Swap Power BI Visuals to add FLEXIBILITY in your reports

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- Yooo! Adam Saxton with Guy in a Cube and in this video we are gonna look at how we can add flexibility to our reports without overwhelming our users with a ton of visuals. Let's do this. (upbeat music) If you're finding us for the first time be sure to hit that subscribe button, to stay up-to-date with all the videos from both Patrick and myself. All right, we've looked at the information panel, we've looked at ideas that can elevate our report, in this video, I wanna dig in a little deeper and look at how do we actually give that flexibility to users to provide more insights and to be able to help answer their questions without cluttering the report page with a ton of visuals which could also lead to performance problems, you guessed it. We're gonna dive in a little more into more selections, bookmarks and buttons. Oh my, enough of all this talking let's head over to my machine and take a look and we've got all these visuals but maybe there's additional information that we can provide or give an option for someone to explore more data. We've got our waterfall visual, we've got our matrix visual and maybe we want to give them an option to maybe look at something else, but I don't have necessarily space on the report page to provide that right. I've got everything laid out, it's clean but I wanna maybe give them something else. What I want to do is add a Decomp tree as part of this report page. So the way we're going to do it is let's go ahead and start by hiding these two visuals so that we've got room to actually create something. To do that, I'm on the view tab we're gonna open up selections. I'm also gonna open up bookmarks 'cause we're gonna need that. Next, what we're gonna do, we're gonna hide these visuals. So if you're not sure which visual is 'cause you didn't name them in a way that you can pick them out just go ahead and select the visual. And then it'll highlight it here on the selection bar. So I know that this one is here. And then the one that says matrix for me is the matrix, the matrix, get it. Let's go and hide that. So now we've got a clean slate. So what I want to do, and I'm not gonna waste a whole lot of time with setting up the actual Decomp tree, like a good cooking show. I'm just gonna paste that in. So here we go damn, we've got our Decomp tree. The other thing we're gonna do is we're gonna end up adding a button. So if you don't already have a button, you can go to insert. You can go to buttons, we can use the left arrow. We can use the back button It doesn't really matter. You can pick whichever one you want in this case again, we've already got our button. I've already got it pre setup to do hover effects and all of that. Again, I don't want to get into all of the details of setting those individual items up and formatting, just know that you can add a button. You can format it. Same with the Decomp tree maybe that we could do for another video. So the big thing here is I've got my visuals here, so the return button is gonna be part of the switch, right. So I wanna to go back to the waterfall visual and the matrix, what we can do here right now, if I do control click, it doesn't do anything because we've gotta a wire this up. Now we know that the current state right now is what I wanna it to look like when we're in the Decomp tree. So we're gonna add a bookmark at this point. However, before I actually create the bookmark I wanna to get the other items lined up and then once all the visuals are in place, then we're gonna go create the bookmarks and I'll explain why in a minute. You'll see that I already have them named here Decomp Return Button and then Decomp tree. So let me go and hide those two, and we're going to bring back our matrix and our waterfall visual. Then what I'm gonna do is add another button, this button is what's actually gonna get me into the Decomp tree. Again, if I click it, control click if you're in desktop, regular click if you're in the service, it doesn't do anything because we don't have it wired up yet. So now I've got my two States, I've got when we're in our default view and then we've got our visuals for when weren't showing the Decomp tree, there are two items of the bookmarks that are gonna be really important when we go and set this up. So one is gonna be the data check box and then the other one's gonna be selected visuals. And you may be going like, "Wait, what? I've never even played around with that." If you're like me, I never did either until recently, and I was, my mind was blown. So let's go ahead and look at that. Okay, so we're gonna create our first bookmark, everything's in the current state of when the Decomp tree is hidden. So what I need to do is I'm gonna select all of the visuals involved in this operation. So there's five visuals total So I'm going to select all of them in their current state. I'll select the waterfall control, click the matrix, and then Decomp tree, and then the two buttons. Then I'm going to create a bookmark and I'm gonna call this high Decomp tree. This is the state of when the Decomp tree is hidden. Next what I'm going to do is on the ellipsis, I'm gonna uncheck data because I don't want any of the filters or what applied from a bookmark perspective. Just leave those as is. The other thing I'm gonna do, and this may be something that you've never paid attention to by default, that's all visuals, which means the state of everything on the page is being saved with the bookmark. I only want it to save the selected visuals, and then that bookmark is ready to go. Next, I wanna reverse everything and I'm gonna do the same thing. I'm gonna select all five visuals because these are the ones that are part of the bookmark. Then what I'm gonna do is gonna add a new bookmark and call it, Show Decomp Tree, right. I'm gonna do the same thing gonna uncheck data and we're gonna switch it to selected visuals. Now, what we need to do is wire up the buttons. So we've got our bookmarks. So then the return on the action I'm gonna do high Decomp tree. We'll do control, click to take us back. That looks beautiful. Select the decomp button actions, bookmarks and we're going to do show Decomp tree. And so now if I select it, bam, we see the Decomp tree. If I go back to return, bam, there it is. We've got our switch of the visuals, I can now go from the matrix and waterfall to the Decomp tree to give flexibility to those end-users. The thing we want to be careful about when we're dealing with bookmarks are those options in the ellipsis, right. So the data, the state of which visuals are being selected. So those all play into that experience and you can do some amazing things with those. In this case, we use the power of those bookmarks in the different selections to do that swap without effecting anything else. It's just another solid example of how you can take your report to the next level to help them gain insights from their data in a powerful way, because you know, it's power BI. I don't want to hand this over to you. What do you think? Let me know in the comments, if this blew your mind if this is something you're already doing, I want to know. Also put hashtag "Master Bookmarks" in the comments if you want me to dive into those little check boxes on the bookmarks and demystify what they are all about, happy to do that. If you like this video, be sure to hit the big thumbs up button, smash it if you so desire. If it's your first time here, hit that subscribe button. And as always from both Patrick and myself thank you so much for watching, keep being awesome, and we'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Guy in a Cube
Views: 131,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi, power bi bookmark options, power bi bookmarks, power bi bookmarks and buttons, power bi bookmarks selections, power bi buttons, power bi buttons and bookmarks, power bi desktop, power bi desktop tutorial, power bi for beginners, power bi reports, power bi training, power bi tutorial, power bi tutorial for beginners, power bi visual design, power bi visualization, power bi visualization for beginners, business analytics, business intelligence
Id: GnPuU3X74SY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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