Use Page Navigator to go to the NEXT LEVEL in Power BI

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- Yooo! What's up? This is Patrick from Guy in a Cube. And in this video, I'm gonna show you how to take page navigation (text popping) to the next level. No, I'm not. No, I'm not. I'm just gonna show you how easy it is to set up page navigation with the new page navigator option in Power BI desktop. Stay tuned. (bright adventurous music) If you find this with the very first time, be sure to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date from all the videos from both Adam and this guy. Okay. Page navigation can be a pain in the to maintain and to set up. They did make it easier when they allowed the new page navigation option for buttons and before the page navigation option came out, we would set up bookmarks and then setup the state, and then create them all and have all these bookmarks for all our pages. But to maintain it across multiple pages, it can be cumbersome. It can be something that is not very enjoyable. Well, in the latest release of the Power BI desktop, they actually made it so much simpler and that's what I'm gonna show you in this video. So you guys know how I like to do. Instead of all this talking, let's do what? Let's head over to my laptop. We've set up this report where the United States is the landing page. And then we focus on California and Texas, because that's our big money states and we added these buttons at the top to navigate across the pages. And you can see if I go to California, it'll bring me to the United States in Texas and if I go to Texas, it'll bring me to the United States in California. It's a pretty comprehensive navigation here. But what if I wanted to add a new page? (text popping) What if I wanted to reorder things? What if I wanted to delete something? Huh, man, that would be a lot oh, work. But with the new page navigation option, so much easier. Let me show you what I'm talking about. I'm gonna get rid of all these buttons on every page. And then I'm gonna head back to the default page, and I'm gonna go to insert, look for button, go down to the navigator and choose page navigator. Boom. Look at that. All those buttons are auto-magically created for me. Now, there's one that's showing up, it's hidden and then I'll show you how we can get rid of that one easily. But you can see, right? All of them are there, for all my pages. One's not showing and one is showing, that I don't wanna show. So if I wanna get rid of that, we'll head over here to the format option. We'll go to pages and you'll see where it says "Show hidden page" and "Show tooltip pages." Tooltip pages is automatically hidden, hidden pages, is not. I'm gonna go ahead and hide that one. A lot of times when we have this page navigation, we just hide all the pages and the buttons will not allow you to navigate to one. The tooltip pages, I don't know if I would ever use that because I don't want people to navigate directly to them. They're just used when I do hovers and things like that. But the hidden option is definitely something that I would take advantage of going forward when I started creating all my beautiful reports. Now, if I click California, it takes me to California. And then same thing, if I click Texas, it'll take me over to Texas and it just works. There's some other options here. If I just go ahead and choose it, go to the format panel, I can change the shape and look at the list of shapes that I can choose from. There's all types of shapes and one that I like the best is this Chevron arrow. I really like that one. And I'm going to squish this down a little bit using Adam's really technical term, squishing. And then there's a little option that I saw under style to turn on a glow. Oh, look at that. I like it. Now what happens if I want to add a page, I click the plus, boom. If I go back to United States, it actually adds that page, but that's not what I want to do. What I really want to do, get rid of that. I wanna duplicate Texas. I'm going to call it Washington. I'm going to go change my filter because I only want to see the info for Washington on this guide and not Texas. So now if I go back here, you'll see that it's United States, California, Texas, and Washington. If I move Texas over here, it'll change it up automatically for you. It just kind of handles the management of the page navigation, button, groups, whatever you want to call it. I don't have to do anything. It just works. The last thing I like to do is I'm going to copy it across all my pages. Once I get it formatted the way I want it to look, I simply click it, Ctrl + C and then go to all my pages and just go, boom, boom and boom. So now my navigation is ready to go. If I click here and go Texas. If I click here, I can go to United States, California. And now I don't have to worry about anything. Adding new pages, deleting pages, reordering pages, formatting it up, it all happens as a single unit. All right, what do you guys think? Do you have any questions? Do you have any comments? Have you used the new page navigation feature? I love to know. Let's continue to conversation, where, in the comments below. If it's your first time visiting Guy in a Cube channel, hit that subscribe button. Like my video, give me big thumbs up. As always from Adam and myself, thanks for watching. See you in the next video.
Channel: Guy in a Cube
Views: 78,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi, power bi dashboard, power bi demo, power bi desktop, power bi desktop tutorial, power bi desktop tutorial for beginners, power bi for beginners, power bi page navigation, power bi page navigation buttons, power bi pro, power bi reports, power bi training, power bi tutorial for beginners, introduction to power bi, learn power bi, page navigation in power bi desktop, business analytics, business intelligence
Id: 4TxEvFmE44Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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