Swapping From 1440p to 1080p - The Pros Were Right!

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there are so many levels to gaming back in the day you had 720p which was considered HD and 1080p was the king of all gaming mind you this was back in 2009 moving into today's space you've got 1080p 2K or 1440p and 4K being what people want to use the most and when it comes down to gaming usually people are always pushing for high resolutions at a higher refresh rate people build their entire PCS to push the upper echelon of those frames and buy the latest gaming consoles but what a lot of people don't know is that the world's professional Gamers actually play in 1080P and today I'm actually going to be doing the same now my friends over at ktc sent me out a high refresh 1080p monitor to see if the pros are actually right and they also sent me a second one to give away to one of you watching so stick around to find out more I'm also going to be reviewing this monitor from a gamer perspective from somebody who plays both casually as well as super competitive in OverWatch top 500 or at least I was in top 500 swapping from 1440p might be a challenge but after de-ranking heavily by one tricking life Weaver in OverWatch I'm gonna try and Claw myself back into Grand masters with this monitor okay so why the hell are the professionals playing at 1080P and why am I swapping as well well believe it or not the way professionals see their monitors is not the same us filthy casual see our monitors when we game chances are most of us are looking for a couple things does the display look good perhaps a high refresh rate alongside a good build and a rich feature set Pros on the other hand their monitor is literally just a tool they're looking for a high refresh rate low response time and a crispy image and typically in Esports players will have a 1080p display at 24 inches to keep a high PPI which gives a clean image in this case 1080p on a 24 inch display gives you a PPI of 92 but not only is 24 inches the go-to for PPI and Clarity it's also the preferred size simply for reactionary reasons when gaming dead on you can actually see your entire screen while moving your eyes less and yes even something as small as that means a lot to the professionals and with today's Hardware it's a whole lot easier to push High frames at 1080p across different system configurations and of course it's a lot less likely you're going to have CPU throttling job frames or any sort of other graphical issues and in my case my tool is this 24 inch 1080p monitor from ktc which is the h24 t09p yes that's a mouthful this is spec with 165 Hertz refresh rate a one millisecond response time HDR 10 support alongside both AMD freesync and Nvidia g-sync for ports we do have two HDMI 2.0 two display ports as well as a headphone jack in the box you've got the power adapter and HDMI cable and the stand itself it's all super basic and setting it up is super easy as well with the included key you simply tighten the bass into the stand and you're good to go and in terms of build and aesthetic this is actually how I prefer it it doesn't scream gamer by any means it is all black with a minimal Vibe apart from some basic red accents on the back end overall no complaints it's also wildly lightweight so if you ever are traveling with a monitor it's definitely easy to move about although I don't think many people are doing Lan parties nowadays and in terms of adjustability you do only have tilt so if you do want to get more range of motion you're going to want to toss this on a monitor arm there are 100 by 100 Vasa holes on the back end so it is super easy to mount after removing the stand and overall I'm pretty impressed with how this is put together more competition in North America is a win for us Gamers but now that you know what I'm working with I do want to talk about gaming on here and I do want to start with PC gaming mainly since this is the whole reason for me to swap from 1440p and I mentioned it before I foolishly de-ranked myself to Masters in OverWatch and this week I'm going to be clawing myself back into Grand Masters in terms of my rig this is a custom PC although it's nothing wild I'm rocking a tired and dated RTX 2070 and i7 alongside 16 gigs of RAM and a game like OverWatch it's definitely easy to push out 165 Hertz at 1080p as well and jumping into my first couple games after getting used to it I can actually see what the pros are on to now I can't say my system massively drops frames or starters at a higher resolution but there's truly a rigid unwavering smoothness when pushing a solid frame rate with zero issues now when it comes to gaming I can definitely say I'm rather Rusty when it comes to competitive gameplay but after warming up and clicking some bodies I can definitely see the Allure of a smaller display size in terms of the one millisecond response time I can say I didn't feel anything noticeable in terms of input lag whatsoever if it's there it's imperceptible to me at least and I can confidently say I've been clapping 12 year olds all day in OverWatch and I can definitely see what the pros are on to the image on here is actually decent at 24 inches and with the Nvidia g-sync enabled every frame and game is in sync with my system the only thing bad here so far is just my aim what isn't bad though is me giving away one of these monitors all you need to do is like the video be subscribed and let me know in the comments what you'll be playing on here be sure to leave me your Instagram handle I'll only reach out through my Instagram directly so don't fall for any scams in the comments section here's my Ig handle and good luck the winner will be announced Friday September 1st but getting back into gaming though I'm still a sucker for my Diablo 4 roast me or don't I'm still having a good time playing season one games outside of the competitive scene are still awesome if you're creating a budget desk setup or simply getting your first High refresh monitor I can easily see this being a good option especially for the price and outside of PC gaming I know a whole lot of you guys are console Gamers just like myself so if you are looking to get at your first time high refresh monitor this is definitely a place to start especially for the price point for myself unlike OverWatch I get absolutely clocked by children all day long in Call of Duty regardless of what equipment I'm using that said between the PlayStation 5 and this ktc monitor we're still getting a nice high refresh rate in HDR I know for a lot of people who want to build out a budget desk setup the Xbox series s is a great option as well since it is so tiny and powerful and it also pairs perfectly with this monitor the high refresh titles available across Xbox game pass is simply incredible value on its own and pairing it with what might be your first High refresh rate experience these are an easy go-to and from what I've asked you guys in the community between 4K 2K and 1080p it looks like a solid 29 of you are gaming at 1080p between PlayStation and Xbox they also take full advantage of the HDR one millisecond response time and since both are rocking that AMD CPU you've got AMD freesync if you are into competitive games on console again for the price point this is definitely a good place to start now in terms of the other features this monitor has it's all within the menus if you like to Tinker with your your color profiles you can customize all of your settings apparently pros play with little less color but I personally like to bump the saturation you also have preset profiles depending on what you're doing with this monitor for myself I'm using the fps2 profile I'm not entirely sure but it actually looks brighter and again I just bumped up the saturation a bit for gamer specific features you can have a gaming timer if you do need it alongside an FPS counter across any monitor I actually really dig built-in crosshairs particularly when playing Call of Duty Cod guns are simply wild for recoil and since I suck I need all the help I can get and what I love about monitors coming out nowadays is that you get such a rich feature set for such an affordable price and for myself the main thing I ever look for in my monitors is a high refresh rate and a low response time and if you haven't jumped into high refresh gaming yet definitely consider 1080p since it more than does the job for myself I'll keep trying to claw my way back into Grand Masters and top 500 if I could ever stop being bad and don't forget about the giveaway just let me know what you'd be gaming on this monitor with be sure you're liked and subscribed and I'll be picking a winner on September 1st till next time foreign
Channel: MinimalisTech
Views: 777,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FC2JwDp9bNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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