Swedish Cartoons from My Childhood!

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Finnish cartoon perkele

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/Racen 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Muumit on kyl Suomesta perkele

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/oliivikananmunamuro 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ei muumitaloa...

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Pohjanmaan_Poika75 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Imagine commenting here instead of the actual yt vid.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/TheToxicLogic 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Suomi Finland perkele

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/peukkuman 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just knew that moomin is finnish. Thanks pewds

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Glexand 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Moomin is the best anime

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/-TheLordOfTheSimps- 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Look at this fucking unit.

Im still scared of it 14 years later.


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Pelleminer 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Floor gang

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/El_Jefe048 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up fellow gamers roll the intro [Music] ask you guys know Coco melon is taken over the PewDiePie channel in subscribers very soon subscribe subscribe now I'm not gonna be pity and make silly jokes and jabs just to gain subscribers I would never do that instead what we're gonna do this time is we're gonna fight fire with fire baby Oh Coco melon has all these kids songs but Coco melon don't know nothing about the Swedish kids songs alright this is what's gonna bring me back on top Coco melon you may have your nursery rents but did you have room in toilet I don't think so basically this video is just me gonna look at Swedish nostalgia I'm actually scared we did this on life strain it was really Oh God this is fire cocoa melon no moving darlin oh yes if it'll mean they're for the kids [Music] [Music] why did I like this a day you move me take a your movement smooth smooth he came he was my favorite dude he was so cool do you guys have this maybe you have an American version English version of this this is technically life Swedish by the way it's Finnish which is why they speak so weird sweet people don't speak like this their food morning you never know with Moon's because it's the moomintroll I don't remember much of this our parents dog was actually named after her I don't remember no it was named after the dog in the movement Charlotte yeah her name is me my mom dressed me up like her as a kid I think I told this story I went to school like this thanks mom kindergarten kindergarten I thought it was hilarious she was my favorite like that's cool kokom Ellen not cool this is cool bubbles and stuff but then it stood it's so big it is so big I never liked to be honest I never liked movement darling sorry Finnish people don't like it very much and I'll tell you why because of the goddamn [ __ ] [ __ ] that's right nine million sweets when they hear that name starts shivering in fear in post-traumatic stress [ __ ] for those who don't know with this creature that lived in the Moomin doll in that valley of Moomin I don't know why they would put this thing in there it was terrifying stop making spooky things for kids what's wrong with you this scared me so much I was scared of going in woods after this because modern lurked in the woods this is the episode with modern oh god it is all God I saw a glimpse I'm in so they're just chillin right in the Moomin Darlan playing poker as you do in women darlin snus memory candy there Lila means they're moving pop on there but then ice covers the house god I'm actually confronting my fears more on electricity goes out everyone grab some weapon look at him he just stared ah that's terrifying they'll make fun of me he has a freaking gun what shoot him shoot him this time we want to speak with you they're trying to teach kids how to communicate and not shoot each other yeah that's good that's good violence bang oh he just wanted a heart I'd say still shoot him just to be safe nothing that looks like that should live good shoosh shoosh Maura did you guys have anything that terrified you as a kid I feel like everyone has this for me another thing which I know you had and I am baffled that this is allowed The Muppets Christmas Carol scared me more than anything I have ever been scared of amnesia nothing compared to the freaking Muppet Christmas Carol this movie needs to be banned I'm not for banning I'm for freedom of speech but Muppet Christmas story needs to go it needs to go I'm done look at that this is a kid's film we're about Christmas the best feeling ever this is the worst feeling ever stop it stop it I can't even watch more that's I'm still scared tonight another thing that's still scared the crap out of me was trap door I'm not a fan of trap door I'm sure you guys had trap Authority this is the reason why I can't watch stop motion at @ss thirty-year-old because of trap door goddamn trap door something would always come from the trap door it's for kids March I love this stuff she loves creepy stuff I don't get it hey back to a more positive note kokom Ellen you got songs oh really well did you have the pokemons intro theme song Ames Swedish and I gotta say I compared both versions and the Swedish one sings with so much more so much more passion love God um you feel like you feel that the best Oh big girl or something where does the power come from it's you and me they're saying we saved the world again again is something with Russian they never saved the world they just battled pokemons come on don't overestimate your influence that sense has always bothered me actually you know how you manage it's basically what they're saying do they tip I gotta say I know I sing well that makes no sense Pokemon oh god I'm ruining Pokemon for myself stop it I don't remember speaking like that hey catch yeah or there fun fact since I am studying nihongo pika means sparkly how about that but makes sense because pika people doesn't mean sparkling or shiny I forgot never mind doesn't matter that sense to submit we know how you manage what does that mean it means nothing try again Sweden you're a Pokemon ruin Pokemon cancelled another maybe you guys had this I feel like this video this is gonna be people out of the box oh my god I had that or it's gonna be what the get see show I guess banana apos you may have figured out the translation its translation bananas in pyjamas it actually says in English I never realized this is me in there in the Saturday morning I'm not gonna lie I never liked the show either as a kid you can't really pick what to watch i it was there all right and I know other people like that I don't like when they dress up what is this give me the cartoons they're saying cartoons that's a probably a man in a suit let's get real here if moominpappa was here he would shoot her that's all I'm gonna say about thank you good episode good episode really enjoyed it but that was one theme song to rule them all boom baby or Nana or as in you say in English gummy bears that makes no flippin sense it's boom be banana please do you understand how confusing it is growing up watching Swedish cartoons and then growing up realizing there's an American version that it's like no this is this is wrong baby this is how it goes la Australia [Music] I can't believe or some listen that was a cool kid alright let's just want to throw that in there for no reason whatsoever I didn't like boom baby I don't either I'm not gonna say it and lied to you guys I didn't like it I just like - theme song theme song ten out of ten baby the show I don't want to tell you if you liked it that's good enough for you but you have no taste however that the creme on the top the stuff that I liked the most was the stuff I wasn't allowed to have we weren't allowed to have Cartoon Network I know it still hurts what the flip parents they gave me so many things but they robbed me of Cartoon Network Dexter's Lab I was always so fascinated in I would watch it over at friends house and I was like this I can't believe this is exist and I don't have it in my house see what I was missing out on oh god it sounds so wrong in Swedish you kids have been it's and ferb will we had Dexter's Lab which is apparently still ongoing Jesus [Music] such cool animation style - I know me and Edgar basically so Felix what did you like huh well I just said it almost Digimon yeah yeah yeah I was a Digimon fan or ice in Sweden we called Digimon digital monsters Digimon I remember watching this whole anime one episode at a time every morning and during this social distancing I've really lived that habit of watching an anime in the morning and it's so good they had the coolest intro it's got some cyber stuff going was the main teacher moan cold come on or something go watch fitness and ferb if you don't like it right man come on man and like tying would travel differently on the island so they like they were there for an entire summer break but in reality once they came out spoilers they still had their summer break although they couldn't see Agora Mon or whatever his name was digi evolved to champion digivolve to what else sounds like a cold world ultime digi champion evolution to tear up whatever it was cool I like how they have all these cool ones and then there's a freaking cactus and I know what you're thinking this is just a blatant ripoff of Pokemon and you're absolutely right so I wanted to find what was like the most specific ones for Sweden and I found this video I never had that but I remembered that this is like our South Park basically but I don't think it was a very edgy the three friends and Gerry and Gerry Owen pinger Oh when he went Matt Matt I was like brah [Laughter] so good this looks like early new grounds Carter no one likes you Gerry very racially sensitive there Sweden good job you really you really you really did it this is a be honest magazine everyone watch this if I didn't know what this was I'd be like this is some current day weird Eastern country good like what it's this theme song do be slapping no hey okay I don't remember the melody I remember I had that snail guess what the snails name was snail sneaked it very cool I had that I had that in would it's whatever I was kind of a big shot this is not a representation how the show actually was because this is how it looks like I like a is literally a guy speaking years in dude I'm not gonna sit in line to you gosh I didn't like beards - it's funny how I remember just spending so many hours watching stuff that I did actually enjoy their words with Sailor Moon but everyone knows about Sailor Moon I love the aesthetic of art of Sailor Moon now as an adult but at the time I was like girls but I didn't I didn't dislike for the girls slicers to be real here I just liked it because the story sucked okay however the transformation la la can I even show the transformation on YouTube okay alright this is that big oh yeah here it is here it is bro she's naked bro bro Japan be like bruh thanks Japan oh god I just realized they're probably underage cut cut cut Sailor Moon no chill huh Jesus Christ oh my god they have Digimon can they speak Swedish help in Sweden we usually build up stuff as well so whenever things were dubbed it was so confusing I was like what's happening what if he white why is her mouth moving with a nutter what is that somebody's wrong here it was like finding finding out Santa Claus wasn't real basically like wait what this is not this is not that no no see I could do a better job hire me Digimon Swedish Russian voice actors please hire me I will make it better I will set things right so there you have it Coco melon you got no chance no chance don't even try don't even try Coco melon I know you're scared I know you chose not to respond but please don't because I don't want to make this into a thing I'm just joking it's a joke it's joke for legal reason thanks for watching this video if you thought this was fun subscribe and have a great breakfast I kissed it that was a while ago [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 4,917,039
Rating: 4.9627652 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: NpP02s3EJ44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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