Swedish Language l Can Norwegian, Finnish and Danish Speakers understand it? (Nordic Language)

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what is that I understand it [Music] hello to an extent I should understand Swedish it's the other is the other native language of Finland actually so like what five percent of Finnish people speak Swedish as their native language definitely think I can understand like if I can probably watch a movie in Swedish but there's a few words that are completely different and then that might like set you off course yeah yeah but I think they will do better than me don't expect anything for especially in Norwegian and Swedish is very similar because sometimes you use words that's like old Swedish but they're more Norwegian pronounced I think there's a lot of similarities but it also again depends on what accent you have like you may be from a Countryside Sweden and then I don't understand anything but if you're from Stockholm Sweden then I'm like I can probably guess we have some loan words from Swedish in Finnish language so probably those first and in like Helsinki there is land that uses a lot of Swedish words so if you know like Helsinki slang then you can kind of understand Swedish as well do you know how this is kind of like older people usually use it more but maybe some words as a Danish person I think there are some words we might understand maybe it's the accent or the like pronunciation that like makes it harder to understand so the first part is and so your birds it's so embarrassing I'm sorry for all my employees before I can't do it maybe I'm wrong and so in Norwegian it's the same written but the Nino region is pronounced and then in more Swedish accent you're pronounce it g so it's more like Danish is spelled the same way so yeah I could guess it is bye why did you think your words I'm sorry uh I thought Frank because it could be it had some similar letters there because of it sounds like rain like like a rain noise so and Sweden is the kingdom well it means rain can you say rain in your own languages yes come on so the next word is [Music] okay so why did you all think it was I have a feeling of what as like Buddha it's unfinished slang also so it's like water and like a tissue for me it looks like the Danish word a lot I would say we say it was sebi and I could just guess it like how you say that it sounds like Soviet which is the way we say it so it was easy I'm in Norwegian yeah they're very similar grammatically these languages are so similar that it's very hard to find a word that is very different but in Finnish it's really different though yeah I think Danish is more different yeah it's like your pronunciation was almost a little similar to the accent of like Russian oh my God baby which is the answer is left to shift okay I think in Sweden when we talk about Norway like the Norwegian language we talk about it as something a little childish in the way they speak because it's very like down yeah because the end everything in happy tone or it's kind of all sound so happy cool so this word is canon [Music] origin is coming literally endangered skin into uh in Finnish we have two words for rabbit it's Janis or Kani sokani and kanin it's so similar so I thought and it's like a cuter way to say rabbit yeah yeah the answer is rabbit so you're all right okay so now I'm gonna introduce myself and see if you guys can understand what I'm saying yeah [Music] foreign I am 26 years old and my favorite food is fish soup yeah and I heard hi my name is Josephine uh I'm 26 years old and my favorite food is fish soup yeah the same thing the only thing I didn't hear was the name actually I heard Sophie Sophie a lot so I basically said what you all wrote I said my name is Josephine I'm 26 years old and my favorite food is fish soup it's the problem is I in Finland we all know some Swedish so it's a thing this was basic yeah so for this time I'm gonna talk about my hobby and see if you understand what I like to do y'all get tickets well I didn't understand it actually go what is that you didn't get anything I know I didn't understand it I I don't know like I could make a sentence out of it it was too hard yeah can you explain what you where you broke what you wrote yeah so this is what we did the same mistake but I brought it in Norwegian rather than English but it means right so she said that she was writing something and I didn't pick up if it was stories reviews letters and then the second one I have no clue verica something like that and then the last one was like walking in um Promenade which is walking in Norwegian as well okay what first is fried puns or stories but I think it's stories but I guess jogging and then the last one is take a walk with friends I heard words that I understood like you wrote for writing I heard a word I thought about something with friends like words that could make a sentence I just didn't write it I just couldn't make it make sense I heard the writing part but then I said what so I just thought I'm wrong but I'm really curious what is because yeah okay so I said that I'd like to write stories stories I like crocheting crocheting but I don't I didn't know what is in English I have never heard that too actually yeah and then I'd like going for walks and hanging out with my friends it's similar to knitting but it's just one but it's the ones okay okay so now I'm gonna talk about an animal and you have to guess what animal I'm describing hot and long house Africa how do you this is like a hard one to spell in English isn't it oh [Music] okay it should be an e for the English for narration we write it without the e yeah so why did you think Iraq because of longholds and Buri Africa yeah like living in Africa so like long neck that's right yeah I also wrote a long neck spots on the body lives in Africa oh you got the spot on the body yeah I heard that too how did you say the spots on the body are we also called kropa in like slang word so it's like so I said that the animal has long legs and spots on the body and it lives in Africa so it is a giraffe yeah this is fun I don't think it was difficult I just think because I didn't know some words I couldn't make a sentence out of what she said before when she was talking about her hobbies and stuff yeah I think it has been a long time since I've been here in Swedish but there was a lot of words that are very similar and like our Helsinki like Finance Capital slang so it was a bit easier to understand than I expected it was great I feel like I can do it Swedish yeah I'm almost embarrassed that I didn't get everything like up in Harry Swedish show off and but then once you hear like one word that's like not the same you're just thrown off and you're like oh I tried making it a little harder words because I know it's gonna be so easy for you guys oh so today we tried to guess the Swedish language so if you like the video please like subscribe and leave a comment see you soon bye foreign [Music]
Channel: World Friends
Views: 146,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k6b8iIs5JJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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