A Vaguely Normal Swiss 300m Rifle Match... But Not Quite!

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and then this [Music] happened [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to bloke on the Range I'm here with the chap at a vaguely normal Swiss shooting competition we thought we'd show you guys how that normally works now being us we couldn't just do any normal bul standard competition we've uh oh no come to one that's uh wooden guns only so uh no stare 57s no stare 90s this sort of things getting more popular these days has been a real Renaissance in uh shooting carabinas and uh the chat being the chat couldn't just bring a carabina no of course not too easy I have a uh 18 uh 80 sorry it's a Well he thought it was a G11 it wasn't a G11 it turns out just the wood is a G11 the the rest is actually a 1896 it's a 9611 that got a G11 stock in a renovation in 1955 so uh old sturdy he couldn't even be normal buying a G11 it happened to turn out to be something a bit special yeah that's just the way it happens do you want a G11 yes I'll take that one you never know what you get so uh should we show these uh good Dennis of the inter tubes uh exactly what we're going to be shooting with today now what we've got got here is uh on the bottom my trusty 1947 k31 as seen in earlier videos a bit of detail on what we're shooting with here we've got a uh old school wfk diopter with the old school skinny foresight now uh now I have a bit of an astigmatism problem so I shoot with a post um and the little skinny foresight tunnel gives a great sight picture with the post gives an absolutely use less sight picture with a ring now I'll hand the camera over to the chat thank you and here is my uh g96 11 and uh it's got a uh modern Vis front sight with a ring see that where's the camera there you go and back site is an old ANS diopter which is in fact the only uh officially allowed diap to site for the G11 um in the around 70s of course nowadays you can put whatever commercially is available um so yeah there we go let's go and see how we shoot so we got our ammo and we've got our uh scorecards and uh let's go and find find a spot on the Range so uh to the sheet what we're doing here is two cers three single shots one 31 series of course no timing before I start looks cool but so uh the chap is uh correctly attired in in the eyeway department yes he is using one magazine and one charger I'm using two magazines because it's easier with the 31 with two mags oh yeah are reach to reload on the 11 and actually the mags aren't particularly interchangeable so you uh you got to get a bit lucky to get a MAG that fits yeah plus these are fun yeah these are fully interchangeable though which is pretty cool privilege of age we'll let the chap shoot first AG before Beauty I'm I'm flattered at risk of creating innuendo the chap has a very tiny ring it's a tight [Laughter] ring um when I do shoot with a ring which is only ever when I've got brand new glasses um because of the stigmatism I have an absolutely massive red out one when Mike Sho his massive ring the black hardly touches the [Laughter] Sid and now we remain calm as the chap acquires and tests his alignment oh now you may notice that unlike the uh k31 the long rifles have a sling mounted on the bottom this causes a bit of twist to the rifle that has compensated for oh and his first shot is out and it's an eight low [Applause] left [Applause] CER and eight at 10:00 yet get lost and the chap is put in a 10 as his first scoring [Applause] shot chap is of course a master of the charger [Laughter] flick foreign [Applause] speee now he's onto the series now which don't get shown on the screen oh we done nine nine okay eight 10 10 n y too bad very good well done good job yeah 91 cool get surprise card wo F see questions good show sir thank you very much that's it okay [Music] there we go same course of fire so now first two practice [Music] shots for and n [Applause] fore [Applause] yeah is it not behaving well so far this is going horribly oh dear be the one time I outshoot you it's entirely possible in fact probable at this [Applause] [Applause] point see how bad that was doesn't show you nine low yay 10 in the middle nine oh need to come up a little bit more let's come up another one always helps to remove the old one first [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] for oh eight nine left ah ah beating me almost certainly Right congratulations anyway congratulations sir you all right okay nice cold drink I think yes Ro well done sir thank much this is the chap senior by the way he's been chauffeur and occasional camera holder okay so we both shot we both shot well enough to uh get the uh 10 Frank prize cards which gets some money back from from the shoot and the cashed in at your own uh your own local Armory armor gun shop now uh the chap it exceptionally well 91 points to my 88 which is um be the first time that's happened my wife asked me if it bit a bit and does it I no with my buddy uh he's allowed to beat me yeah but deep inside yeah bit a bit so um yeah from the rifles how much do you find that the uh the bottom mantis sling twists it it does take a bit of time to get comfortable you have to tug it left and right um yeah it does have tendency to tug so for me to the to the left uh but as with everything once once you're in your position with the shooting jacket it's fine and it was clear from your shoot that you were comfortable early and it just went um I I didn't get comfortable um I don't know why normally I lie down with this thing and I'm comfortable and it goes but I just couldn't quite get stable and that showed itself in uh in my score excuses yeah like fisherman you're like fishermen there's always excuses um underestimate these old girls no technically in the same condition this has the edge but the long sight radius makes a difference for for some people because it puts the front sight further from your eye it's easier to focus yeah so this this setup is probably what 400 Franks for the rifle plus s and with that you know 300 Tech driver at 300 M so yeah and this I bought this one with the site already uh the advantage of these ones is that the site just uh just clamp on whereas these need a rail putting on and that that costs um but this setup was 450 Franks I think it's a Frank to a dollar it shouldn't be days yeah hope you enjoyed the video like And subscribe like our Facebook page and I hope to see you again on the rain sometime [Music] [Music] bye
Channel: Bloke on the Range
Views: 30,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 300m, k31, schmidt-rubin, g11, M1911, g96/11, GP11, 7.5x55
Id: Zipn8TUXxks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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