Syd Talks if Odd Future Will Tour Again, Almost Getting Killed at a Pretty Rick Show + New LP, FIN

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tomorrow morning you have the honest beautiful bilingual Laura Stiles and the waters wrath Rosenberg he's lied yeah but know what it was a double life she's not on she's a piece of [ __ ] and I was yeah I figured you were being ironic with bones yeah but party love and cities on the show get okay we still go with Sid of the internet what's the good question title it's whatever you want it to be sometimes on stead of the internet um sometimes I'll probably just be [ __ ] now now that I got so long yeah so I'm entitled Finn Finn what is Finn like finished no then is a word isn't it a random cream she it's about running she fell in love with a finished person maybe the shark's fin like I was thinking sharks that is what it is yeah and why why why sharks felt like one of him um honestly well the first title for the album was dies and it was based on this song that I had on the album that didn't make the album but the song didn't even end up making the album yeah it didn't make the album and so I was like okay I mean in the title but I still had a lot of water references on the album and so I was like more more wet what if you have more wet on examined dhyanne so I was just thinking one day the word fin popped into my head and I was like hmm interesting I was like I'll sit on it I googled it like a couple days later and it kind of um seemed to describe my role in the band symbolically hmm as just like a component attached to a larger ship vessel and I just helped steer hope guys which what the fin does yes very dope um so I'm our base by saying that the zombie feels very sexual I don't know I'm doing your alright you wrote it like it's very very early is very alia like you have some very alia tones and songs and yeah things in there too yeah that was unintentional honestly but I'm huge alia fan huge timberlands and all that just natch this is naturally going to come through I think but no the one that everybody thinks is like Anna Lee attributed my writing partner actually wrote that song for me hmm and was like [ __ ] I produced and wrote this song I think I think it'll be perfect for you I'm like I'll come too I want to be played it for me I was like oh yeah I was like let me rewrite you rewrite the second half of this verse when you write a bridge and we Gucci so um why do people but is it just sound wise the people think it's Anna Lee a tribute I think it's just my voice a little your voice and then the draw and the ban trauma very too long are you that somebody lose oh yeah that's probably my favorite please I saw you perform at the soul querĂ­as festival oh yeah yeah crazy day yet nineties baby's dream come true but that was our way Erykah Badu yeah I really brand him Randy Ashanti Pretty Ricky Wow fired by the way Rick ah yes I saw I totally went and watched Finn Ricky the whole set I was there I was there like early I almost died trying to leave the venue that they were playing inside of but it was going to death almost have been out of death almost have a straight yes you almost got like trampled by like screaming sign it what this points like moms are Pretty Ricky fans right yeah I don't know much there are pretty ricky fans yes yes wow I did not know that at all oh you sleep onset later sweet dreaming daughter had been REM baby thank you it was lit late on that you're a big fan of brandy but I didn't get to see her because um they end up pushing all the sets back a little bit cuz um it was was real crowded I don't think they expected I don't I don't know that any people I mean they saw the ticket so they had waited a nice right that's why I said I was are coming on the show yeah he was yeah yeah I had a questionable performance he was laying my heart I've heard it was good I didn't say though because I was man I was so tired I was sleepwalking course I've around I don't know they just said he was up there doing weird moves out range I don't know it's not hard telling man he's a legend yeah III saw are Kelly and uh Bonners people I have the right to have very mixed feelings on Kelly but the experience that at where that was like just an are Kelly show was foreign national antics from the music and just enjoy the music there's a lot of hits there a lot a lot is and he's great on stage now you're gonna let me bury Freddie Ricky and say that I didn't know there was a whole Pretty Ricky thing and you just sat there silently but do you do you were your head I was aware that he's pretty Ricky pin so there's a thank you but they had hit right at it with up with a net well what happened what were they you were underground mostly I would be bringing kids tomorrow records or some you know it was before that right before that was real cool school for me when you were Justin Duke on an internet I was doing all the like you it was like that was it also was when Rhett when mainstream rap wasn't very good this is like Rick this is the RMB of ringtone rap every night this was one ringtone rap started because this was middle school for me that's when I got my first cell phone using your white tee and yo yeah I checked on commercial stuff I guess in general yeah I didn't realize was that much ahead of me disrespect how many look at Rock not saying I'm a pretty Ricky fan like I was never I guess as a young girl in middle school like as a girl in middle school like they were really big pop they were in LA in LA yeah wider um so album strong I just hahaha by the way so um Ebron picking up predicting right now and I've only listened to three songs on my iPhone so far okay and I'm predicting that says I will be Grammy nominated I'm picking it right now straight up because I just think she's going to be operating that space for her entire career what does wanna say I'm thankful for where RB is today I wanna I wanted like I don't think I don't think a lot of people who love R&B are aware of people like yourself and the internet I don't think they're as aware they need to be of the Kalani's of the world right I don't think there is aware as they need to be of what's the kid I there's a couple other kids on them forgetting names but nonetheless office BJ's a BJP ha ha ha like there's a movement of young new R&B that's making phenomenal record um producing right like I just don't think it's getting it to just do the wage well I'm not not amongst the traditional R&B crowd right right basically what you mean right yeah that and radio and radio yeah everybody that's where the traditional RB fans are right but they're selling out shows and that's the beauty of you and exactly they have called followings and they have no problem selling out shows what about me Aquarion blue uh I mean it was a lot of it was a lot of new soul acts on there with a lot of old selects and that was we posted the flyer for that when it like when the flyer dropped we got like 30 thousand retweets or so you really were unwish is unreal for it like first Lyra's yeah it was the flyer you were gone you were out of you were off the air for holidays when that flyer came out and we did a we did a full show you get an hour about the flyer because I don't know we were like who would you be most excited to see and this was the first year for this time yeah that's pretty cool it I think it's cool that you're in that space to just from where you came from because I for for said to be someone who is known essentially as being the DJ of Odd Future and now to be like full-fledged in the progressive R&B soul category it's just it's an interesting journey yeah I mean you know what about a different time talk about I don't think not everybody understands that I mean we've had the Internet up here before and we've I think behind the scenes talked about like the music scene of like soul music and jazz meat and musician in Los Angeles to Thundercats and the Kamala to the terrace Martin's right and you guys kind of you're from that family tree as well and so on I I don't even know if I am I know I know all those guys um but I did you got Kunal create this Lal la like musicians we're just we have a connection like I don't know like and there's mushrooms for saying I don't and we talk [ __ ] about radio because we work a radio so we're allowed to and even if you don't work in radio you stalk [ __ ] about radio cause radios mad late to it max did it kind of blue mom but it is it is indicative of where we are today in music and in media where you have artists like yourself and the other artists that we mentioned that are selling out concerts better than artists at the radio station place hmm and I don't think that's a conversation that a lot of people a because there's artists watching this or like y'all want to be on the radio and oftentimes I might [ __ ] the radio go sell some tickets create a bit yeah does a t-shirt Lee helm you know sell your merchandise you create a business for yourself cuz you as an artist if radio plays you cool dope if they don't that's cool yeah I know what I mean isn't that like a happy place for you to be I mean it's it's it's great to to to be in a place where you're literally just trying to please yourself it takes a lot of pressure off of everything you know it makes everything more authentic that's when you come from that I mean literally the first time that we ever met you when on future came up here you were part of a movement that had nothing to do with radio yeah and y'all were stars and had nothing to do with some any program directors approving the song yeah I mean we couldn't it was too vulgar right yeah and yet and yet even yet here you are now you're doing the same thing musically totally different but you're able to create just what you want to create some peak some radios gravitating towards it yeah and some people are slower to it it's a it's cool yeah yeah it's all good either way like you said like we can as long as we can sell tickets so exactly Amy asked for us to because we have to try to think of people who will sell tickets who our radio audience actually knows when in fact a very different audience to sell tickets it would be easier for us to pick a bunch of internet access really different and put them on a show because you know it would sell out but that isn't reflective of the music we play on the radio I get it now so it's an awkwardness to be and so you go oh well let's get an artist put an artist on summer jam who's a traditional radio artist that that person may not be selling tickets anymore they may only be good for club walkthroughs and [ __ ] like that and sell figures you guys are selling tickets it is yeah because inside baseball for sure but an audience should learn from this because we are at a crossroads I think you don't like right now the labels I would say probably in the last year have just figured out how to run their businesses based on what you guys do art we're already doing so well right because yeah I mean sighs Dave in the corner management because he um he used to work at a label and when he was the one who like discovered discovered our future basically I was doing PR for our future and I was the only one with an email address that was like visible and so he reached out to me to find Earl and he invited this was pre-cleared pre-class and he's the one who brought Clancy and got it so he reached out to me to find Earl I was like oh mom doesn't really want to I remember mom so we reach our hi to you like we went to his office at the old label and we sat up there and he was like I don't want to sign you guys here we were like alright well what's good what are we doing and he was like honestly just keep doing what you're doing like I'm gonna try to help out where I can just hang tight and now we're here and the reason for the audience is like why not signed to a label is because labels traditionally had very um I guess too many constraints on how the business was run and how to make how to sign someone to a deal and then make that money back was strictly based on album sales and we live in a world now where records don't sell right and if you don't or and have merch and streams and in other etc there's no business their labels have gotten into that space yeah well ultimately they're not they're not investing and artists as much anymore they're not developing artists because there's all these artists out here on the internet who have developed themselves they don't need to they just got to find the ones who already did the work in fact in fact if they get too involved with development which is exactly what they didn't want do at the all yeah that that's not authentic in not that I've ever made on future brilliant I remember when they met with you guys that withhold any I mean literally everybody you know it was this moment when everyone's meeting and ultimately you know the brilliance of you guys was that you found a manager who was able to organize without sucking the life away from who you work and so as a result now you see all these parts of Odd Future that have your own successful yeah the branch off yeah these branch shops that are all successful and you never tampered with what was that original brand right which was meant to be what it was it was a moment in time yeah and I mean naturally things naturally play themselves out and that's why we set up the business how we did so that now you know we're all in positions to do our own thing we're not touring together anymore because we can all put the same rooms on our own guys would there ever be another Odd Future tour will you ever would you ever want to do one um I wouldn't mind water but as what hesitation because I'm not a deejay anymore right now you're right now your brother would wouldn't you yeah I mean last time I played with Odd Future was in London it like Wembley Stadium which was just a fist Affleck's honestly right just to be like how was it well these days yeah they put me in taco like on opposite sides of the stage and we just like went back and forth just to perform yeah just just cuz it we couldn't be under the same in the same idea of just for fun yeah I mean I'm sure good I mean and ultimately also it could be very lucrative so yeah just about timing and being like oh what when's accept because you might think well now's a good time I think not if you wait even longer this it'll actually be better then yeah who knows I mean yeah what about it you have um like artistic working relationship with Frank Ocean anyways no none at all no never worked never collaborated he on he co-wrote song on our first internet album that was it yeah does he owe does he have any working relation with anyone from our future anymore as far as you go uh he hangs out with my brother taco he and I'll talk about what are la Caesars you know the alternative machines yes that's a bang la scenester that's the first I'm hearing of it maybe what it sounds right right yeah my tacos almost tacos a DJ but he's almost a professional team sir no he's like um deaf yeah he's a socialite I told him for real like okay like that goes a Kardashian yeah oh yeah more ways than you think and I remember telling you got a big butt it would look really obvious like him I don't get are you gonna answer jury I told him a couple years ago I was like yo bro I know it sounds crazy but you might want to open up a PR firm like for real I guess he knows people that he's that connected to that many people he is and and it's definitely conversations we've had as well because he's in a position where he does he has so many resources at his fingertips but it's all through friendships and he's not trying to make money or anything off of his friendships and that's what one thing I respect also about Travis I guess what I totally respect there is no IRA she really respects we call them Travis and I respected too and I also want you to know taco that if you change your mind and you decide to get money off those friendships I respect that too because that's a role for people it's true cuz they're a lot of people I need to get to X people and we're seeing taco in a responsible scenario other than showing up to a show on on time right you know I'm better yeah double got more skis I mean you know he's a good kid I mean he got more respectful to DJ crap too because he got a lot better were you definitely took it he started taking it seriously recently because I remember early on when y'all had him DJing and I was like you don't know what you're doing and I would have fight so that's what I was fighting with him and Tyler a lot about vinyl and like they just didn't have any interest and they were just calling me old from an Ed Weiler became a straight-up vinyl collector by the way like nerd who would buy records and taco got like much it seemed like he got more focused on actually learning how to a nice mix yeah not just hit play exact but have an actual idea of how to be J I mean it you know it was one of those things where he kind of got thrown into the equation when I left how good were you like how serious were you as a DJ I was only serious enough to do it with them and like do some after parties you weren't doing like DMC scratch battles and [ __ ] I was a graduate at all but how was your blender blend game is fire okay both I thought you need rez out yeah around on election yeah so Travis got Travis always knew what to play and that's what got him that's what kept him afloat for so long now he actually can mix he can blend now so he's starting to book he just did a Vegas oh and I thought you hear one of those residences in Vegas yeah he's like you're on the Billboard concur with that get live in Vegas to see father's wish oh not his flyers are was hilarious it was one of those I got a look at how I like to smoke in the back I'll retie yeah nah he's he's been working on me did he have a policeman mustache fill with you I imagine yeah yeah it's on there yeah her name is sin as you can tell we love her and we love where you come from and all the kids you came up with y'all seen your whole unit and pick up the album sin which literally means like sharks man what should we play let's play right here um you won't playing no I love that ring yeah that's it that's the Ilia sound of joint don't ya I'm all right yes no no I just found the blood although the best part is is that he went the other way instead of going cool guy and he just went smiling I think it is Justin that's not my [ __ ] oh I love that that's great yeah that's I'm so happy for all you guys are so cool yo taco they don't get your billboard it's not real big Adam and Eric you got an i/o board I got a wagon layout yeah can't do one gig and then get a billboard on right yeah these billboards that I don't swim Ingo yo give it up right you guys ready
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 114,253
Rating: 4.9209194 out of 5
Keywords: hot97, whhl, music, video, youtube, hip hop, rap, r&b, hip-hop, Ebro, Dj Enuff, New York, East Coast, NY, US, United States, Syd, The Internet, Odd Future, Tyler The Creator, Earl Sweatshirt, EITM, Tour, Reunion, Pretty Ricky, Aaliyah
Id: wOuz7YFEj38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2017
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