I Suddenly Spoke to People in Their Native Languages - OmeTV

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hello hello hi how are you I'm good how are you what what no just oh okay no no problem no problem uh I'm good thank you are you from America yes are you from China yes yes cool very cool you're hom oh thank you I I try cuz uh it's difficult to meet some normal people you know normal ah yes I understand I understand how long have you used this website um just don't a few days ago okay but yeah just recently used this do you use it to practice English or what yes practice English yes and are you in school or like how old are you or what's up how old I am blue do you want me to do you want me to guess yes I want to guess um 20 absolute oh absolutely all right cool absolutely yes you're right good guess then I'm 24 24 yes okay okay nice Yes actually if I want to practice my English I just want to find like I just want to find English native you know like from America or UK okay you know me too so what kind of language you want to learn like wow you speak Chinese what he oh my God interesting amazing English had two kind of accent like americ you know the accent is a little bit different I very like it [Music] yes hello hello hi whoa wait keep talking what oh you have you had like a really good accent sorry thank you where are you from I'm from America how about you Russia Moscow okay very cool what's your name my name Isa and you sorry one more time Lisa liisa okay I'm Ryan nice to meet you and you nice to meet you too okay but but like you have a good accent thank you where did you learn uh in app it's name polyglot really yeah and I have my teacher English she so smart she know English Spanish Italian Russian Ukrainian that's all okay how many languages do you know only Russian and I learn uh English and uh I know 5050 Spanish language learn oh okay I understand that really yeah see I got you Russian language oh maybe do you know bad Russian words every one who lives in USA uh they say game oh game game computer game Russian very angry [Music] fore [Music] fore [Music] foree [Music] remember M hello hi nice to meet you oh nice to meet you too where are you from I am from the US where are you from oh I I'm from Malaysia oh hello Malaysia nice to meet you hello what's your name who me yeah anybody doesn't matter okay my name is liisa this is my friend uh she's name Flora liisa Flora yes nice to meet you I'm Ryan Brian hi Brian how old are you I'm 24 how about you Sam yes wow what a coincidence and what YouTuber what YouTuber where did you get that idea from I just guessed okay you might have guessed correctly yes yes oh my God but guys guys I'm sorry [Music] America wow so cute [Music] okay serious yeah [Music] hello Hi how are you fine oh you have I like the um the ey your eyelashes are nice thank you whatever I can't understand you but thank you okay why you so sh I'm not why your Chinese so great yes I know through this game so you can speak Chinese okay your second major my minor yes yes okay oh my God okay uh Chinese name [Music] or you understand the meaning of okay okay you are such a great boy oh thank you ma'am chippy chippy yes chippy like um chipper chippy maybe maybe that's that is an interesting name yes that's an interesting name oh sorry let me be polite oh my [Music] God yes great pronation yes you're so great oh my God oh my God nice to meet you okay what's your major business English oh my God thank you thank you baby thank you very much you're welcome you are very welcome that's true thank you thank you hi no go ahead fix your hair first it's okay here there you go perfect wow look at that what's up nice to meet you uh wait a minute all right okay first let me know what is your name what my name is sure my name is Ryan what's your name Ryan Ryan like with a r Ryan my name is s your name is sorry s s s a r a S A oh Sara okay okay nice to meet you Sara did I say that correctly nice to meet you Brian sorry did I say that correctly Sara yeah Sara okay okay Indonesian it SAR oh it's Indonesian okay how do I say my name in Indonesian ran oh ran yes okay there's a there a good that's pretty cool I like that okay you like indes because I like speak I don't know okay are you living Indonesia uh no no no hi hi what's your name my name is Ryan what's your name my name is Lisa sopia nice to meet all of you where are you from I am from the USA and how about you which city which city do you okay you know New York right yes I live near New York Bronx no no what uh no not quite Albany Albany yeah we are what no you're not we are from Russia yes I I see that you probably don't [Music] [Music] know [Music] for ah we we're trying but everybody speaks in Russian oh I'm sorry even the American that's boring okay let's use how old are you I'm 24 how old are you I'm 29 21 so 21 21 okay yeah 21 yeah yeah yeah 21 hello hello how are you oh I'm I'm good thank you how are you good that's cool nice to meet you you look nervous like just chill just chill yes um CH always look oh okay you're from China okay are you in school yes College SCH oh College nice what are you studying art art okay design design okay I'm business oh great thank you oh your English is pretty good no a little just a little okay what else how old are you 18 cool but my name is Ryan nice to meet you my name is alen how old are you I'm 24 wow do you think I look 24 or no no just 22 22 okay that's pretty good that's pretty good not bad are you America yes uh I live near New York and okay let me ask you uh Beijing Beijing ah Beijing [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] fore art design okay hello hell what's up I don't speak what are you five minutes later wait wow wow [Music] yeah okay okay okay Ryan Lenny yeah [Music] okay [Music] byebye for example for example yes I know yes okay for uh my second my third language is Japanese oh very [Music] cool you are such a nice person oh my God thank you you too chippy chippy thank you thank you you baby whatever nice to meet you whatever nice to meet you yes okay okay okay bye so actually I want to American yes hello I am American hello are you learning Chinese okay I'm Chinese okay very cool I for you uh now we for are genius what for me only English this difficult How can I Laura Laura just English English what Ryan Ryan you had time s I think you have you ever been uh yeah uh oh wow okay good okay uh streamer or something man
Channel: Ryan Hale
Views: 493,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryan hale
Id: 8a5pVFkbbFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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