Is The XBOX Series S WORTH IT In 2024

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is the Xbox series s worth it in 2024 let's find out and also stay tuned till later on in the video to find out how you can win this exact Xbox series s for yourself but first I want to give a huge thank you to flexi spot for sponsoring today's video so I work at my desk a lot in fact almost every single day for most of the day and if you're like me and you've realized that sitting at a desk all day sucks I definitely recommend checking out a standing desk and the one in particular that I really like to use and that also sponsored today's video is the flexispot E7 and E7 Pro sitting at a desk all day is not great for your posture and also not great for your health so it's important to be able to get up every hour or two and walk around the office or walk around wherever you need to go however you are able to mitigate some of those problems by having a standing desk and spend part of your day standing at your desk versus sitting in fact for me personally I would say that I probably spend 2 to three hours a day editing videos while I'm standing up at this desk and not only does it feel better for my body to be able to go back and forth between sitting and standing I also feel like I'm more alert and more productive when I'm standing I hate to admit it but I procrastinate all the time and I find that I procrastinate most when I'm sitting versus when I'm standing so if I'm standing editing a video I usually get it done in probably an hour or two quicker than when I'm sitting because when I'm sitting I get comfortable I start watching YouTube and I dive into a rabbit hole flexi spot's E7 desk is not only affordable and looks great but it's also super strong I have a lot of heavy stuff on my desk at all times my PC itself is really heavy and my flexi spot E7 desk handles it with no issues whatsoever and no Wobble the flexi spot E7 is great because you can save preset height so if you have a certain height that you like to stand at you can save it if you have a certain height that you like to sit at you can save it and then just press one button and it automatically goes there and of course you can also make small adjustments to that by pressing the up and down arrow or just do it manually every time yourself flexi spot has a ton of different options when it comes to sanding desks and ergonomic chairs so no matter what you're looking for colorway size Comfort level you can find it at flexispot so make sure to check out flexispot for yourself change the way that you work and use promo code ytb5 for 10% off your order of $500 or more and once again huge thank you to flexispot for sponsoring today's video so the Xbox series s has been out officially since the end of 2020 and is the little brother to the Xbox series X the main difference between this console and the standard Xbox series X is not only the fact this doesn't have a disc drive but also that it's not as powerful as the Xbox series X however the Xbox series s comes in at a cheaper price point depending on which version of the console you get in 2022 I did a similar video to this where I unboxed the standard Xbox series s which is the cheaper version of this console it comes with 512 GB of storage and a lower retail price of $299 however since then they've released the update version of the Xbox series s which the only real difference is that it comes with 1 tby of storage and it also comes in Black And for those upgrades you do have to spend a little bit more money $50 more so the retail price of this console is $349 versus $299 the good news is though because we are sort of halfway through the lifespan of the Xbox series s finding these consoles on sale is not the hardest thing anymore in fact back in 2022 when I recorded that video it was actually almost impossible to find any Xbox series console or PlayStation 5 in stores now you can walk into pretty much any Target in America and find an Xbox series s sitting on the shelf and the fact that the Xbox series s was the easiest to find out of all the consoles back in 2022 was one of the main reasons why I recommended this console because you could get Next Generation gaming at retail price versus paying resale however like I just mentioned times have changed you can pretty much find any console that you're looking for if not in store at least online on Amazon Plus in 2024 we now have new console competitors like the PlayStation 5 Slim All Digital Edition which to be fair is still 100 and in some cases $150 more than the Xbox series s but it is cheaper than a standard PlayStation 5 although not as cheap as the original All Digital PlayStation 5 which I think is insane but of course with this version of the console you can add a disc drive if you decide to upgrade so maybe that's why they're upcharging you or maybe they just are upcharging you because they can but either way you do have more options now than you had 2 years ago and actually if you want to learn more about the PlayStation 5 Slim and The Slim All Digital Edition I've made sure to leave links to my videos at the top of the screen also i' made sure to leave links to buy all the things that I've talked about in today's video on the YouTube shopping tab on your screen which I couldn't really do too years years ago because the Xbox series s was so difficult to find but with all that being said let's unbox this console and find out what we've got inside I've never actually seen the all black one in person so I'm kind of excited but of course first before we dive into the box we have to take a look at the art on the outside of the box and see if there's anything different about this packaging than the standard Xbox series s which I'll be honest the first thing I notic is the fact that the console is black you've got an image of the console and the controller on the front you've got this really awful Shadow graphic underneath the controller in the console it just it's so bad at least put some sort of gradient on it or something but the they didn't um you also got this little guy down here that says that this console is now 1 tbte versus 512 GB which is huge because on the 512 GB version of the console you really only get like 360 GB of usable storage whereas in this one you get closer to 800 gbt of usable storage of course because the console's operating system takes up a couple hundred gigs and when it comes to gaming especially on a console that doesn't have any disc drive slots so you have to download everything digitally you need as much space as possible and unfortunately in this era of gaming games are usually around 120 GB in size which is insane especially games like Call of Duty which can be even more so if you download Call of Duty on your original Xbox series s that's almost half of your storage which means you can only download one other game that size or maybe a couple games that are smaller whereas on the newer version of the Xbox series s because you've got the larger storage space you can download more games which is a good thing Xbox does also give you the option to buy uh essentially SD cards that are proprietary to plug into your console to increase the storage but they're very expensive and they honestly don't work in anything else other than Xbox series X and Xbox series s so after these consoles are obsolete so will those storage drives which is frustrating because they cost like $80 to $100 I don't remember the exact pricing model but it's expensive and it becomes even more frustrating when you realize that you can install an SSD on your PlayStation 5 to increase storage which you can use on your laptop or really any other device so uh they make it really difficult to increase your storage whereas on the PlayStation 5 you can just buy any old laptop SSD I specifically bought the PlayStation branded one and of course there are ones you want to avoid but you can buy most of the faster ones and be just fine on one side of the Box you've got another image of the console standing vertically on the other side of the Box you got some of its features like 120 frames per second you've got Xbox velocity architecture 1 TB SSD variable refresh rate HDR disc free gaming apparently it's a feature on this console hate that but it is what it is on the back of the box you got some images of games that you can play like uh Forza Minecraft um fortnite trying to recognize all the games in the back of this I don't know what they all are I'll be honest with you hey but that's fine okay with all that being said let's actually unbox the console finally turn tab on the bottom there is just like the packaging in the Xbox series X and the original Xbox series s so you've got power your dreams on the top of the console and of course it comes in this paper before we get to the paper though and before we get to the console let's first take a look at what else we got inside the Box we've got this uh getting started guide which also shows you how to uh install the batteries in the uh controller and then of course we get to the cables we've got a hdmi to hdmi we've got a uh power cable we've got the official instruction manual we've also got controller itself in this beautiful black color which is the same controller you get with the Xbox series X um I would love it if the Xbox series X came in white I have the original Xbox series X in Black it's dope but uh it would be sick if it came in white cuz obviously the Xbox series s comes in white now we got a Black Version I really love the hand feel of the Xbox series controllers it's not as good as the Xbox 360 in my own personal opinion and obviously the PlayStation 5 controller feels amazing but these feel good really really good I play mostly Madden on the uh Xbox and I'm just so used to these controllers I love them also with the controller you do get some batteries because unlike the PlayStation 5 controller you don't get to recharge a controller you have to either add rechargeable batteries add some sort of pack that allows you to recharge or just replace the ablea batteries so there's that so if you don't like having ablea batteries in your controller maybe you don't get an Xbox controller or just buy the uh the sort of battery pack that you can add on after the fact but interesting to see that on a modern console cuz none of the other consoles have battery packs like that for the controllers okay now let's get into the console itself all right so you got power your dreams let's slide this off now like I said I am giving away this exact console to one of you guys so I'm trying to be careful with the packaging of course stay tuned for a little bit longer to find out how you can win this console for yourself it really is taped like present it's nice the size of this guy is so nice compared to the Xbox series X the Xbox series X is a chunk this is some nice small almost like a book I really like this console a lot the black color looks amazing I really prefer this to the white for the Xbox series S I know I just said that I wanted a white Xbox series X uh but I think I just like when there's a new color for a console and that's why I like this one better I'm sure I preferred the white one when the white one came out I don't know either way I think this console looks great I love the size of it obviously this is not as powerful as the standard Xbox series X again it is cheaper the Xbox series X comes in at a retail price of $499 this comes in at $3.49 so you are saving 150 bucks however with that extra $150 you are getting more power you're getting a disc drive uh originally you weren't getting uh one tab of storage but with that version of the Xbox series s you were also paying a little bit less $2.99 so if budget is the most important thing to you or price is the most important thing to you I would suggest getting the standard Xbox series s at $299 because that's going to be the cheapest console available on the market in terms of like PlayStation and Xbox obviously switches you can get for a little bit cheaper but if you're looking for a cheap console to play Call of Duty on the Xbox series s is probably the way to go now if you have $50 extra dollars definitely opt for the Xbox series s with one tbte because that extra storage is amazing that being said though if you have $1 150 extra additional dollars so $200 total on top of the $299 get the Xbox series X you're getting 1 TB of storage you're getting a more powerful console you're getting a disc drive and you're getting a console that I think when these consoles become obsolete you could probably flip for a little bit more money not that that's something that you're thinking about I always used to sell my consoles after I was done with them and then use that money to buy the next console uh but not everyone does that so maybe that's not a consideration for everyone however the Xbox series s while it is obviously a budget friendly console compared to the Xbox series X there are still a lot of really great things about this console not only just the size and the fact that it's so compact I love how small this is I mean it's it's unbelievable let's compare it really quickly to the PlayStation 5 slim which obviously is on a stand so it's slightly higher than usual but I mean the size difference is Stark thickness wise about the same at the base a little bit wider on the PS5 um obviously a lot shorter and then of course on the sides of the console the Xbox series s is noticeably smaller so if you're looking for the smallest console available that's not a switch the Xbox series s is definitely the way to go in my opinion one of the best reasons to get the Xbox series S is to play game pass now Game Pass is a service that Microsoft offers that allows you to download a bunch of games for one flat fee I don't know if you guys are old enough to remember this but you used to have to go to Blockbuster or Game Crazy to rent games if you wanted to rent games to play on your console uh nowadays you could just download them almost like Netflix except Microsoft Game Pass and uh it allows you to download and try a bunch of different games essentially for $15 a month or whatever the fee is I don't know if they've raised it over the last couple years I subscribed back in like 2018 and I haven't checked the price I probably should they could have raised it $200 a month and I wouldn't know maybe that's where all my money is going in my opinion that is the best way to get the most out of your Xbox consoles obviously you can have Game Pass and play it on your phone and stream it through your phone which is fine in my opinion the best way to play game pass is native on an Xbox console and if you're trying to get into game pass the cheapest way possible on an Xbox console the Xbox series s is the way to do it now with that being said you do still have to download the games onto your system so if you're grabbing an Xbox series S I would suggest going for this one the one terabyte version of the console rather than getting the smaller one the 512 gigabyte version of the console and than having to buy those stupid proprietary memory cards later down the road this is in my opinion the best way to go obviously the Xbox series X is the premium way to play these games because you can play them in Full Resolution like 4K uh you can usually play them a little bit faster and things just look a little bit sharper on the Xbox series X because it is more powerful however you can still play all of the same games you can play on the Xbox series X on the Xbox series s the smaller version of the console so again if you're trying to get it in as cheaply as possible this is the way to do it but now we get to the question is the Xbox series s worth it in 2024 well in my opinion because we don't know if there's going to be any midcycle refreshes on the Xbox series consoles um I think so to be fair this is technically a midcycle refresh of the console it comes in black and it comes with a larger solid state drive and that's really all you're getting but I do think this is worth it especially for $349 you're getting a very capable console which you can buy games on or you can get Game Pass which is what I recommend and download as many games as you want obviously deleting games once you're done with them because you don't have the space for all of them uh but it allows you to play pretty much anything that Microsoft has made and play it for a pretty affordable price and if you only feel comfortable buying the cheapest version of the Xbox series s the white version that comes in 512 GB that's fine as well but keep in mind you're only going to be able to store like two to three games on the console at a time unless you're downloading like small siiz Platformers or maybe Xbox One games or Xbox 360 games if you're downloading current AAA titles you could probably only fit two to three if you're downloading other stuff obviously the sky is a limit depending on the size of those games but again to answer the question in short yes I do think that the Xbox series s is worth it in 2024 especially in this one tab variant of the console I think this black looks amazing I think it's super easy to kind of Hide Away on a shelf not even realize You' got a console sitting there it's awesome I really love it I really love what Microsoft has done with this console obviously when it comes to deciding between an Xbox and a PlayStation it really depends on what games you're looking for a lot of games are available on both consoles but some games aren't so if there are certain games that you want to play that are only available on PlayStation that means you're going to have to spend a little bit more money and buy a PlayStation but I would say for most people this is a great way to go and it's definitely cheaper than buying a PC but now at this point let's talk about how you can win this exact Xbox series s for yourself entering this giveaway is super easy all you need to do is be subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications and then once you've done all that comment subed up in the comment section down below the giveaway will run for 2 weeks from the time of posting this video and then I'll let you guys know who won through the YouTube Community tab only do not comment back to any of the random comments that you're going to get underneath your comments it's all spam it's all Bots what I'll do is is I'll pin the Winner's comment and then comment underneath and ask them to send me an email or whatever I end up doing but it'll be official it'll come from only this account and I'll make sure to post it on the YouTube Community tab which you can see if you're subscribed to the channel but yeah that's pretty much all I got for you guys thank you all so much for watching let me know your thoughts on the Xbox series s in the comment section down below and I will see you all in the next one
Channel: Tech Fowler
Views: 80,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: typys222YGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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