Suspension Seat Post Review | Is the Zoom Good for Big Guys??

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hello folks um most of you that watch my videos probably are a little bit surprised seeing me in front of the camera for a change and i have to admit i'm a little bit surprised myself as i've said on previous videos i've always been kind of a shy person and don't feel real comfortable in front of the camera it took me long enough to get uh comfortable behind the camera on some of our rides but i've had a couple comments um asking me about well i've been talking about putting a suspension seat post on our uh on our cloud nine seats for our electric bikes and uh they've asked me to maybe do a video on changing the seat posts out so um so that's what i'm gonna do so i've got the cloud9 i went ahead and took the seat post out of the bike and we'll be putting this zoom suspension seat post on now as i said before whenever i look these up on the internet just about every description that i saw said that it went from about 110 pounds up to about 220 pounds the description for this one said it had uh weight limits of 110 pounds up to um 100 and i'm sorry 397 pounds so uh i doubt that that's the case um i think this is the same zoom seat post that's uh was in all the descriptions and i'd say that 397 pound uh limit probably was a marketing ploy but we're going to see if it works but before we see if this actually works for a guy my size close to 300 pounds i thought that i would go ahead and show how you put this on the seats now i'm not protesting to be a bicycle mechanic or anything like that so take what i do with a grain of salt um i used to have a car dealership and i did a lot of work on cars and uh i wasn't you know didn't know much about that until i did it so i think that we'll all learn while i do this so i went ahead and uh i got the wrenches that i need and let me readjust the camera so that you can see what i'm doing just a little bit better okay so here's the seat on the seat post now the first thing we have to do is just get the seat post out of the bracket that comes on it i believe this is a 14 millimeter nut so i went ahead and got the 14 millimeter wrench and uh we'll just loosen that up and it's got a nut on both sides so we'll loosen up both sides okay all right so we got the uh now this is the step through seat post by the way i'm going to put this on my life step through because i know that the suspension seat post will work for a person her size with no problem and if i find that it works for a person my size then i'll probably go ahead and um go ahead and buy another zoom post for myself [Music] so take the nuts off of the bolt pull these in pieces off hold it and uh [Music] all right we'll just take all that off and we'll move it to the side all right so what we're left with is we've got these uh the rack here now the zoom here you're gonna have to have some allen wrenches uh this one takes i think it's a number five yeah number five allen wrench so what we'll do is we'll put that on and we'll just loosen that up and this will be a totally different bracket that we use to attach this to the seat than what our other seat post was using and i would normally be out by our garage but the garage is full of stuff and we've been having pop-up showers all over the place and i thought it would be safer to set up here on my front porch just in case it rains so uh so we don't get soaking wet all right so i'm going to back these nuts out and i haven't done this before so we are learning at about the same pace all right now i do know that the side that has the bolts on it you want to put toward the back of the seat like this so we'll see if we can do this without taking it totally apart okay there we go and i have heard that some people had issues that the bracket on the zoom post was a little bit narrower than these uh rack bars and they had to squeeze these together but this seems to be pretty right on so the other thing is you can also adjust this seat front to back just a little bit the farther back you go the closer to the handlebars you'll be the farther forward you go on the seat of course the farther back the seat is so the farther away from the handlebars it'll also bring the pedals a little bit more to the front of your body so once we get these things lined up the grooves in this we'll go ahead and we'll start tightening up the bolts again [Music] okay okay so the other thing you want to do before you tighten these down totally is this is made to slide forward and back so you can adjust the angle of your seat let's see once we put it on the bike we'll probably have to loosen these and so we can tip the seat so we can tip the seat forward and back to uh get a good fit um but for now we'll just kind of leave it like it is that actually looks like that'll be pretty good as far as the angle of the seat post so what i'll do now is i'll just go back in and we'll just tighten these up all the way okay that feels pretty good so there we have it that's about what it'll look like um we may have to go in and adjust the angle of the seat and bring the front down or the front up you just unloosen the nuts and then this mounting bracket that comes on the zoom kind of kind of slide forward and back so you'll be able to do that to adjust the angle of your seat but for now we'll just leave it like that the other thing [Music] these do have an adjustment for different weights as you can see here there's a little phillips type screw in the bottom i'm sorry an allen type nut i'm not sure you know i need a bigger one um this was a this is adjusted for the lighter weight you'll get an allen wrench you can put in here and you can screw it up inside that'll uh decompress this the the spring that'll move it's got some rubber uh bushings in here some big thick ones and slide those up and make it a little bit tighter for heavier folks so let me uh i think i left my other wrenches in the house hang on one second i'll go get those and i'll be right back okay i'm back just like everything nowadays pretty much everything is metric see yeah alright so this is so this is a six millimeter so the five millimeter is what you tighten the seat up once you get the zoom seat post put on the seat put on the zoom five millimeter in these two screws this one down here six so tighten this up you just stick this in here and start spinning and if you can see it it's kind of starting to uh go up in there a little bit and the more you screw it in the tighter this becomes and it should handle heavier people so i'm not sure how far this goes in i think what i'm going to do is put it in about that much if you can see it was flat i put it in about that much so we will put this on the bike i'll sit on it test it out and see uh see if that's got some good shock absorbing to me so hang on just one second let me get the bike and we will put this in and and give it a try i'll be right back so we've got my wife's bike got the zoom seat post i'm gonna slide it and it is fits in there like a glove as you can see i'm not sure how high we'll need it but now this thing seems slightly narrower than the other seats all you have to do is spin this little nut right here right beside it tighten it up as much as you can by hand and then that'll make this tighter okay now i've got this camera kind of hooked on to the back and hopefully it'll stay like that and we might be able to see how the seat pal seat post works for me so hang on everybody so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys um i'm actually re-shooting the ending right now um i'm not a hundred percent sure how i feel about the zoom seat um my first reaction was i was bottoming out and the outro that i filmed just a little while ago i pretty much let the post have it and say that it was trash for anybody 250 or 60 pounds and up but i thought i was being a little hasty so what i did was i um decided to go back out and ride again and try it out again just to be fair um i let my wife write it i didn't film hers i knew hers would be fine i had to let hers out almost as light as it would go not quite as light but almost as light as it would go so that she'd be comfortable um i also repositioned my camera and uh did a new shoot because the other the first uh thing that i shot i was getting a lot of the seat kind of covering up the actual suspension so it was kind of hard to tell what it was doing there's a little sticker on the back of the suspension area and that bottom of that sticker is where you bottom out and i did notice um on this second go-around that the bottom of the sticker was hitting you know the the frame so it was bottoming out and he it made it more comfortable just to ride and go over regular bumps on a regular road the more i think about it the more i think it will probably be okay for the types of roads and trails that i ride on um anything more than what i generally ride on um it'll be trash um i went over some of the curbs here at the house and the thing really slams you but i have to say even if it bottoms out it's still better than not having that suspension seat post if that makes sense so again if you're just on the regular road it gives me pretty good cush it gives me decent cush um and it'll it always absorb some minor bumps um if i go through a pothole or hit any kind of a curb or go through grass that you know has any bumps or pits any more than about a quarter of an inch or so it bottoms out instantly but again there's still enough resistance there that uh i don't get the full brunt of the bounce if that makes sense and again i'm you know close to 300 pounds so i knew it would be hard to find uh a suspension seat post that would work for somebody my size uh works great for lisa um i backed it off of several turns and let her ride it and she was barely even pushing the thing down going over bumps we had to stop and i had to release the tension two or three times until it was near the bottom so it works fine for her you know we can keep ingesting we're going to ride with it a little bit before i give you my final result on you know how we like it how she likes it i may even switch off and ride her some to kind of get a feel before i would go and and buy a zoom for myself i think i'm going to keep looking and see if i can find anything else that's a little bit more heavy duty than what this one is all right guys i'm back sorry about that we had a uh a girl peddling her political stuff here in her freight yard so she was trying to tell me about a new bill that was trying to be put in uh i believe it was called for the people act uh which actually makes sense but anyway they're wanting uh wanting people to call their state senators and uh uh try to get them to vote a certain way on it anyway back to what i was saying so yeah i think that i think the uh the seat post is good definitely for most people and brooke's got a brook has a little deal on her back here can you grab that for me okay sorry about that i'm getting interrupted by girls and bugs and everything else so uh so yeah um i'm still 50 50 on whether i would get the zoom seat post for myself it's going to work for lisa she's got plenty of adjustment either way whether she gains weight or loses weight i'll be able to to adjust that and she's got plenty of give either way for me with it as tight as it can go um i think it gives me enough support on the regular trails that we ride to help out a little bit if i hit a big bump a curb something like that it bottoms out but i guess overall even for those it gives me a little bit of extra support whereas the regular uh seat post wouldn't so i so given all of that uh i'm not going to order it right away from myself i'm going to keep looking and see if i can find something a little bit more uh a little bit more hardy a little bit more heavyweight if i can't find anything that has a higher weight rating i think i'd go ahead and and use the zoom seat post that'd be definitely better than nothing so for those of you that are interested in the zoom seat post i'm going to go ahead and put a link to it in my description and i'll go ahead and put a link to all the stuff that i use the cloud9 seat uh the mirror that i use on the bikes i've got a video showing how to put that on i think it was during my 100 mile review and uh i also put a link for the helmets that lisa and i and brooke use whenever we go out riding to talk back and forth to one another it's how you it's the same helmet that you can hear lisa talking on the video with whenever we're apart so those are quite nice but i'll put links to those in the descriptions if you're interested in any of these items so just to tie a bow on it i'm i like the seat for my wife and for anybody under 250 pounds anybody heavier than that closer to 300 i would continue looking if i can't find anything more heavy duty i'll probably go ahead and order one for myself because like i said on regular trail roads things of that nature it does give you a little bit of sponge i mean it a cool i've got about a quarter inch of play whenever i sit on the thing so any more bounce than that it bottoms out but at least it would give some support on most of the stuff that i ride on so i hope you enjoyed the video i hope uh you know it helped people out there big folks like me but until next time enjoy the rest of your evening god bless and i'll see you on the next video you
Channel: Reflections of Our Life
Views: 32,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lectric accessories, suspension seatpost review, suspension seatpost, suspension seatpost mtb, Suspension seat post review, zoom suspension seat post review, zoom suspension seatpost, zoom suspension seatpost review, electric bike accessories, Lectric XP bike, Lectric XP, e bike for big people, ebike for big people, electric bike for big people, Lectric, big guy, big guy bike, electric bike, e bike, Lectric Bike, lectric xp review, electric bike review, electric bikes
Id: VyGNBkgRN7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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