Sweet Anita Reveals Details About Her Stalker

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one day i went to the shops he followed me from my house to the shops i asked him if he had a knife this time he stayed silent i don't know if if you want to talk about this or not if we're going to lower the tone a bit here but didn't you actually have like a serious issue with a stalker once because it's all well and good us like laughing at the the sort of the creepy dms but there is a time when it can go too far isn't there ah so uh-uh [ __ ] off i've got a stick there's there are times when it has gone bad um so there was a stalker whilst i was streaming i have had bad stalkers in the past but the one that sticks out for everyone is one of the worst i think in the top five i'd say in the top five how many have you had been streaming quite a few um do you mean like in person trouble yeah really i don't mean messages online that's not a stalker that's the guy with a hop so this is people trying to find where you are yeah we're trying to find where i um um so he was sleeping in my back garden watching my house he was um waiting for me to come out sometimes i'd walk past my front door and he'd just there'd just be eyes through the letterbox no i'm not kidding he he was um he would constantly threaten to kill me in front of everyone on my stream and he'd come into my chat and he'd be like i'm coming over now it's gonna happen you're gonna die and everyone's going to see um i'd call the police they wouldn't even come over i'd give them evidence some recordings he assaulted me in front of a friend of mine he gave a statement and they took him in overnight let him go they didn't they did they just was so lenient with it and um one day i went to the shops he followed me from my house to the shops um i asked him if he had a knife this time he stayed silent um i so before i before i confronted him i walked into the store and um i saw him behind me so i walked up to the shop assistant and went hey that guy behind me he is stalking me he's dangerous okay have you got anywhere where i could hang out for a bit until he's gone and he put me in the storage room he's like yeah i got you and then he came back and he was like he's left and i was like cool and i carried on shopping and when i was at the till he leaned forward and he's waiting for you outside i was like okay could you take care of my things i'm just gonna go record him so i got on my phone i walked in front of him i was like do you have a knife this time are you going to let me walk home alone and he said yeah yeah yeah i'm going to leave you alone i was like okay so i went back into the shop got my bag my stuff went across the road and as i crossed the road he gave chase he ran after me so um the people from the shop charged out grabbed hold of him and pinned him down while i went and you know went through this gate and went home and they held the gate closed so he couldn't get past trying not and available went and carried on watching that's terrifying yeah and he just watched my house day and night sometimes i'd wake up in the morning he drank a specific kind of drink and sometimes i should find a pile of bottles of that drink and like a flat patch of grass in my back garden and i'm like ah he's been watching the house again you know so um one day they caught him on the way to my house with a knife after he threatened to kill me and they confiscate the knife um so yeah he was he was a bit of trouble he he just harassed me all the time he'd come into my games somehow he figured out when i was gaming he'd hop on to a game and he'd he'd get into voice chat and in the game and be like let me have one minute with you just alone just talk to you for one minute just why won't you let me talk to you for a minute it's just a minute and the thing with all stalkers the thing they have in common is they think that if they can get you talking to them that you'll love them too they just need to make you and they just need to make you understand that you're meant for each other and if they could just make you understand you could be together so they're constantly trying to get you to talk to them or respond to them and if the thing is like if you block them they know that you've seen their message so they go if i act badly enough you will react and if i can get you to react long enough you'll love me i can't work out their end game then because if they want to get blocked just to be noticed but they're also infatuated with you it's a full-blown obsession so but then if they they want to love you sleep with you i don't know but then they they've got a knife what's that what what are they after here like just to be noticed to be seen by you um so they think that so they can always make another count if you've blocked them but at least now they know that you've seen their message right so now they know that they've got your attention you're accessible as well yeah so they keep messaging i have someone who does nothing but message me all day he is i click on the unreads and it's about a thousand five hundred a day at this point what and all he does all day is just type to me he writes message after message after message um so some people are harmless like that i blocked him once and he said obsessions he made a new account how dare you block me obsession is natural you know i love you you'll never let anyone in your heart if you just don't accept my love and um yeah he just messaged me every day for years no actually um yeah what does twitch do can twitch do anything about these people well it's kind of like they've given us the tools to block them and that sort of thing what else do you expect them to do they're not going to go knock on their house and tell their moms yeah but then the police don't do much either oh yeah the police are [ __ ] um several million people get stalked every day many people are killed by their stalkers that they've repeated reported to the police many times there was a woman who was physically assaulted and beaten and he put a tracker on her vehicle she reported it to the police they said she was wasting her they charged her for wasting police time and he murdered her there are so many cases like this it's insane if you look at one you'll be recommended thousands of them by google that's terrific the police are [ __ ] and one of the reasons is they're underfunded and this happens all the time i did read on the way up here that i think it's between 55 to 70 women a year die from uh killed by stalkers that they already reported to the police yeah which is pretty intense is it because of rules with the police where they're not allowed to do anything until that person does something more than messaging following what is that but sleeping in the back garden why can't they do something about that he physically assaulted me like really bad so they are just and they know useless they have it on record they are just useless the police need to up their game then i guess totally but they won't i know they won't um yeah this is just something that will i don't have much hope will change right i actually um released a video about this and i showed that it happens to men as well as women it happens to entertainers and just regular people there's a content creator who was beheaded by one of her viewers um and they her family are still trying to get the pictures taken off the internet because um somebody shared them and started printing them on t-shirts the day after and because it's on the internet no matter where they take it down it gets uploaded somewhere else they can get football goals taken down pretty quickly when copyright yeah yeah that's that happens fast i don't get why yeah the money hasn't it money back yeah yeah you upload one goal and your accounts down yeah quick on that yes mad didn't it it's mad what they prioritize well this is an issue that affects women so it won't be fixed very soon um this is something that primarily targets women anything that's a problem like that will not get dealt with many years and this is why people thought that neurological conditions were primarily a male problem like autism because we just didn't do anything about it when women reported the same symptoms so because stalking is primarily an issue that affects women it will take a very long time to fix [ __ ] hell jesus i don't have a natural conclusion to that so that there's that's uh let's move on there was a guy wanking into a hot blonde bun while i was doing a workout stream that's what's going through the guy's brain that's nothing much chill like this
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 176,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sweet anita stalker, sweet anita stalker story, sweet anita stalker identity, sweet anita stalker revealed, sweet anita stalker convicted, sweet anita stalker banned, stalker storytime, stalker stories, stalking stories, my experience with a stalker, happy hour sweet anita, sweet anita podcast, sweet anita interview, happy hour podcast, sweet anita stalker twitch
Id: MazS1qD8Xx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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