Console vs PC Budget Gaming Setup Challenge!

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we talk a lot of crap on this channel about console versus PC but today we're going to actually put it to the test what we have right here are two setups for $600 one uses a console one uses a PC which one is actually better we're going to test it today and find out but first it work from today's sponsor today's video is brought to you by our friends at Cooler Master and some of their new products like the cube 500 flat pack an Innovative flat pack design that gives DIY PC Builders a chance to build your case as you build your PC while also delivering exceptional build quality and Design this makes for a very fun and unique way to build a gaming PC if you're looking for a power supply then don't overlook the gx3 gold with wattages up to 1,250 watts and a flexible ATX 3.0 connector that is also 90° making it perfect for nextg gaming PC builds lastly if you're in the market for a powerful tower CPU Cooler the master air ma 824 should be on your short list with its Sleek design and support for even the most power hungry CPUs learn more about all these products today by checking the link down below and big thanks again to CL Master for sponsoring in today's video now let's get into the video shall we so here's how things are going to work we had $600 to spend on the entire setup and that includes the console and the PC um with the Xbox series s here it does support keyboard and mouse so we went for the full setup option for those games that do support it so we got a keyboard and mouse and everything and then for the PC we've got everything you need for a PC in this day and age yeah you can use a keyboard and mouse with a console just like you can use a controller with the PCS so really they're very interchangeable consoles are more like PCS than they ever have been and honest ly for $600 each pretty crazy to think that we got full gaming setups here but which one is actually going to be more playable so let's go and talk about each one of these setups what it took to put them together and then test them in two games we're going to play war zone and we're going to play fortnite and Jackson and I are going to test it on each setup and determine which one we'd like the best all right guys let's talk about the console setup first now the console we chose is the Xbox series s mainly because of its price point this thing can be had for on average $259 and it plays Gam at 1080p High refresh rate with a caveat in most of your Esports titles like fortnite and even War Zone on the settings that are defaulted on the console now we're going to actually be able to do side by side here to see which one looks visually better because consoles have a little bit of trickery where they do some downscaling to make the games run at high refresh rate or higher resolution so we'll be able to see side by side which one looks better but at $259 regardless of all that it's a really competitive price right now now with this setup I actually had a little bit of extra money to spend so I was able to get some Xbox series s exess accessories to make this setup a little bit more advanced now what I ended up getting was this dock which is called the vertical cooling stand dock that you can get on Amazon it actually comes with these swappable batteries so you can put a rechargeable battery in your Xbox controller which by the way the Xbox series s does come with one controller out of the box and if it didn't eat my controller uh it actually allows you to easily dock your controllers and recharge them which is really cool it does have a built-in fan which you might be able to hear it is a little bit noisy you probably don't really need it but it's a cool feature to have if you really worry about the temperatures of your Xbox and then it also includes this nice headphone stand for the headset we're using these right here are the hyperx cloud X which are specifically designed for Xboxes funny story I actually bought this because it was a great price on Amazon for a budget PC gaming setup only to realize it only works on Console it only has one connection that works only on Xbox controllers so I had this here and I decided to use it for the setup and it's like $30 for a pretty solid looking headset and here's the mic that you can add so you can yell at people in fortnite war zone and just get really angry with everyone that you're playing against when someone speed Builds on you which is probably going to happen to me um but it's a really solid headset and the only downside I guess you could say when you are using the keyboard and mouse is with this headset you have to have it plugged into the controller but I kind of have it set up here where you can have the controller on charging all the time and then the headset can be used right here while you're on keyboard and mouse so not a big deal but if you want to avoid that situation all together buy just a normal headset and plug it into your monitor and one other little thing I got right here is this USB expander because we had a lot of USB stuff we had to plug in all it is is a USB expansion that takes this one USB 3 port on the front of the console and allows you to have four nice add a little bit of extra money to spend these are accessories you don't really need to get but if you want to save a little bit of money you can just go with the console and everything else here but I think it only adds like $60 or $70 for this whole Tower and the little USB hub now for the monitor we have this really awesome AOC monitor this is the 27g 15 27 in 1080P 165 htz monitor now with the Xbox series s you can push out 120 htz um on most of the games that you can play like fortnite and war zone so we're not fully taking advantage of that but again we love PCS so having a good solid monitor that you can upgrade to a PC later is not a bad idea and it was a really competitive price there's a lot of good deals going on on monitors right now and we highly suggest 27in displays 27 in is definitely the max or 1080p but having this big of a display will give you a much better gaming experience compared to smaller monitors now the rest of this setup you don't necessarily need to use the Xbox because it is an Xbox you use a controller but some games do support keyboard and mouse and getting close to that PC gaming experience is definitely well awesome to be able to do now we're going to talk about the keyboard This is the iro f87 which Jonah just showed me has a cool feature where you can remove this cover wow and get all your Cheeto dust out of there if you want to or if you just prefer a rais keycap design this is a good option as well but we really like these keyboards cuz they're very budget friendly come with really solid switches that sound pretty good pretty D good for a budget keyboard and it has RGV and it's white so it matches our color scheme for the Xbox series s now it's kind of crazy with this setup and I'm going to have to remove these because this is going to be a problem here uh this is the Glorious model o I was able to fit that into the budget with this Xbox series s definitely an Overkill Mouse but a really solid Mouse lightweight got RGB got all your programmable buttons on the side but it's a really solid well-built mouse that will work really well with a gaming PC or this Xbox and honestly again you don't need to spend this much but to fill out the $600 budget because the Xbox series s is only $259 I was able to opt for higher end peripherals and last on the desk we have this extended desk matat which is just a very basic white extented desk mat with a nice design on it a nice wave design again you can do whatever you want for this this is all up to choice but I try to keep the White theme going on here with this white extended desk matat just do not spill your Mountain Dew and Cheetos on it cuz it will get kind of messy and all in all for $600 I think the setup is very capable now what we're going to go a and do is talk about that PC setup because again here on the channel we PC guys we highly recommend going into PC gaming because there's so many more options out there compared to console but what do you get for $600 versus this $600 setup I got put in charge of planning the full PC setup and what I got was kind of interesting so at first I thought about just building a PC and then building the setup but I was like well the ease of use of the Xbox is so nice I mean $260 and then you have all that money left over for the full setup my thought was let's make this easy and cheap if possible so I picked up this HP acid green Pavilion off of eBay for about 400 bucks and it came with some okay specs I'm going to show you guys right here for the specs of my HP Pavilion we have the AMD ryzen 35300 G which is a four core 8 thread Apu from AMD we have 16 gigs now of ddr4 it only came with eight for the $400 so for I think it was $17 on Amazon I got a crucial stick so now we're at two of two 3200 MHz that will be in the total it also be in the description down below we have a 512 gig SSD that is just a gen 3 SSD and then this right here is our GPU the Radeon RX 5500 non XT which has 4 gigs of dedicated GPU Wham and so this is just a nice little looking computer you could build one yourself that would look a lot better and honestly if you follow some of our guys you could probably get a decent amount better build for 400 bucks but I want to ease of use I mean people who are coming from this type of setup like console may not be really ready to completely build them from scratch maybe you just want to buy one and kind of upgrade it as time goes on this one does have a little bit of an upgrade path so since I had to spend $400 in my PC my setup is not nearly as cool I end up going with a scepter 27 in monitor which I believe I know it's high refresh rate but how high is the refresh rate it is 100 htz it is a very weird refresh rate I just like Mato with his console you know he's only going to get a Max of 120 this PC right here maybe in fortnite we get more but in war zone unless we do some really awesome settings like very very basic I don't think we're going to get over 100 FPS so honestly 100 FPS is right it's it's a good sweet spot you know right in the middle but it is 27 in so very similar to the AOC but if you want the really high refresh rate go with the AOC so for $35 I got a combo for the keyboard and mouse this is the mgee literally called keyboard mouse combo blue switch it was $35 with the keyboard and The Mouse and the keyboard's pretty nice it's Blue switches so they sound pretty nice came with the keycap puller I don't think this thing has any RGB it's literally just like blue and you can change the effect and everything it is attachable USBC though which is pretty cool decent build quality and the fact that it came with the mouse for 35 bucks is not bad and the mouse kind of interesting it's like silent but honestly it still feels good it just doesn't really make a loud click which isn't a big deal but you know DPI switch little macr in the side red sleeved cable so it's not super bad and then we have this marble XXL mouse pad which ended up being about $17 on Amazon and if you like prefer a really sizable mouse pad this one is a little bit bigger than this one although this one does look really cool you do get a little more space with this one if that's important to you so now I only had $20 left I had to buy a headset so I ended up with this smart RGB headset I don't know smart about it but I do know what's RGB about it got a some RGB on the side and it does come with a microphone that's non- detachable it's definitely not as nice of a headset as the one for the Xbox setup but it does work with PC it does have like this inline controller where you can control the volume you can also mute and unmute so doesn't seem like it'll be like a bad headset for 20 bucks but it's definitely a lower in headset you know something just to get you started with so yeah all in all $600 for a full gaming setup is obviously not a whole lot of money um and you know really for either one of these it wasn't a ton but for an Xbox you normally only need the Xbox and controller so all that other stuff is almost just like extra freebies in a way but with this you literally need all this stuff in order to play on the PC so now that we' talked about both the setups I think it's time to test them testing the XBox guys Jonah Jonah's in pain he just he clapped his hands too hard but you know what we're in the war zone we're finally in now we did still have updates we did still have to like relaunch the game a couple times but obviously with Xbox not having anything else really running in the background um like Windows does it was all pretty quick so that part is definitely nice now you can definitely tell textures are kind of weird on this like they definitely lower the quality to make this work on a console that's $259 but still looks really good though it's still pretty good it definitely like if we built a PC for $259 I don't think we could make the game look like this so there's really not much here I mean it's it's very very basic settings you can change like the refresh rate it does have motion blur on if you want to turn that off I don't know if it's where is that up up up World motion blur might help a little bit Yeah so as we tell people all the time you know um XBox PlayStation you know they have a good amount of as we said earlier trickery where it's basically they they're they don't really give you a whole lot of settings options because that's kind of like the whole point it's ease of use make it nice and simple but it does make it to where um you know you can't make the game look as pretty as you possibly could on PC but you have to have some pretty good specs honestly to be able to fully utilize a monitor for a PC so my God dud the sensitivity is so low let's go don't even think about it m you're done bud it's definitely the the one thing I will say and I remember this last time to it doesn't it actually doesn't feel as bad there's definitely like some weird like delay SL smoothing going on it almost feels like I'm still on a controller at times if that makes sense too high you know it it was kind of aggressive the built-in DPI yeah it just went from zero to 100 but you know what this is a lot better uh-oh there was a person up here somewhere oh my God oh my goodness okay might stick this are they going to come for you I'm trying to look up oh god oh they lost you he was looking at that he just ran away get inside get inside oh oh look at that guy oh sit back up yeah get back up oh he has a shot Jesus Christ this seems like a nice little roof a nice little nice little calm roof where I'm not going to die can you even have enough counter on this I don't think you what are you you're hitting like traps what is up there madebe me feel like I was like going to instantly die but really wasn't that bad I don't get what the point of like camping or resurging is just kind of weird you know who why do I hear Windows breaking it's cuz they're coming for you oh here we go sweaty gun where is the enemies at for me to kill hey team a he was right he got a hot Drop on his head man yeah he's he's getting dropped on I got I got weap you see that hair yeah I just almost hit it would happened I wonder can I let me off oh oh no I think I just I think I lost the resurgent those are Resurgence oh that was a good run that was that was an okay run yeah no it felt honestly really good um yeah I'm excited to see what like fortnite is like on this but yeah as far as like for me I sucking a controller so like if I did get a console this is the way I would play with how cheap they are it is pretty cool all right guys we are now in fortnite on the Xbox series s and we are currently on 120 FPS mode which is definitely lower settings and you can actually see the FPS this time in this game for some reason I don't know why but this one game you can actually see the FPS and we're holding about 120 but we definitely get dips still this isn't like perfect locked 120 um it's still having well PC like experiences where it dips below 120 FPS yeah I can definitely tell the textures it it's almost like I don't know like 50% 75% render scale it feels like but it has like some decent upscaling it's just not like you know on p on PC where you just lower that render resolution down and it makes everything look all Pixy it's all smoothed out we're doing no build because I didn't even want to try to build on this this would have been a a doozy The View distance is pretty good though can I hit a shot no all right all right see on PC you would have killed the GU right away it's so difficult I'm dropping down yeah buddy yeah it's pretty smooth I will say same thing with the mouse it just feels like I don't have as much fine-tune controls when it comes to the the aiming it doesn't feel as precise it's almost like they give you controller like sensitivity yeah I don't know if it's like the acceleration too like even in this menu like this is the sensitivity is much lower than outside so I don't know if like you just don't really get much customization with that uh they're missing everything and I killed fortnite kid wow ah I'm kind of curious we're on the 120 FPS mode this is what it looks like now let's see if there is a difference if I turn it off it does look different a little bit sharper we are locked at 60 now so yeah 60 FPS not great I you you could feel it yeah say surprisingly it doesn't look that like it it doesn't look like 60 FPS from here yeah let's see that's definitely smoother definitely smoother looking around but yeah it's cool to see high refresh rating consoles too that's something where you were just trying to Target 30 FPS for a long time the high refresh rate has always been a big selling point on PC and it's been around for a while especially on these Esports titles it's hard to explain to somebody well now you can see what it's like if you have a high refresh rate monitor and a console but people coming from conso it's hard to explain what high refresh rate actually was without actually seeing it ah what are they glitching they're hacking did they just lag out what happen the controller died oh see a battle going on over there it's Riff to it good thing it's Jake The Snake but yeah you know what I'll call it here on fortnite playable F I got to play it again and also I've been going for 11 minutes that's a lot fortnite gameplay a lot of oh who's shooting me I got to kill this guy and then I have to leave the game uh but yeah fortnite playable I will say again with these 120 FPS modes you can tell like in this spot right hereu loading in it's just it's very grainy it's not super sharp we do have a budget PC over here we'll see what we have what settings we have to run out with the PC to compare but very interesting test so far I'm excited to see what fortnite's going to be like on the PC all right guys it's war zone time on the computer so we are running a basically basically basic uh preset so we're not quite minimum like towards the absolute lowest right above that so it's not going to look absolutely amazing but I do think that we'll be able to get some decent FPS here let's go to the fire department it's cool that we actually got the same map here too CU we get a decent comparison and it's already looking sharper just based on what I remember seeing on the console yeah so it doesn't seem like it's going to be it might not be like quite as like uh good of response time then again we couldn't see the response time on the console so it's kind of hard to say if we were actually getting like you know back good of a response time good good response time the FPS is definitely I mean we did get dips on the console we weren't getting like a locked 120 on the 120 mode but we are getting more like 60 to 70 here but I still think visually it does look better and I'm assuming the keyboard and mouse probably feels better it definitely yeah it it feels just like accurate exactly when I move and everything minus the latency of course normally in war zone it's ideal to have probably like a 2 to 5 millisecond so over 10 you know is a little a little bit higher but this is also just a really cheap PC you know we didn't spend a lot of money on it that's the one downside with PC expensive to get into but in the long run you do end up saving money and get access to a bunch of other things you would not on Console the mouse definitely this one is a little bit of the liftoff oh yeah having to know the budget Mouse probably is going to now how does one get up there okay like that we we got to resurge a couple times oh he died there my ankles whoa whoa what just happened is there another man I was reloading I I could have had that guy he had no idea that's what that was he's like I'm fre grenade launcher nowhere safe in The War Zone Oh I thought I hurt someone man I think I think that might be it I didn't last as long on the PC but it performed pretty good obviously if someone told me they wanted to get into PC gaming they want to play war zone I wouldn't exactly tell them to go out their way to build a setup like this I would definitely spend more on the computer and just say like save up a little more so that is the glory of the console so far but I think fortnite will be a different story fortnite time all right guys we are on the PC playing fortnite and I have the frame rate locked to 144 cuz we really don't need anything above that performance settings uh far view distance medium textures now this is the beauty of PC especially on budget systems you can run performance mode on fortnite which again is going to look honestly worse than the console but people who are playing this game just want the maximum FPS possible and it still looks pretty solid uh still getting a 100 plus FPS we'll see when we land if that stays consistent one thing to mention is obviously if you're an avid deal hunter who can build budget PCS for like $250 $300 you can build something that could compete easily with this Xbox we're going for the approach of someone who's just wanting to buy something off the shelf build a setup not have to do any sort of work work what would be the best option and so far the PC is competing pretty well even though it is more expensive yeah the FPS is solid I this feels significantly smoother uh much better response yeah I think this for like really Competitive Gaming is a much better experience like I would have not hit that shot did you switch your character I did I had to go Christmas theme oh yeah run away buddy wood night [Music] oh oh yeah oh yeah where do they go I ever weird VI this not a real person I mean I don't know 460 [Music] p sorry [Music] Anonymous yeah I took your kill but hey you know what fortnite very playable I will say for fortnite I think the PC wins war zone I would probably give an edge to the console but the keyboard and mouse just uh difference really makes it kind of hard to really pick a winner because you gotta decide whether you want visual quality first and a slightly lesser keyboard and mouse experience or if you're just using a controller maybe you just want to play on Console because you're GNA use a controller and have a better visual experience on a budget but I really think for those trying to do keyboard and mouse and a lot of people want to play on keyboard and mouse just PC is incredibly hard to beat even if you are getting a little bit less performance out of the box or visual quality so yeah that's it that's pretty much the setup challenge let's go ahead and wrap this video up real quick all right guys so the consensus is in and I don't think it's as clear as we thought it would be I thought there'd kind of be more of a clear winner but I think depending on what you're looking for these both really do a great job for 600 bucks and the biggest thing with the console setup is you don't need half the stuff that I purchased to reach the $600 budget in theory you don't need this stand you don't need these other things where you could save more money and being on a budget on a console setup might be the better option for you but it's really cool to see that you can build a gaming PC setup using a pre-built which normally doesn't have the best price performance that does compete very well with a console setup so let us know in the comment section down below which one would you choose on a budget and if you want to buy anything from today's video the links in the description down below will be affili links and it will help us out so as always guys hope you enjoyed today's video if you did make sure you check out our other two YouTube channels and also our toasty Bros do not forget to like comment and subscribe and we'll see you guys on the next one goodbye and if you didn't know PC bros. Tech is our PC selling business and we will probably be selling both of these setups you know minus mats Xbox unless he wants to give it away of course so you can get some really good deals in person or you can buy online you want to save money on computers it's Black Friday PC bro Tech go there watch it buy it whatever see you guys later goodbye all the way till Monday
Channel: Toasty Bros
Views: 605,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toastybros, gaming pc, cheap gaming setup, console vs pc, console vs pc 2023, xbox series s vs gaming pc, best budget gaming pc, budget pc build challenge, best budget pc challenge
Id: iHJiuzrTyIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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