SWORD OF TRUST w/actors Marc Maron, Jillian Bell, Jon Bass; writ-dir-prod Lynn Shelton

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my friends and one of them [Music] hey good evening everyone my name is Janelle Riley let me turn the song there we go my name is Janelle Riley I'm an editor variety I'm so so thrilled and welcoming off for this opening weekend in Los Angeles in a way for sort of trust thank you for coming out thank you can supporting independent film at this time please join me in welcoming some of the artists who brought this movie to life writer director producer Lynn Shelton and stars Marc Maron John Bassett Gillian Bella [Laughter] [Applause] just ask what was your first job in this industry the first time you felt you could call yourself a filmmaker call yourself an actor I was always a comic that there was a brief period there the first time at work without an hour layout I was a PA on a shoot for some video series that were kids videos and it was at the circus Vargas season so that was docked it wasn't docked circus parties and just remember there were two clowns there for the videos and we shot all day you know what it was like a longer not right over there was another guy and then me and another guy after me they start digging started rolling us out yeah tell me funny guys that refines we were just in a rotation at that point you joke but they all end up noticed my first job was as a coaster on a show called worst week my second big guest star with like Jerry Seinfeld earth up right yeah yeah yes very confident but yeah it was everyone crazy you just audition and then come and find out like oh you're coming back again tomorrow so everything is just up in the air like he was I got to edit like eight short films for Sesame Street directed by mobile and give kids might know him as in a children's book out there but we did crazy like funny damn cafeteria so he has in there in the nineties in New York yeah yeah and nobody in there are giant letters involved of each we're starting with this movie because you and Mark have collaborated several times on television and I understand this really came about because you wanted to work with him yes we've been writing movie ever since I've got to direct his show Maron on IFC we liked working together and some started writing a movie Anna's going very slowly and it is almost with you again in circuitously but he said okay bold why'd she go just write another movie to get me off his back and I don't think I said I'll give you a couple weeks I said just go write a movie and I just assumed it wouldn't happen and later my manager called me and said you know lens actually doing this no she goes yes it's gonna happen I'm like how long's it gonna take he called the air we can influence you tell you to call me because I'm more than I talk to movie maker before these weights like the takes years and it's heartbreaking and it doesn't go anywhere when s Gillian do you know any people who you think would be funny in this role and she was like Julian and I met maybe once before but one of her best friends is in this show that I did a long time ago called big time in Hollywood Florida is amazing and it's amazing money no one's watched it listen to that applause so pretty much what happened is when watched a couple clips of this show that I did and she was like Yanks funny and then yeah I gotta call them and two days later I was in fermion I think making a little put in a good word for me yes yes am i right yes and then we oh yeah yeah you know each other yeah I emailed him I'm so excited I just [Applause] I show up to the eye [Music] we were on the scriptment I'm curious is that intimidating for the actors and what are you left to do it this way I know you don't always you you've done scream yeah films were in perfect motion a lot improvised and I've done various like comp games like a 10-page treatment I'm sorry said hump day free written dialogue that people could use er not there well as a TN this is like 45 50 pages or something like that a document that was like someone's each byte written out at that mouth d'oeuvre seems really written written but we used it with it and then the back vanity with different rooms what if I first well no you want and you can do too but who are we [Music] yeah just one it's been once the Jumanji room now II know there's news of evil possessed doll room it is genuine info on them friends and one of them [Music] one of the reasons why I can't be shot in 12 done in two days but the rest yeah I am curious though is it you know you guys are great improvisers I'm actually seeing you both before and you know you did stamp did stand after still do stand-up um so you're comfortable in this genre I think but is it intimidating when you're doing a story when you're creating a character you have to stay true to that character I'm Jillian Tonkin accent I know I was the only one accent [Music] in Boston today like in terms of creating something in a moment really it's all improvised and like you know Michaela and Mark would just go at it so hard like Michaela company go alright let's talk to her let's talk Turkey the matter yeah you know what you're late there's like a part of you is just like witnessing the history of Jewish relationship oh okay great analogy we were doing to me once he described it as being linked though he's very frustrated the first companies because he's used to owning the whole all having all the words himself does he doesn't change anything all the things and it was you know it was hard to get used to Elgin it was like learning how to play jazz right and you gotta give time getting stage time to each other to support each other to create the whole you know I'm gonna give each other time you know for the solos what does in terminator because I don't really come from like sketch comedy or stage two examples of those people in the Pantanal so I can do nothing no no I screamed at the top of my lungs no we're not going to go where we go we don't gotta like we're just screaming and you were making them stories about me we'll be friends Michaela he's got a drinking problem and some of that I mean it was so bad it was not in a truck yeah it was going on forever and I was it's a mature decision you don't know what's gonna happen I think you know who is gonna get done and you know and I have no expectations I was happening [Music] yeah-ha jobs and it's all hilarious there could have been the movie could have been called and I was 2 hours long this is 90 minutes 88 minutes my infernally were the company's you know that length it was like I don't know how I'm gonna cut out two minutes much less an hour this is all gold it was so funny and he adopted me his whole family Kirra dogs ro e in all the time to me and I stopped in their cottage you have a park every day for months and they were in kind I almost picked this book one of the best performances in the movie I was like thank you I didn't know that was your dress yeah how did that happen it was oh well I cover up the script with Mike O'Brien who I met on the EP bio disaster I mean wanted to access his show and we had a lot of famously and actually I wonder if you can be in the movie which didn't work out at the time of it and I thought that yeah qussuk a second season as show but then I said how would you feel about co-writing with me because I really don't like sitting alone in a room ready and he's somebody who's most writes and reports and wants to continue to do both and he assumed that was the same way because I started out as an actor and so we have this cast list of people who wanted to work with and he can add my name to the list I kept saying I'm not going to be in the movie Mike I can't act it right at the same time I became active directly at the same time then I thought maybe I'll just be like the gal who comes in and gets her quote back you know I thought okay I can't a little cameo for you to shut you up you know so I was like an ultimately a junkie people come in and try on something you know get some money for us and then we realized that we're writing that we needed some kind of a way to track Mel's emotional mark and you realize that maybe this would be an opportunity to do that and we would have to be in you know it very much and just being that one the scene as since the camera work was pretty straightforward I wasn't too worried about I've acted in hump day and I swear I would never acted or the same time as there's like I determined and it's nice because you guys the audience I just want to ask because I think we probably have a lot of filmmakers actors here and I think pretty much all of you have sort of created your own work whether out of desire or necessity is that something that like you would really advocate for people and you know be your own sort of biggest supporter once it becomes a necessity desires dying oh yeah of course you advocating for it but you know you really don't know what's gonna happen but you know you gotta try it right none of us would be here without the work that we create and Marcus you know paved a career that is mind-boggling from the come on has to here you know as and Jillian started ground incentives now movie summer I mean it's all amazing so I think that the one thing you yeah it was just yeah you have to create in order to put yourself out there yeah it's huge it's not a practical matter taking is it the weird thing is is like once you get into this thing you know whatever you're doing it especially if you're doing the front of the camera business or doing or whatever is that if your hand long enough if you nurture your delusion long enough you know what eventually happens is you have their choice you know like when I heard the podcast was really one of the situations where he was over you know and there was no college you're probably gonna ask me what happened on my resume between working in edibles and Coolidge Corner and you know was now you're so because I know you make this movie very quickly and I'm guessing you know did you yes budget is more than this movie there's a lot of people who won they're still fighting we made up I think we want to make sure that yeah there's a greatly within a culture where you actually didn't know and it really it really tickles me that people have because I get asked that all the time but you know really honestly I can't blame anyone because you know nobody's zero sense when you think it through you know that can be said for basically out there so why let that stop anyone from creating that 100 saying that you took it yes then I recreated nya basically that was one of the more written scenes because I wanted to recreate the experience I had with this kind way this before I understood that it was an au courant like thing that people actually some people believe the very heartless person who seems intelligent like a normal person I tell you I have the earth is flat my brain is just like trying Iraq where everybody sings can't be serious and then it was clearly less serious and I just literally couldn't process it and I just remember turning around he parked in front of my heart he looks at me and he says listen I know I was exactly Rory all you gotta do though I'm telling you just good oh yeah well today was have experience and prayer and cultural yeah I was another planet for me I made seven movies in Northwest Washington State see oh and this is my first movie out of that state muscles in the south which really just very different ultimately luckily my producer man second proposed to accrue few and the actors were from the south so I felt like I really need none and heavily to make sure I was not representing misrepresenting the South he might've represented authentically I want you to really get a sense of place Birmingham which is the city I was at all when I was there there was character and I had so that's how I meant Obi I thought that you sort of like that and he was it was a little just just off-center there I am I don't know this guy and then met him afterwards in Los Angeles oh yeah he was just yet to stay in it yeah and everybody who didn't element was in and we're really there wanna be around oh yeah very I have spent time down there working doing stand-up over the years you know I've grown to appreciate it's really kind of amazing part of the country and you know they're shaking people everywhere but there's a specific type down there granted but but like it is you know why needs to be down there and I had grown to just sort of like in Birmingham like he's full of progressive decent reasonable people and the people that aren't are generally very polite you can kind of read through it you know but but yeah I definitely have somewhat of a relationship with the south and I've got more embracing ever because you know they don't like to be condescending - were stereotyped either and it's very easy to stereotype southerners but there's a lot of um decent people they're there and they're surrounded by morons so you gotta really have to be nice too long I mean I've seen of the South I really enjoyed was how many just conversations they have in summoning complete stretch first now they're just there is this genuine sort of warmth and TriNet but my first night there is that cold foods and I was trying to get like something out of the cooler case in front of a guy that's stopping the cooler you know well first and personnel come on let's go Alabama and I'm just like what's going on good restaurant yeah I do
Channel: Front Row Flynn
Views: 917
Rating: 4.3333335 out of 5
Keywords: Sword of Trust, Marc Maron, Jillian Bell, Jon Bass, Lynn Shelton, Michaela Watkins, comedy, Civil War, conspiracy theory, flat earth, pawn shop, Birmingham, Alabama, indie film, Hump Day, Your Sisters sister, SXSW, WTF podcast, Brittany Runs a Marathon, Big Time in Hollywood FL, funny, Q&A, Jenelle Riley, Landmark, Nuart Theatre, Front Row Flynn, GLOW, G.L.O.W.
Id: qn4GfLcmd2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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