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i got adopted by three families in roblox brookhaven police first doctor first fireman and at the end of this video i must choose which family i want to be adopted by hit subscribe use soccer killing soul and now enjoy the video okay so all three of you want to adopt this child yes yes yes i'm special are you sure yes okay well to make it fair each family will get one day with him and in three days time he will choose which family he wants to live with okay yes perfect first up is mr and mrs police good luck welcome to your new home first of all the rules yes we have many rules sonny rule number one every morning we eat donuts rule number two you i love going to work straight i'm a policeman and rule number three wait what's number three again oh silly the taser hun all right bet um if they all cooperate we tase them yes yes give them a zap zap i agree what if they're really nice people do we still tears of them dad no we use the bat oh okay sounds pretty crazy we try to be the best we can to save the city that's right it's up to our family to keep this place in check anyways sweetheart come inside we'll show you around yes yes oh guys look at my new home it's so pretty and big but not as big as me ah ow biggest anyways guys let's head inside right now and check it out you busted my nose buster that's right it's gonna bleed now for days oh i fell over yeah anyways mom dad i am so glad to be a part of this new family son let me introduce you to your brothers and sisters wait i have a brothers and sisters oh i am so excited wait this is them but why are they smashing things with a hammer they're playing nicely with our family bats and hammers hello oh hey hi nice to meet you i'm cali oh hi want to punk oh no thank you that looks like it will really hurt my brain i'd like to keep my brain intact please wait what was that what was it a criminal oh no i just saw a mannequin head anyways guys let me formally introduce myself i am killing soul and i'm biggest well i'm sophie your new little sister hi i'm daryl nice to meet you guys do you guys happen to like spicy chip spicy chip is he a criminal everyone knows a policeman's favorite breakfast is wait is is what what is the policeman's favorite breakfast donut huh wait hey we'll have donuts please mom can i have a sprinkle donut they look really tasty oh my belly is rumbling i'm so hungry hey kelly wow thank you so much sophie this donut sure does taste delicious well eats up well because you are coming with me to work in two minutes how cool does it sound to be a police officer oh i'm so excited i've always wanted to be a police officer ever since i was a little spider yeah we must check for spiders okay ladies and gentlemen the area is completely clear which means it is time for us to go to work with dad this time ladies and gentlemen we are on our way to the police station this right i am about to become a purple officer wow this is gonna be so fun being part of a police family is pretty cool but i guess the rules are kind of strict and you really don't want to get in trouble follow me son oh okay dad lead the way way are we going uh what the heck is that that is a very bad man he stole my sandwich so i arrested him for his life wait ah that you're telling me this man may have accidentally stole your baloney sandwich and you arrested him for life it was the best sandwich ever yes yes dad i don't think you could arrest people just because they chose black on saudi don't worry he will be let out when you're like 90. wait what you in the blue oh hello who is saying this i'm so confused oh wow you look really young to be in prison what did you do steal somebody's dino nuggie please let me out i'll do anything now listen here buster i am an officer of the law and you are no good criminal that's right i can't let you out i'm really sorry that would be breaking the law okay son are you ready to fake the criminals their lunch food yes yes i would love to feed them there's a really nice girl in there who looks like she could do with a lot of feeding and a guy with a really weird head come with me son okay okay i'm really excited to feed these guys that dinner wait a minute is there somebody in here alia i am so confused we just let criminals escape here third time yes yo girl we've come to bring you some delicious food here you go that's right yes she looks like she likes some food there we go i place it on the floor for you enjoy your burger and fries that's right they're really tasty right son come here we are going on neighborhood watch oh we're gonna go and catch some criminals the shite they don't want to mess with me i'll give them the left right good night son i have a question would you like to take the helicopter actually i'm kind of scared of heights destroyed and make my belly go oh wait i think we're taking the car instead wow guys this is such a cool first day with my family i can't wait to see if we find any criminals we need to park up here and wait for speeders oh okay i don't think many people speed inside of this neighborhood but hopefully we catch someone the strike this could be really boring guys well i think we got one oh my goodness quick go up then that's right we call our first spear of the day you were in so much trouble sir wow what a nice flipping car that you just crashed into oh let's check this guy out my car sir license and registration what did i do you idiot you were speeding i crushed a red light get out of the vehicle wow oh that is so scary when he's on the job remember what i said callie yes you said if they don't correspond use the taser oh he just tasered him sir you're coming with me oh oh my goodness are you kidding me we just caught our first criminal this is insane wait we're really taking him on the back of the police car doesn't this seem a little bit dangerous i really hope he doesn't fall off behind himself we could get in big trouble for that okay well it looks like we made it back to the police cell it's time for you to go to prison big mean man and yes it looks like another criminal off the streets family fun times wait emergency call emergency emergency wait an emergency what does this mean kelly quick i need backup oh i'll be there right away let's go yes yes oh my goodness this must be real bad beside an emergency i'm so nervous oh an explosion it just went bang bang wait is that guy trying to rock the bank all right get back destroy that i'll stay behind you hurts in the air wait dad there is a woman inside of there he might try to hunt her this is bad i think he's taking her as a hostage i'm taking her hostage no he's literally got deleted from the bank is hostage if you try anything it's over wait i'm a black belt huh this girl is a black belt what does that mean she just backflip kicked him in the head that was so insane ah are you kidding me that was so epic you did a super 3000 backflip kick i knocked him unconscious wow i'm not gonna mess with you ever again let's go decide we're gonna take him back and put him in a police cell thank you so much for your correspondence have a nice day wait for me dad destroyed let's take this criminal back and throw him in the slammer i hate this day welcome to your new house oh this again as you can see we are doctors yes it's really impressive i bet you had to study a really long time no well i am your new dad my name is joe yes joe mama my name is mabel and my name is bull cat yes he is a talking cat what a talking cat that is like really weird shite i once had a dream about a piece of broccoli talking to me but never a cat this is creepy i have a new star in medicine and i am getting the heck out of here wait huh yes what is it son being a doctor is fun take a look inside it's a nice place okay i'll come take a look inside it does look like a really really nice house wait do i do i have brothers and sisters or am i an only child yes you do oh i do i'm not this weird creepy little cut he gives me the heebie-jeebies well uh am i gonna get to meet them sure go in the elevator wait did this elevator right here but i don't know how to use it oh they did it for me hey cat you better stay away from me i will give you the left right good night i'm not afraid of you i'm not afraid of you cat okay now where is my new sibling let's go and say hi to them oh they're up there on their phone yes my parents are being weird again wow she seems like a rich kid to me ugh mom i'm not five you're obsessed with that thing leela get it down hey snooki want some cat food wait what is cat food it sounds really weird i think i'm okay thank you okay son it's time for work and you are coming with me today let's go wow guys i'm going to work with a doctor this is going to be so epic i've never been a doctor before but i definitely think i'm gonna do a good job no way we get to ride in the ambulance hey new kid yes nice to meet you want some spicy chips oh my favorite yes please i really like spicy chips even when we give you cavities i'm riding in the back cowboy style oh i get the ride in the bed look at me i'm basically sleeping this is so epic guys my new family are doctors which means today we are going to work at the hospital yes yes it looks like we're about to arrive at the hospital ladies and gentlemen this place looks so epic oh my goodness wow this is going to be so epic i've never even probably been to hospital let alone wanted one wow this is where you guys work yes why is nobody else freaked out by the fact this cat is speaking cats can't talk wait what you mean you can't hear what he's saying right now yes they can't hear you you're just imagining things what where did the cat go that was really creepy oh you're like coming with me wait i am to like my place like oh your vocabulary is very colorful just like a rainbow we're like paramedic duty and stuff and ambulance duty oh okay does that mean we get to go in the ambulance this is going to be so epic ladies and gentlemen we are gonna go and help people in serious travel yes i'm driving well yes i i'm just a baby i can't drive this way guys we are paramedics which means it is up to us to help anyone in serious trouble oh my goodness a car crash right in front of my eyes and it looks like this man right here just got really hot oh no oh my goodness he's really bad she's trying to perform cpr on him quick mom you're gonna help stand back like i'm a paramedic and stuff that's right oh my goodness she's crying she must be so sad his feet and arms are twitching they go like this mom do something i'll do like sepia like live please oh guys this is really bad his heart just stopped beating i really hope he's gonna be okay that was a serious car crash like do cpr and stuff and get the wheelie bed oh okay i'll grab it right now let's try let me just get it out okay i got it oh no no no this is really bad oh she's picked him up and she's gone in the bed the side guys for some reason she's picked him up but i'm gonna take her to the hospital quick oh my god like faster cali it's an emergency and we gotta be quick don't worry mom i'm doing it dad look somebody in a serious car crash like save him and stuff come with me okay let's go oh my goodness guys this is really bad ah that's right where are we taking him to the x-ray room okay mom put him in the x-ray machine quick oh my goodness this is really bad oh i hope he's gonna be okay he has fractured a couple of ribs wow you can see right here with the rims have been fractured wait it's that weird little cat again well hello there you're really creepy we need to operate it's all my fault no it's not your fault don't worry accidents happen all the time i mean if anything he kind of crashed into you don't worry my mom and dad are really good he's going to be okay but listen if you see a weird little cat give him the left right good night for me he's a flipping randy oh hey bull cat how's it going pretty nice how about you my day would be a lot better if you weren't here that's right you make me feel really weird and uncomfortable well i can disappear and reappear whenever i want watch this guys am i hallucinating anyways guys we have more important things happening oh my goodness he's hitting him with an accent she's about to inject him oh i can't look injections make my belly go funny what you put him back alive guys you didn't wha what happened well uh you kind of got hit by a car i'm in pain yes you will be you just got hit by a car at very fast speed hold on my legs are broken oh my you know what i think we did our job here oh hi bull cat hi why are you giving me evil faces like that oh nothing [Music] bull cat is crazy oh my goodness i don't even know if i want to be in this family they freak me out welcome to our house your new horn yes yes this is like the third time in three days i'm getting pretty tired any questions maggot wait maggot huh i'm not a maggot i'm a human the side are your fingers and toes magmak hey don't call me that oh no sorry this is maggie on my shoulder oh i thought you were calling me a maggot i'm sorry fire bad yes fire is really bad it is hot and can burn you but also it cooks delicious treats if you aren't blind and you can see we are firemen we are like police yeah police sucks [Music] all right son come in okay i would really like to check out the place wow this place is real nice yes yes here is our ancestor we pray to him the god of water wait the god of water like god's clay goodness that delicious hides through see-through liquid whoa that was a pretty insane backflip wait he didn't want to whoa she also did a backflip well i bet you can't do one because you're really small what oh my goodness that is insane she's just sitting bucky bucky okay here goes nothing might oh i'm nervous i have stage fright here goes nothing whoa see you can do it our god gave you water my name is brick nice to meet you brick i'll let you figure it out why my name is that what is this guy's problem why is your name break i i don't get it because a brick got dropped on my head when i was little yes this guy seems really weird anyways dad i ready to become a fireman okay let's go oh i'm excited let's go let's try ladies and gentlemen we are about to become firemen wait can i sit back seat the side i got the coolest seat on the fire engine oh wait what that is definitely the coolest bye break i guess you're walking to work today australia ladies and gentlemen we are becoming firemen this is gonna be so epic wait what dad oh my goodness it's on fire right in front of our very ice quickly we have to do something we are firemen oh oh my goodness did he really just try and attack it with an axe there's no one inside you don't need to save anybody of flipping randy wow that sure is brave he literally managed to put the fire out in this car that is so impressive wow it looks like our first mission of the day has been completed and now it looks like we are going to the fire station oh we just ran him over we won't talk about that that's right guys bigger fireman is actually really cool i didn't expect to have such a cool day wow this is so epic oh it looks like we have a woman with our cats on the roof wait i said good job already i didn't realize the fire brigade were this busy she needs some help you can take this one callie go with your mum wait okay easy task kelly oh i'm excited lead the way mom let's go wow guys me and mom are going out right now to go and save some woman whose cat is stuck on the roof we're taking this yes yes i'm super excited let's go save this kitten i but it's really cute i like that weird one who's part of the doctor family we just need to figure out where she lives wait a minute is this is this it hi are you here to help me save my cat meow meow yes we're here to save your kitten but uh i don't see him anywhere is he supposed to be old he's up on the roof hello cute kitten kali would you like to do it yes please but uh how do i do it ladder oh okay i'll grab one off the side just like this and now place it down and now be extra careful like and here we go hello kitten nice to meet you huh please don't take me down to her wait what why can i hear talking cats today she's annoying well i'm really sorry kitten but she is your owner and cat shouldn't talk oh he thinks he's going somewhere i'm sorry kitten you're coming with me that's right and down the ladder carefully and are you going madam there is your kitten oh he's running away you should probably look after him more otherwise he's going to bite somebody on their leg oh my goodness there's a fire on the north side of brookhaven wait a real fire i'm scared we need to call your dad hello there there's a serious fire okay come pick me up let's head there immediately oh my goodness you had the mad mom let's go dad dad did you hear there's a fire oh damn dad we're the ones we're supposed to deal with the fire let's go oh my goodness guys this is gonna be really bad quick let's go and put out this fire that's right this is the only house currently at north point so it's gotta be this house right here oh i just have a really bad feeling about this look at the size of the flames quick guys we've got to help them help help don't worry about him we're going to put out your house fire this ride gang roll up let's put out these flames the strike let's check every single crevice that's got this room looks like you guys have got this i'll get the stairs cause brick is too stupid and he's using an axe oh my goodness okay we managed to get the stairs is there any more fire there's fire in the room it's really bad okay everything seems to be okay no fire damage so far oh my goodness this is so bad i can't believe we managed to get this just in time there's so much fire everywhere wait is that it i think we did it guys we did it we saved the house oh my goodness this is the best day ever so colleen which family would you like to indulge you well to be honest i think i'm gonna stay here what yes i know you guys are just too busy for me i can't keep up with you guys right now i am gonna go and eat some spicy chip and check for spiders
Channel: Calixo - Roblox Adventures
Views: 5,499,084
Rating: 4.7596908 out of 5
Keywords: calixo, roblox, roblox pranks, how to, robloxian highschool, no swearing, no cursing, POLICE FAMILY vs DOCTOR FAMILY vs FIREMAN FAMILY in Roblox BROOKHAVEN RP!!, roblox brookhaven family, roblox brookhaven police family, police family, doctor family, fireman family, roblox brookhaven vs, family roleplay, brookhaven rp, brookhaven roleplay, brookhaven family roleplay, roblox brookhaven story, roblox brookhaven, family vs family
Id: YKvV3vXJiqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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