Surviving Chernobyl: Former Liquidator Tells His Story 30 Years Later
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Channel: Bloomberg Quicktake: Now
Views: 1,206,731
Rating: 4.9377542 out of 5
Keywords: legasov chernobyl, hbo chernobyl episodes, chernobyl episode 1, valery legasov, chernobyl hbo series, chernobyl episode 4, chernobyl episode 5, is chernobyl accurate, chernobyl radiation burns, chernobyl hbo review, how accurate is chernobyl, how many episodes in chernobyl, chernobyl hbo, chernobyl radiation, golden globe nominations full list, list of golden globe nominees 2019
Id: HlVV3pgH3ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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That was sad because I donโt think he truly realizes how many people do appreciate the liquidators
here is another video with Ivkin
He gave an interview about incident and etc. Only problem - it's on russian.