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welcome to ultra-realistic survival with Onancock boy episode number yeah go back again we are back in this Minecraft world it looks inside your chest plate look I can even see like the Sun reflecting on it how beautiful it is just ik it is beautiful we are back on Episode two you guys absolutely loved episode 1 so we had to bring back in episode number 2 but ya know in it and I mean dude we got so many comments for challenge ideas that we should do but I guess we hid we still need to see a lot of the things there's a lot of progress to make - that looks super real list there's a lot another three diamonds I agree shark I think we should do what some mining this episode I think you should improve our house I think we should try to find maybe like a yeah let's just see what Oh what is that Nathan we have a traitor we cannot hello these people go away we need to keep them with us forever so yeah I'm just going to add in addition to our house really quickly we can trade emeralds do do you want to trade one emerald for a fern I think that's a terrible tree yeah that's all emerald for a spruce saplings it's okay well I have officially blocked it in now Nathan so get them here here you go you guys have been to our home and now you are trapped here so have a nice day have a nice day you weird-looking llamas well we'd like a pen at least which is nice we've always wanted a pet and now we got one yeah I'm okay what shark I think what we need to do is we need to find a cave you know what I am just going to make a cave system I'm going to dig down right here and we're just gonna see what we can find I already found some coal but it's on me what's going on your game froze it's probably all these super realistic textures dude alright Oh shark I already found some iron let's go dude this is a good mine that I am beginning right here iron and we're all doing believe what three four blocks down I've already found it that's metal iron if we can find a ravine man first off it's gonna look so majestic well we did find a ravine first episode remember yeah we did but like a big underground one like a really really big one that would be raining outside I don't believe so I'm outside right now actually if the heck was that noise I heard like a super weird scary noise dude minecraft spooky now like just happen dude like oh yeah dude I hope they yeah no no Halloween pranks Nathan please don't don't mess with me here no no no no no no no no no no no I will start mining down in the opposite direction of you so in hopes we can split off and make a line of mine dude if I find diamonds this episode well I will scream like a little girl yeah and I am going to give through that weird looking villager dude that's right outside honestly man if the diamond that looks as beautiful as the rest of the game does I would like to frame it and maybe never use it completely agree with you targeting it just for the cave system shark you're out you were just saying it wouldn't it be great if we found a ravine or iron down there I think there might be some gold and I don't know it's kind of dark dude that's it let's go redstone there's a lava damn company the lavas so bright it looks good probably oh my gosh there is so there is a lot of iron down here oh my goodness okay before we go down okay here I'm asking table real quick I'm gonna keep digging down a little bit now Nathan I have a little little gift for you I just saved I've saved out a lot or this man okay so I just want to hear you gonna make me cry it is an iron pickaxe just for you man did you pick it up no I didn't pick it yes I did sorry okay good all right if you lost it that might have been very bad yeah although we got iron now so we got iron pickaxes now so we can okay well I darks I am making a pathway that goes down I'm you like all of me so I'm just gonna is it wait is there water down there can we jump down there I think I see water do you I'm just going down the good old-fashioned fun game I'm gonna try it I think I see water yeah dude it's so hard to see water down secretly secretly it's a cursed resourcepack and it was actually not water oh my god okay lots of iron here dude I found mine oh my god another one yes but like a mineshaft the be the beginning of a mineshaft wait here's the other half of it right here oh my gosh Nathan this looks so insane over here looks so it looks so much scarier 2hd looking skeleton too much for me you got the skeleton shark yeah I'm coming to you I want to see what's mine shaft you saw you're at or no no good I will deal with that another day good keeps going this way to on the left it doesn't go very far yeah it's a pretty quick dead end you gotta check this out over here man this looks so scary okay this lava life just watch come follow me this way now when we get down here right there though I think so do you have any food by the way I have two pieces of food yes okay I'm gonna blind have one water real quick see I might need this obsidian oh yeah yeah wow that looks really good I want to go oh my gosh dude it's so dark I can barely even see it yeah what if happen so I put a torch oh my gosh reflections from the torch it's so beautiful dude we gotta find diamonds like that I mean man they're okay gotta be you know we're on why level and let's find three diamonds let's make a diamond pickaxe right now let's get the jumps Indian let's go we're going at the ridge now I'm just gonna look and see if I can see any diamonds from here as of right now unfortunately I don't see anything this my boys yo yes okay here's the deal chart you know how I get super super lucky diamonds for me on my own sir yes I did okay so shark the trick to finding the right diamonds is knowing the right cave system that you're on yeah you know what I'm feeling pretty lucky you're feeling pretty system know if I'm feeling lucky about this part of the cave system I personally don't think there's gonna be diamonds yeah I don't know give me a second man I mean a second shark and your boy speakable is gonna bind up some diamonds okay dude I hope you find diamonds but I'm gonna continue to mine in another spot you know okay go ahead it's as well I just need to get some coal because I'm out of torches and I can't um three minutes and I'll have you some diamonds three minutes okay I'm minutes on the clock dude I'm gonna be counting down put a timer on it three minutes we're gonna go about seven to eight blocks deeper in this if I'm gonna go ahead another part of the cave real quick yeah you find anything yet shark nothing yet on for it I'm just running low on food oh my gosh wait that's right this is I have one more piece of food holy cow this lapis looks really pretty yeah the only reason I want to mine it how much how much time we got left I think you got two minutes or so minute guys oh you didn't actually set a timer did you know I'm looking at the clock oh I see all right okay your boy speakable is gonna find diamonds just give him a second all right I can sense this yo I found another ravine what is wrong really I'm a beast dude no one's gonna have diamond that one's got diamonds in it okay hold on we're gonna put oak planks here so I know where I came from there's also a lot of water here and there's a lot of lava and it's really stressing me out I found some gold onto lava no that count this is a spot gold you found gold okay yeah I mean that's close it's not good enough though Nathan what did you get did you find diamonds no I didn't destroy a block and there's a bunch of mobs buying it and I'm running for my life because I'm scared I'm scared I can't find diamond shark I thought I didn't I thought I could do it man I found like the sketchiest most unsafest lava pit ever and I jumped yeah and sure enough there's no diamonds in it well isn't that just unfortunate it is very unfortunate okay well shark man when speakable thing is not really finding any diamonds and he's kinda just yeah the timer is up now man it is uh we did not find diamonds in the two minutes but that is okay because I still believe that there's diamonds near you know what shark it was intend to be we want to be a dude we were not meant to find diamonds intervene I think we need to go to another cave system I grind diamonds I look where thing is we have a ton of cobblestone so we can upgrade our house yes that is one thing but Nathan I do have one more thing I would like to point out and that would be I'm not exactly satisfied with leaving with no materials for the nether so what I'm gonna do is I would like to make an absurd amount of buckets and make a homemade portal back home those do it shark I'm gonna go back to this cave system that I was at because there was a ton of iron and I'll get more iron so we can have more buckets I am just so we can have that was a horrible idea to eat that spider right awful idea really bad idea now I'm even more lon yeah what do you want before what do you want to get out of here you're not HD you're not realistic bro all right coming back before I get too hungry because I'm on my last piece of food and this is just sad way to hold on I feel very confident about you feel yeah well I've got to take one more stop man you might just be passing diamonds right now I might just be passing some diamonds right now sorry I might just be all right once I get these iron buckets pickaxe broke even if I do find diamonds I know dude no no no man all right okay we're going well we are going to the nether yeah we're still goes to the nether is also a shark we should when we go up we should check on our farm yeah we need food man that's one of the things right now that we're really lacking food like ASAP dude wow that's so stressful so oh my gosh we can do another portal right here and we can right back to this wall it would be easy as making all of the lava is accessible oh I need to make 9 buckets no I have an infinity water source up by the farm we can make the nether portal up by the farm okay then we need to get as many buckets of lava that we can get then as many as we could possibly grab well shark I'm gonna let you take on this nether portal project while you're building of this nether portal I am probably going to be upgrading the house I have a couple ideas I want to integrate into the house I was reading a lot of your comments from the last video yeah sorry a lot of you guys were saying to light our house up better we should place glass on the ceiling all right yeah so I'm gonna work on that a little bit all right and then after this we could probably just mission back up together and then we can get the nether portal going yes sir we're good to go man we are nether ready yo actually it's still daytime oh my gosh thank goodness wait it looks like the Sun that might have just came up sure we put it down there for a whole day almost oh my gosh let's have an escape so that's good how's it coming along shark good so far that's what I like to hear that's what I like to hear so this whole second story is just going to be a bunch of windows honest just a bunch of windows yeah well I mean not like a bunch of windows but like quite a bit of windows you know all right well I'm gonna finish up on this portal now that should be good dude I cannot stop oh wow it is so beautiful oh my god what did you do shark I've been destroying our farm this whole time and I didn't realize okay is okay where they grown at least I I think so one of two things I know why I ran outta lava and I also know I now understand why I messed up so why did you mess up shark well I our portals bigger than the average sized portal that's why okay let me come look at this thing it's not finished I need to go get some lava so that's what I'm gonna do real quick all right come look at this thing let me see what you got going on here help me please I stuck Chuck did you place a sign let's sign oh no I am fighting a creeper oh my gosh I didn't place any sign there's a sign right here that says help me please I stuck okay I didn't put any signs Nathan you know what's been on our mind graph you know I'm not gonna troll you here okay we're just trying to play some minecraft sorry sorry should we see if there's anything stuck Kirk come here did you nicely a sign okay I'm coming back up man no I didn't see a sign what's Nani talking about also the Sun is going down so that's just great oh yeah hurry so this is looking nice look you saw sign oh my gosh it's so realistic yeah yeah look you didn't place this no I didn't place that I've been working with a portal this whole time their market needs to yeah yeah that's what I'm talking about Margit you have a lead aw dude it's falling bro no okay oh my gosh this is not good Margit what if we just build them a little cage real quick sure that's a good idea that's a good idea okay Margit I am going to build you a cage I need you to stay still please do not destroy my crops thank you I worked very hard on those okay so mark okay I'm gonna put torches down cuz I can't see anything it is super dark anime attention market Asian house dude this is going to be the market crib okay I just made a house for Margit just so we can you market safe I need to make doors real quick khmer khmer khmer khmer khmer khmer i don't want you to be safe i want you to be safe come here stop where you go where you go Marky Marky Mark oh my gosh okay market is not like parking not like you listen men okay well Margot whenever you feel like you want to come home there's a house right here for you it's absolutely beautiful and market going on it you know mark might just want to check out the world and you know what on I'm perfectly cool with that but at the same time at least a dangerous world dude and Margot does not last very long in any of our videos I've yeah man I was gonna say I think the last time we market diet lists off the cliff of a Skyblock island or something like that Marty less clumsy it was kind of bad okay yeah so done by the way it's done oh yes portal is nice dude done so all we got to do now is get some flint and steel and ignite dates and we'll be yep yep okay well I'm gonna go back to the house and I am going to build let's go I'm gonna take house so now we got the nether portal man I know twenty nine every single early pieces of glass I'm okay I'm curious to see how it's gonna look in the nether oh my gosh I'm having like a lot of more glass dude that was 30 pieces of glass I only covered like half the ceiling it looks good though yeah Leslie so sick oh yeah it's natural lighting I think that's what the word is that's what I like to see okay torches oc3 my inventory is so disorganized it is making me yeah cared right now oh yeah all right man um do we have any gravel by chance because I kind of I want to I want to like this poor lot I really really want to see what its gonna be like we got earlier do not have any gravel okay I have to go back into that cave system and get some gravel but he haven't died I can't believe dude I you like passed gravel I can't believe I didn't grab any of it oh my gosh dude this inventory is so messy holy dude I found another little system like a little cave system right by our house no sign of gravel though oh wait yo yes yes villager dudes just left us wait what what do you mean yeah they're gone but they are not caged them in there they're not there anymore there's no leader do they're not there anymore they're gone Oh gosh okay so I guess we can remove this we make ugly kind of harmony and thanks to our house I don't want it to live with llamas on pillager you know I don't know dude they're kind of annoying you know yeah I mean yeah but I mean look at us man weren't frogs and a shark yeah frogs and a shark yeah I know I know oh I have to like rub it in okay great the sun's coming up coming up that's what I'm talking about I think I actually see gravel I'm gonna go for it unless that's just to HD I can't even distinguish the difference yeah there's a zombie coming up behind you shark oh I found gravel dude Nathan oh wow there is a whole other ravine over here that we haven't even found right on the opposite end of our house okay dude I have to come check that out give me one second okay yeah I see gravel so I'm gonna jump down real quick and go for the gravel okay lots of gravel here there's got to be a chance for at least one piece of Flint one piece of Flint you still having fun gravel dude no I found gravel I'm searching mining it now okay I was gonna say you've been trying to find gravel since the last night literally forever oh god I got Flint we're good we are golden let's go okay so sorry another portal you line it up alright um let me hear I just got a couple more I literally need four more pieces of glass this is revolutionary I'm watching it from the house do it you ready yeah go for it son oh I can't really I can't really see it from here but to see the ultra okay hold on give me a sec check I'm just waiting on four more pieces of glass to smell also I removed this big ugly thing that was next to our house so now looks there we go a second story is complete the entire ceiling is glass and Wow right Nathan I can always just see what it looks like like a midday light all right track I'm coming to you yeah you got a dude we got to really check this out this looks so cool man let me see let me see let me see let me see let me see dude oh my gosh dude what in the world oh this is so sick the super giant super real look in Minecraft portal I like you sorry I think it's time to hop into the nether you ready actually we're gonna be saving the nether for the next episode we need you guys to leave a like on this video if you want to see us do an episode 3 nether where we go into the nether sharks you also messed up a little bit there's a piece of obsidian on the ground right there yes we can just forget yeah we'll just you know that's our it's a memorabilia block for today okay who's gonna look insane so everybody that's watching today's video all you guys got to do just smash a like on today's video that'll let us know you guys really want to see us go in the nether but until then Nathan yep we'll see you guys soon it's number three thank you so much for joining us on today's episode have a safe safer bats asked yesterday [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableReacts
Views: 5,301,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: b_X43FGzxGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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