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we don't run it and we do backwards Wow I think that was a lot better than last time welcome back dobri army if you don't know my name is Darius I'm Marcus I'm Luke Cyrus I'm Cyrus - yeah make sure you guys subscribe to this channel almost that 10 million subscribers subscribers Oh 10 mil yeah I think we get to 10 you guys are almost out 20 move it already makes you guys be sure to subscribe to the dole break cars channel hey the link is right here in the description it's insane we race we do crazy stuff I don't even know but today to say alright guys come here come here yeah we all have our girls today and Marcus is the host you like it every one of you Marcus's girlfriend that's right and you might have a chance to go on a blind date with Marcus don't bridge so make sure give it a thumbs up market since you're the host please explain what's going on alright so basically today they're gonna be switching guns yeah that's it I understand why we're doing this he's stolen my girl before like switching doesn't mean a day any other person you just are you show hanging out with the other person are you Joel are you going to propose all right so that's what we're gonna do today it's gonna be really fun basically I'm gonna go with I don't know who's gonna be my my Matty replacement I could pick all right so okay I like it I remember from one to ten all right always on one side girls on the other [Music] dredgen all right well I guess I'll take you Bonita then my tank top on yeah so I'm gonna take your girl but I'm not doing her I'm just playing a game well I see every other girl is my sister here all right good dude well what's going on here oh my god in my diamond necklace girlfriend shirt got stuck in my family that's my you're just kinda every fine I'm sorry I don't have any money I can't buy any sure I'm sorry all right we want to do today yeah we want take the Lambo okay to the garage with my new date are you excited oh yeah we're gonna get her in the Lambo oh yeah let's go whoa-oh-oh-oh what do you want to do what do you guys do know what do you do well I don't know what you'd usually do with Darius but I need a haircut so if you want to come along I'm some get a haircut cuz yeah maybe when I'm getting a haircut or something you can help out give me a glass of water but that's all just like sit down and watch so wait come on I don't have a car cause I got a cold dari car's in the shop guys don't records make sure subscribe crazy videos what do we want to eat or something maybe shopping okay alright let's go oh my the cameras I mean yeah uh-oh guys what are we gonna do mark is well what should I do I'm gonna go inside watch TV really yeah hey bro keep you chew it's all good Lucas oh I mean more kiss my bet don't don't look at me because of that right it happens it happens alright let me tag along see you guys thanks you too don't call me that haha alright so where do you want to go where do you want to go get Starbucks so quick I feel like it's fine it's good yeah this is so funny nervous get chemo my face so today we're not gonna take that we're gonna take this alright sure start it up please just make sure you don't break it alright yeah I can tell you're not a Lambo girl huh alright you know how to start it okay alright please don't please don't break it yeah [Music] [Laughter] come on baby let's go good to be single are you all right my face hurts like Christina's been like popping my pimples you know like it's satisfying sir so it's like one of my favorite it honestly okay yeah you pop Tori's pimples all the time I don't like to do it too often cuz I know he doesn't like it but it's like probably like what am I he's a note men don't like to she comes out with her like pimple popping yeah I can't say no to those like you know her puppy I think dude I'm like that's how we mine that's how we get the men guys what are we doing again we're all going to look at puppies yeah or I mean cats to those kitten using that on your head okay I think we should go with your kids instead anyway because I'm pretty sure Maddy likes shots more than not more than dogs but she is a cat person she wants us to get like a naked kalak one of the hairless cats we think about that yeah let's go it's great to be single guys great to be single West almost video Auto cocina I know me I get a tall Java chip Friday so geez have one talking said Jonna chip Java chip Papagena also can you buy your wallet you forget your wallet yeah here you're welcome because I'm the host of the date first date yeah you're messing yeah [Music] never drive fast at your door you need your carts fresh I like the rat bone is the gray thanks let me drive it let me drive to your whip never let you drive is Ferrari oh yeah yeah he's had I mean you're his girlfriend I was my girlfriend drive my lamp it's pretty scary yep you're welcome not even the one on the date hi how's it going I miss you I really do yeah so I was talking I was talking about a year about how you're popping my pimples today and she said she pops Dory's pimples as well we Haiti oh that's good I'll get my hair cut now hope you guys having fun okay bye Joe there's bunnies oh he's a good boy yeah look at this and you know you'll actually he's actually cute right you think it's cuz it's almost Easter it's like our bunnies like a thing for Easter Yeah right like many puppies yeah he's chillin I wouldn't I wouldn't do that I wouldn't yeah I don't don't do it don't even need to stop oh my gosh because what you doing come on you new girlfriend's gonna get her freaking finger bitten off by a cat think of the tiger we just got to the salon and every time I get a haircut it's always kind of different from the last time so hopefully this time I get it right I'll get three on the side does that even mean a I wanna play in the park well let's go okay nope that's what you do on your days yeah what did you put it on your head right now that's that's not a reason that's a flamingo let's play a game I'm gonna pick a random animal and you have to try and act like that animal okay alright you gotta act like this you gotta act like a chinchilla alright okay so let's go ahead and show the audience awesome awesome alright you're up [Music] are you drinking the water right now but that actually looks pretty accurate hon don't move Wow alright pretty spot-on hundred percent okay how's it come in very sad to feel my hair apart in my head it'll be good for the better right the metal tile yeah all I've gotten out of this experience so far is that white duties are hard and kind of boring so until you got some facts about women I gotta have that Christina she's always like standing like three feet away making sure that I'm getting the exact right Arafat to like looking at it like yeah that's good on that side yeah that's good that sounds like me Christine oh it did well looks pretty good so far yeah come on push me harder yeah that's good what what is she saying nothing well I wanted to come here so you have no choice what do you want to do I'm stuck you can just leave me here oh please she's my date left me well Oh too bad bro dude that's so cool I think you should act like that okay best thing get to do it what he's doing I got this I got [Music] so everyone this is the shark ameno in the making and we are structuring the top to get the right size and only a collector on the bank occurring along with that's a very specific yes it's important part it's life or death of a hairstyle I'm a date um so this is the time I'll talk about it now feeling thirsty so if you could please get me a bottle or a cup of water that you create here is my debit card I cannot tell you my pin number oh my wife knows that but you can run this credit no okay our respect web thank you watch much man's action you got it we are in a mall so pushing me come one of a home we're going home let's go no Steve Oh madam LM no fun in one ass [Music] come up winning I'm not sure which one oh we're winning [Applause] oh yeah just watch the game I see you guys have a good day ejo yeah there's more fans and flushing it out your yo come on the puppy adoption standard let's go be excited you know there's puppies oh yeah you know Yvonne aren't they so cute Yvonne yo you money top yo what what are you doing you didn't even come look at the kittens why are you calling him right now my baby's calling me hello what what wait what there's no puppies here for sale baby I'm having an awesome day [Music] wait what what do you mean you're having a horrible day all right gotta go [Music] yeah I tell you having fun forget this I'm taking you back home this date is over no we're not getting a puppy because there's no puppies up for adoption but there's no puppies here they're just kids do you want a kitten I got science water so hopefully he's happy and here you go thank you high school yes and here it is same cut Maddie you're supposed to help me with a cup my haircut what's going on oh my gosh great guys all right that's pretty fun right yeah all right I'll see you when I get home oh okay oh my god yeah sorry honey I can't get the door unlocked like it's not a it's not it's not unlocking sorry I can't even see right now um one second I'm just gonna I'm just gonna call my girlfriend really quick this is really really awkward oh crap I think she's coming around the other window I'm good I'm not having fun I locked her out of the car what no I don't think I don't think that's a good idea no she's going she's going crazy right now bit like I don't know what to do I don't know what I don't know what to tell you all right we're getting out of here guys you know what are you doing right now she's climbing get off my car are you crying I'm like all right [Music] okay all right all right all right all right okay jeez really Dori yeah sorry I tried to get it open but it didn't work no I was just joking around I let's go home I don't even want to tell you how that day was oh my gosh it's crazy like usually I'm used to you standing like near the bar I'm like no this no that no that but she did help me with the water I'm not buying you a puppy okay they didn't even have any puppies for adoption all they had was kittens and you need me want a kid too bad I didn't make her wait so like waiver forgetting about someone bro mark oh yeah all right let's go get home we can't leave marks there - so Romeo how's your day how's your day I guess I'll miss my girlfriend for today but he's a guy so it doesn't make sense not get out of here hey why you trying to kiss me why you trying to kiss me sorry coming in you had a date planned and okay looks like it's gonna be an actual date I'm back with nine more dear okay you're the back yeah how was it let's just say I'm a little happy to be back I'll I think that's it for this video if you enjoyed it make sure give it a thumbs up go subscribe to Lucas and Marcus go subscribe to even eat a little belly and Cyrus sing Christina make sure you guys check out the new dobri cars channel it's super lit super fun the link is in the description we love you guys so much alright I guess that's a wrap hey guys
Channel: Dobre Brothers
Views: 38,913,399
Rating: 4.8651924 out of 5
Keywords: Dobre Brothers, The Dobre Brothers, Lucas and Marcus, Dobre Twins, Marcus and Lucas, Cyrus Dobre, Darius Dobre, Dobre Brothers YouTube, Lucas and Marcus pranks, Dobre brothers gymnastics, Dobre brothers pranks, Pranks, Gymnastics, Dance, Challenges, Music, Rap, Grocery Store, Cars, Reactions, Makeup, Make-up, Games, Food, Family, Collabs, switching girlfriends for a day, girlfriend, boyfriend, dobre brothers girlfriends, ivanita lomeli, christina dobre, family friendly, 24 hours, challenge
Id: 2bamwdQZAnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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