here on earth but a lot of people they are here on earth and they have no idea what their purpose is on earth on earth therefore since they don't know what their assignment is in life they don't know what their goal is they don't know what their purpose is therefore they don't have um they don't know how to discover their full potential in life if you don't see the full potential in life guess what is happening once you understand what your full potential is in life this is the spot where you will start walking towards your highest calling in life let me let me give you this one let me are you ready let me give you this one what is your highest calling in life according to the scriptures according to paul according to the study of the scriptures we will find for a christian the highest calling is being conformed to the likeness of christ being conformed to the likeness of christ remember the bible says that the light of the glorious gospel of christ the bible says christ is the image of god on earth my god so if christ is an image of god on earth and the bible says that the highest calling that we can have is to be conformed to christ yes my god i don't know if you're ready for this maybe this one is too deep for day one but what i'm trying to what i'm rather trying to give you here and what the scriptures is telling you is the following your highest calling is to be conformed to the likeness of christ so god let me show you this one god created let me break it down god created the heavens with his word god created the heavens with this word all right remember he spoke and there was he said let there be and it became yes he said let it be so and it was so so god created with his words all right listen to this out of heaven he took the earth out of that dispensation of heaven out of that realm the dimension of heaven he took the earth because remember there are heavens it's not just heaven when you look when you're standing here on earth you look to the sky there is one heaven but that is a heaven that you can see but then there is heaven that the bible talks about which is a dimension all right that is it's a difference this is why the bible says god created the heavens all right so out of heaven he took the earth so in the mouth of god listen to this was his original intention for his creation all right so in other words in order for a specific individual to walk in life and find their own individual unique assignment on earth they need to watch their mouth they've got to watch their mouth yes because if you repeat what others tell you you might slip into other people's assignment therefore you become a clone of someone else instead of living your unique assignment on earth this is the issue with social media now that people want to live a life based on what they see or what is being presented by someone else therefore they are running to become a clone of what they see instead of walking and discovering remember their discovery because life is a discovery life is a journey and this whole christian walk is a journey all right so listen since life is a discovery and life is a journey you've got to understand it's a discovery it's a discovery and we've got to under we've got to understand this reality of life life is a discovery this is why we say i i'm trying to understand you know when you're looking for something and you're like i'm trying to understand what is happening around me now yes because life is a discovery god wants us to discover there is a game called treasure hunt where there is a map given to you and there are pinpoints on the map if you follow the route the route and the path will bring you to the first clue once you're at the first clue guess what you've discovered the clue now the first clue will help you to get you to the next destination therefore in life there are different destinations you are moving from destination to destination yes it's not just one destiny it's not just i'm trying to figure out my destiny no this is the first clue because you're moving from destination to destination from assignment to assignment and with all of this on top of that there is something that we call the highest calling in life is to be conformed with christ and to christ very important so um as we continue as we continue there is a lot i have to cover this is why god told uh spoke to us and said do it three days because what we're about to release for this season and for this month is going to carry you for a while this is going to be a meal not just a lunch not just a dinner no no no this is seven star meal i'm telling you right now thank you bro listen listen listen to this listen to this so we've got to watch our mouth in the discovery of life as we discover our highest calling in life as we discover our original intention and what our assignment is as individual brothers and sisters you your children your spouse your friend your family member you all have a unique assignment in life you might live together in one house stay in one room but let me tell you something your assignments are unique but guess what although there might be unique assignments your assignments together might intermingle when you now become a team this is why the bible says one can chase a thousand but two can chase ten thousands in other words the more we have the more we combine the more we come together the more we connect the powerful we are in um discovering exercising everything that god has given us so remember i use the word discovering your assignment and secondly i'm now talking about um unlocking and unfailing your potentials what is it that god has given you what is it that you carry what is it that you should be doing this is the this i believe this is the most important question for people because usually people translate it and say um i need prayer what do you need to pray for pray for me for what i'm trying to do i'm trying to find out what is happening guess what life is a discovery so a lot of christians because they don't understand that life is a discovery guess what is happening they quickly say pray for me pray for me pray for me i think our response should be now go out and enjoy your discovery in life enjoy this journey with god don't try to find an escape route a lot of people are trying to get out of the path of their assignment what they want is a quick quick quick quick deal like a microwave kind of thing i just get out of the bed everything needs to be quick enjoy the process if there is a test in life your test is becoming a testimony guess what it doesn't matter what is happening every test is a lesson yes every lesson in life is a test and every test is a lesson okay when you go to school you get you go through the classes you go through the motions you go through the programs you go through the course guess what at the end there is a test because the test is now the testimony that you have understood comprehend can apply what you have learned yes so the test is an exam this now is the proof i don't think people understand what the test is the test is the proof that you can handle what you have been going through uh the real test is not the attack so a lot of people call an effect from the enemy difficulty they call it an attack from the devil but usually what people blame are labor rather as an attack from the devil after a as an attack from satan might be a test from god the bible says when we look at jesus that the holy spirit by the spirit of god jesus was driven towards the desert to go into a time of fasting and prayer for how long 40 days 40 nights what does the bible say he was led by the holy spirit into the desert so it was it wasn't the devil yes yes it was god the spirit of god that drove him to a place of dryness so a lot of people when they experience dryness in life they blame it to the devil what they don't understand it is in that place that desert remember it was a sick it was also a desert where moses remember the story of israel where moses delivered the people the israelites from egypt and they needed to cross to the other side to the promised land they had to go through up through the desert because the desert is a place of testing but the desert that dry place where people could know it's it feels difficult it's difficult it's difficult maybe it's difficult because you're not applying what you have learned before the test game yes because god always prepares you for the test you see what people don't understand is all of this information that we have been giving you throughout the years now with our nation's revolution every weekend i was speaking i was having a conversation with some of the people and i told her i said do you know how many hours of information revelation of teaching of the anointing being released to you through the word of god you've actually received then i started counting to them every week friday sunday or all year imagine 52 weeks yes 52 times times two because it's friday sunday and take the hours maybe one service was about two hours yes usually so if you count the hours two hours times 52 times two imagine the hours that you that we have deposited into your life guess what the hours of information is an investment that we did into your life i don't know if i need to touch this right now but let me tell you something about can i dive in watch this watch this the real investment in life the most risky business in life the most risky investment in life is a human being a lot of people are like yeah i'm not going to invest into this financial thing because it's risky no i don't think you understand what risk is can you imagine spending one year in two years three years like jesus did witness disciples three years infest into one person hours minutes information energy time and the person can just use their two legs like this and just walk and be gone gone is your investment [Music] so the most risky investment is into a human being that's it your time energy information risky business so what we're doing here is the real risky investment right here but since we are doing listen to this since we are doing it for the glory of god guess what it is it will never fail yes it will never fall to the ground but it will do what it was said to do this is what we call the shallac word of god the scent word of god where we have the logos the raima and the shallam the shallot means the scent word of god when the bible says in the book of psalms that god spoke and god sent his word and healed them when god sends his word to you there is healing inside of the word woven into the word there is healing there is the capacity and the ability to heal but only those that are willing to see it and catch it will be able to testify about it this is not just ministration to a camera this is administration to people coming to you live from the inno studios on your devices on your television whatsoever what room you're watching us from if you're watching us in the car receive a new car if you're watching us in your homes we see for upgrades in your house whatsoever and wheresoever whatsoever space you're watching us in that space is now being contaminated and i said contaminated and not with a virus but with the glory of god yes listen the real virus that we need to release on this earth is called the glory of god yes it is it is beyond the antidote remember the facts and that they're trying to you know push through for kovit the real fact said is the word of god the real injection that people need is the word of god this is the best opportunity for the church to push the message through because guess what people are scared yes people are afraid in the world they don't know what to do people are like i'm going to have my last party because you never know where my end will be this is how people think people are just loosely people are you know criminals or just you know robbing people like crazy young people or you're shanking one another like what is happening stabbing one another like crazy every when you ask them why did you do it i don't know they have no idea they have no clue because someone sent this uh on social media or post letters on a device or hurting their feelings this is a generation that we're living in this is actually when you look at it such this generation right now has become so emotional in what they do can you imagine that words on a device can make people commit suicide [Music] words on a device no one slapped them no one touched them no one kicked them no one pushed them it was just words on the device words that they read oh my god oh my god so let me tell you something if written words are so powerful how about the written word of god how about the impact of the word of god if words that are not even spoken but only written and being read are so powerful and have so much impact on our young people on our teenagers on our children how come that in this generation written words are so powerful because there is something that god wants to show us that this generation now is definitely that generation that god is going to use and that god is using to prepare the church for the lord jesus christ so that the church can be become more perfected like the bible says without spot and what wrinkle without spot and wrinkle that we live a life without spot and wrinkles what does it mean for a christian to live a life without spot and wrinkle but prophet i thought that nobody is perfect who told you [Music] people are like no no no but it's impossible nobody is perfect the bible says that all things are possible with god all things are possible and the bible says i told you in the beginning of this message or in the introduction rather that the highest calling in our life as christian is what to be conformed to jesus christ to be conformed to the likeness of christ that is our highest calling in life and christ is perfect the perfect example the perfect prophet the perfect apostle the perfect teacher the perfect master the perfect rabbi he is perfect therefore if we copy christ we follow what he has done we will do exactly and and she and even jesus says with his whole word you will do what i have done and even greater can we be that generation that can do the greater things how do we get to the point where we say whoa when we read about what jesus has done how do we get to a point where we do greater how do we do greater how do we do it can you please even start with the exact same things that jesus has done can we start healing the sick first demonstrating the power of god lifting that message being empowered by god to get into a state of full maturity in christ and of perfection yes i repeat it is possible to live a life of perfection it is possible this this is our strife this is our goal this is the bar the bar has been set all right what people call imperfections you can only call something imperfect when there is a mirror to compare it to let me repeat the the status of being imperfect or the status of judging someone is when you compare it with something else so when you start comparing your own life with another person's life or with the scriptures you will find indifferences or you'll find differences all right so since you find or you have found differences it means you have been comparing so the status of perfection needs to be from the word of god we can only compare our imperfections when we use the word of god as the mirror not facebook not the screen of your phone as a mirror not the social media icons that you follow god's word as the mirror very important use god's word as the mirror when you want to compare your life look at the example in the scriptures we are increasing you're increasing we are upgrading you're operating yes god is causing us to upgrade all right since we've got to upgrade upgrade we will say and our testimony will be despite covet 19. uh uh uh finances are coming in despite profit 19 i'm receiving my testimony yes despite corporate 19 i'm buying houses i'm buying mentions despite call for 19 i'm buying ground i am investing i'm actually making more money than before coffee you see despite coping 19 i'm telling you yes we shouldn't say since we are in no what are you doing in go fit we are not in the world is in we are above yes so this is it's a matter of perspective other people are saying yeah since we are in a global pandemic i'm not in the global endemic where does it look like i'm in a global pandemic remember today when i woke up um in the morning i went um to the to the store quickly you know and i just just was minding my own business was just walking straight to the store then i saw people with with all of these face masks and i was like why why do people have what is happening i totally forgot that there was something called covet because when i woke up my reality is the word of god my reality is doing something for god i woke up trying to figure out okay what does god want me to do today um with what you know with everything that is this is how i start my day yes i did not wake up into the reality of kofi or into the lie rather no no i didn't wake up into the lie i woke up to the truth yes let me let me repeat the matter of perspective of how you start your day is how you look at it do you get up into the lie or do you wake up to the truth there's a difference some people get up and they move they bump their head to the line and they're like oh yeah i need to make preparations for coffee the whole face mask the world is saying the even the scientist said it does not work it's just fashion yes you you see what the space map is face mask is it is the outfit for kovit [Music] it's the outfit you see leather or seasons summer winter you know we have four seasons here on this side of the world uh if you're living in a caribbean or south america you have two seasons the rainy season or the little rainy season or no rain the dry season and the rainy season right so those those are those are the two seasons but here on this side of the world we have four seasons you know fall winter uh autumn and summer so these are the forces that we have and within every season listen to this there is an outfit within every season there is a trend and this is the season of the trend of the face mask i'm telling you right now it's just an outfit sell them and make money all right don't do it you'll see you will miss it because you're buying from someone that's making money from it i told you people are not listening someone is making money in cold fit 19 what is the church doing we're buying those things like crazy like yeah i need one to grow you they told you it does not protect you should you use it yeah but it's just for sure that is basically what they said it's just for show this is what they told us even our own government said yeah we know that scientifically it doesn't work but but what if it doesn't work it doesn't work yeah we we don't have scientific proof that it works but anyway since it's the outfit for kovit let's make it or norm that's what they're doing right now in the netherlands they're going to make it the norm so when you enter the store people are so scared i was surprised i was just walking in the so i was like why are people avoiding me like i was like what is happening again until i realized minutes later that oh oh by the way there was something called coving unaware imagine imagine imagine the position all right so what i when i say um when i speak like this i'm not saying that you just you that you just should go out and just live your life and don't mind the rules what i'm telling you and reminding you is is that we are living from a different dimension a different position the position that we breathe that we that we that we live from is called the glory realm the light of the glory the glory around what we dispense is that life what we release is that life the glory of god the glory of god and the bible says in 2nd corinthians 4 um chapter 4 6 says it for god who commanded the line to shine out of darkness my god had shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ what is this first telling us brothers and sisters that the knowledge which god has given us is what comes through knowing jesus christ and it's going to come through us we have received that lie there is a difference in knowledge and information that we as god's people live from this is why we can speak boldly like this this is why we can say what we say because the type of information that we have compared to what the world is telling us compared to what the media is telling us compared to what the people were the forerunners of this global endemic in this earth right now those forerunners are speaking and making the rules where are the forums of the church what are they saying why are we waiting on the secular government to tell us what to say what to do what not to do and then how can we claim we have power all right very important i was uh making some calls to um you know different venues and stuff like that in amsterdam guess what they told me they said yeah based on what a government has declared you know they've even minimized the people you know the number of people that can gather again so i was like you see i i now i understand really the game here this is what is being called crowd control this was a tactic that they used during a war during the first world war second world war is where they they they made plans schemes rules you imagine during a war you know if you want to block the exits and the gateways and the entrance gateways and the exits of a city you the first thing you cut is their supply line the first thing you cut is their food supply water supply ratio supply you know those are the first things you attack so that what they do is they don't get external help from the outside but they have to do they have to just deal with the situation from the inside from there they will start attacking one another they will start attacking one another from the inside so what is happening right now what they are doing right now is what we call crowd control it's a tactic to enforce every plan that they have what i'm telling you right now is the theory is information it's truth it's reality all right and um this is really that we and this is something that you shouldn't forget this is what has been happening the past few months imagine the months that we are in imagine how many months people have been saying yeah we can throw the whole 2020 away no not for me what if some people made more money during coffee than before coke i'm not trying troll where throw it where to what to who to the face mask no listen it is very important that we as god's people get to a point of serious discipline boldness and seriousness with what we do and not just our relationship with god which this that of that of course is the is the center of it all what i'm talking about is your exercise the manifestation of the capacity of the glory of god in your life if not now is the time to make it to make a child now is the time this is the right time to shine the bible says god commanded the light out of darkness i repeat god commanded the light out of darkness therefore since god commanded the light out of darkness guess what and guess what is happening since god commanded the light out of darkness the bible says we are the light in this world and since we are in a specific deep darkness right now in this world the times that we're living in the seasons we are living in is a season of deep darkness this is the best moment to shine your light this is the best moment to shine your light right now if it was a plan for a business start it if it was a new job do it go for it if it was something to increase something to buy something to do something greater to do to start the ministry to start preaching it was on ministering do it do something for god something that will reveal the light of the glory of god to the world so that you can start being an influencer in this earth and not just someone as being influenced from uh the world all right very important so listen everybody we are working so hard behind the scene and behind the scene we are pushing the work and the work of god continues like i said this is the manifestation of our investment this is the manifestation of the word of god coming to maturity in people's lives where they understand that it doesn't matter how where um which way we do it the gospel the work of god must continue if we do it through music it is music if we do it to rap we will rap if we do to preaching we'll preach if we do it to by looking good we will dress nicely it doesn't matter how we do it the work of god continues so what we were dealing with is something quite interesting where we dealt with the ever increasing glory and how the light of the glory of god shines and how it on how we actually as god's people should maximize the light of that glory and should maximize the manifestation of the glory of god in our lives all right the manifestation of the glory of god in our lives so therefore we understand that we live by truth and we live by the reality called truth and not by deception or enslamming or the lie and blindness in this world all right since there is blindness in this world how are we going to rely on a secular government we know what the bible says is we follow the scriptures we follow what god is saying we follow what the bible says we believe what the word of god says which we believe that what is written in the bible in the scriptures is through and through therefore it is revelation to us it is food to our spirit is our diet to our spirit it's what we live what we breathe what we believe what we confess and how we live our lives how we conduct our life which means how um it affects actually our lifestyle the word of god affects our lifestyle so christ is not just a place christ is not just a person christ is not just opposition but christ is a life strategy christianity is not just a religion it's not just about having faith it's about living that christian life understanding that i'm walking in this christian blessing marking every path every ground that we touch we are marking it with christ yes oh my god i don't know some lyrics just dropped into my spirit i'm telling you right now as i was speaking something just by listening to the song a whole new song has been birthed right now as you speak imagine how god works imagine how god works powerful stuff powerful stuff i'm telling you right now powerful stuff so listen the bible says that the word of god is through light pure light what's this and we carry that light in us therefore since we carry that light in us the light is god's word all right the light is god's word the more of the knowledge of the word we get inside of us the more the light the capacity or the brightness of the light will shine therefore the more our impact in this life will be seen and will be manifested and will be made made the more marks we will make for christ on this earth so the knowledge the increase of the word of god is connected to the marks that we leave behind and that we place on this earth what are the marks my god what are the marks that you make with your life on this earth what is the mark when you pass by someone what is the mark what is the idea what is the experience you leave behind when people meet you can i go deeper with this what is the experience you leave behind when you meet people what do people say about you that is the mark that i'm talking about yes because there is this teaching about the mark of the enemy the mark of men the devil's mark six six six people also in the last days six six six stop like that but there is a mark of christ there is also a mark of christ people like yeah be careful don't allow the mark of people don't even know what that mark is people think it's in the vaccine of covet listen listen that is not a mark okay let me tell you something i'm not here to talk about denmark i'm not now here to talk about the mark of christ yes what is the mark of christianity the mark of christ is called the holy ghost the holy spirit is the mark of christ in our lives so that is the mark that christ has given us that he has baptized us into the spirit and that we are in the spirit and the spirit is in us that is the mark that christ has left behind yes so the mark of christ in our lives is his spirit his spirit a lost para this means the same spirit as he is came into us we were baptized into the spirit not just with water by fire and by spirit all right watch this and since we've been baptized with the spirit of god god's spirit is now in us and we are in the spirit therefore we walk by the spirit we live by the spirit therefore we bear spiritual fruit you can only bear or release or be pregnant or fruit when you have been impregnated with something all right all right all right ah we can only bear fruit when the receipt yes you're getting that one so the bible says walk in the spirit but how do we walk in the spirit by understanding the fruit of the spirit and the bible says that the fruit of the spirit is love but before there is a fruit there is a seed isn't it so before there is a fruit there is a seed there are no seeds without fruit and there is no fruit without the seed therefore we are not just fruit bearers but we are seed carriers yes maybe this is for tomorrow i don't know so listen listen to this we are not just place it in a comment right now just for your own notes we are not just fruit bearers but we are seed carriers so say i am a seed carrier and a fruit bearer just type it in the comments on youtube right now i am a seed carrier and a fruit bearer so guess what this is so important so important that we get this because god is looking eventually he's going to look at our fruit this is how he's going to judge us like people say only god can judge yeah he will trust me but how will he judge not based on how many mistakes you have made no because the grace and the love of god is too much it covers the bible says he has provided forgiveness to us so that we can be able to obtain forgiveness so before you made a mistake he forgave anyway but but listen to this one we are fruit bearers so god is going to judge based on the fruit we eventually grow and bear but before there is fruit like i said there is a seed and the bible says that the word of god is also a seed all right let me show you this one the bible says that the word of god is what a seed so since the word of god is also a seed what is it that god wants us to bear and do with the seed the thing that god wants us to do with the seed which is the word of god is this spread the seed plant the seed put the seed in ground this is what i mean by mark how do you mark how do you leave a mark behind in people's lives as a christian by sowing [Music] sowing your seeds what are your seeds i know what you think you probably thought that i think that i'm talking about money no because the seed that the church is used to is only money and giving where people is so you see they only think about giving money yes no definitely not what is the mark you are leaving behind brothers and sisters what is the mark what is that mark of christ that you are leaving behind in somebody's life you are sowing the word of god in their lives because we are also seed carriers we are seed planters we are planters of the seed planters of god's word we plant the seed if they want it or not we plant it willing or unwilling this is why the bible says the kingdom of god is at hand i like what the scriptures say when it comes to the bible when it comes to the word of god the bible is very clear about this all right very very clear when it comes to the word of god god wants us to blend seeds very important how do we plant seeds by demonstrating by ministering by living by speaking words words by spreading the light of the glorious gospel of christ the light of the glory by being the light of that glorious gospel okay how are we the light of the gospel of christ how can we be because prophet tomorrow is a new day i'm waking up getting into the shower brushing my feet doing my hair changing clothes going outside locking the door going into my car or enter a bus how am i the light because i'm just using my legs i'm just going about my own day how can i be the light i'm glad that you asked since you've asked let me give you the answer how are you the light the way you speak your intention before you start your day it's all in the intention the way you start your morning there is a scripture in the bible that says have you commended your mind before the sun arose you commended your money did you commend your money or did you just work up like this i just woke up like this and like hey um this is how my day is this is how i woke up this is how i feel this is what i want to do but the bible says did you comment your money before you started complaining because a lot of people they filled their days with complaints therefore the complaint remember god said and it was god said and it was so so the thing was not so until he spoke and since he spoke and it was and the bible says that we are to be conformed like god and that we are in the image and the likeness of christ and of god therefore what we speak becomes [Music] therefore what we complain about becomes all right usually what you complain about it only starts manifesting for real the moment you continue to complain because complaining doesn't help anybody the bible calls it murmuring let me tell you the mistake that the israelites did after they showed so much um you know disrespect to god they were so ungrateful to what god did let me show you the bible says god sent a leader his moses to deliver his prophet to the life of the people of israel out of the or out of egypt out of bondage out of slavery guess what they were out of egypt but egypt was not out of them therefore their location physically shifted they were out of slavery but slavery was still inside of them that is what people don't understand nowadays that's what people don't understand people talk about slavery they are shouting black lives matter blue lives matter all lives matter let me tell you something people think that by shouting these things we are progressing but we are rather going back into time now they are shouting we want differences in the race in the colored race where they say no no we want our own thing listen that was called that was called it had a name in south africa it was called apartheid segregation where the colored people and the caucasian people were separated and now they are shouting for the same separation that they protested against why do corner people want their own thing for what we're all one that's what the bible says so why do we want the exclusiveness that exclusiveness that is now being sold as exclusive is never exclusive it is going back into time to the place of slavery where god delivered us from and we call it black lives matter you see it is not about the slogan it's not about the name it's about the motive and the evil agenda behind certain protests think why in the world would you want to go to a place where colored people are specifically segregated from caucasians why it is called segregation it was part of slavery so slavery might be over but slavery is not removed from people look what happened with israelites god delivered them from egypt but egypt was not out of them how do we know the bible says as they were walking in the desert the first thing you will notice that people do when god blessed them delivered them upgraded them but inwardly they are still holding on to the old guess what is happening they will start complaining ungratefulness is the first sign ungratefulness will be the first sign that they have something in their life that they are not letting go on gratefulness towards the things of god on gratefulness when good things happen and they're looking for the bad things inside of the good thing they are looking for the rotten apple inside of the basket of apples listen to this ungratefulness is dangerous and a lot of people and this is a prophetic message to those that are watching everybody on gratefulness is a state of the heart and on gratefulness you need to repent from ungratefulness you need to repent from a gratefulness because ungratefulness becomes uh disobedience on gratefulness if you're not dealing with it it will become disobedience because now ungratefulness can become anger anger can become bitterness bitterness will lead to a state where you say i don't care no and i don't care and the moment you talk like this i don't care you feel buffed up it's called pride the moment you're in a state like yeah i don't care anymore listen since you don't care it's not right and the bible says pride comes before the fall so the moment there is pride there is a fault immediately there's a dish there's a ditch created the moment right enters your lives so this is what happened with the people that were delivered by god from egypt the israelites now they started complaining completely complaining ah we started completing complaining complaining yeah moses we are tired of the heavenly supernatural meat that god releases from heaven can you imagine supernatural sustainers supernatural substance the bible says meat a beard fell from heaven oh and they started complaining about the meat then they were like uh no no we need fresh water god supplied water god supplied meat through the to the grace that was placed on the prophet moses you know that the leader that god plays there guess what and miracles listen to this miracles happened in the dry place called the desert miracles supernatural things were manifested in the life of the lives of god people during their time in the desert in other words it doesn't matter what you go through in life it might feel dry look dry feel hot feel difficult look difficult god will always be able to uphold and sustain you it doesn't matter the season of your life all right this is so important to understand even listen to this in the place of disobedience god provided imagine the love of god in the place and from the place of ungratefulness from the place of disobedience from them from the place of murmuring complained from that from the place of disrespecting moses the position that god gave to moses because these are the signs listen to this these are the signs of a people's heart that is growing where the love of god is growing cold there are signs complaining on gratefulness from while they receive the blessing they are eating from the blessing and they complain they run with the miracle that god gave them and they thought disrespectfully about the position of the man of god that's what happened with moses so there is a cycle there there is a cycle there they disrespect authority they complain they are ungrateful meanwhile they are eating from the blessing it's a dangerous position to be in it's a dangerous position to be in because the funny thing is listen to this brothers and sisters a lot of christians think just because they experience god's blessing in that disobedience that it will continue like that so they are so they actually feel uh how they call it entitled to say okay i don't care no i can say whatever i want i can do whatever i would just go do what i want to do i still have this they look at what they have now because there's their site is limited it's short they don't look to the wrong dick because their supply now they don't they can't see that the supply is ending yes because that's what happened with the people of israel suddenly boom mana stopped falling from heaven now what guess what the next complaint was moses moses we won't bring us back to egypt why they wanted to go back to egypt because egypt never left them in other words the traditions number one of egypt the old traditions the old mindset they're all the diet that is what they're great for so the old diet that they had is what they craved for eventually what happened was they experienced the new thing of god they experienced the supernatural of god they experienced the blessing of god but because their old men were still there they were craving for their diet because as a slave they were taken care of all right but what i now what i want to touch now is this people don't understand the following god is providing freedom and the people are shouting to go back to egypt why because slavery is the place of comfort i don't know why i'm dealing with this tonight because well what people don't understand is a lot of people what history is showing us right is that slavery is now being presented as a position where um the slaves were of course being mistreated uh abused you know and stuff like that the what we see is the bad part of what was happening when it comes to slavery but let me tell you something from the position of the slaves only those that rebelled against the systems or the people that we're not talking about is what what those what what those people call um heroes people like kunta kente people that have those you know in in in kurosawa you have you have statues in suriname you have statues they are here in the netherlands you have studied not a lot of course because they were part of the slave masters but uh but in different african continents and south america and the caribbean you have those statues of those people that rebelled that were heroes of the rebellion against slavery and the system of slavery but guess what only those that repel the individuals that did it is that we're talking about guess what most of the slaves were accepting how they were living because they were taken care of they were eating they were provided food housing guess what it's a system that we are still living in right now they are telling you no no stay inside number two the government is telling you no no we will take care of you all right maybe people are not getting it stay inside stay home continue to work from your house at the same time we will take care of you we'll pay for your housing we'll give you a loan in other words we'll pay for you where do they get the money from and why do they want us to be in that position it's a form of modern slavery and they want you to get used to that comfort because they do not want you to push your own thing they will actually promote working from your home but not doing anything for yourself because they will never never introduce it to you never they won't because the system is designed for the masters to become rich for the masters to have gained from your work this is the system that you're in right now and people are shouting i say hey slavery is over look at those countries that are shouting and like yeah we are no longer we are no longer dependent for example on the netherlands we are no longer dependent we are independent states those people are those nations actually are now being called third world countries but they are shouting we are independent independent broke independent but they are independent but they were dependent on the economy of the first world countries and of course the first world countries they were misusing the resources of those countries but not just the resources also the people the mindset they were corrupting the mindsets of the people therefore it seems like the third world could remember i don't believe in those in a third world country thing all right it's something that the elite created so that so the reason why they created first world and third world countries is for a simple reason it's economic status and trust me the third world countries did not create that economic status it came from the elite y so that they could say we are number one and you are below us in other words we are better than you and we are below it this is what america has done for many years no one made america big they just shouted like hey we are the biggest we made a big people just believe people just buy and do it yes the president just comes and says we are the greatest nation from the children is being indoctrinated into them on school on school from school yeah be proud the american dream the biggest best dream that you can ever have from childhood they are being indoctrinated that america is the greatest country the biggest country the strongest army the biggest meanwhile it's a mess meanwhile it's a mess it's a mess and people are shocked they look at the arab world they were like what those people have added up money they are rich where were they all along [Music] they were not shouting that they were the biggest behind the scenes they were they had money but it wasn't introduced in front of a camera so america is a great marketing company they they are professionals when it comes to marketing they know how to market themselves they know how to look at the church in america it's a church of marketing they know how to sell they know how to entertain they know how to shout they know how to you know shout is entertainment they know how to preach to whoop they know how to do it they know how to do everything because it's a place of entertainment they know what to say to drive after to create it is for the people they know how this is why they're good at inspiring motivational the greatest motivational speakers from come from america the greatest motivational speakers come from america all right and of course it was built upon slaves it was built upon the system of slavery so you've got to understand brothers and sisters the reason why i'm telling you and giving you this reality of history because history inside of the word history is the word story every history has a story and in order to read and to understand the history you've got to read the story don't just listen to history read the story understand the story of what happened in the past therefore you understand where we are heading in the future so brothers and sisters love you so much make sure you are there tomorrow we are going offline just for day one but tomorrow night we are back for day two and we are starting with fire fire and so much fire and listen tomorrow night uh of course at the end i think we can do the worship video again right so we'll just give you and a close with the worship video in a meanwhile thank you already especially those that continue to partner with us our partners thank you so much for um for supporting and partnering with the all nations and also those that have been giving uh to during this conference during this campaign global healing campaign um i'm praying for you right now even as you continue to listen and worship together with us with this video with his worship video and his worship cover i decree and declare as the words are coming to you as the word of god is coming to you let healing happen in your mind healing in your body healing in your soul healing in your emotions in the mighty name of jesus as you watch this broadcast right now every cell in your body that needs healing i release the healing anointing of the holy ghost the from the power the power of god is in you right now the spirit of the lord is taking over right now everything that needs to be dissolved in your body is being dissolved in the mighty name of jesus every virus in your blood cell every virus in your bone every virus in your body is being dissolved in the mighty name of jesus by the fire of the holy ghost i speak against cancer cells cell cell cells cancer cells every cancer cell in your body may it dry up in the mighty name of jesus as you continue to worship with us in jesus my name see you tomorrow night be on time same time same place share the video love you so much love you so much have a great evening the all nations revolution with sidney dalshart inspiring the people always worth your time
Channel: Sydney Delchot
Views: 164
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vtgWpG6SN5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 35sec (4775 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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