Trying to Speak FINNISH & SWEDISH (Nordic languages Part.1)

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[Music] hi Emma my friends welcome back to my channel today I'm gonna do trying to speak five different Nordic countries languages even English is discovered so I haven't as so many times to do trying to speak Finnish language so I decided to tell but I noticed that there are a few subscribers from other Nordic countries so yeah I thought it would be more interesting trying to speak those five different Nordic countries together so there's my laptop here and I'm going to watch some clips from YouTube in those five languages thank you for people who helped me out to prove these are each country's languages for somebody who doesn't know anything about their language they can there's not gonna be any written letters in those clip and if there is I will block you not to watch the I am just gonna try repeat after them as much as I can so first of all I'm gonna show you or show up how good I am and my native language Korean I'm gonna use League of Legends characters oh where is it - no it's in the middle then I get a taco man low say I don't come to meet it okay so that'll say I think that's enough you guys see how good I am and my native language so let's go to the other languages so first I'm gonna try to speak Finnish language and the clips are from moving animation and I'm just using the random YouTube videos from YouTube meet a nerd [Music] I didn't get it Makaha Donna ship up boys there's a steamer earlier so they know cou look good mood Daniela is it cumulative even say Rossi can meet tomorrow you know Electra cared about toys Allah or let go Carol Electra cared about toys he left let go Carrington toys Sheila I know thank you damu tank e8 secret are called sea taco wheat are top secret are Kodaka sit up kookaburra toy popped see taco cover to adopt ve maxi meet sullen blah blah blah P Maxie okay so I found really good website now I'm just gonna listen and see how they're written and then repeat after them and boo-hoo-hoo Vince oh man that's so true voice it couple-y he taught me we see Kapoor who I hit Tom in Boise it kercadiou dust and odors for is it go period Thompson whose voice it coke idiot us and others for a psycho killer tossed a new blues boy ceccato a stock eaters who is equal to its taquitos so easy in Marin murder to politically to pop queen to purple tekhelet 22222 Picanto character ah to pop when tequilatec appalling Caravan huh hi star co-host at the colony in Kerala hi stopped echo Parliament who Korea hosted the couple on in Kerala Kerala Cornelia harsh not a cop alone in Kerala Karnataka pollen in Kerala High stop go pattern and Korea vodka connoisseur oh okay Kiku masa I'm just gonna use another movie clip in Swedish oh no mean me me it works of art at also Parkin the remnants of an Irish Creek I saw that divided gravy arrow to make gravy arrow up poor the Moomin photo keep car to Beirut for Kuro oh sure yeah oh sure and you start a birthday an but - Lucchino soon escena de Ferrol it made a fight it to ruin my day yes good - rue de mama loves bore no scumbag I got a little custom how did we three a bit foreign race how to do in treble voice visa okay cook Flay okay good Bill Hader Hader oh yeah I do far sugar humid do meet Nana and so today we tapped refers the radiator Travis sorry Franco me too for if Franco me to Yakima prom okay so next is [Music]
Channel: 행복이 쏠쏠 SoulofSol
Views: 174,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soulofsol, korean, korean speaking finnish, korean speaking swedish, korean speaking nordic languages, nordic languages, try to speak finnish, try to speak swedish, try to speak nordic languages, trying to speak finnish, trying to speak nordic languages, trying to speak icelandic, trying to speak norwegian, trying to speak danish, soul of sol, soul of soul, soulofsoul, 한솔, hansol, korean youtuber, korean trying finnish, korean girl
Id: Kx16_pLa7ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 21sec (441 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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