How to install a suspension seatpost (Fast)

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hey david here with diy mountain bike going to talk about making a mountain bike or even any bike that doesn't have a rear suspension more comfortable how to make it more comfortable by installing a suspension seat post so we got this bike um maybe a year and a half ago my wife and i love to bike together but we just have different kind of fitness levels and multiple years ago i was riding some trails roads really in the smoky mountains and someone passed me going up a hill and she was a little bit older than me and i was like what the heck so at the next stop i talked to him there was an e-bike so after that it was like getting on the mission to get my wife one of these so we can go on longer trips together we had rented a couple e-bikes to make her comfortable anyway let's get into installing this seat post and um a little things you need to kind of watch out for in order to make sure you can make a system a really comfortable system attached to your bike so we're going to disassemble some things i'm going to put the camera on fast forward while i take off this rack unfortunately the tracks got to come off but i got an idea for another rack coming um and subscribe so you can hit you can see that installation as it comes through so watch what we've got going coming on here okay get too far let me go over the tools this is gonna be a camera i'm gonna use to kind of video this suspension but i'm gonna talk about some things that calipers um might be good uh just more to give you a heads up on what type of equipment you've got possibly a screwdriver um a torque wrench more for taking off that rack that i currently have on the bike and then a trusty multi-tool we'll get most of it done in this bag is the uh instructions for the suspension seat post i got it's called a sun tour suntour sp12 we'll get into that some more when we get into installing [Music] all right so part of this installation is measuring what size seat post you need to get the correct seat post with the suspension unit so um the seat tube and seat post from most bikes come in three standard sizes usually those are 27.2 30.9 and 31.6 so you can measure that with a pair of calipers if you have it or if you've got a a small little metric scale you can measure it as well so the concern is that the seat tube currently in on this bike is about 30.4 and that doesn't fit the different units that suntour sells so i had to buy a size smaller i bought a 27.2 seat post for the sun tour okay and i got this adapter that converted it to the correct size since i couldn't buy the right size adapter from suntour i shouldn't say adapter the right size seat post from suntour so these are really common i will put a link in the description um where you can find these couple six eight ten bucks you can get this adapter i would suggest getting this adapter if you cannot find the right size so what you need to do measure measure your seat post diameter right so this guy ended up being 30.7 30.4 i'm sorry so that didn't fit what was sold i bought the adapter you slide the adapter in i like to put the adapter in where the notch aligns with the notch on the bike seat tube with that in place you can quickly just drop in your new seat post with the suspension [Music] kind of tighten it up a little bit adjust it and then go the rest of the way tightening this up so my wife did test this guy out already really liked it and then i'm gonna also show some video i did with the suspension working out on a road so stay tuned for that hey stay tuned for um my next video which is going to be putting a rack found a fantastic rack with an integrated bag on amazon we'll stick that guy on here so i have a replacement rack more of a picnic rack as my wife and i do a lot of riding together and then you know stopping drinking some water eating some lunch whatever it might be thanks and then we're going to attach our seat post right tighten this up just a little bit and then we're going to swap over the seat just down a little bit more take this guy up a little bit more now if you noticed on that rack and that rack i had um actually attaches to the seat post i don't have the room to do that and my wife is a little bit shorter let's come down just a little bit more i know that this is different than what she had all right so we got that guy in there now it's just a matter of changing out our seat now i'm not going to go in depth into changing the seat i mean you can watch me i'm going to fast forward through it um but a point to the other video i did where i swap out the seat [Music] [Music] but we're coming up to the spot my wife like i almost took a spill so it's a section of this right here you see the power and so what i want to try to do is video how the suspension on this suntour seat post works out so let me get turned around and take this video [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: DIY Mountain Bike
Views: 24,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tAkgGKpMXMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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