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[Music] i think gaining an orwell award couldn't be anything other than a life-changing event for the boys who receive it it's a full financial scholarship for an academically gifted boy who is looking to join a sixth form where there may be better facilities available to him more opportunities than perhaps those he currently has [Music] i'm from east london so it's a completely different thing coming to a school like this but it's not as daunting as as it seems there is no door that doesn't open for you once you're here you might have limitations you might have a glass ceiling that's stopping you but you shatter that glass ceiling as soon as you come here they push you to to reach that full potential to think at a higher plane you're always taught to try and look at things from a perspective that could be different to yours in preparation for university i think that's pivotal well i think the teaching is obviously of a very very high standard your perspective of the school beforehand you think it may be sort of old-fashioned teaching but it's nothing like that it's very innovative and it's looking to sort of get you involved as much as possible and you have teachers that have obviously an immense amount of experience so um it all sort of plays into your hands i would definitely say i've achieved more academically through coming to eaton especially because teachers at eaton simply go above and beyond the individual needs each student are met and you know each student's learning style is catered to the best thing about eating is that it allows you to become what you want to be it brings out what your passions are and it gives you the chance to try anything try anything you think you'll be good at and if you are good eye it pushes you to become even better and really brings out the best in you because even in your free time you're doing something you want to go work on your robot you can do that you want to start a project you want to do that you want to learn to how to code you can go to the coding society you have everything you want to do right at your doorstep the process of applying is really quite simple ideally come and see us for the open day which is very early in september get your application in mid september to late september we then do some shortlisting and the successful applicants would then come for an assessment with us in early to mid-november [Music] it can be a very daunting experience applying to a new school anyway applying to a boarding school and a boarding school that might be very different to your current school is even more daunting so i think it does require guts you do have to be pretty courageous individual to do that but i think if you recognize those qualities in yourself then you should definitely go for it all i would say to anyone who's thinking of applying is we are all invested in getting the best out of you just as you've invested in yourself so be brave take the first step get in touch come and see us we really want to hear from
Channel: Small Films
Views: 43,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: noxJsAnsvxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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