Nardwuar vs. Earl Sweatshirt & Syd Tha Kyd

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who are you I am Earl Sweatshirt aka Rico T's ro sweatshirt who'd you have beside you I have Sid the Kid hello Sid the Kid hello welcome to thank you for British Columbia Canada thank you right off the bat I have a gift for you guys okay what what can you tell me about your favorite black moth super rainbow Wow and you got the right album too he tells me what the black moth super rainbow I don't know I found someone showed me and when I was in Samoa and I loved them ever since they're like a nature band are you into them to sit um there's one song by them that I absolutely love yeah how much stuff do you both love a lot of things I love a lot of things there's one thing undeniably that you both love and that is Roscoe's isn't it yeah I'm gonna say yes Roscoe's chicken and waffles and I was curious about Roscoe's chicken waffles what do you order there is it the chicken and waffles number nine get a country boy they changed the name to Obama's special but I'm not backing that cuz I was eating number nines before I knew who that man was how about you SID what do you order there I get a nice crispy waffle and some eggs and some bacon and some grits they're grits are fantastic it goes great you gotta try are not Roscoe's in Canada however there seems quite a few to Los Angeles area have you been to different locations I was curious because there's quite a few isn't there yep you got one in Long Beach Oh Hollywood how do they vary like what is the best one you know I like Pico why is that cause by my house probably I grew up yeah you like Hollywood yeah it's too crazy for me he goes kind of crazy sometimes pretty crazy Syd and Earl here you are in Vancouver British Columbia Canada and I like to have a little quote thrown out at you quote fists clenched emulating 268 Olympics of 68 Olympics black power want to give you guys this gift here it's listen whitey my my man Jason dill like showed me this album it's a definitive Black Power oral document and if you turn it over on the back there we have some last poets oh the last pose I was curious is it true that the last poets took their name from a poem your dad wrote yeah believe so I think that's the myth is that true it seems incredible because last poets like foundation for hip hop aren't they and they were influenced by your dad yes pretty well your dad told you about meeting any rappers or anything like that back in the day cuz I know that he dug to like John Coltrane that sort of stuff I don't know if my dad like ever [ __ ] with any rappers like that every time I used to put on rap like every time I remember he would always like like make a little disgusted face and I don't know maybe was too vulgar for him you shook MF dooms hand yeah that was wild I was absolutely insane I didn't know what to do for a second I had to walk away I cried when he came outside I'd take a little take a little hike did he acknowledge you at all because you said he called Tyler t-boogie mm-hmm yeah he said he'd call me Earl or something but it was just funny because he called him t-boogie just unprompted without even having to tell him that we call him tea and stuff how important is MF DOOM to you guys all I know is when I started working with these guys that was all they talked about that's pretty much it yeah this is very I like based a lot of the way a lot of the ways that I was trying to rap like off of his [ __ ] when I was learning how to do it so it was crazy meeting him especially because he's such a an elusive person like a fool got deported it's the hardest [ __ ] ever have you seen the imposter before I never been the doom show before just because I never wanted to like get my hopes up for no [ __ ] like that and then when it the the reason why that show is so cool is because like right when we got offstage when me and Tyler got offstage from our set at this festival Alchemist and Action Bronson on the side stage they were like yeah we just we just met doom at the hotel I was like alright whatever you're [ __ ] lying and then 30 minutes later we're like backstage like behind the stage that he was supposedly performing at and there was a dude in a [ __ ] skeleton outfit beatboxing so we were like damn got duped and then we [ __ ] we looked we looked towards a door that had that was labeled doom and he poked his head out of it for one second and out the mask yeah without the mask but I didn't see it because I was turning around because our tour manager came over to tell us you know let's pack it up move it out he's not here there's a white dude and skeleton outfit beatboxing so I missed his actual face only Tyler seen it how into do when I sort into doom are you are into doom collectibles and stuff uh not that far I don't think I like anything that much I thought it would welcome you oral and said to the world of doom collectibles here we have the rhymes like dimes box set it's a box it Roxette what's a box of a 7-inch if you opened up and a puzzle there's a puzzle inside here Wow I wanted to do that I didn't know what had already been done Wow would you look at that who has this it's pretty rare me however we can't leave sit out we have some other rare item for you right here is the mad villain demo tape for you that's the original mad villain demo tape Wow Wow where did you procure this item this is a stone's throw offering stones to art a bast aren't they absolutely 100% so is that better than two box set I don't a maybe for me at least because this is the like the first thing that that hooked me on to him mr. cassette deck tonight you could play that on no no no yeah no one can have this Wow Wow Wow hey Brad hey we have over there could you please introduce him we got Brad and we got Jim Day on the left there in Vancouver British Columbia Canada with Earl and SIDS ax kid and Earl Sweatshirt quote back to the Olive Garden breaded like Paul McCartney and that came true you met him absolutely I can't believe like you had no idea when you wrote that lyric that you would actually meet Paul McCartney yeah I actually didn't think about it's like two days later either that I had even said that that [ __ ] was crazy it happened totally by chance we showed up at MPR and they were like yeah you guys would be about 30 minutes it was like really early in the morning I hadn't had any coffee I was mad they were like cuz uh Paul McCartney's in there right now it's like what the [ __ ] then yeah then we met him when he came out it was crazy it was that was one of the most awkward encounters in my life cuz his [ __ ] Paul McCartney asking me questions like so you got a little album coming out or like what's going on with your career but I told him I told him yes he was like you know I've been doing this for a while look yeah you have [ __ ] Paul McCartney you need to tell me that it's pretty amazing quote back to the Olive Garden breaded like Paul McCartney so like your lyrics came true what other of your lyrics do you think might come true what does this mean what else is gonna happen every time I have a white driver I chuckle to myself you can retire now you can retire Paul McCartney you can pretty much retire can't you I'm retiring I met Paul McCartney Earl is it true that he once lost your pants sleepwalking at a house party in a big mansion in Tustin California no what I was not in Tustin ever but losing your pants have you lost your pants at all at a house party when you're younger at a house party like what was it like in evenings Eagle in parties places um I don't know not really not without like my friends or anything like that I don't know if I to be honest I plead the fifth I may or may not have been panceliss at someone's house have you ever seen Earl loses pants at all said you've definitely seen me lose my pants probably what circumstance was that that was going down a lot of [ __ ] was happening 16 yeah he was uh he'd astray when you're 16 this is one New Year's ball I think you lost your pants er absolutely didn't lose my pants but you were doing some weird [ __ ] in anything weird okay with it five four three two ah pants off or no I don't think anyone lost it what yeah when he got back from a school whatever he was sleeping on my couch all the time so he was always using my shirts and like walking around maybe I have to loan him socks did you guys ever see barbershop two at all absolutely thing about barbershop to rate film made it great barbershop to the top his barbershop to the timing of it uh Ice Cube who else was in barbershop two and Eve was he in that was I feel like he was and that pretty sure either way I have a gift for you from the greatest thing from a barbershop to soundtrack is the clips [ __ ] [ __ ] club mix instrumental - and look at the Star Trek sleeve extra now Wow remember - soundtrack to remember two clips doing this you know what I'm not gonna I'm not gonna try and friend I don't remember this but I'm sure this is very very very very very tight I know someone who would freak out probably make a ridiculous face if you handed in this I did not even been for sale at all this is wild right here how what how do you get all these things your you a plug no I'm nerd Ward human serviette with Earl Sweatshirt and Sid the Kid I think your plug boy is there a lot of internet jokes with the internet like on the Internet yes plenty I don't think it's so incredible that when you google the internet like you come up first the head of the Internet did that y'all really did that yeah I'm proud you Google the Internet and you can't number one what's up bro the Internet how you doing no I'm the Internet he says like your Wikipedia is ahead of the Internet's Wikipedia I'm uh that's something that I've been working towards and them proud it should make the Internet not even mean the internet anymore how long did it take to get to number one you must have been checking um I honestly checked one random day actually no I went on Twitter out and I was like the Mac Miller tweeted us he said we have the best band name or whatever and I was like yeah and and and if we really make it you know we you've worked hard because with the name like the Internet you can't even google us and then some kid responded and was like actually you guys pop up first and I was like oh we're number one number one and you are Earl Sweatshirt no how long have you been into and I was a gift for you Keith Sweat yeah Tyler actually put me on to this when we was running that [ __ ] Tyler that first expose you to Keith Sweat yeah I wasn't really really in the key sweat before like that that a better video you met Keith Sweat like Earl Sweatshirt Keith Sweat I I wish well I have a gift for you guys lastly a poster here from skateboard the movie from 1978 with leif Garrett and Tony Alva this [ __ ] is hard yeah you know I dunno I needed this for the house artwork maybe I'll just walk around maybe I'll make some yeah this is real hard right here well thanks so much Sid the K and Earl Sweatshirt why should people care about Sid the Kid and Earl Sweatshirt good for your health students all right well thanks so much Sid the Kid and Earl Sweatshirt keep on rockin in the free world and doo doo doo doo doo i'ma just you you
Channel: NardwuarServiette
Views: 671,902
Rating: 4.9745116 out of 5
Keywords: Nardwuar the Human Serviette, Earl Sweatshirt, Syd Tha Kyd, Odd Future, Tyler the Creator, OFWGKTA, The-Internet, MellowHype, Whoa, Hip Hop, Rap, Earl, Yonkers, Interview, Dontcha, Trash Talk, Casey Veggies, Mac Miller, CHUM, MF DOOM, Rhymes like Dimes, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Madvillain, The Clipse, Pussy, SXSW, Texas, Frank Ocean, Hodgy Beats, Skateboard the Movie, 1978, Leif Garrett, Tony Alva, Golf Wang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 08 2014
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