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this and then that okay so now we got in a chairman table why would I need any chamber 3000 if this hold on it's what I got in welcome back to another video hope you guys are having a wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful day and if you guys are having a wonderful day be sure to leave a big ol like on this video and if you're not having a wonderful day I am going to be so excited and scream so much that hopefully I will turn your bad day into a good one all right so what are we doing today nothing what we're doing absolutely nothing we just got a big grass field then we're just gonna have we're just gonna stare at some shape and just have no we have a mission there is 8 portals 8 brand-new portals in our Minecraft world and we have to find emeralds in every portal ladies and gentlemen let's get started on this beautiful map called 8 portals so welcome to 8 portals let's watch this beautiful introduction welcome to the 8 portals you have to find all emeralds okay okay I got that okay Indy portals are different worlds okay so basically every portal is a different world in every world there are eight emeralds and we have to find eight emeralds in each world and there's eight portals can you find them all no no no no no soldered oh you want an enchantment table okay you see I can't really do that oh there's a cat in here no no I'm turning back on the lights no no that's not about to turn into a scary map no no new new new new new alright so um yeah I guess let's get started is this can we just hop into any portal the mechanical room okay so we have to find eight emeralds there's one right there okay so we got one that was pretty easy um oh no we got to figure out a way to open Oh what how is that even possible wait you they all do that oh wait oh one of them dropped an emerald wait a second hold on hold on hold on is there is another one gonna drop in in okay um okay well how do we open this thing or WS a I don't know what that says let's try to flick maybe the chickens cuz we have chickens wait wait what about this what does that do I swear if this button opens it oh no what does that sound what does that sound I don't know what's going on okay maybe if we just flick all the levers this is probably a really bad idea but hey you know a speakable is a bad idea but you know I just overdid it um what about this okay that doesn't do anything what okay now what if I press the button what how does one open this I don't get it maybe there's some sort of combination lock there's some sort of combination that we have to type in an order to open this wait a second I have an idea okay did you guys hear all those random sounds of all the random mobs maybe we have to flick those levers so when we press this button look all those sounds did you guys hear all those sounds we have to try to match those okay so okay we get a cat zombie creeper dragged in we're missing one there's a chicken in there no maybe not the chicken um let's try it again hold on cheap cow yes there it is okay so we had to all those sounds that's what it was gosh why didn't I think of that I'm such a nub I thought those were just random mobs that were like outside a map or something but no no they're actually things that we need okay so what is this okay so now we got three and four then I got four emeralds oh now we got five we got gunpowder as well so there's a crafting table right here I'm just making sure these buttons don't do anything weird maybe we have to put the teensy all we have to put the TNT in there okay okay I got this I got this I got this okay so we have to craft TNT this is what I'm guessing we got to craft a piece of TNT and then this TNT can be placed on the bedrock and it explains you got another in room oh there we go there we go there we go please work oh yes okay what is this okay there's more in rolls in there okay so I want to make sure hang on I want to make sure that this isn't gonna give me any emeralds either because I feel like this does something but I don't know what it does maybe if I just flicked them all I don't know is that supposed to do anything wait I just heard something oh it was you you popped an egg that's that's what I heard thank you very much sir thank you okay I guess this doesn't do anything but if we don't find all the emeralds and we are stuck we'll come back to it and try to figure out what it does or maybe we're supposed to spell out a word with it I'm not really sure but let's go in here for now and let's kind of see time add mm okay time add mm what does that mean I'm I am confused oh wait now we're on the other side of the doors Oh what is this you know you're born speakable isn't absolutely the best at puzzle maps but I'm Hina I can't make that jump I'll I'll just admit that lets try I don't get this I don't get to time what if we fall down here what does this do wait maybe weird stuff on the pressure plates maybe the pressure plates do justice know the pressure place didn't do anything maybe we can make it across no we can't make it across okay the pressure plates don't do anything okay so it's not the pressure plates is it something to do with light so now we're turning it to it's completely dark outside now now what if we try to step on the pressure plates that do anything Oh your horses I have an idea chicken you just gave me an idea it's this there's something that we have to do with this thing okay so let's try to find some clues maybe in this room so we got time add mm we got a door a pressure plate I'm just gonna flick random levers III don't know wait there's a button right there what I didn't even see that button did that does a button do anything hold on okay the button doesn't do anything that I see um I didn't even notice that there's a button right there maybe let's just try to flick all the levers again and then let's press this button and then let's see if that hopefully does something I don't know I don't oh we what oh you've got to be kidding me what did I just do okay I don't know what I just did apparently I'm just I don't know you know I'm pretty all right let's go in here let's see what the I don't even know what I did okay okay those are the last two rules cuz we only need eight of them I don't know what this is wait what oh okay yellow portal is now open um quick teleport quick teleport can I click on that oh cool okay so now we go to the yellow portal okay sweet so we got all the inroads so do we we give like you the emeralds or where do we do we like give someone the emeralds or do we just I don't know I guess we just keep them yellow portal is now open jeez there's so many different portals okay I guess we're just keeping the emeralds for now let's go into the far desert oh yes okay so level 1 was definitely very interesting I'm kind of getting the hang of this map now but it's weird that we keep all the emeralds like it's not too weird but now we need basically gotta get up so like 16 of moons okay so we've got a bunch of villagers around here there's another remove right there hey you can you help me yes I need help with a missing block there's a missing block in the desert could you find it and fix the desert I will give you a Murrells for it block place there are dead bushes I hate dead bushes craft yourself a hoe and cut them okay um okay dude I got you I got you I will do this for you I will do everything in my power to do this hey put my water back okay okay sorry I didn't know he would know that I took his water flip is that I'm not even gonna question it okay um okay so how can we get the materials to craft a hoe or is this enough I think it actually is okay so let's grab what why is your head sideways on question okay so let's try to do this and a boom there we go yeah so that is enough so we got a wooden hoe can't break a dead bushes okay so let's break it that bush there's another dead bush over the oldest another emerald didn't even see that one is that a McDonald's fry just like what I like to see on my evening what is this oh I think that's the block that we have to break or you guys see any other dead bushes I do not see any other dead bushes okay I think we're good on dead bushes oh wait two emeralds in there wait what oh my god okay so now we only need two more emeralds already geez we got like all the emeralds okay so we need to find that missing block we still need to find that missing block they said well this is the missing well that is where we put the missing block I believe but I just don't know where the missing block is I feel like maybe just maybe it's gonna be away or if we give this guy some cacti or the missing block is in lava which I'm really nervous to jump in cuz I don't know if it's gonna get rid of all my emeralds and stuff and that's not gonna be good okay so you trade for cacti what do you trade for oh wait there we go there we go oh I'm so dumb are you serious come on okay there's sand okay and now it's an can be praised placed on cobblestone there we go we got it we did it oh there's another chest right there two rib rolls there we go let me go there's eight yo that level was so much easier than the first one the blue portal is now open okay so let's go ahead and teleport so now we go to the blue portal yes now let me go ahead and split these up so we got two levels completed so far which we got the white level and the yellow level so now we're going in the blue squid a squad okay so this is a squid squad level oh geez what is this what the heck is this okay um I guess I see so okay so let's pick up the basic emeralds first off so we got one we got a piece of coal we'll take that anything we see we got to take it is there anything in here maybe a new blues no nothing in there oh that poor squid just died up there okay so let's see if this villager wants anything so do you want anything maybe okay so coal for a diamond alright I'll take that I'll take a diamond for now take this diamond to breathe oh okay that's cool okay so first let's get these let's try to get this emerald there we go there's another emerald up there I'm not sure how to get that one yet I really don't know but for now let's actually go completely underground is I want to check out some of these houses down here because there's gotta be something good in here a law a law or is that can I take that oh I guess I can't take that okay is there anything behind the painting maybe okay this room looks pretty much empty oh let's try this guy hello what do you what do you want anything even stronger Hercules okay so you want a bedrock for an emerald okay so I can do that excuse me sir I just need to look in your house to make sure there's nothing suspicious in here like emeralds okay so I will bring you bedrock I promise just give me some time I have no idea where I'm gonna get bedrock but I will find it don't worry okay so I kinda feel like we're in bikini bottom if you think about it look that's the pineapple right there and like that's Patrick's house like the little rock or the big rock I should say but I really do I feel like I'm in like bikini bottom this is so weird wait what is happening you hear that I'm gonna need this water to like switch to over there or over there that would be really helpful if this water could like switch I don't know if that's possible but I don't know how else I'm gonna get up up there like I don't know how I do have somewhat of an idea so there's let's try something okay so there there's these red things and yellow things and they kind of match I don't know if I'm just going crazy but this might work so what if I stand on this and oh wait look look wait what okay yep I'm going crazy did that just turn into this and then I step on this and then it opens oh my gosh what the flip okay that was I was not expecting that to happen but maybe I was like okay maybe if I faint crazy crazy things will happen and now I know that this map is crazy so crazy things Paul indeed happen but that is very interesting so what is down here now if I stand on this what does that do it made the whole map water I'm cool with that I'm cool with that okay um then we can get this emerald it literally made the whole map water what about over here oh wait there's another mold right there okay we also need to figure out where the heck we're gonna get this bedrock have no idea where I'm gonna get better rock but there's gonna be a chest or something I don't really know we only need two more emeralds wait what is this please give me bedrock please give me bedrock well there's an emerald no bedrock anything up there anything behind you anything I don't think I see anything okay so at least we got an emerald from it okay so we need we actually only need one more emerald and we need bedrock for that emerald so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go stand on this yellow thing and maybe this yellow thing will do something to the pineapple I don't know um but let's stand on this yellow thing and see what it does okay so what that do anything I don't know if that did anything maybe that changed what he needs maybe it like changed a villager I have no idea that's it doesn't do anything to the house okay you still want bedrock okay so I gotta find I gotta find bedrock somehow okay hold on I have an idea we never went up and saw all this is this has gotta be it if this is oh yes oh there it is bedrock okay so excuse me this is all we've never thought about going up inside there oh we got a look at the non-obvious things in this world you really do what's up squid squid paradise huh okay dude so give me that emerald please thank you very much are you two players or more mouse over one of you has to collect all the emeralds they must be in the inventory of one single person I did collect all the emeralds yellow portal is now open wait we already went to the yellow portal I thought wait I thought we already went to the yellow portal it just said yellow portal is now up we already did this oh no I'm not doing this again I'm not doing this again we already did we already did this this is not no no we already collected all the emerald look we already do this all the chests are already here we got teleport back here we have all eight emeralds but for some reason we can't like it it made us go back to the yellow portal so I think what we're gonna do is we're just gonna break glass to go into the next level I think we'll go ahead and do the orange so let's go and game-mode 1 let's please do not cheat I'm not cheating the map didn't work I'm sorry this map is made for adventure mode fix it no I'm sorry I don't mean to cheat it's just like you I I have I collected all the emeralds but it didn't let me go to the next level I'm not cheating I promise so we're in mummy hideout now okay so now let's actually are you two players or more a mouse-over no I'm not two players or more I'm one person please stop okay so there we go and we still get the diamond as well that's cool with me okay so it looks like we're in a maze now which is wonderful you know I absolutely just love mazes they're just my favorite thing to do on the weekends Oh what is that yeah I don't really want to fall down there I'm not I'm not really feeling that okay let's try to make it across here peacefully without dying okay where do we go maybe this way no not this way okay maybe one this way we have one emerald so far and no other emeralds are in sight and this frickin temple is huge okay mmm yes thank you very much what is in here what is in here what is in here there's nothing in here I just wasted my time okay turning around I got two emeralds one for a shovel and one for myself oh that's a lot of sticks okay uh-oh wait maybe we have to craft something oh wait maybe we just have to craft doesn't speakable remember how to craft ladders yes he does okay uh I think what I have to do is I have to wait place it on another rack okay yeah see look I have to do this then I have to grab more sticks and then I have to craft more ladders which is just great can't be placed on sole Sam perfect there we go now up to the throne where I have two more two more emeralds thank you very much I'm losing track of emeralds there's one emeralds back there's one emerald back there that like I completely lost like this place is so huge like I don't even like I'm gonna get lost really quickly and it's already really confusing yeah I can already see myself getting extremely lost in here there's so many different ways to go like it's ridiculous okay nope what does that mean what do you mean nope but nope nope what no but yeah yeah nope you - nope nope nope nope I guess he means like nope that's the wrong way nope fine if you want to be that way what about this way what is now they both lead to the same thing um what about this way is this a yes don't give me no more notes where am i go and where am I going wind this is a really far away do go oh thank you very much I very much so far that's not too bad at all look do we go now there's so many different ways to go I'm so confused now it's like taking us back down we hold on what is this we go this has got to be the way hold on I don't even know what's going on right now guys I really don't um hold on let me check this area first before I jump out of here and there's chests okay I will take all this stuff thank you very much don't know why I need this stuff but thank you very much is that water that better be water I trust it I trust it I'm gonna die Oh slime block close enough okay so we got six emeralds so far I don't know what we're supposed to do with this but hope there's another oh there we go that's not one enrolled that we were missing okay so now we only need one more one more emerald one more emerald okay so it's probably gonna be like somewhere in this maze that's what I'm guessing I pretty much this maze isn't hard at all I just went through all the ways of the maze and they all lead to here and they all lead back to that entrance so this is the only place where you can go I'm not sure what this is so I have all these beautiful blocks but yeah I have no idea what to craft I think I'm gonna go back into here and maybe look for some more clues I feel like I don't know I just feel like I'm missing something I don't know everything has added up and everything clicks I think I need to make and I thought of this before I was thinking okay maybe it's an enchantment table maybe I'm making a jamming table and for some reason it gives me an emerald I don't know why but it has to work there's a crafting table right there it makes sense but then and again it also doesn't make sense so let's see if I remember how to make a book oh geez please don't tell me I messed this up okay we got a book then we got this and then that okay so now we got an enchantment table why would I need an enchantment table oh my gosh if this works if this hold on there's a back button here for a reason and you have been here for a while that's my last emerald that's it ways they're not it wait did I do it wrong it didn't do anything enchants okay that has to be the way to do it though I did it wrong even if I did it wrong I still got eight emerald so there we go but it didn't give me the next option for the next portal I don't know maybe I just broke the map because on the blasts map on the desert one it didn't give me the option for the portal either like I got all the emeralds and it said like yellow portal but I already did the yellow portal so maybe I I don't know I don't know unfortunately guys I don't know why this map thinks I'm playing it with two players it says please do not cheat I'm sorry I have to go in the next level like I'm not trying to cheat I pro no I'm sorry okay the cave with thee goes to wait what did that say oh I don't know what it said what I said I missed it I missed it I missed it I don't think it matters that much okay so we got iron pickaxe they can break emerald ores of course nothing in there and we take this armor yes we can I will take this armor thank you very much oh there's emeralds right up there wow there's like five of them one two three four five or six Wow okay uh okay so I guess we're on the hunt for emerald ores I feel like I should also go towards that villager guy that's down there I'm not really sure oh wait there's an emerald door right there okay so there's one not get that oh we did get that one okay so I'm gonna start putting them right there because that's eight eight eight and then we'll have our next stack right here if this is all we do is just hunt emerald ores in this cave system I'm gonna be Wow absolutely wowed okay so I'm gonna try to make it down to this villager guy let's see if we can make it down to him hello dude I'm on my way I promise I'm coming hello wait are you invisible that's really weird um okay there's an emerald there I'll take all this stuff I guess I don't know if I'm gonna need it but honestly I've just been taking everything that I see and it's been working you are invent you want a cake for oh that's what you want okay I need to find a cow okay I need to find a cow for some milk and I will be back and I promise I will make you a cake you I yes this will happen I I'm coming back to you now the question is where and lip are we gonna find a cow in a cave system I just get another emerald from just walking okay um what is oh there's a cow okay so cow I know you're on fire but just relax my dude I just need some milk from you thank you very much okay I'm sorry that you're on fire on my dude Ike I cannot help you it's just you you put yourself in that situation if you really wanted to get out you could I'm sorry man it's it's um life is a life is just getting you on fire today isn't it okay now where do we go now I think we've pretty much explored everything we can down it wait wait wait wait oh right okay there's nothing here's what I need to do okay so remember there's like five emeralds above us so all we need to do I think is craft this cake and then maybe it will like unlock something to where we can go up there and get those emeralds I don't know I don't know but like if we look up there's literally like six emeralds above us okay so let's try to craft okay - I remember to make a cake unspeakable please think that's not right that's not right that's not maybe it's like that oh no no no how did you do this unspeakable or maybe the milk is reversed yes there it is okay sweet oh I must feel like come on it's peekaboo you know how to make a cake you've been playing Minecraft for like six years and you don't even know how to make a cake what is wrong with you it is okay everything's gonna be okay unspeakable you just gotta go give this cake to this wonderful invisible villager and maybe he'll come visible hello my dude okay thank you very much if you could like unlock the other wait a second oh my gosh I'm so done that other pickaxe that we got from that chest we can break a lapis with it we can break lapis okay I don't know if that does anything but maybe it will reveal a secret passageway to get us up there and guess all those other emeralds hopefully it will hopefully well I know I saw lapis up at the front of this cave system please please please lapis do me a good favor and bring me something good please please oh oh oh snap crackle pop okay I'm gonna break all the lapis just because I can okay thank you very much so that's six so now we only need two more emeralds two more I know there's more of a bus in this case lapis there's got to be another emerald behind here please just two emeralds behind both of these lapis ball yes okay I'm breaking every piece of lapis just in case because you never know could be some hidden stuff behind a one block please be one more emerald please be one more emerald please be one more I'm oh wait wait there's more lapis our hope is not ending our hope is not ending hold on there's a lot more lapis where that comes from please be an emerald please the flip okay come on there's one more please be an emerald please I don't see any more I only need one war emerald I I'm starting to think that huh what where have you been my whole life and again guys the map is for some reason broken I'm so sorry I don't know why like I look I got all those eight emeralds fair and square and it didn't pop up with a notification telling me any thing about hey this portals open so what I'm gonna have to do is I am gonna have to go into creative mode and fly back to the portal place and just break portal I don't always like to cheat but when I do I'm shooting for the good reason I promise hot plates oh oh yeah hot plates okay all right so let's start splitting these up so so far we got one two three four five levels completed out of eight we're on level six right now so we got this level and then a couple more this is interesting okay I see another emerald right there I got a okay um whoa that's weird okay I'm gonna hop down here um nothing down here okay I am going to go to this beautiful thing what are you huh right there okay thank you very much that's three emeralds I am loving this map I don't know about you guys hopefully you guys are enjoying it but doing it but this is such a cool map like this is so oh wait hold on but seriously though like this is such a cool and unique map like I love going to all these different worlds and like just the theme of it and the way it's made and the way you have to find the emeralds I think it is so so cool I'll just one oh wait there it is there it is okay let's hop on this come on come on come on come on come on come on come on oh okay at least we've got one that's good enough oh wait there's another one right here Hey look at that look at that see if you fall it's okay yeah a four you fall you can get back up and result there's another emerald over there there we go seven emeralds okay so there's one more emerald up there that's our last emerald I believe so problem is how do I get off this platform I don't know how to get off of it like I'm I feel like I'm kind of stuck where I am right now oh no I just fell - all yes see I'm okay maybe I can swim over to the yeah that's not gonna work I think I'm just gonna please wait game rule keep inventory true I just want to make sure that's on I just wanna make sure that's on okay so a teleporters back here we still have all the emeralds okay we're good we're good we're good everything's good Oh what my mac and cheese sideways I'm sorry I did not mean to do this I do not mean to do any of these terrible activities I am so very sorry okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on well three days three days okay eight emeralds and the math broken there's nothing wrong I just want to say there's only two levels left all we have is the purple one and the green one I'm excited to see what the green one is about Oh No rainbow madness a rainbow madness oh no no no no no okay let's look for these emeralds okay are you two players or more no I'm not - no I'm not stop one of you has to collect all the emeralds they must be in the inventory of a single person it keeps asking me that I think that's why the map is like slightly broken because it thinks there's two players playing but there's not I promise there's not there's not there's only one player there's no one on the server there's nothing here I mean this thing will play our world they're not even on a service dare you make no Shh okay uh I think what we got to do is we're gonna flick all these levers and then activate all those colors ready go grab this one look that lever I got three emeralds we're on a roll I think we have to flick another lever there's another lever to be flicked there's there's there's got to be another lever that one up there was flicked and then this is where I spawned oh wait what oh wait a second oh wait what what just happened what okay I just randomly jumped in at teleported me to a new area Iida but that's okay it's issues I am totally okay with okay that is a lot of iron doors okay um the flip is going on here alright it looks like we're back to the lever flicking game I'm okay with that cuz I'm getting a lot of emeralds from this so I'm completely happy I am more than satisfied with just running over to all these little places and just picking up all these emeralds there we go I swear if this is the whole rainbow map that was probably one of the easiest levels that was the whole map we're not the whole map but that was the whole level Wow okay that was a there we go 80 rooms just like that and here is our last level the green level so summer Valley oh geez this is a big map oh I am not oh no no no no no this is a big map there's a lot of emeralds there's a lot of different things to do already got our first emerald there we go are you two players are Morneau stop asking me I'm not two players and I never will be there's not two Unspeakables although I wish there was there could be like a clone that pretty cool but no there is not two players okay we already got two emeralds so we are on a row three emeralds boom just like that one of these emeralds are like hidden and one of these grass weird-looking pocket things I am going to be slightly triggered okay what doe it going on here there is this map this level is huge this level is absolutely huge is another emerald for there we go oh wait maybe this is like parkour oh no we can't jump up there okay nevermind I am going to try to climb up the beautiful vines of this beautiful tree there are so many emeralds in the wall if I had a pickaxe oh wait I do have a pickaxe wait I still have this pickaxe from the other levels does that mean I can just cheat and break all the ores that totally means I can cheat I'm just saying I'm just okay it doesn't give me the emeralds to be fair it doesn't give me the emeralds okay so they did think of that because I was just saying I'm like I still have this pickaxe uh and you guys never took it away from me try to hop up here what is this what does that say built by Sebastian and no emeralds up here okay well the fact that you're saying there's no emeralds up here probably means there is emeralds up here so I'm gonna go up here I am going to explore because that is what Unspeakables do um hello piggies how are you doing today do you have any emeralds for me no okay have a good day there's diamonds in the wall as well I'm doing I can't believe I'm just walking around up here I definitely almost fell back there just walking around having a good jolly old day I mean I'm gonna check that guy said there's no emeralds up here but I don't I don't trust out of all the minecraft maps I played I'm not gonna trust what the map Creator says because he's probably gonna say something and then it's gonna be completely wrong and there's actually gonna be emeralds up here and then what is this hello sir how are you doing today hey you can you please help me Gregor's brother built this ugly tree it is not even made of wool take my shovel in destroy it I will wait for you to turn here oh okay so this ugly tree right here this what the flip is that who would make a tree out of Seoul saying she must have okay there we go I destroyed it got the soul sand we're gonna do it this do I give you this thank you very much you're welcome do you want this you can have it if you want I mean I don't really want it you're welcome could I could I at least have an emerald for my hard work I spent a lot of hard hours into that house and you're not even gonna give me a name wait what if I kill this pig what if I kill you do you have my emerald do you have my emerald there's gotta be something up this water stream there's always mysterious things up water streams especially when map creators man make the water stream okay maybe there's not anything mysterious is there anything on this tree I don't see anything what come on just give me I need some hints I need something I'm lost getting stressed out I need more emeralds oh wait we never even looked in this house yet hold on hold on hold on unspeakable you gotta turn on your noggin some time was Sonic oh this house is crazy what's saeed gregor you want redstone for an emerald hey you can you help me this brother keeps breaking my redstone take my bow and kill him he is in the wall beneath my house I will wait for you to return he's in the wall beneath my house what okay well before I do that I'm just gonna check your whole house there's the bow Steve for the blood of Gregor's breath of cheezy brothers are Savage okay okay I mean if you insist if you insist he said he's in the wall beneath my house in the wall beneath my house oh that guy up there that's not beneath your house with next to your house he is beneath my house that's not beneath your house bro that that's above your hat okay I'm just gonna up get wrecked I'm sorry you got rekt YouTube cod wrecks you got red oh I got a piece of redstone okay I will give you this Thank You Gregor very much thank you thank you you're welcome I got six emeralds now okay um you have anything in your furnaces I'm just gonna double-check because sometimes people are sneaky and they like to hide thing and type things and furnaces why is there a random ladder right there okay I'm just looking around I'm nosy I'm Newseum nosey checking everything maybe there's like a secret below the cauldron no no okay thank you thank you thank you thank you I get it you're walking by I okay cool oh I see my carts look oh look at all those chests holy mac and cheese okay we're going up there boys we're going up there oh wait there they are there okay there break your freakin freakin freakin freakin break okay that's not working that's not working come back come back come back I promise I'm sorry ah flick I only need two more emeralds oh wait here they come here they come here they come you've got it be flippin serious man come on Oh guys we did get another emerald I found one over there in the corner not over there here let me show you it was right under that pig right over there where we started there was another emerald but now we only need one more emerald and I am so we've been positive that this emerald is on the minecarts and we are going to I'm stuck down here I can't get back up you know we're just gonna be a savage we're just gonna be a savage let's just let's just come here minecarts where you at can i I can't break any of these blocks can I turn this off oh that might be Oh they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming make him stop make him stop make him stop turn off all the power turn off all the power make him stop no they're not stopping flipping mine cards man okay all right leave that has to be enough power for it to stop okay there we go so now when they come back around these behind there's mana cards aren't gonna have any power anymore oh wait there you go there you go come here come on come a little stop okay you're a dead one you're a dead one you have nothing in you and I break you oh wait there's actually two of them there two of them there's two of them there's a book where's the book here's a book question mark what is this i am an easter egg oh come on there's got to be an ariel than one of these mine cards there's literally like 20 mine cards there's got to be one at least oh wait there's another my cards you must be the Emerald holder you must be the Emerald or stop not no no no do not dare don't you dare what look at my cards are like my worst nightmare I can't even open that check okay that one that ran away is definitely a Stephanie gotten in rule in their arm girl very shortened you know I never thought I would be chasing minecarts out you know I really never thought of my minecraft career that I'd be running around chasing minecarts not really what I think he would come down to okay stop hey you can't just run through me like that there you are oh no I dropped okay you know what man this minecart thing is just not working out I I don't think there's an emerald in the minecart see big old noobs stop running away from me yes yes okay I think I have officially checked all the minecarts okay there's no emeralds there's no emeralds the minecarts guys I have seriously goofed up I have been looking for this last emerald for nearly 30 minutes and I can't find it anywhere and it's not because it's hidden it's because I goofed up earlier when I broke the tree made out of soul sand and then I got that piece of soul sand I threw it at this guy we're gonna do this do I give you this thank you very much you're welcome do you want this you can have it if you want I mean I was actually supposed to trade it with him so yeah I never did that and I never got this emerald that's why I didn't have eight now I have eight April's though and we have completed the level or the map I believe unfortunately the map itself doesn't think I completed it because it's broken and it doesn't teleport me anywhere so I think I'm just gonna have to go into game o3 and find the end of the map hello hey I got all the emeralds I got them all I got all the emeralds what do you want do you want anything from me do you want anything what is this there's something down here what is this I think this is the end of the map yeah I'm sorry guys this map is like it's broken and yes I am on the right version please do not cheat I'm not cheating I promise I'm sorry guys guys I'm sorry if there's supposed to be some big grand finale of this map but for some reason the map just did it it's just not having it today but to be fair I did complete the map here is eight different emeralds - one two three four five six seven eight slots all of them have eight enrolled so we did do everything legit however we did have to go into creative mode and switch over to the other levels because for some reason the map was thinking that we were playing with two players and it didn't recognize that we had all the emeralds so if there is some really cool spectacular ending of the map I'm sorry I can't show you guys I'm sorry but I'm not about to play through this whole map again I'm not I'm not but guys needless to say this was such a cool map this map was insane and if you guys want to see a part two to this because there is a second version of this map then let me know by leaving a like on this video this map is also a pretty old map but again if you guys want to see a second version I would love to do one I think that would be so cool so guys thank you all so much for watching I hope you guys have a safe invent a circus everyday and I'll catch you guys tomorrow a brand new bar every day yo [Music] [Applause]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 9,942,481
Rating: 4.8285689 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: PmOn5dulTUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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