Sushi With Cinna | Nick & Malena

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have a water got anything else what do you want nothing um uh Melena wants Che order hi sorry can I have a venty iced Americano with stevia and almond milk else uh that's it thank you you normally say molena what didn't send my girlfriend I'm not paying for this you're paying for this I'm not looking this person in the eyes well I I can't pay I don't have any money do you want me to pay I can pay damn you're flexing us like that yeah just show my card I dropped the phone yeah rism with theism nice that was a good that was a good rhyme anyways you were saying you're the most I want to apologize why don't make I said I said earlier if you went to LA your stream a done I didn't mean that I just didn't want to lose you a I'm sorry you don't think I would die you probably do better but I'd feel bad I was worried you were going to say no it would die but thanks you're good leave H we need you around here dude you guys want to hang out more I love I love hanging out with you guys I'm down to hang out I think we us should travel the world together no I meant like hang out here I don't want to imagine me you go to Miami and let it rip with Aiden Ross whoever's down dude I got Shooters out in Miami what one of your moderators was out there no I got I got I got some of the nice guys out there the nice guys the nice guys nice guys so Aiden Ross no my friend Dean lives out there oh uh you mean Dave so white mhm yeah Dave so white Dave so white well I mean he doesn't really seem like much of a shooter but you know he really that he got you got absolutely fried you know I won the twitch trivia too with poke oh with Pokey and soda yeah how was that was that good she Pokey was frying At first she was doing so well but then like I just I just started having a comeback and Chan was completely L we got to the difficult questions I still think you get to preview the questions I'm I like just don't think that smart I don't think I'm that smart either you have a day I think maybe I just know Melena bye why do you know me because we've been in love for about 17 years now but what does knowing Molina have to do with black trivia you know what I mean she makes the questions no that wasn't me I think you sleep around with her and then you're like hey give me a question and then she tells you yeah give her the old one two with the fingers and get a couple questions e don't don't get oh my God my ears my skull what I've never experien that it was why she's not wrong what yeah it I'm so sorry you deserve me too so much in life she does deserve a little bit better when it comes to the old the old intercourse you know but yeah who am I to blow against the wind right I'm sure I'll find someone someday no fingers crossed that's not a good joke you're going nowhere I got you for 18 was that not a good joke no well you guys have to stay here forever because I need friends to hang out with I'm down I feel like you guys don't well I can't say I don't go out either I stay home all the time really yeah I'm home all the time oh my god dude what what I went out drinking a couple weeks ago for the first time in my entire life oh yeah I got invited to bottle servers with you and Dave what ever happened to that oh that never went through actually I actually did bottle service mhm I did I went out I went out drinking with uh do you know Finn yeah yeah I went out drinking with Finn from otk do you know Finn and um let me tell you we had a blast like we ran into an air BNB downtown okay was it like a special occasion no it just cuz we cuz we can oh nice and it it was actually super fun I feel like going on these like little if you have like a little weekend dedicated to having fun and then you come back and return to normal life the best way to do it you you are so right so I think we should do some of that who would you want to go I don't want to go away for a weekend with you I'm okay you should why not just try it out why can't you just you should be playing Arma the whole time so be like that's great no she's not coming wait why not it be like me you and Finn like Russell that sounds like a nightmare blunt rotation except for Finn I think Finn's cool what the you don't think well did you put it the GPS no I'm doing it now dude Russell would just berate me the whole time okay I guess you don't want to hang out and then you would get really drunk and start calling me a fat [ __ ] cuz you do that I would never say it to your face like ever okay okay and you're not fat you are a [ __ ] though but okay all right yeah dude we both been losing weight have you bro you didn't need to lose weight in the first place you didn't need to lose weight in the first place I don't want you to get too skinny cuz then you cuz if you get too skinny then you're going to you're going to no finish the sentence you're you're going to get sick and die oh that's what you're worried about is me getting getting too skinny and getting sick and dying yeah because of the of the wind it would blow you around like asmin [Laughter] gold you you you actually what are you doing like a diet or a workout or something I've been going to the gym and then I've been dieting but I don't know if dieting is like the word Forks i' just been like eating significantly less that's what I'm doing yeah but you you you like cook now right mhm that's good yeah speaking of you dumbass why on Earth would you think that I would stay and cook for you 247 do you remember when you asked me that yeah because you you don't make that much money that's why you do it for the money okay first of all [ __ ] all right I made I thought I made good money this year you know what oh you guys want to hear something cool this last year was my first year I ever made 100K I was so excited I'm happy for you congrats you're actually judging me right now you think I'm so poor it's not even funny that's so rude first off first off that is insane 100K year is a respectable salary I would never think that you were I was so proud I was really proud I just think you know you could probably you you should have be at least be clearing at least 850 a year a year well at your current size but you got to remember last year I got thrown into it and people didn't really know me till like a part of the year and so now now it's like more consist did you make 100K in savings or 100K total that's what I'm wondering and what are you what are you doing with all that money you're making saving it you're not going to get a new car uh well I I want a new car but I really am attached to mine though you know like I I feel like CU my car is the first one I ever bought myself so I just don't want to let her go oh see I leased my my first car I ever got myself I leased it really so I had to give it back oh wait did you get it like REO or you don't know where a leas is what the don't you make a payment on it and then once you're done it's yours no you have to give it back that's not true you don't know what leasing is wow is that cuz that's wild what are you talking about is your car lease so there's financing and there's leasing leasing is when you you get like a a three-year like 10,000 mile a year thing after the three years you give it back to the dealership wait that's a thing yes and then you can if you do well with your leasing you can lease another car without a down payment and uh get a brand new car like an upgrade I I thought they were just buying and financing I had no idea was so what I did for three cars I leased three cars uhhuh I leased an ATS a CTS and a CTSV in that order okay but then I bought that GTR cash and then me and L B this one okay I well I mean this is a really nice car this is insane I want like a a a reliable car but I hate talking bad about my car because I feel like she's going to get her feelings hurt and she'll hear you she will break down on me so I don't say anything bad about her you know I just let her let her do her thing yeah you should but like the window doesn't roll down so when I go through drive-throughs I have to e go out the let's let's say you had a ticket right a Golden Ticket given you by Willie wono and this golden ticket will get you one free car on the planet and you get to pick anyone you want what car would you pick well recently I really liked a Hyundai ionic those are really cool so keep in mind this thing can get you any car on the planet oh and you pick a Hyundai well okay hear me out I don't like like a Corvette I I'd be scared to drive it because if anything happens to that car it's so much money to repair it's covered under the golden ticket oh I get lifetime repairs lifetime repairs Lifetime Insurance oh um and gas and gas and gas this this is a Willy Wonka juicer of a ticket oh Frick mhm well Hyundai ionic still sounds really great you know what I mean I don't even know what ionic looks like it just like lasts a long time like great cars like I need to find one on the road what do I look like getting out of a Corvette you know what I mean they see it pull up and they're like damn that's a 10 of a woman and then I get out and it's like oh she's like a you know what I mean she's wearing like a t-shirt and some [ __ ] pajama pants with stains on it like I should you literally just described imaru like to the tea okay but Emer she just her face she has she has a Corvette and she wears pajama pants with pizza stains on it that's that's that you just you just described Emy to the teeth that's pretty yeah but she just has a look about her that she like looks good Nick I found out what car we're going to get in Norway what car a pole star a pole star yeah what is that it's just an electric vehicle why can't we get a Tesla like like Emily we can get a Tesla you want me to order it I want to get out of this Lane cuz I feel like I'm clogging up the left lane here with my big black ass I don't I don't like Teslas that much cuz I feel like people rely too much on the auto drive you know like they they just fully trust it and I just it makes me anxious you know what's crazy looking at you and like your your swag you would look pretty good in a Bentley really yeah like I think I think you're a Bentley girl Bentley's like like uh like a lot of like a lot of rappers get them yeah I was going to that's what I was going to say you Bentley girl really yeah I've always thought that if I was like I looked like a car I look like a Prius girl like I feel like I look like I give Prius Aura no you got you got you got that low that low self-esteem you know or at least uh a G wagon I don't think we having a Prius is like low self I think it's pretty sweet I used to love Prius as a kid what is a G wagon Mercedes Mercedes Benz you never seen a gwag those are called G wagons I thought Mercedes Benz are like the low small cars they make a G wagon you don't know jeez you don't know nothing about nothing you didn't know about you're not a car girl are you listen I've had me and my 2005 Infinity is that nonionic for a Jeep I've had me and my 2005 Infinity for years and I'll never swich what do you know like if you don't know nothing about cars like what what is your expertise like what are you good at what are you interested in uh anime anime no I'm not good at anime stuff uh I don't know I I don't know what I'm good at when I was at school I was like medium you know I was always just Middle Ground at everything oh my God medium wait you know what medium stands for what M are you calling me mid no no you called yourself mid cuz the medium is in the middle well I said that in school I was mid okay not now are you inferring that now I'm mid what school well in high school did you have boyfriends in high school I had one what's his name I can't say cuz I've told way too many stories about him to ever say it it I can't was was he tall uh yeah I would [ __ ] hate to date someone who like is successful in streaming and I wasn't a streamer myself why cuz like their ego there's so many stories that people tell about like their lives and [ __ ] like and then the people that you did go to school with now knows everything about the ex that you know yeah I will say I told like I would I would [ __ ] hate that like I told the story of my first time you know like doing it ever and I should have never done that but like didn't you tell it to me too and it was weird there's something weird about it wasn't there no I just said I thought I was gay like when I like afterwards I was like oh I'm I've got to be gay there's no way that this is what people are excited about it was that bad that's how I feel oh it was it was horrible like to this day that you're gay no you would look a lot cooler if you were a gay no oh no that like it's not like eating waterburger mhm is probably better right what what are you saying like eating what do you mean eating water Burgers it feels better so you think being gay like would feel better I just don't think that like no what no no I'm not talking about being gay I'm talking about just like like intercourse cuz remember you say it's not that big like your first time you're like what what so you mean like sloppy sex is better than no sloppy burger with sauce so you want Water Burger level Sixx I and I want you to say that that's what you're saying I'm saying Water Burger is better so waterburger sex cuz we're no no no no why are you combining the two because because you're making a metaphor about what we're talking about and I'm I'm talk so I'm just asking you if you like greasy sloppy sex and you think it's better because that's what it sounds you're saying greasy yes greasy and sloppy greasy don't don't don't Mia can you help me out keep me out of this how can it be greasy well I mean oh you want to know why why it's greasy because of the perm the perm the perm is kind of greasy in the hair but M doesn't have perm cuz she's white what you greasy cuz you got perm I don't have a perm oh isn't perm greasy no oh that's not what never mind you I'm provoking your black card actually did I just lose that's crazy did I just lose it there this yeah because not the worst conversation I've ever heard why do you think that per well I don't I don't understand how I can be greasy like the only thing about me is greasy is my hair yeah so how can oh yeah by the way no dandruff you like that yeah well don't say this motherfucker's OIC is making him trip I'm not an OIC guys publicly are you sure I I I swear I swear you've been losing weight you're like looking like my size we're getting a little too close in weight and I don't like it I don't believe that you know what I'm getting close to Miz in weit yeah well it's just I don't you know I just don't like it we're a little too you were saying your numbers the other day and I was like ooh that's too close a range we got to widen that Gap I saw Miz post a screenshot he's like 180 I'm 185 are you going to start going to the gym so I want to go to the gym cuz I want to get stronger but at the same time it's like I I I want to take my shirt off I want you to be like wow you know what I'm saying I will never be like wow when you I'm I'm not going to go to the gym then so so your goal to going to the gym is you want to take your shirt off and you want me to say wow why not among well M always already Melena already says wow she said wow yesterday did you say wow wow yeah she sounds real interested in you first of okay well it's Melena is not superficial like you are right so what does that mean you you like you're like oh my God you know do you like being this difficult all the time I'm just trolling do you like being what does oh my God mean what what superficial actually mean though I don't know superficial is it like um like materialistic I don't know no but to be fair like I want to be able to like so recently i' I've taken off like my shirt right uhhuh and I've looked in the mirror okay and then I've said to myself that's not bad I don't that's what you're saying no are you saying like confidence-wise you're like oh that's not bad it's not no no not confidence-wise I'm just giving myself like a rundown of where I was and where I'm going mhm and I'm at the point where it's not bad okay that's not good I would like to get to good okay that's good so you should work out then correct I I I honestly think working out has helped my mental health so much I was like so much angrier a year ago and now that I started going to the gym regularly I feel better where were you mad about Russell uh yeah Russell just pissed me off you know I just hung out with you for the first time that was really [ __ ] frustrating so it can be pretty frustrating I relate to that yeah just to go to the gym make you feel better where are you trying to make me go to the gym not that no not that you not that you need to go to the gym you don't need to but molinaa if you did I'm just going to say it and this is com for me who doesn't go to the gym everybody needs to go to the gym sorry Melena so get your ass in every person myself included uh-huh we all need to go to the gym I agree no never mind no go ahead darling no you're right you're right you're in trouble not me I just want to fix my posture that's I got to do like back exercises chest exercises and shoulder exercises me too because I feel like I look like I'm like you know dude melena's posture is wild dude Melena does it does it look like your fun bags are just dragging you down what does that mean you know what I mean your boobs your you know what I mean your um no it looks like my like my torso is so long that I just sit like a shrimp that's well mine my chat whenever I turn sideways they always do a lowercase R because they say that's what my back looks like cuz I'm like this hunch over uh yeah mine is more like a c really it's that curved no Mia's back like when she's sitting down like this you could eat steak dinner off like whatever the hell this is I have a picture of a Starbucks cup sitting on top of my back that's so mine is we're probably in the same boat mine is really [ __ ] she got a long midsection like I've had people that when I'm just out even with my family they'll be like hey you need to fix your like push me back up cuz I'll just slouch is your dad coming down uh yeah I have to get the dates with him cuz I went out of town for master Baker and stuff so I was going to do it sooner but what this nothing the way he said that is thought sound like masturbator oh like masturbator out to I wouldn't go out of town to do that you know I could do that here but that's disgusting I just I'm I'm sorry you talk about jerking off in the shower and it being like better for everyone around you I'm the problem Meena explain it it's different when we talk about it yes we're not supposed we're supposed to be modest yep I'm sorry guys I've never jerked off in my life but you yep you know what go ahead you were going to say nothing so just you know just to make it clear Nick I've literally heard you say I jerked off in the shower this morning so that you guys can have a good day I've heard you say and somehow but was that was that during Wild West yes okay yes and the worst part is it was off camera and you're like yeah guys I jerked off so that everybody else can have a good day like what the well the thing is like it just lowers the testosterone a little bit so I'm not lessive you're so lucky that I just don't give a [ __ ] about the things that you say like imagine if you had a girlfriend who cared like that would be awful for you you watch on Wild West saying guys got an empty sack yeah I would cut you out of so much content like you're you're so lucky that I have the patience that I do all praise Melena like I just want to know if you were not a streamer and you walked around I would never say that though that you have an empty sack well number one I wouldn't be hanging around you guys so I would have no need to say that do you think that we would be friends if we weren't streamers like all of us I I think Melena would not be a friends with not even me fair I think me and you if we weren't streamers we'd probably be like best friends or like married or something just to be completely transparent you know in a different world so now you'll be my backup right don't you just didn't you just call me your you'll be my backup right I'm down for that yes I'll be your back wait backup what girl no I meant back up for you no no no no no I meant okay you ever heard this saying every man grows up to marry his own sister no you ever heard that saying a man goes up to marries his his own sister are men typically in love with their sisters chat oh I know where we're going we're not going to have service [ __ ] molinaa uh-oh what this place is the is the massive Dead Zone we can go somewhere else we need it's not it's where the Pokemon cards are I know wait are we going where I think we're going maybe we'll we'll give it a try if it doesn't work doesn't work I'm I might know where we're going you probably been there but I think be cool for chat I think Nick what we should do is we should become the blackest people in Austin I think we need more black representation the blackest person in Austin is Russell dude the bar is so low if that's the blackest person we actually screwed you know what that is a d yeah n can we just connect can we just connect to the starlink if we no someone ask why do they torture Melena like this bro I already told you I don't care m is the best guys hearts for Melena you put that on right I don't I'm trying to find the other thing I I lost it don't need to like oh it's tied right here I I remember my first dag okay I've never worn a d I used to have cornrow how is that possible don't you have white people hair no my hair is really curly shut up you've I've worn it curly hair we've been through this like 50 times okay I don't remember your [ __ ] hairst oh my God you're like a [ __ ] old man D like hanging on my grandfather oh my okay sorry I don't [ __ ] save your hairsty in my mind oh I'm so literally there like what other what other like like mixed person do you hang out with Maya you Rob what is Maya wait is Maya She's mixed I meant mixed with black oh EOB that does not count he that that does not count he's mixed with something a little bit special have you seen his hair recently dude yeah I mean it looked good for like a little bit Yeah but I don't know what happened cuz he was he got it cut and it was like who was it that said that they were like five or 3% they could say it a long time ago was that Brit I swear I swear that was Brit it wasn't Brit it was someone else no Brit's as I bir a sister she why does everyone want to say it does britz say that when she's drunk off stream no she said it on stream up for she said she birthed a sister and it was it was really funny oh it's Miz Miz says that all right Tech Miz listen Miz will say regardless doesn't matter I was going to say he doesn't really need the 3% we we know are we at the point where we can laugh about that yet or are we not there I think we can okay depends who sees the clip true yeah I think we can um we should get your dad to be a part of the quiz I'm down uh I'll tell you when he comes into town cuz he's super excited can you can you tell me like five days ahead so I can start preparing the quiz absolutely okay and then we can plan a day yeah it's going to be hard to beat him because I think me and him are the same age mentally so how how old are you how old am I yeah I'm 29 no you're not I am 29 years old no I swear with this new haircut I am okay I'm not saying that you look this age but I swear I've heard you say you're like 35 yeah I'm I'm 35 really my dad you know how how old my dad is he's 47 my 12 he's only 12 years older than you wait he had you when he was 12 no he had me when he was a teenager though oh so my my dad's like I mean that's not like super young but I feel like that's pretty young like most people's parents are like in their 60s to be fair it's a good thing that like not in hindsight like I really never mind we don't talk about kids but having kids young is actually better in the long term because you get more time with them as an adult I don't want more time with them you know I'm kind of okay that's like if if you guys had kids I'd be like that's a that's a chill kid you know what I mean but I wouldn't okay I'm not I'm not changing the diapers but I'll come over and bring them a gift what words are you saying right now I saw your gift clip about anal what anal gift clip with with Emy oh about when somebody gives you a gift you think they want anal yeah I saw that yeah I've gotten an anal gift before not like that but like you know what I mean uh surprise entance no not like no fries [ __ ] no not like that like that want some fries [ __ ] which one is it um I love this place it should be on the corner over here left it says on your map no oh whoa there it is on the corner there where the people are outside across the street over there yeah yeah it's that um oh it's th this place right with the um s how are you when you stream in public are you loud no I I promise these people that we wouldn't bother them no I'm pretty normal we might have to filter you I don't like I feel like there's different types of IRL streamers but I'm one of those where I can't bother but I'm scared you want to go in there and find us a spot yeah so have a spot where we can put the camera and stuff you you got to take that off why no stop stop we're not going to be like that dude come on wait this is sick hold on let me do not stop hold on wait Robin Hood where the thing go oh this is about to die what if oh it is so give me give me the the two batteries bro this [ __ ] go crazy I'm going to go get a seat is this not sick I'm excited for this what drag or oh nice nails did you get done thank you yeah I started getting I'm done cuz I I wanted to feel more girly same you know I get my my nails done too really wait you did yeah I did do you go get like manicures well I used to start I only go now because my friend Dean took me you know Dean Dave yeah Dave yeah why'd you hand me these I'll take them so I get them done now yeah I the only reason I don't why I don't like getting them done that much is because it costs money and I just it's like so much money it's like8 you really need just you need you need someone is to shower you in cash no oh wait they already do that in your po. box oh you're so jealous it's crazy they I bet you were like half those lsf comments weren't you what do you mean I made the post you were it's my ALT account I made that you were so jealous I watched your PO Box you're like oh yeah guys like this like drawing is really great I mean it's not like with synag getes but I mean guess it's to be fair my last PO Box was [ __ ] insane it was you got like a katana on [ __ ] right no I got a rock yeah that's the one you were and I got a Nessie that was pretty sick oh yeah you were yelling at Melena to not touch your Nessie dude she's like ripping off the head of the Nessie I'm like stop okay the Nessie is pretty cool I was pretty sick no you have a great you you wonder why you have a great PO Box why because you have a great personality and people like you thank you my my chat they [ __ ] on me the whole time so yeah because it's like it's like the high it's like the middle school bully but I I I'll say I'd rather have my chat than like a full simp chat I couldn't do it like like if I had a s chat that like they were like oh my God you're so perfect I love you like first off first off they would never call you perfect cuz you're not step one they would never say that I mean maybe in some World they would say you know like she's kind of hot nope I've heard some people say you know she's your best quality is that you're hilarious where does my looks fall into that they don't it's not one of the the things that that works I saw somebody DM me it was like this girl she said uh I love that you're a relatable kind of hot and that like hurt me I think she meant like you're not like so pretty that it's unattainable you're just medium so that she can relate and I was like I don't know what the [ __ ] that means that was kind of hurtful you know well at least she didn't say you look like a big toe do have you been told that no no one no one ever no one really comments on my appearance like seriously I guess it's jokes Nick hello what I feel like I see every time you tweet somebody is always talking about your appearance now it's it's not it's like constant and I'm just going to tell you right now they're not good things so if you haven't seen them no I don't maybe I just don't see them yeah if you tweet underneath me I'll see people replying they'll be like Nick's on OIC like Nick like they just you know they're constantly commenting on it well that's because okay so the one thing about my chat is any achievement that I have they will try and take for me for example yesterday MH I won the me and chance won the first ever uh Rumble Club tournament you mean chance carried you right and that's what they say but what you're missing out on here is um there was a One V one at the end between me and chance okay and I and I beat him I just feel like in my head chance doesn't need the money because he's so [ __ ] Rich that he's like yeah I'm not you know what I mean I'm G give it to my friend similar to like the house you know he's just like whatever you got it you don't think that's true you know what's crazy what so like my entire life you know I think I I've I've always done pretty well you know hockey MVP I got into a good college you know good grades and my mom never really acknowledged or said good job or congratulations and even to this day like I never have gotten the the good job or the congratulations so I'm constantly like seeking out validation that I'm never getting you know so when I you won't get it here sure as [ __ ] won't make that clear sure sure won't dude I will say uh I I love my family but they've always been um when I was growing up if we ever did anything bad it was like a really big deal but then like good stuff was cool but it wasn't like I never felt like it was on equal tier do you know what I mean no but also also my dad I cannot say anything cuz my dad was a single dad he did so good like raising us we listen listen single dad you grew up you know I feel like I'm pretty cool now your butthole is not all the internet you did a good job I I never is it just no no but never start a sentence with your butthole when you're sitting like right next to me just don't do it okay to be fair if nobody wants to put their butthole on the internet that's their business you know what I mean okay so I can put mine out there as long as I don't see it but you will someone will will link it to you and know my eyes will physically melt out of my skull if I see your someone will link you my butthole oh she's not looking happy oh no what's up M for a second I don't know how to mute uh you mean our mics hold on wait I can on mute yeah you can mute Molen you can't say those words Jesus Christ Jesus Christ I had a feeling this was going to be like this all right Co it's good let's go in let's go do you bring this whole thing dude yeah oh my God so the problem is like if you want to get like the the best quality it's just it's too much too much equipment it's too much I need a camera guy but like it's slur day it's what slurs day what's slurs day you mean Thursday oh it's what we celebrate oh god look look at this I love it isn't this poggers Sushi's my favorite food you guys both sitting say or do you want to sit here I'll sit next to her okay that's okay yeah that's okay right c yeah it's okay you move over M yeah oh wow we actually have sell service in here nice hi there everybody hello we filming already yeah yes well welcome my name is R I'm your server today I'm going to go over everything so you know how it works okay so first off all the sushi plates are $330 doesn't matter what's on them it's just how many you have okay to take them off the conveyor you grab by the plates front edge lift and they come right out do your best to avoid touching the bubble this is here for sanitary purposes so if you need to you can use the brown tray underneath for leverage and help separate them okay I'm going to have give it a try at least once okay can you show show me again I'm sorry plate lift okay okay reset perfect oh no that means I'm on plate Duty perfect I'll try to help beautiful everybody got it starts okay thank you whenever you are done with your sushi plates they go down that slot in the table that's how we keep tracking every five gets you a cute animation on the tablet and at 15 you get a prize out of the box we do ask that you avoid putting any trash or food down the shoot it is just for sushi plates as best you can okay if you want something off the conveyor but every time it passes by both the slots are empty or if it's just passed you don't want to wait on it to come back around you can place food orders through the tabel and that goes for all of the extra items the menus you can see either side of the tabel any food you order through the tablet comes via the express conveyor which is the black one above the moving room your tablet should notify you that the food is on its way but some of them have messed up sound settings so they don't make a noise oh that's so cool I had no idea I thought it was just this you are also go ahead I give up okay like I said you can press against the brown tray just to help keep the entire thing yeah I gave up it's fine it went away don't come back around next next time around you're also going to order your drinks through the tablet it does start there on the alcohol but if you hit the next button or the soft drinks tab it will show you over non-alcoholics those get sent over to you via one of our robots so you'll hear it making yes it has loud music right that's so cool you'll hear it it should alert you when it's there by saying like your table number but it doesn't always uh people don't always notice it so you know just keep an eye out for it you'll hear it up to you um if you need anything refills got a question about something whatever hit the green call Button that'll let me know that you need some I kind of have a little bit of a question yes so let's I see like there's like uh crispy fries there yes if I order some know I'm just asking if I order crispy fries how how do I know which one's mine cuz it stops right yeah it stops at your table it's not just going to SLI by you no so like for example this table ordered some food the food would slide past your table and stop it there so for your table you order it'll stop at your table okay so this is the one that stops this belt was she oh there's two belts oh cuz I thought she was so she wasn't stealing somebody else's food no no everything onely on the movie conveyor is a freefor all if it's on there and you want it you grab it it's not for somebody oh I was Ying someone I'm sorry I didn't understand this is all new to me no no I understand that's why I'm here to answer questions okay awesome and then whenever y'all are done you got to hit the check out button next to want it's okay okay stop touching it stop touching it's no I got it just it's like a like a highway yep okay that's perfect I'm sorry we don't stop touching the place and you're not going to eat it okay okay I'm excited um well here for just pick one plate and then do it as an example okay you don't even have eat it I can take it you me no no no I'm you want the eel you failed twice you're not allowed to do it again you want to try the eel oh I love I love eel you want yeah this is for you oh there you did it are you going to try one now yes yeah yeah well you're going to try eel my personal recommendation for the eel is we have a second version on there as well that's called seared eel with miso cream cheese that one I have to eat at least once anytime I eat okay we'll try that the seared beef with the Yakiniku sauce is better than the Umami oil seere beef in my personal opinion it's a little bit sweeter um a little bit taster dude sounds so I love how fast this is just ready yeah you can just go in here and eat that's great and if you know like I said if something like you want to eat not is not coming around just order it off the tablet and they'll send it to you direct so you don't have to wait okay let's we'll put let's put in some orders cuz I want some fries okay let's do recommend theza those are also really tasty and the crispy chicken comes with a side of C Mayo with Japanese Mayo that's sweet did you just say I don't this is all new to me I'm sorry I'm a hate Watcher yeah wait what is this what's takoyaki takoyaki is like diced fried octopus balls they're really good yeah they super tasty oo okay yeah sure I'll try that yeah so the Umami cucumber salad and the edamami do come on the conveyor cuz they're served refrigerated but the crispy squid and fried takoyaki do come like fresh to you hot so like they are served hot awesome and then we just check out on this as well okay we uh we still have the ability to like do server check out but I can't see the food bill until you've gone through the checkout process off that's so easy okay cool awesome any other questions fun for the show thank you so much than you thank you for the R apprciate I appreciate itk you oh they're awesome yeah they're so nice okay perfect fries are you both in frame okay relax calm down are you both in frame well everything's a little bit crooked here how cool is this Chad is everything okay you guys excited so going to get chicken nuggets next yeah me and you go some chicken nuggets oh wait that's not a good place to put it let me just adjust this coworker was curious for the app with that cuz I saw the chat stilling by oh it's twitch ttch yeah where is my twitch here it is he I don't know what you just grabbed oh it was like a spicy so I can go back and watch watch the VOD and hear my voice on camera yeah awesome well thank you you I was going to say You're really picking about food now you can't talk [ __ ] okay so now now I know that watching they're watching and they're going to go back from the vbe okay I got to be on my best behavior here you are yeah is this a good is this a good po when you do this at the fancy restaurant you were talking about like dicks and stuff and then they were watching watching this this how it works it's kind of like we're on a date with Elena watching us yeah it it's a this is a wonky what did you just say wait sorry what did you say hey I'm down to get cucked I'm selling them all do I have you can't sell me why anymore we got rid of that I'm the ma I have a saying this at all okay premium American beef grab it say please please ooh can they see you can we put this further on the corner next put this further in the corner but they can't see Melena I don't care like they see me every day so now they're tired of looking at me they want to look at you cover your face so you just grab it and eat it huh how do we get charged I didn't get that part it's per plate so it's $3 per plate it's automatic and then you drop it in here okay I'll pay for this but oh oh I I wasn't offering okay bro he said do not put trash down there okay yeah okay so just plates so we got to eat it whatever you grab you got you got to eat it mhm okay Chad do you want to see this wait what Nick your face they're so nice that work I think that worked better enough okay do you like sushi no but I'm not to try with you I like sushi I do you want to order something yes so let's get some house wait do you want a sake mhm if I hold my hand here can I see it do you know what sag is good what you can get um I don't know if they have flavored ones do they no they don't they said Focus S s's out of focus well she's behind me wait I can do clear maybe you guys just have to sit closer there I'm sorry wait what you what sock do you want um uh we can try this one oh you want me to grab that yeah wait not the no not the to sry bro I got it I got it I got it I got it okay crab meat crab meat can we put in the order before we start ning down yeah I'm just going to eat this first though just how do you do this with this okay what do you want from here yeah yeah yeah that's good put the whole thing in my mouth Yes alcohol you want any soy sauuce soft water with give you three Waters all right mhm um what else do you guys want uh do you want you want to try sake you want to try this one mhm Haku that one or one uh it's probably like it's a bottle so we'll take shots of it so we can just order another one if need they on in here they had a bowl is this what it's like is is this European what is this this is Japanese is this what it's like in Japan um well no a lot of you have like rotating sushi bars but Sushi's not like a thing that's just like a like I feel like here you eat it as like more just whatever whatever you know what I mean versus Sushi there is like made you know nice how do we get out of this menu how do we how do we get out of this menu what do you want to pay yeah I want to go to Food menu I don't want to be that guy but can you put fries on there yeah we're trying oh we have we have to do drinks first and then you can go to food men you can do multiple orders am I cring or getting french fries yes okay when I worked at a Ramen Shop it was like you had a real job I've had like a lot of real jobs I worked at a emergency services like company doing like murder scene cleanups you want fries ni how many how many fries one wait s are you actually like a functioning human a functioning human being unfortunately that's what she meant what by the relatable Beauty may I think that I think that that's why people can relate to me a little bit is cuz I've had like like I worked at McDonald's and I got a burger thrown at me you know what I mean have you ever worked a normal job you probably brag of that so much you're probably so happy that happened to you so now you can use it on stream cuz now you're a privileged streamer oh when it's like today when my car breaks down I tell the story on stream because I think it's so funny you don't have MS you you got a burger thrown at you oh it's coming it's coming I'm just the robot the robot can we film it I'm going to film it this it yeah that [Music] way oh my gosh he's so cute can I touch it yeah that thing came out quick as hell what's his name uh how do we send it back I'm going to call it Dobby how do we send it back it's probably automatic going back oh it's going back okay bye oh my God going to start playing well Goodbye Oh left that was so cute oh thank you so much thank you che's okay just for the side in the table two's fine can I see your ID please I don't yes yes yeah I'll drive oh you might want to turn the the camera yes I'll block it sorry it's blocked here you go wait keep it blocked sorry it's blocked don't look my oh my God that's a horrible picture okay why are you so rude I'm sorry she's my little sister you know I got to give her a get him please thank you you that's me and my sibling but we just being mean to each other yeah and then we got in a fight at the end oh yeah well he sucks that's a sibling this is like sibling bter all right can I punch you a sibling and then I have my little brother and then people like is he your older brother I was like no he's 2 years younger than me why can y'all think I'm his older sister well he looks older than me right yeah okay good I was making sure I was making sure you're so rude just oh yeah if he doesn't have it no it's not just cuz of he's he's older well thank you you're rude too you're lucky she saved you [ __ ] you would have got that [ __ ] here put this over here mhm actually mine yeah I know just like for the camera shot you know this a good angle oh here here Nick you want to try this real crab meat chill 2 seconds chill I want to show them look at that do you have it's good to have this in the camera view so they see the little thing going by this like that oh this have you ever had Inari it's really yummy it's a the tofu skin you want to have a quick drink though yeah why do you look nervous cuz I'm always nervous I'm always nervous in public well you keep doing like soy hands where you sit like this yeah cuz I'm on a little yeah I'm nervous so now we don't go outside a lot are you going to pour it or ladies first how do I do this St yo don't be reaching did you why does it look like this uh it it's it's like it's like milky no it's not no no no it doesn't have milk in it but that's like the the color of it will be milky I grab these look at this m to Molina for let let us have fun tell jokes oh yeah is this shot uh yes you take not it like a shot yo so it tastes exactly like it looks that's all I got to say cloudy yeah that's the word cloudy here do you want to try this anyone what is it uh it's like a it's like a tuna roll with like a s the fries are already here oh my God I got little this is INS get that right there see your beef with the ARA sauce what what the beef with the ARA sauce it grab it grab it oh nice are you going to more ketchup for those fries these are not my fries these are not my fries those are his the one's fine I would not order fries don't worry thank you no I mean fries here are surprisingly good yeah they look really good they're going to get worse I was the kind of kid who go to a Mexican food restaurant living further south than here in bter Burgers exactly exactly yeah you do that too weird as it is Mexican food places had some of the best burgers in existence I don't know what it was something about the fat on the grill or something remember the beef or something I don't know they knew what they were doing yeah so good so what you now you dump it can I try it that's it yep may I reach over you sure there we go why are you hiding like that I scoot way away from him this is exciting you guys are so cute together can I have another shot after she just said that thanks I'm only going to get cuter you keep doing this so am I getting C never mind I don't want I don't want it anymore I don't want it oh my god oh this is wild so Chad this is a part of like my whole year of trying new things and like you know you're going to tr new girlfriend I hate when you say that why yeah molena cuz I could never replace you if I if you if it wasn't for you I would have quit twitch a long time ago let's be real no one would work at hard cuz that is not true I just play arm all day yeah now I'm retired well what about what about wild west part two actually Molina if it's going to lose you again I don't want Wild West part two I would I would make the trade I got some really good content planned I got to get the okay you know I can plan content too it's not just her like what game day do you want to go to First on EU oh no what is it in June it's in Rotterdam how about we do like a drug stream where you you just try all the drugs you know because it's legal in that country I want to do a shroom stream so I'd be down I'm not doing it I'm just watching you do it I'm going laugh at you oh but I'll be a positive environment for you dude I'm on shrooms you're just bullying me in the corner that sounds like a such a fun time by the way I would never make you panic so by the way we missed something really important what I convinced that that that uh waitress that we were siblings and she believed it I think crab sorry I think it's because we're both mixed so they just like yeah we we could be siblings well then where are these girlfriend jokes coming from then if we're going to be we have to pick one like otherwise shit's going to get real weird what jokes are better siblings I like the siblings jokes well I agree but I got ketchup on my my straw your straw wow you want to take that one take what this drink you want to try some edamame new things I've had edamame before you're supposed to Li you don't like it I mean I like it L I had this on stream before why why is it so hard the edame yeah is it m it's good oh [ __ ] it's a little undercooked dude you know how this place is fire cuz I give you a whole basket of Ginger look at this you get a whole basket of Ginger at your table get that shrimp I can eat this all day thank you the last time I came here was like 3 years ago and I was visiting Austin and I hated being on plate Duty it suck wait wait you hat T Toro have you ever had Toro oh that looks so fresh no you want some wait isn't that a thing in an avatar Toro yeah the big thing the bear are you talking about APPA I don't know there's something called Toro turo too Zuko no I don't know Zuko are you talking about Toof like no no no Toof is like a the Earth Bender can I can I try the eel uh yeah all right this is my first eel ever back back back wish me luck Chad was there any Wasabi down there um these little containers yeah sorry do you want miso soup EG why not chat do you want to see this Toro we got to try K cuz I said that it was [Music] good is this pretty tasty stuff yeah it's good and it's fresh no I don't now the real question is this is the most important question is this healthy um I would say Sushi's healthy what's more healthy this or Water Burger this why' you order the fries though I didn't order their fries cuz I'm not a little fat [ __ ] all right not like you cuz you're we're in public stop also don't be loud we're not those typ sorry I'm sorry I got mad at you and I'm sorry I didn't mean it Jesus that was wild you're so you're actually the worst people I've ever B you guys suck so much we do me and L are horrible down something happen you're getting Boi I get some watermelon going like that wait we can open boxes you want some watermelon I'm going to get four pieces of SM want Fried Chicken next do they have any wait maybe they have fried scallops I'm ordering it miso soup crab tempura they have crispy chicken of the ramen sorry recommended to show you oh my God show you let's try ity sace you came out of nowhere I usually do okay I order like five things you any want to try this shrimp with me uh shrimp sure it's sweet shrimp right dude I do not want to mess this up so so are you just putting me on plate Dy no you suck at it so you need to stop bro I've been crushing leave my sister alone see I stick up for you that's dy I don't know if I like that better or not wait we need like a trash plate should we just use this as a trash plate um I think we can yeah and then for the Ed momy shells and stuff yeah oh oh oh that's our yes yes yes grab grab grab okay what is this it's a snow crab it's what snow crab or I don't know what it's called they have snow CRA wait look how good so good let's try one everyone look at this this is wild look I'm a dip dip dip cheers wait oh oh oh oh cheers oh molena you [ __ ] of a what of a woman the what oh my God you're right dude we're not paying attention thank you get a littley if you leave stuff on conveyor thank you okay thank you Chad have you ever seen something as crazy as this restaurant this is insane here y need anything no I think we're good for now thank you they're so nice o Chad this is huh oh yeah cucumber salad this would be a good place to take someone on a date I going a date right now sister or date Sister Sister bro this tastes like with benefits do you have a sister with benefits are we in Virginia no I grew up in Virginia don't that's that's West Virginia okay that's West Virginia Virginia does not do that c BL when are you going to go on a date with like uh Russell any day really yeah Russell's didn't he text you saying he's like surprised that she came back to you yes he called me the other day when I was that's a negative thing you know that like they're they're surprised that I come back to you that means you treat me poorly well I feel like we that's aat for muscle o yummy I'll do this we might get the animation Washington DC W jary yeah wait that's me I'm at the capital there a raccoon I don't know if Chad can even see it no they can't but it was CH you couldn't see it was a a dude at the capital oh my God that's that's cute so what you you just throw them down there like yeah o okay you have to try these what this I can't try that please nit please that looks like raw meat it is raw what type of raw meat is that you've been eating raw fish you know that right what is that it's raw tuna oh if I oh you are you sure you want to do this to me right now dude are you like 5 years old right no no I'm I'm with him on this that is very selective like like chat would you is okay with this amazing Nick do you want to live your life like never trying new things I do me being here with you is new yeah but that's like the lowest bar you can go at you know what I mean like the bar is here I'm talking like try new foods I don't know what this is sna and I'm very scared of it sna you try it first you put itbe lovely CH what is the What is the the yellow stuff oh it's egg you want me to eat egg these are so hot ready what like an adult it's good describe taste it tastes like tuno with a sweetened soy sauce on top or eel sauce with a little bit of a softer egg yolk on the side and rice if I try this will this be would this be like impressive you think more of me if I try this do you want me to think more of you well this goes for both of you here yeah okay that's one chat fight this one plus one item level actually plus two you should try it if we got to Twitch called EU can we try like um esar I've tried it before we're not going to Paris wait where is it then r Wait why did I assume the EU is Paris just Paris just it's just Paris you need to dip it in some soy yeah get a little soy sauce here use that but she used it that's fine stop rubbing it around like that got to help me sorry sorry oh it's falling SCS I don't think he's okay you can wash it down with a french fry if you need to that was wild you scarred him are you like not okay is it that bad it tastes very good but the consistency is like very scary to me is it too soft a little bit Yeah I need to put some hard in my mouth here fried shrimp tempura look CH tempura oh my God it's girthy this came with something God I I Love Sushi if I can eat sushi for the like rest of my life wait is it cuz you're part Japanese I don't love sushi because I'm I bet you likes some nice Dave's Hot Fried Chicken too don't you that's that good [ __ ] dude you get Dave's for lunch and sushi for dinner you're probably in heaven both of those things sound amazing right now too dude that's the best of I can [ __ ] up to my Popeyes oh my God wait look what we got what is that ramen wait what is this oh o I think you're supposed to put this in there you want to try this no sea is so good uh molena no I'm good no no no no it is all you my friend oh my God I'll grab it no no no I do not want that oh I I'll have it you're eating C what you're eating caviar yeah C I'll eat this you don't eat this that looks animated s you eat this look at this it's fish eggs it's delicious cuz they're sweet and they pop in your mouth this looks like the Dragon Ball some Dragon Ball Z you make a wish they do look like bro eat one eat one it's like a marel one of these oh here try one no one of the little balls can't I can't right now I don't know what it is but my stomach is these are so Good by the way next I'm going be honest whatever whatever we've eaten has knocked me out these are amazing I I am tko'ed cheers oh God I'm like you're making me feel bad that I'm eating more than you you know that right why why would you feel B eat maybe you are know oh sorry I KCK you okay does zic make you like not he's not not onic I swear on my life I swear on everything that I hold dear that I am not aware if he's onic he sneaking it in the bathroom you want to look at my stomach huh you want to look at my stomach cuz OIC you take shots of the stomach chill chill no I don't want to look at you're going to lift up your shirt in public yeah there's no SC wait what is this what is that what is that what is that it's War Boshi is a dessert it's Mochi I'm not familiar is it's all dessert was cheesecake this is wild dude why don't they make this with like Burger King just have Burgers just come and just just grab the burger as they come by do you see the people would die why why why people die dude I had a guy who when I worked at McDonald's he came in every day you brag so much that you had a retail job we we get it we get it enough yeah you [ __ ] streamers would never work at McDonald's all right you just don't get it so the story about the guy coming in he came in every day and he ate a Big Mac a large fry an ice cream cone and a dock of pepper and that was his order it was every single day on the dot he was there at the same time and eventually he had a heart attack and he stopped coming in we're like yeah what do you think is going to happen when you eat that every [ __ ] day it's just so bad was he a big guy um yeah he was I mean he was like he looked normal like he I not like being big is not normal but like you know what I mean it's he he was just like so you wish the heart attack on this guy and he never never came in I didn't wish I but like when he came in I was like dude you know eat better I don't know how like you eat you used to eat Water Burger all the time there Melena say you used to go to sleep between meals right uh sometimes yeah you want to try some noodles no I mean I I think I'm a little bit overwhelmed with what's going on right now there's this there's this so much crazy stuff going on like these are my favorites so far the chicken gas they're amazing and then it comes with like some funny sauce Chad are you and your friends gonna go and do one of these things now that you saw me and my friends doing this you know call your your best friends go out so lucky I you oh my God look at this oh my God is that what you want you want your chat to like go out I'm I'm coming to like a little bit of a realization like that there is more than life than just twitch and the internet and video games and the most important thing about life is actually meeting other is meeting people and spending time with people I would agree that's why I will say I I love going to Twitch G some people hate it I love it cuz I love you get to meet so many cool people bro I've met crazy people too yeah like I'll meet people and then like Oro will like look up their logs and she' be like that guy's crazy stay away from him oh I've had that before but not like I feel like not that bad I feel like you guys have had worse no you probably had worse did you have a meet and greet no you never done meet and greet no you think people would be in your line um I mean maybe I I was actually surprised before I moved to Austin I did a little one but not it wasn't like a real one yeah uh and it was for like a hyperx thing and like I had a line like a real line I was surprised little like you know 400 viewer S I was so happy wow but like most of the time I wouldn't want to do a meet and greet I feel like I'd be too scared my L would be empty you know that's me we had a meet and greet schedule last year but he ped out and he canceled it last second so we were on the schedule and you just backed out wait I thought you guys were in front of the Mythic Booth like meeting people we went to the otk booth and then a line just formed M and it was just like yeah but I mean that should be an indicator to you that people are going to show the funny thing was so we did this meet and greet on they put us on the website M and it sold out like within like an hour uhhuh cuz it was Hues and I was like cancel it y doing okay yeah we are thank you not right now thank you okay you cancelled it yeah I did yeah but I wanted to do it because like I personally think it's way way nicer to have a meet and greet in a safe environment than people hunting you down a street see I sort of agree and then other times I don't because I'm scared that like if I ever do a meet and greet somebody who's like crazy is going to come up and if I'm just me like solo C up you know I'll go with you and be there yeah I melan you would warn someone off I'm just scared that somebody's going to you know attack me no that's what I'm I'm spiritful of but I feel well it's going to happen eventually this's going to attack me not you but somebody well I like always think I think I have like uh what is the word you have like intrusive thoughts and like when I'm walking into twitchcon my first thought is like man somebody in here could have a gun and I would know you know like it's I always think about that how are we doing good yeah it's empty dishes or trash you want me to take off your hands this I didn't want to send it down I didn't know if it fit there's a bowl underneath too thank you I just sted a little to this plate still got to go oh okay okay thank you not at the moment yeah good like for example when I was growing up I was always scared of the world so I made it my mission when I graduated high school I was like okay I'm going to learn to live alone and feel like safe and then I became a streamer and it just reverted back I was like no yeah I was like okay well now I'm like scared of everything wait so what path are you on before com stream like I was to school for engineering so you took math classes you calc I wanted to be an aerospace engineer wow are you good at math I'm okay but that's why I ended up leaving because when I got to my senior year yeah I realized that I can't just be okay at math anymore you have to be all in or you're not in and I was streaming was going really well for me so I was like [ __ ] that I don't want to be in an office anymore cuz I was already in office so dude you know to know something crazy my friend was studying to be an aerospace engineer and they showed up to their finals St to like graduate they forgot their calculator and they had to do the whole test without a calculator wait so they had to take their their at the ex the physics step the physics talking about their final exam to get their Ser their cic you get like two or three attempts they show up yeah without a calculator and they were one point off of making it with without a calculator but time r no dude isn't that but to be fair he's not worth about $100 million yes he's so smart like super yeah he's super smart yeah now he found a different path see I I just I think that like that would have been really cool to do but I also never really wanted to be an aerospace engineer I wanted to be an astronomer like I want to be an a you know what you've been really good at what I feel like you'd be really good being like The Sassy one in the in the nail salon or like the hair salon that's racial right how you think I'd be a good sassy shut the [ __ ] up you think I'd be a good why do you think I'd be a good sassy girl I want you to tell me why Try be a wig shop next no the wig shop no one really goes there for fun like if you were like in the barber shop oh that's C she's hilarious is it because I'm a [ __ ] kind of you know I could see that being a [ __ ] and a nail if you eat this we get 15 placees oh I'm waiting for my secret surprise I want to unbox wait you want oh you want another one wait wait wait oh my God you're eating marbles that's [Music] crazy no we get a secet surprise right like 15 right [Music] wow oh it fell down oh what is it wait it's so cute they add a little bit of gambling in this gambling in food okay wait a what do you think it is this is the most anime thing I've ever seen in my life why what is it open it is it a keychain oh [ __ ] oh my God it is anime oh my God I'm struggling it's sick though I don't have you want me to you want to try this how do you not eaten the egg in it you you eat it I don't want it so I can't do it it supposed next overwhel wait on wait I thought I could do it's hard right can you try this please it's really really good I can I'm full you're were right they were really good thank you another one Secret Surprise thank you do you want open it go ahead oh my God pop it open oh a little necklace so cute Lloyd forger thank you what does that mean is that just like out of a TV show yeah it's out of the Spy family anime what you I won do you not watch any anime at all maybe Pokémon when I was a does that count it does it does yeah yeah yeah I mean the original cards are in Japanese so it counts true the Pocket Monsters I'm going to wear this for good luck wait no oh yeah that's my favorite of the lanyards my this so sick CH look oh my God that's so cool yeah so Lloyd is the the the father figure in the anime cool but he's also a spy in his secret life you know what I am the responsible one out of all of us so I will take that thank you so much oh it's so nice this is actually so fun see that's you didn't get one do you notice well I'm I'm unloved I guess so this this is kind of what needs to happen what I one with like chilies they need to make chilies like this like keep ordering you order your food in Chili's and it comes out and if you order enough food you get a priz I'll save it for later okay okay I'll save this for you for later oh there's watermelon coming up do you want any uh that was that was racist okay so you said it to me but I can't say it to you guys first one if s's racist actually Cliff wise because I'm so pale that it's going to look really someone said surprise AR that's what you get at Chili's bro bro you eat enough at chilies they just give you an AR that'd be so sick can you try some noodles I'm done I can't eat anymore for the rest of can you please try this try something I'll try Gua okaya what am I saying you're saying Gua okay open up I don't want you no I don't want you to stick anything in my mouth yeah please all right don't shove it down my throat please please don't I'm just holding still yeah that's good it's really good right it's like fried how you tried these yeah it's delicious I know chap fros yeah wow so now I need to go to the gym and go run we can go to the gym together shouldn't we just do everything life together do you think I really do think we could be a good uh team team yeah don't laugh I think that streaming wise we would be a good let's just the world together no I don't want to do that with you I saw you trying to eat esaro I would lose my stre yeah but I had 40,000 viewers when I was doing it that's who you're dealing with no respect hey I respect that I do that was the whest handshake ever why do you do this you don't just like you do that I don't know do you do this hey nice to meet you I mean what do you want me to do you want me to DAP you put the do ragle on and Dap You say what's up brother like Gilla hold me back like a player should I wish I was more black dude I uh was it Russell the other day had me actually say the you know the you made you say it well I mean I'm half black I can say it but I don't like to but whenever I say it I get told I sound like a Disney princess yeah yeah I sound like Cinderella I remember when you described it as when you go to a amusement park and people like do this roller coaster for me do this roller coaster for me you said that people need to say it like they like dance and I dance cuz every time they realize that I mix they go can you say it you know do they say say it for me someone said s it was in the car s it more bow than I mean I did drive M's car so it's Ryme forces friends to say it way he said he did he he made me say it well I'm pretty much full ladies I'm be honest with you all right and it is about that time but it was a good time thanks for spending your time with me both of you we should go get boba now we can get boba off stream I'm down are you going to go do your other thing today too the Taco Bell thing I'm going to move it to next time but I'm going to go home I might open that Yu-Gi-Oh box today without me as well why you say without me dude you you're about to do this in a text message like don't let me come please please please I want to come I open the yu-i sorry do you want to go a dream con this year I already asked you I'll go I already asked youe I go on Instagram and the these like uh these Bel Deli clones they're all just like oh my God can you do the face the aigo face yeah can you do it no I can't Melena can though she can why does she do it so well inste she does oh my God she does it so well no one saw that no they saw it why are you so I need I need to go to the bathroom anyways after watching that I might need to also yeah wait can you do uh like one eye hold on am I doing it right am I doing it right is it one eye moving someone in chat goes we must see I need to see Molina's eye go no no was when I moving Chad Molina did it really well you actually look like one of those drawings it's falling up you look like one of those drawings okay not that I've seen any I know you're a weirdo the think think about makes you so great is that you have like dude like qualities what does that mean and you're talking about you know yep yeah and that's that's great like locker room talk locker room locker room talk in a girl form is is really fun to hang out with don't say that because whenever I think locker room talk I think of not good things you know locker room dude my whole discord's locker room talk is it yeah I don't I don't talk in my Discord dude I talk in my Discord all the time are you streaming today yeah you want to promote it what are you doing when are you doing it and what are you doing I'll probably live like whenever we whenever I get back home I'm just going to go live guys s will be live later today but it's time for us to go in like an hour and do some locker room talk check out her stream go check out her stream she's going to be maybe opening a Yu-Gi-Oh box right we will also be live again in 2 hours I think I am I think I'm going to open it because it's like talking to me wait what are we doing you're not doing anything cuz you're not in otk I'm doing top streamer again this is fine yeah but see we don't have obligations you know yep we just come hang out I just get the best of both worlds and she gets 75% of all stream Revenue so she even gets 75% of that so B [ __ ] like none of my hands none of my hands are free all right chat talk to you guys tomorrow Chad don't go wait tomorrow's Friday tomorrow we have streamers and cards for rafle Gator ooh that would be really rafle Gator is so funny yeah yes I he's so funny I actually can't turn off my stream why oh cuz we have to go to the car no because there's no service in here you can go in the car and do it oh wait so we're just so we're just stuck here Al wait how do we how do we have service in here with this maybe the Starling what why you hiding me is it cuz more guests came Oro don't raid anybody because oh my God look at this we can't end wait Oro can end it I didn't want to say it by the way but I think the ton KATU is better than the show you what does that mean uh the ramen type ton KATU clear show you sorry iing on you Splash me my eyes chat I want you to know Molina just did the ego face while she put Romer that's that's true that's not true tongue out and everything no stop it
Channel: Daily Dose of Nmplol
Views: 26,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nmplol malena, nmplol cooking, nmplol dreamhack, nmplol sodapoppin, nmplol and malena, nmplol best moments, twitch, twitch girl gamer, twitch gods, twitch fails, twitch girls fails, twitch dancing, twitch rage, twitch gaming tv, twitch moments, twitch perfect timing, nmplol review, nick and malena review, funny couples, couple goals, nmplol and malena cooking, girlfriend teaches cooking, nick and malena cooking, cooking, twitch clips, sodapoppin, soda, cinna
Id: xfyEYgaSu10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 54sec (5034 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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