The Internet Talks New Album on Sway In The Morning | Sway's Universe

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we say four five [Applause] [Music] yo man how do you know how I like to just really attach myself to energy that's just going against the beaten path because we work in this swamp everyday of repetition and you know stagnation and so a lot of ways I get there is through either going fishing and going through my tackle box and I'm looking at different lures that I could try for calico largemouth for smallmouth bass or something to that effect you know other ways you know I like to do that is if I go skiing or something I'm not quite the snowboarder yet but I like to hit different hills and then the other way I like to the to that is through music you know through Sonics because scientists create vibrations frequencies create energy the whole night and from the purple or naked lady's project all the way to the feel-good project the feel-good project was my joint is when I really start getting up on this this group that's sitting here right now now said she came in here before you know and we hung out and we had a really good time we played a game and everything that we played a game you got more guys for your to came out I said man I really [ __ ] with this group right here because you just got it's not even it's a collection of individuals who somehow come together cohesively and they all different people and they all right so everybody got different projects they do different things and when they come together something really special and we have them here today ladies and gentlemen give it up for the Internet [Applause] I like y'all the broccoli tonight and I got a chance to really I felt like I was fanboying on y'all I think it was quite the opposite now with me this is all kind of a joke yeah okay I just talked to me going through the motions of coming to radio shows and to be able to do it great for that job yeah somebody didn't want to get into that well welcome to the show now for audience everybody introduces I mean you know we know but everybody introduced themselves again man I'm not my name is Steve Lacey it's the Lacey my name is matthew Martin okay I'm see I'm Patrick I like you I guess I like some army voice all right you got that on my mind yeah and one of my other closest friends Carrie foe yeah that's an ill song right there brother Thank You Man I appreciate what's that who you talking to on that song what's that so I'm talking on my sister okay over de Barot that sound like a couple couple years ago uh-huh about how I was feeling about the situation you know what I mean you gotta say the situation's or you know the listeners don't know I'm not gonna get too deep into it I like the basis is I you know our mom passing we fell out and it shouldn't have been that way and I just I wrote down off of the body that's honking well it was hard to write I had to step away from it for like a hour however long like she was hello emotional you know it was crazy but got through it put it out did a video for it that's why I attached the second half to like kind of turn up have a sigh relief higher Nikolas brings a lowrider you know we just had Mike Shinoda in the studio from Lincoln Park I don't know if you're familiar with Lincoln and they lost Chester earlier in the year and I was listening to his project and I just really like when people really spill it all out tell her honest truth in their music since you could tell right you know when it's when it's contrived or when it's coming from an authentic place so the new single roll yeah you know that's some real like that feels like some Commodores funk or something from my yeah and by the way Patrick produced that song so he's been going ham she came in one day I was like I got a song for the album guys like Patrick will be quiet in studio well I'll be working at Patrick I'll just be in the back on his phone and I know he was like I got a beat and he played that [ __ ] we were like it's me I was like yeah yeah that's it so what happens when everybody isn't instantly like yeah yeah just you do it anyway or how does that work you know and then we just keep making stuff and he brought that in the very like in the early stages of the album making process so we were just sitting on beats and we kind of all gravitate towards the same ones right yeah it's like we see it I'll say another day with cities like me working with Sid almost like 10 years like if Sid if you're playing a beat and say it comes in and just walks and doesn't say anything like you know Sam shoots it like she's not she's not [ __ ] with it but it's it comes in and she's like that's right yeah but she's very like you got to know like she's very very like it's one word you know she's like social you'd be having like one quick sentence or something I feel better today cool go through evolution personal development we see how we can elevate our areas of improvement now how does that work as a group do you guys have conversations about okay what are maybe our pain points where can we add more muscle here we have I think vague conversations about it and and on some I interestingly coincidental [ __ ] like we kind of Matt was saying it yesterday like we're all evolving into like a self like a self longface at the same time we're all like learning to really really love ourselves at the same time and individually and then as a group as well so it's pretty pretty amazing I mean we're very fortunate that that one we're friends and two we're good friends so it makes all the it makes everything like just seamless we pretty much just yeah 30 minutes start talking about something random okay and we just breathe we try to keep it really organic right you know we have meetings when we need to but we don't need to that often we talk every day yeah I think I think the most thing is we just talk about how each other's feeling I think we pay attention to like you know how you know if I know I've heard from Chris in a few days I'll text Chris like you're good like or you know if I see see it hasn't been you know I can tell when everybody in the band sort of dealing with something you just ask them because a lot of times you just love you just want to know that you recognize that they're going through something they don't necessarily need words they seem to recognize okay you see me like let me have my time so I think that's important with our band is recognizing you know when somebody just needs to be like you straight you good you need to talk about something cuz a lot of times we do so I think that's a big thing about our band is we have a lot of really deep thoughts everybody you know me and Steve me and Chris Sid and Steve like it's not just one person so I think that's what makes our band so tight-knit so Steve what it's like being a sex symbol or the group man I can't say yeah how is this new project different from eagle death than you opinion just you know you play guitar right mm-hmm okay vocals on how is it different um I think it's just sharpened okay you go death was a pen so it was like a good pen so we was getting it off it was a bit dull uh-huh I say this pence was really sharp and like we're gonna draw a nice want to use that intro you have my permission coming out July 20th July 20th and it's called hive mind yeah real complex it's actually very simple if you google what have mine means is basically just a collective ego a collective mind you know when people are together to have a collective mindset and I think we were together we all have a common goal and we move on in a you know the same direction so it's really that simple really and the Internet is a hive mind of information to actual internet so it kind of just has multiple reasons now you know what's funny I got it from Marvel Comics so it's not really that deep it's like a group in the comic books that are like collective psychics that are just super powerful when they're together so a lot of people bite you act like they made that [ __ ] up okay let me let me let me address that I I don't understand I love giving credit to those that gave me my sauce like I don't get it because one thing is once you give the credit people get past it I think when you run from it like oh you sound like sense oh really think so like so I might think is address your address your hero's address the people that said because the people that come after you're gonna be mad when they don't say [ __ ] about you so that's my whole thing so can you give the credit we get the minute like that that's why y'all my favorite group man and Internet they're here ladies and gentlemen all right open up the phone lines seven four two three four five we haven't done this before on the show we got this segment called it the mystery sack and we've never done a whole group where they have we're gonna come back with the mystery sack this play the single man [Music] that's the Internet ladies and gentlemen that's called roll bar Bank punk Burbank is no that's the best Airport in Southern California Burbank none of us that's how much is made in Burbank studio in Burbank you trying to fly in and out late us probably the best Airport you want to fly out of we gotta go there yeah I mean Burbank Airport is real it's real low-key I see like the PJs flyer the private jets got it over there down the street from yeah right hey Dominique what's up we're gonna announce a Torsen we're gonna announce a Torsen it'll be later in the year though exactly one yes I know I'm sorry I'm like when are we announcing this okay now yeah later in the year we'll be all over in Dominique anybody got other projects coming to or just bad he had dropped a solo EP before we started doing solo albums no need a solo albums this is first solo album okay congratulations Patrick all right letters of irrelevance make sure you get that you wanna do it again yeah okay because that's where we're talking and I and whenever we have artists I think about how music has shifted and one of the things we're seeing now is a lot of censorship like with Spotify saying that word they're gonna take on art Kelly and exercise can test young songs yeah and just people in general saying don't play art Kelly or who ever how do you all feel about that is there not enough separation between entertainer and human I think it's interesting like how willing we are to forgive musicians and artists for things I think it's interesting that you know you know people know things or think they know things but there were no convictions on on these situations and on some of them they're like there's no conviction so to me it's like what we're trying to say is not agree or disagree but there's a slippery slope period and if you're gonna jump out you got to jump all the way up everybody because who's making those judgments you know is it yeah is it a group of people in office making a judgment on who to go after because if I could say it's just a slippery slope that if you're a music platform I feel like you shouldn't make that decision now if you are a media platform then maybe you have that you know you can glide on what but when it's just a place for people to go listen to music I don't think you should be able to make that you know and I've heard of just they're not promoting on my own playlist or not taking them off so I want to get that right okay but still I don't think that's something that people should have and but then again like I said I don't know it's because they determine that because they determine that yeah who are we to say slippery slope to me it's like you can't I think if you're gonna jump out the ship you gotta jump out or if you don't stand guys stay on you can't that's not a halfway point situation so that's how I feel about it okay you know Chris talks a lot yeah or ask him about ask about musical music equipment or like there's something he'll talk yeah Sean yesterday he seen the speakers and was like make music on foody loop so you learn a play an instrument Mike history I went to music school with Chris that's I grew up in the church learn music there and then my mom always knew I had it in me so she just kept me around it as best she could I didn't have too much of the interesting into like high school high school I was I wanted to be an NFL oh I was doing track and football most of my life just until my junior year when it was like things took a turn with football that I didn't want huh and I was like all right stepped away from it and I was already I was always in areas of cultivate music so I was like this focus my music thing and then I ended up in Ireland my senior year Ireland yeah but how what was just won a battle of the bands competition with my first band I was in what made you start locking young here um grew up I had long hair I heard it just before high school thought that was the mature thing to do which it was turned out to being quite opposite no play ya know I just always wanted my hair back long it was something that I'd seen was a thing with all the male figures on my dad's side I didn't know my dad he died when I was four or five months long care is a thing that carries on in the mills on my dad's side of the family so I was like I want my hair long but I'm gonna have to deal with it too much yeah so I was just like oh it'd be seven years in November yeah yeah seven years is a milestone in a lock world you know you gonna make it you go make it go making time we'll make sure he make it all right me and me and Danielle go make sure you make okay Steve what's your background man how did you get into music I got into music through a video game Guitar Hero yeah yeah I started playing that game religiously and it was the only game I was really good at like everything else I was pretty garbage mm-hmm but you couldn't see me a guitar hero but from there it got I got to good and like I'm like [ __ ] I need a real guitar at this point and then I started getting lessons at 11 from this guy named Jairus mozi he played in my church and I remember after church I would like look at him and just be like cuz they after church they were just shred like the main band in the church sanctuary and then we got a contact of him and he would come every Monday and I would get lessons and then he went on tour mm-hmm and I kind of took that personal I was so eager to learn at the time like and I wouldn't stop until I got it so when I got it I'm like okay Andy some knew I was what's next like and then now as a touring musician I totally understand but at the time I'm like you can't call me back but ya took it hard yeah um but from there had to just teach myself and you know I joined the jazz band in ninth grade because I kind of Dibble dab but I didn't know if I want to be a cool kid or banky uh-huh but when not great kay my mom made me choose between the two and then I chose music and it was a pretty enlightening year as a freshman in high school it was just like I found my love for something and it was like wow that's good yeah yeah but from there I met Jamil who brought me into this band yeah and I had no idea ething just like supernatural Wow Wow anybody got a story write a story okay listen we only got so much time but y'all gotta promise me y'all gonna come back I know we can be [Applause] of course a mystery sack though go ahead and reach in dig deep dig deep look ways it sways mystery sack unshaved 45 so don't arson is gonna take the bag take out a question read it out loud answer honestly and pass the bag and repeat okay got it random questions come from all over the universe if the world wide web was never invented in 1991 what would you name the group outside of the internet you would name it mm-hmm the techies attack each lady - damn it - due to the tacky all right Chris Harry black senior that's it what's the question Patrick oh he's so happy to look at it relief I can actually really good well nervous so I might [ __ ] up don't know if I'm illiterate it says if you were wrongfully put into an asain asylum how would you convince them that you were actually saying and not just pretending to be saying out I think I might just have to play then they definitely keep mr. in sack that's what it's all about is the name right good dog if you had hooks it up on a blind date with anyone who would it be and why i'ma go with zoe saldana because i know that that's number one if you had to eat the same meal for breakfast lunch and dinner what would it be wow this is tough because I'm trying to eat better these days but like my true self wants to say probably in an hour burger in pound burger but honestly I do eat cereal sometimes I'm more of a honey nut cheerios kind of girl yeah they're gluten-free with almond milk unsweetened no Captain Crunch soon nah I do love frosted flakes - hey I want to thank y'all for coming by but I enjoy the visual that's people - so and I love the energy that comes from your collective you know continued success and then Syd says who's gonna play something from the album oh yeah hook you up over there by the DJ DJ booth will have to be make that plate of turkey wings and rice over there all right cool he played again is gonna go1 send this out right yeah but if it's never gonna go out why not here Matt is bothered like all right damn swayed us [ __ ] up why do I get people fired so let's do that okay thank you guys for coming by alright and I got get y'all on TRL to I'm hosting that we blown up we the Internet baby [Music]
Views: 60,083
Rating: 4.9587226 out of 5
Keywords: Sway In The Morning Interview, Sway Calloway, Celebrity Interviews, The Internet, New Album, Sway in the morning, 5 fingers of death, sway, sway in the morning freestyle, tyler the creator freestyle, childish gambino freestyle, tory lanez freestyle, lil dicky freestyle, logic freestyle, damian lillard rap, megan thee stallion, riff raff freestyle, shia labeouf freestyle, kevin gates interview
Id: wxBt4mPT3zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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