Swapping Ex-Girlfriends w/ my Brother for 24 Hours

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imagine someone sends a secret snapchat to bribe you lady why is rug with Brandon's ex Jackie who's that oh my god all right guys this is going to be the most awkward video I think I've ever filmed on my youtube channel today my brother and I are going to be swapping ex girlfriends for 24 hours how you doing where are you and their girlfriends and we're here no honestly I don't even know what we're gonna do in this video we're just gonna go about our days but I'm gonna be with Jackie and Brandon is gonna be with Kaylin for the whole day and they're gonna film their point of views I'm gonna film ours what are we supposed to do why are we thinking about to do they came up with this video idea so you guys tell us what yeah that's shoe no we just get laid yeah we're not gonna be on you're lucky we gave you an idea okay the idea that you don't want to be a part of the video so am I supposed to like Oh Kailyn I'll hold your bag and then now that word that's when it gets weird you know one time I don't know all I know is that this is going to be an awkward video and I'm king of awkward videos how many authors videos have I made on my channel each time he says this is gonna be the awkwardness video on my channel and he comes up to me is the most awkward awkward awkward as' isn't a word so if you're new here make sure you hit that subscribe button I make some lip videos so we hope you guys do enjoy the video and let's go that's doing it guys I just want to know how many fights I'm gonna get with Brandon after this fight for love we're exes we ain't even dating no more Oh guys this looks so weird like what okay okay okay okay do you have anything planned or not I mean what do you do like what's your life we just sit at home make youtube videos I don't know I have a Lambo I don't know if you know about that you want to drive it have you ever driven a Lambo here you go I'm scared I don't care drive it okay listen I don't know why I'm letting Jackie drive my lambo right off the bat you know Brandon's never even let me drive his i8 so you're really like this is huge I know you have you ever driven a big car no oh God I'm scared for my life right now this might be a very weird scene right now seeing me and Jackie and you guys seeing Brandon and Kaylin that's weird you haven't talked in a while so okay turn it on because I'm dying I need the AC oh yeah is your foot on the brake okay just don't get scared just pretend you're driving a regular car guys this is so weird because like usually people do like regular girlfriend swaps I don't think I've ever seen anyone do an ex-girlfriend swap so this is like the most awkward thing ever and I said awkward so many times so I don't know what do you want to do like do you like Starbucks like kayln or no it's good like Starbucks so she get every day yeah and same with my other eggs okay we're just not gonna bring anything up anymore just just to where's Kayla Oh Oh Kailyn I slowed his water Kailyn since when did you play basketball what who taught you Brian guys you know I think that's just so awkward Kailyn so when we make a video with our eggs like when I make one with Jackie I'm closer but it's still awkward cuz she's my eggs this is my brother's eggs Morris is like in second or third grade elementary so this is whisper Brian and Jackie exactly Brian only knows Jack because of me I've know Kayla for a while so Brian good luck hope you're enjoying your awkwardness Kailyn like I like how you're playing over here but brick oh damn okay well we have a real battle about snack so I'm gonna go there so Kailyn in case you don't know my date consists of a couple of different things it's basketball basketball so I guess that I'm just gonna sit here and watch a Brandon play basketball I don't know how long that's gonna go because I heard that Brandon can sit and play for a long time so we'll see how this goes okay it's been like two hours and Brannon is still playing back well like I'm trying to go get some Starbucks or something cuz I'm not trying to stay here anymore Brandon Brandon I think two hours is enough no no no let's go get some Starbucks or something I'm thirsty I don't want to stay here anymore no no no let's go we're spending the day together we have to buy for us because of your brother so let's go and this is what I do all day so I don't get what the problem is I play basketball today so yeah oh you want to watch your son's game Brandon okay guys so I made Brian switch because I'm scared this car in a freeway when there's traffic time sorry yeah it's not bad but yeah guys right now we're going to my house because I'm just going about my day and Jackie's gonna tag along usually I'm at like the gym with Brandon so this is like so different it's crazy I don't under the judge different lies for being brothers it's insane like night and day are they ready to go to Starbucks Brennan will go to Starbucks I just have to do one thing but Kurt has to go pee 104 a lot I don't think you like to see that much honestly Kailyn what are you talking about that's it Booker okay you wanna go for a walk come you come guys if you're wondering the leash is orange and purple for the Phoenix Suns guys want to see something funny speak well he's actually super smart look are you wanna go for a walk okay let's go let's go Oh Pete he peed right away yeah he's got back there we go you wanna see something to you after the piece was this he walks himself back home or should I say it runs himself watch no he does their wife like okay take your leash fish and go home let's go stop no he does not walk himself home this is weird you remember Jackie hey what's up hug how you doing that's good you know me and Brandon are swapping ex girlfriends mo trust me this car ride here was pretty awkward this is not an ordinary girl this is my brother's ex-girlfriend I can't disrespect him by like talking to her you know Jackie have you seen our backyard I know you do crazy stuff no I don't know like just trying to not make it awkward okay that's it no more saying the word awkward in this video take a shot every time you hear the word awkward oh my god or Kailyn because I know they feel it okay the amount of times the word aewq wait a WK w ard if you took a shot every time that word has been said everyone would probably be laying on the floor right now oh my god she just called me Brandon okay one thing you can't judge my car it's dirty like it's dirty from the outside but definitely wouldn't know how to open that okay go oh I guarantee you're gonna hit your head okay guys you got it no it's not gonna hit it now try to go and guarantee you're gonna hit your head how did you hit your head everybody hits their head okay yeah let's see you didn't complete the process I'll give you a hand there's no button you press you got to use your man power strength let's go let's go oh okay don't break the damn moon pink love you so much love you kaylynn the proper way is go but first and then spin Kaelin does Brian usually treat you to AC or Windows um AC you can't afford it Brian your bougie like that you tell me well Brandon your car's pretty nice I've never seen this kind of you know it's not no Rambo yours something like something like okay well see you only gets the Starbucks we'll see what we order and what we're feeling we came up with an idea that we should kind of prank the fans prank you guys by posting an Instagram story together and people are gonna be like what the hell why is rug with Brandon's ex Jackie so should we just post this picture we're not only pranking you guys were pranking Brandon yeah he has no idea we're gonna post this he's gonna see it on the story okay ready that's a fire picture right there what are you guys think yeah okay okay okay we just posted the story all right guys now we see how everyone reacts to that picture what what is this oh my god huh isn't that weird it is hmm what Brandon calls video okay how much would Brian thank me though if I tap the car a little bit from the back and we had a better tunnel Club health and swapping Jenks girlfriend for the name wait Brendan you call that going to us oh sorry Kaylin we went like 80 miles an hour in a matter of seconds hey I know but like like it took a minute to get there Brian's cars like okay we'll worry we're not comparing this video is not comparing brand it's a brothel you want to compare yeah okay we'll compare you to Jackie Jackie used to give me much better conversation should it should entertain me much more we're talking you know Ferrari Lambo anyway it's like see this is already not gonna work I don't mean brand I want to fight each other there's man killing all right if I imagine her and Brian arguments god I can't even if I can only imagine brennidon Jack okay so Kailyn didn't hit her head on the way in but let's see her trying to get up okay she's you know to open the door Kailyn okay I'll help you open the door because guarantee when you step out you're gonna hit your head towards good Kailyn does Brian like secretly own and IA how do you like what yeah I just slam it the skinny arms there you go Kailyn how awkward if we meet a fan imagine imagine someone sent the secret snapchat to Brian or imagine someone sends me one of him and Jackie like about I know we're filming a damn video you snitch how okay guys we're at Starbucks no Brandon what do you get from here all right am I supposed to know your order I don't know I don't drink our boat we're here for you but like is it bad if I open the door for you like no that's like normal that's nice okay Brian sorry but Kalin all right Kalyan have a plan what you trust me and let me order you a drink just let me order your dream I'll get you something good hi what you guys is nastiest like the lease what how about just black coffee and I know you know can I get a strawberry can I do a Java chip Frappuccino wait rain is actually gonna favor me soon Kalyan you got venmo you actually pay videos getting copyrighted you monetize and I'm so pay I'm a gentleman looking that say oh wow guys okay so he actually ordered me something that's not that great but I'll still drink it some I'm like thankful you know okay so now tell me the truth what were you gonna get I would have gone a strawberry acai he's guarded oh wow okay guys so Kalyn got her dream okay it wasn't my drink Brandon oh wait oh yeah Brian on the line Brian how's your day with Jackie you inject you're a little too close bro where's the distance dawg I thought you said respect you trying to respect your brother he called it a day okay guys so this video is not only so weird and awkward to do no offense but also there's a cop car behind us and Brian doesn't have his license plates yet cuz there's a new car well it's a law that like you have to put your license plate on and now he's behind us but I was literally gonna tell Jackie like do you want to see how fast this car goes he literally said like okay get the camera and we'll film like how fast it goes and there's literally a cop car behind it okay we're good do not try this at home bye Jackie hold the camera okay [Music] I'm tailgating dude I honestly deserve it if I get pulled over at this point I deserve in front of us and behind all right sheriff pull me over that's it just pull me over she needs a picture for her brand we gotta take a picture for Jackie's Instagram so what better way to post a picture than in front of the Lambo are you gonna take a trip yeah I got you I got the angles I bet Brandon never did this okay you know what this is no competition I'm not trying to win you over okay let's just clear that up Brandon I love you video it's gonna be Brian with a black and purple eye okay on to Starbucks I mean we were gonna go get Jamba Juice but Jackie the Starbucks groans no thanks Brian here you go I know you're after you can see I can you give me a water and then the water yeah just water please it's not free so Jackie said she would pay on camera but off camera she said no Brian your pain so hey don't believe I could other than my calling hey yo I'll catch a few and then you catch up okay all right Caitlin you have fun let me know how the makeup store goes Kailen Kailen this is messed up because I didn't even used to go to the mega throat with Jackie this is a totally different type of messed up I watched you play basketball for how long okay the time card said two hours later but calm down it was like 10 minutes it wasn't that long guys all my boys out there you know going inside of a makeup store it's like you might as well go to hell there's no smile on my face I love uLTA Beauty I love it so much it's it's great alright Caitlin's I know I paid for the Starbucks but let's not get carried away I don't know depends depends if we go to Dollar Tree or 99 cent store jean-charles this is this is literally two hours later Kailyn I rather be playing basketball right now okay what are we looking at what are we doing okay so she's stealing this is theft she's taking eyeshadow okay check of it bacon minted Oh orange and purple for the song but what it is the jeffree star Oh Jackie so I know Brandon's music taste isn't the best you know he's my brother so let me show you what real music is supposed to be like are you ready Brandon jesseman all my Instagram look look up on Instagram Kaylin what riot Oh Riley not happy is look at our happy Brian is Brian I see you Brian I mean what do we have to do I mean it's only right that we do it back it's only right we have to post a picture we need I'm a guy live makeups I need a filter okay kill any absolutely gaining guys okay Brian so Brennan's about to post our boomerang I thought of a better caption guys so let's get let's hit this boomerang okay and let's caption it with a hey at Fay's rug Brian I'm getting you free cloud right now Brandon okay Brian's gonna be so mad right okay so it looks like Brandon saw the story that I posted with Jackie and now he posted this boomerang with Kailyn and his level of petty he tagged me I didn't even tag him what should we do now I don't know honestly should we meet up with them I think yeah we should take them we should go pick them up and tell them that we're gonna take them on like a nice place to eat and we're gonna go to McDonald's okay we're gonna tell them that we're having like a super nights like Cheesecake Factory type of dinner and that we're gonna like pick them up and then we're gonna go to McDonald's I think okay I think that's why would they post that that tag is disrespectful well okay Kailyn I see you too don't worry all right so the whole old time Starbucks that's Q and all but I hope you know right now we're going to the gym hey Brandon Brandon no Kaelyn right you don't want to know I got a text from someone saying yo where you out we're running we're playing basketball Kaelyn I'm going to the gym but you can run out drop me off with Booker there's no getting by manon he's not about to make me set up a gym with him that's not gonna happen on site let's go okay bye okay guys so we're almost at Brandon's house and we're gonna pick him and Kailyn up to go on our little date and I think we should pull up playing Thank You next by ariana grande cuz she says I'm so grateful for my ex wait copyright [Music] [Music] we're gonna go to Cheesecake all right on me on what yep Brian oh do you guys then know cuz I paid for killing struggling all right guys we're here that doesn't look like she's cake factory don't talk to him complaining about you deserve for posting a picture together so yes the disrespect and the disrespect was when Brandon tagged me his own brother okay Brian me tagging you it's a little painful you're cutting my lifespan ashore by feeding McDonald I'm not you're lying about every day to be honest with you love McDonald oh my god joke's on me here Jackie there you go oh I'm just kidding Kailen Kailen Kailen I'm just kidding I thought we were taking that boy this is actually nice for ya take your girl to mcdonald's 2019 yes tyranian you order for Kaelyn because you know her order I know you're ordered okay order something good okay all order you uh you like a Big Mac right what you guys are most close items Brandon what okay Jackie went to the bathroom Brendan what does Jackie usually get from McDonald oh whoa Jack usually good well Brian when I was dating Jackie I was a more of a man out of the gentleman I don't used to bring in a big family look at that gentleman hi we had the cheeseburgers and the McNuggets I don't know who's Brandon the drinks will be coming out shortly so Jackie I just felt this is the right time to bring this up I know we're not dating anymore but do you ever just miss me nice so Wow hey Kalin yeah it's a quick question how did it might be a little similar to what blaming us but do you ever just sometimes like Brian hey you guys enjoying your meal yeah look at my cheeseburger there's no cheese finding out you there white house shoes Brandon you to give a word on the right thing Wow what a bad impression huh did I ever order the wrong thing for you yes Brian Brian incretin right now right Justin make sure Kaylin doesn't catch any feeling let's turn her off no way I wasn't catching feelings of basil we don't got feeling though okay night restaurant I like it's not that it is probably the highest rated McDonald's in my city all right guys I don't think we can do this anymore I think we have to end the video there it's been about what eight hours so I guess we can't say that we completed the 24 hour challenge but you can't blame us well cuz I'm getting ready to sleep so like yeah I'm not trying to sleep here thank you Kailyn we appreciate the comedy guys we all hope you did enjoy it wait should we swap Jacky I miss you Kailyn oh my god my ex-girlfriend Wow my life no offence fine but really like I don't even know what to tell you like I didn't know so you're basically just called me a weird human being okay guys please go subscribe to my brother's YouTube channel he makes some litte content Wei Brian Brian should we tell them what I did to you for a video or should we just let them join bro guys go check the back he pulled a prank on me I'm not gonna say too much I want you guys to go watch it on his channel but it was super super funny he got me good but yeah why you guys will leave in the comment section down below right now how awkward this video was on a scale of one to ten how many times was that word set I feel like all the words I know here Jackie Jackie said take a shot every time play the game cuz I'm sure you'll be back ok guys we all be up girls together that's been drugged for what is stealing Jackie and we're out peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 8,480,969
Rating: 4.9152951 out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, 24 hours, faze rug 24 hours, faze rug 24, 24 hrs, faze rug girlfriend, faze rug ex, faze rug ex girlfriend, faze rug ex girlfriends, swapping, girlfriend, girlfriend swap, swapping girlfriends, swapping girlfriends for 24 hours, swapping ex girlfriends, swapping ex girlfriends for 24 hours, girl swap, girlfriend swap challenge, brawadis, brawadis ex girlfriend
Id: rs_XqVsrg38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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