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this is incredibly good I seriously I've never tried anything like this and then you're gonna place it on the plate right right what is up guys welcome back to a brand new video today I'm bringing you all another tick tock video but this time we're not gonna be doing life hacks we're gonna be doing food hacks because everybody loves food so in this video I'm gonna be showing you guys how to turn your regular ordinary meal into something spectacular something that you didn't even know existed and I'm gonna be testing to see if it's good or if it's bad I know you guys all love these tick tock videos so please smash that like button if you're excited and also I've done about three or four tick tock videos and I forget to mention that I actually have a tick tock it's a trial so everyone go spam my tick tock right now go follow me go like my videos and I'm starting to be more active on there I'm trying to be a tick talker now no not really I'm just I'm just doing it for fun without further ado we have a lot of tick tocks to test right now and I'm pretty hungry so let's go okay for the first food hack we are here at chick-fil-a and everybody loves chick-fil-a but everyone hates sundaes because they're close but there's a food hack here so we're gonna watch it okay so it looks like you ordered the regular chicken nugget meal you put the fries and Nuggets in the plate you get buffalo ranch barbecue sauce whoa that looks delicious I think you make your own buffalo fries from a regular meal at chick-fil-a that looks really good we're gonna go order something right now and test it out for you guys okay we got our meal right here we got the fries that you have to pour in first three though if you're gonna try this don't forget to ask for a salad bowl or if you're gonna go home you could just do it in a plate you got the fries first we got our chick-fil-a Nuggets right here you're gonna pour that on top and then you got your three sauce ranch barbecue and buffalo and this is my first time having chick-fil-a without chick-fil-a sauce so I must admit it's pretty weird for the ranch and get it around there some of my sweats don't forget to do that as well next we'll go barbecue I've actually never had barbecue sauce from chick-fil-a so I'm really excited to try this and last but not least the Buffalo those more watery ooh there we go this is what makes it the buffalo fries right here oh my god that actually looks fire what the heck so here you have it your chick-fil-a buffalo fries now it's time for the taste test I will let you guys know if it's worth it so we'll grab a fry grab this it has all the sauce on it are you ready wow this is incredibly good I seriously I've never tried anything like this alright you ready to try it I'm ready I'm scared okay okay I'm gonna eat it with the fryer I'm gonna check that good okay grab that chicken okay do you think mm-hmm I'm definitely gonna save eight or nine it's so good pretty good thick filet are wait no it's not even chick-fil-a it's the tik-tok that we watched thank you chick-fil-a so just start making this like in general as a meal yeah good call it the buffalo fries how do you sing first one was a success it tasted really good by the way if you guys try any of these yourselves be sure to like take a video of it and tweet it at me because I want to know if you guys actually like we're influenced from these videos so hey look in and now is right in front of chick-fil-a and I think there's a food hack for in and out as well let's go check it out okay so for the in and out life hack we're basically gonna be creating a delicious dipping sauce for your french fries to me and it now has the greatest french fries of all time you want to have a debate let me know in the comment section down below but I still think that in-and-out fries are the greatest friends of all time I do need a new dipping sauce with them instead of just boring old ketchup so in this video she has a jalapeno puts the juice of that in it salt pepper mix it and then she said thank me later so we're gonna see if we're gonna thank her after we try it these are low key drippy like you're najin just pulling up through a party in and out if I might actually get a team you should definitely you love in and out it's so far in and out sponsored me please okay so we got our french fries right here we got English called a banana pepper I said jalapeno and I don't know how to say that where is it jalapeno pain pain pen yo okay oh you get the juices from this put it in the ketchup so I ve just squeeze it well there you go oh nice and juicy then you put I think just once all but in the ketchup oh man that's a lot of salt take the pepper put it in there it actually looks good and then you know you just stir it with your French fry there we go okay it broke all right moment of truth here we go what a good thought it's not bad it kind of just tastes like ketchup it just tastes like regular ketchup a little flavor not really look try it for yourself I mean it looks different it looks watery doesn't it just taste like that jumper knows what a little a little something a little hint of something right now head up banana pepper I mean if you guys want to try it yourselves go for it but not as good as the chick-fil-a one no the chick-fil-a one was definitely crap and if you guys are wondering why I'm filming this video and Noah's not here it's because of my last video Noah was flirting with Kaelyn for 24 hours so you know I gave him the boot that was gone guys he's gone can we get an F in the chat for noah fix food hack or drink hash Starbucks so I'm not the type to order complicated Starbucks dreams I've never done it and I never thought I would but this one looks pretty damn good so you're supposed to ask for a blended pink drink okay so it's gonna be like a slushie type and then you add vanilla bean powder okay and then you put cream base I don't know what that is but cream base and then whipped cream on the top and the finished product looks pretty good most complicated order from Starbucks I've ever gotten was a vanilla bean with Java chips and I think that's common this is like one of those like blended adding this adding this many pumps of this who knows this could be a new favorite for me okay so there's another drink that I'm gonna try that's also complicated it is a strawberry also you refresher extra ice double blended scoop of berries and mango dragon fruit oh my gosh you're really gonna make them do all that are you kidding me just order a regular drink I'm scared they're gonna get mad they're gonna spit in my drink I I'm so sorry this order is gonna be complicated if that's okay okay so can I do a tall my berry acai refresher with extra ice with a scoop of berries and mango dragon fruit so bad and then we're gonna have one more complicated drink I hated doing that I was terrified for you yeah it's okay all right now we're gonna try these too complicated ordered drinks but they might be good thank you oh thank you guys they gave it to us for free because they recognized my voice so much I appreciate thank you so much and you said people like order tick tock crappuccino okay guys we got our drinks it's time for the official taste you look so good okay it's time for the taste test we got the pink drink ACK the strawberry is a refresher hat did it forget the whipped cream but guess what I don't care cuz they were so freakin nice and we asked for it all and they gave us the largest yeah and it definitely made up for it sup bro I'm filming right now you want to say what's up looks good I told them I told them I fired you because you tried hitting on Kaelyn bro okay fine you're rehired yeah that sounds good guys no one's back I just rehired him okay ready 3 2 1 whoa whoa whoa this is cool good taste good wait guys I'm not encouraging like you ordering complicated stuff but gosh this is so good yeah yours is mine is good too okay this one tastes more like kinda like ice cream actually wait this tastes good too oh my gosh dude okay give these ones a shot hundred percent try them out good I like the pink one more but this one's super good too so good I love Starbucks okay guys we are gonna move on to the next food hack at McDonald's okay so for this next food hack we are here at McDonald's and you could do this at any other fast-food place that has cookies and ice cream basically just gonna make an ice cream sandwich and I think McDonald's is gonna be the best one because one they have the best ice cream and two they have the best cookies so put that together I've never tried it we're gonna just make an ice cream sandwich right now skull guys hopefully their ice cream machines working it's always like a 50/50 hopefully works if not we have to go to another room Tony okay guys we got our cookies we got our ice cream I don't know how I'm going to do this without making a mess but okay okay wait wait for it okay here you go that's it just an Ice Cream Sandwich now we got you got tasted he's gonna hurt my teeth dude sweetie ones are just one bite there's a life hack by me you could just like take pieces of the cookie guys I ran into a bunch of fans in McDonald's and since this is a Tech Talk video we're gonna try doing the renegade dance I have no idea how to do it so I'm gonna follow their lead okay thank you so much for the support I love you guys okay so for this next food hack you are gonna be going to 7-eleven and I'm super excited for this because it involves putting Lucas and dun-dun-dun chamoy together oh that's all my Hispanic fans out there I used to eat Lucas every single day and I had a friend in high school who would put chamoy in my hot cheetos and it'll just be fired what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna go into 7-eleven grab a cup of ice get a mango flavored cocktail mango flavored juice you add some chamoy and then you add some Lucas mango and you actually just eat the ice that's the meal it's not the drink well you just eat the ice and it looks super good the caption says actually smacks so we're gonna see if it's max for real all right the exact same one from the video now you're gonna grab a cup you'll take a cup and but some night okay it's definitely different than the one in the video I think it'll smell like this we got the chamoy we got the Lucas we're gonna try it out all right here we go this is by far the one that I'm most excited about we're gonna pour the mango juice cocktail all right get it all on the ice step 2 Lucas mango oh my gosh no way I'm gonna try drinking it too and last but not least look great Jame this is gonna make it for sure beautiful beautiful and now the moment of truth you grab a spoon I guess you just eat an ice cube there's gonna hurt my teeth that sensitive teeth all right guys it was photosensitive no cause it tastes bad that tastes really good but let me see if we could drink it like if it would taste good if we just drink it okay it tastes way better when you drink it but I want to try another ice cube I think you really need the crushed ice mm-hmm it's really good it just is very cool on your teeth but when you drink it it's really good too okay guys it's currently the next day after I filmed the food hacks video and I was scrolling through tick-tock at night and I found one more that I had to try we're gonna be making a mac and cheese waffle cuz like who wouldn't want to try that okay so you put cheddar cheese on the mac and cheese you pour that into the waffle maker press it down it's simple you just made a mac and cheese waffle and you could add turkey or ham which we're gonna try I don't know this is gonna taste good or weird but let's give it a shot so we already made the noodles for the mac and cheese we're gonna put some mozzarella on the mac and cheese you know call me chef rug here we go all right well add some sharp cheddar too cuz like doesn't like strong cheddar oh yeah oh my god mac and cheese waffle I'm gonna spray it with Pam so it doesn't get stuck to it okay now we are gonna pour it into the waffle maker oh my god we're gonna make mac and cheese waffle ice all right now we're gonna close it up and just leave it like this we're do I have to like close the drive to walk in or it's good all right now we'll pick up the video when we have our waffle guys listen to the sizzle all right we're gonna check on it right now whoa it's starting to look like a waffle look back all right we're gonna keep it there for another like two or three minutes and we're gonna take it out try it all right we got the green light I think the mac and cheese waffle is ready let's check it out oh whoa whoa whoa that actually looks good it smells delicious okay I don't know how I'm gonna take this out like one or two okay it's still on the waffle right this still got some of the waffle right there I'm excited to try this what the heck a new way of making mac and cheese oh yeah you know what I don't care looks so good really it tastes like mac and cheese but it's good I like it it's just if you want it to look cooler even though it doesn't doesn't even look like a waffle a little bit the process was fun though all right oh good okay guys we are back home but we are not done with the food hacks we got two more to go for this next one all you're gonna need is hot cheetos you don't need the lemon one but I just wanted to like try that is it lime you don't need the lime one but I want to just add more flavor you're gonna eat this and pickles what you're gonna do is crush the hot cheetos so should I use my hands I'm telling you that was probably my favorite one guys whichever method you have of crushing the chips go for it I have one more method all right and you're gonna take a pickle and then you're gonna place it on the plate and as you can see the hot cheetos are attaching to it a hot cheeto pick already Oh [Music] I mean it's not bad it's just not something I would do wasn't it a saying it's nothing boom try to go to show it's not Batman you're trying to write what the heck okay I mean you guys could try this one but it's not as good as the other ones we tried see there's four hands I figured all right for this last food heck what do we got Brandon peat rings and nothing else matters cuz we're just gonna eat the p-train meat rings are the greatest candy you're gonna put these in the bowl and then you're gonna need Tajin chamoy what what what Tommy yeah we need Tajin and chamoy why no for else eight then how about these like dang dang oh there we go got the chamoy I heard this is very popular in like the Hispanic community so let me know if you guys have ever tried this I heard this is like um cavity in a bowl that's what it's called exact next you're gonna put Tajin but what why and then we're gonna put Lucas Lucas gave you okay is that good uh-huh all right and why you do the line you do the finishing touches oh okay all right let's try it at the same time now you mix all right grab one Brandon guys the fork yeah okay wait okay let me try mine oh my gosh my god don't do it right right yeah this is actually fine Oh God that is really good what's it called again I mean I think this is by far my favorite food hack of the whole entire video this is by far my favorite one all right guys I'm going to end the video there smash that like button if you guys enjoy me testing viral tick tock food hat remember to follow me on Tik Tok at rug and remember to subscribe to my youtube channel if you did enjoy I love you all so much and other than that it's been rung and I'm out who was 2020 out yes sir just did another video yes sir I'm just a pole right here living in my purpose positive by trying to change the world Oh baby you have a living love baby I've been living
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 10,310,151
Rating: 4.8771391 out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug, tiktok, tiktok hacks, tiktok food, tiktok food hacks, we tested, we tested tiktok, we tested tiktok food, we tested tiktok food hacks, we tested tiktok hacks, faze rug tiktok, tik tok, faze rug tiktok hacks, food hacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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