Surviving An Infected Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft Hardcore

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well this here is one of the last remaining species in this world but don't be fooled because he is not alone there are millions of them standing around in broad daylight and they don't burn they hunt every living organism they can find including me yep I'm doing this for the next seven real life days I will be doing my best to survive in a hardcore zombie apocalypse so as I've only got one life if you guys enjoy this video then please consider subscribing it's completely free and it helps help out the channel a ton however this isn't that simple because these zombies will evolve mutate and grow into smarter more dangerous creatures that will stop at nothing to end it this is Minecraft never safe the zie apocalypse it is a beautiful new morning and those guys aren't burning oh there's literally a cluster of them he's holding an ender pearl okay yep we need to be smart about this and oh there's more over there this is fine I'm going to MLG play this okay nice and wood and my worry here is the second they see me they will not leave me alone that guy's holding a spy glass okay oh they're over there okay oh there's more there as well all right actually I can't move they're everywhere right I'm going to grab this Stone here now the problem with all of this is that getting attacked by these zombies isn't actually the problem like I can survive if I get attacked is he coming he's holding a totem oh no oh no no no oh my goodness okay okay he's so quick okay let's kill him he's just does he use this tot yep he used it okay great that's wonderful okay right well he's dead oh and there's another one okay okay another problem with all of this is that there is no sleeping sleeping is not allowed so I'm going to have to firm the days and the nights just as they come I have no choice this guy oh there's more of them around that guy has almost full iron armor okay he's targeting me he's not targeting a cow oh my oh my goodness what okay I need to go oh my goodness they're using the pickaxes okay okay I need to get out of here that guy's holding a flint and steel please I'm actually just trapped in a hole right now oh these guys are done yes idiots give me your armor oh my they're breaking blocks get out okay I've armor oh iron chest plate that's so good oh my goodness okay I don't know if I kill this oh I'm not going to kill this cow oh no I am I I am you never know when you need a steak okay probably a bad idea okay okay oh my oh oh no oh wow I've been infected straight off the bat that's terrible that is absolutely terrible now as you can see I've just been infected for the first time this is only level one of the infection but if I reach the end of level four I die every few minutes the infected level increases and the only cure is golden apples so I have got to get moving whoa okay okay ooh there's some sort of Ruin over there maybe that's what I head towards oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I got knocked off I got knocked off I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine oh my okay okay that's really bad I was not paying attention for one moment please tell me there's something sort of loot in there is there all right oh another structure is that a castle please tell me that's a castle okay the problem is also they're attracted by sound so every time I hit one oh my goodness oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay that's fine this is ridiculous okay right I heal up eat my rotten flesh oh he's traveling up the vines nope okay some of them are smart I'm leaving I'm leaving oh no no they're in front of me as well they're in front of me I'm just going to get into this thing I'm going to get into this thing and block it off I don't really care please work please work please work please work okay okay okay okay we've got a watchtower and what was that what the hell was that sound I'm now completely out of food I have nothing except for this one steak that I need to cook up and no torches so yeah going down there not going to happen absolutely not and of course it's turning to light okay okay okay oh my goodness eat eat e eat eat run I need to get up a tree now I need to get up a tree and survive the night okay okay I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive wow this is going to be a dark night if I don't go under I need to go under and make some charcoal so I can make torches just give me all of this wood please okay they're over there're over there they're ignoring me for a moment and I'm I'm so hungry I'm so hungry oh my goodness okay I need to kill zombies I need to kill now okay I'm going to start taking damage need to kill them all now what oh okay it's fine it's hunger thought I was dying to them then it's just hunger it's just hunger I need to kill them all now come on come on I cannot die like this no I cannot die to hunger get out of here now please tell me that's a lot of food please please okay six rotten flesh heal okay okay okay this is a bad idea coal Coal coal Coal give me torches boom boom okay block this off wow all right that could have been the end of me at least I've got half armor from killing mobs and we've got light sources there I don't know what that sound was again the sound you just heard is my infected level increasing however this is something I wouldn't realize until much much later you okay I don't see anything down here very good I'm going to make a shield first thing I'm making a shield I'm also just not going to Sprint I don't have the uh I don't have the capacity to be doing that not at all this is terrible I am on I'm on Infected three that's why okay I need to go and find a golden apple oh wow that's why I'm losing hunger so quickly cuz of the infection okay okay okay we're going into this thing we're going into this thing oh my what is that okay I've just please tell me this is not a dead end oh my where am I where am I right now okay chest okay skeleton skulls slash skull I don't know what I'm looking at right now please be some food in here what is this oh oh food yes okay okay okay okay and I'm pretty sure I saw behind here gold block we have three iron oh my goodness okay okay okay if we ho leaves we can get an Apple we're on Infected three okay we've got 10 more minutes basically until we die I need to actually shine in this moment I'm not even joking okay boom boom boom boom yes all right this is now this is how we are going to make this work I'm going to break that gold block give me that thank you okay now we're going to go up above and here we go please right apples I need you actually not to destroy me just give me an Apple give me an Apple oh oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness you are done done done grab it grab it up up up up up boom Oh My Savior so we've got infected four we had 8 minutes to survive and boom I've been healed oh my goodness Miracles are real ooh telephone Towers oh my we found a city we have found a city that place is going to be infested oh wait I knew I was right that guy is chasing that horse they are killing oh okay they are killing the mobs okay run horse run no no this is actually bad that's how they're revolving oh my goodness it literally Des spunks it's going to turn into a more powerful zombie okay this is actually the last thing we wanted oh my that is an infected horse that is an infected horse nope we're leaving all these guys are chasing me that's fine if I can round them up even more stuff yes we're actually finding things eing chest yes oh I don't know what was on that pickaxe but took it okay we got loads of iron we got efficiency 2 okay I need to find a I just need to find somewhere that has something oh no is that is that an entrance to a m shaft that might be the way there's more of the M shaft over there okay right this m shaft could be My Savior yeah get over it don't Smack me oh my going let that get way too close oh that guy's falling right we're going to go in here and lock it up behind us and nothing can get in here right we're safe for now and this is just a way for us to survive I guess in the dungeons at I don't like that one [Music] bit don't hear anything [Music] yet break it break it break it break it break oh no oh my goodness that was close Okay okay that could have been so much worse yes oh oh my a power four book okay that is brilliant and a bucket oh my goodness watermelon seeds right now we're actually this is so much better now and string more bread horse armor if we want to get a horse okay is this really did that really not lead anywhere I went exploring further into the cave but the sheer number of zombies quickly pushed me straight back up to the surface where I ended up finding oh food yes okay okay good give me give me give me thank you oh okay okay okay right let's be careful up here can guys get in okay this leads down all right all right I like this so far oh and I see a chest I just saw a chest yes okay good right full gold we're halfway to an infection cure if ever we need another one I'm probably actually just going to destroy oh my power three which we literally don't need that's such a shame oh you know what though surely power three will come in helpful at some point and 14 gold oh yes we've already got the cure for another one now actually something that I do need to do before anything else look at this inventory it's useless I need to search up a backpack just a standard traveler backpack we need leather orange sleeping bag backpack okay backpack tank so that's glass and iron okay I just need sand for that and three wool okay that's definitely doable I need 12 strings so there we are we'll break this we turn that into our three wool turn that into our sleeping bag okay now we just need leather which I definitely don't have but the good news is we can set up at this place and keep looking for leather we'll come back for this once we got a backpack because that is just going to be so useful and another cure oh my goodness okay so even if we get attacked right now we're up goodness guess he's stuck stuck by the torch stuck by the torch oh and Cake yes eat it all Barrel oh bread bread wheat and let's block this up for now now this is where I need to be super careful cuz in these dark spots stuff is going to spawn we're going to be able to make another Golden Apple at this right charge this Crossbow good to have just in case and thank oh yeah another golden apple and more arrows this is actually the perfect place I could have found what what's what's what Quick Charge piercing sharpness two that is amazing we need to make this backpack we actually need to there's there's even more in here power four we've already got a power four wow okay we have hit the jackpot with this place oh more more infected more infected oh okay okay that's bad that's bad oh wait we get a different type of infection what is that get out get out get out get out oh no they're spawning they're spawning we' spawned a hoorde oh my goodness okay we're fine we don't have the infection okay so zombies can get through there because baby zombies and there are crawling zombies block it up block it [Music] up oh okay that's fine that's fine get back get back get back yep yep okay they are spawning now because of all the stuff I just made nope what was that I got some sort of thing from being hit by that zombie okay wait wait wait we can be smart about this we can be so smart about this let's get out of here ouch okay but yeah what is this I've got what is this I've got right now my celium infection okay so the evolved zombies give a worse a worse thing but oh they're spawning inside the base they're spawning inside the base so when I kill them their spawn radius gets further okay this is bad does it just go away eventually we are actually just getting surrounded by an evolved zombie right what do these drop so this is mutated fiber mutated mutated fiber can be infected scyth oh my goodness there's so many things we can make I need to be so careful what am I doing what am I doing what am I doing they hit me from so far okay [Music] okay okay okay okay why am I not using a shield shield shield shield shield okay I'm healing up and I'm I'm leaving this place for a bit we're going to wait till daytime so I can see more we're going up we're going up here okay we've got a watchtower right what's going on we've got a base thing over there we've got so many of the evolves spawning around us that's what I'm just going to refer to them as the evolved wait there they're spreading onto more zombies So eventually we're going to have no regular zombies left and just this hybrid here okay I don't like that I really don't like that there's so many of them and more stuff please oh a diamond okay that is great broken music disc don't care about that a diamond I will take any day of the week thank you okay yeah well I've kind of trapped myself in here now cuz all the way around the edge there's this many and if I kill them then more of them spawn so it's just it's a cash 20 it's a cash 22 but so much food thank you get out and get out oh my so many at least it's turning to daytime again now I want to collect as much of these things as I can because now that I've seen that more stuff can come from it and I can get cool items I'm going to want to collect everything they have to give is this oh it's just summoning more I can't I can't kill them without more summoning that's just too many okay right we're just going to run out we're just going to run out and go for this ouch didn't mean to do that run run okay yeah I need the shield on I need put the shield on oh a village as well oh this is brilliant this is brilliant it's out all of you yeah this is getting ridiculous cuz every time I hit them more of them come horses no okay everything is just getting terrified out of its place oh okay oh of course of course that was such a waste not oh oh my goodness okay yep NOP NOP nope leather please oh I can kill horses yes come here horse I'm sorry I know you're trying to escape it all but I need you trust me I need you more than they do they just want to eat you I'm using you to serve a better cause I promise I'm so sorry I'm so sorry there's one right we need eight if we want to make two backpacks okay yep that horse is just getting destroyed oh buddy I'm going to help you I'm going to help you I'm going put you out your misery up please okay okay okay okay we're right on the edge of the city and that just means more mobs that just means more mobs definitely okay let me stop him from getting up I think so and we can peer in oh there's an anvil there oh yes I don't have to waste my own Iron okay oh hello I'm hungry two cooked chicken and mate if you think I had that to give I'd give it to you go away hey oh my God I might have just killed one of the only survivors on this wretched wretched world yes I know I am not proud of brutally murdering the first person I'd come across but his little village was the ideal location for me to set up camp so I quickly ran back to the Fortress where i' stashed my belongings and made myself at home yes okay good we can make a backpack right now oh that makes my life so much better and boom boom oh backpack you hold control and you can see what's inside it yes oh they broke in oh my goodness okay hey this guy's going against me with his pickaxe no they're inside my base they're breaking they're breaking the inside of my base they've traveled up the stairs you're joking I completely forgot they could use pickaxes I was being so smart I thought break the inside of my house and I swear to God no no don't don't don't don't no okay I'm infected again oh my goodness all right well more gold to waste okay was probably the best time to have it when I'm about to go explore this place that's fine that's just really annoying right ever since we got that mutated heart that is huge because we can make a living Court eventually and with a living Court this is where it gets good so it's just collecting stuff from the evolved that's going to take time though that's going to take a lot of time I'm just going to plant these trees cuz more wood is always good but with infected to we're going to go in okay you know do it I don't care I don't care I'm just going into the building I'm just going in oh oh okay okay okay oh my goodness okay this is bad oh my okay okay right it's fine cuz we're already infected so it doesn't matter please more don't come in please more don't come in let's kill these guys now yep you teleported away I heard that and F this off good right we're in we're in we're in and we're safe it should be the building that had the Anvil in it I think oh it's this one yeah it's got to be the one next door surely Anvil get out get out oh that fully just broke the glass okay but piercing in Quick Charge boom piercing Quick Charge what oh huh huh oh my God Billy wait k wait you help me oh my okay do I help him oh my goodness okay okay I'm going down I'm going down Billy Billy help me I'm trying I'm trying dude okay I'm going to come into the building I'm going to come to the building do not attack me I won't just get rid of the zombies what are you doing here oh run run me me me me okay okay okay I'll kill him I'll kill him I'm infected I'm infected Billy Billy oh there are zombies yep you're good right you're not going to kill me right well it depends what wasn't like what you're just running away I thought it' be a good thing that we found each other no bro I'm so weak like you could sneeze on me I'll die right now I I don't have anything I'm terrified mate what are you doing can I have some wood if you're friendly can I have some wood please you got any food I've been eating rotten [Music] flesh my hero have you found anything here cuz look I've got a piercing for okay okay okay I'm going you don't have to throw me you don't have to throw me okay okay okay wait step out step let's out in the open out in the open mate I I'll be completely honest I'm kind of set up if you look over here I'm over this way I'm not I'm not going to touch you I swear taking this I'm not going to touch you look if you look over here see that little house just on the hill oh oh okay uh help me okay okay so you're way more geared than me it's fine it's fine you've got you've got a diamond axe I've only got one Diamond to my name but you see if you come over here step on up okay that house just there on the hilltop that's mine with the sand on top I commanded it there was fully there was fully a guy living there and he asked me he had the audacity I'm not even joking to ask me for one cook something and three cook something it's like mate have you seen any animals oh Billy Billy build up build up well I'm sorry to tell you kit the same thing's going to happen with that house it's mine now goodbye you want do you really no do you really want to do this do you really want to do this I'm sorry I need the stuff mate mate absolutely not absolutely not Billy Billy you're not doing this you're not doing this I will kill you if I have to Billy I will kill you if I have to no you won't yes I will you don't know what I have Billy I don't care I will kill you if I have to I'm putting on my shield you won't come on don't don't oh zombies as well do you really want to do this do you want to do this from my house get out of the house get out of the house now okay okay I'm get out of the house I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry actually get out of the house goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry mate what the hell is he he thinks he can come and take I stole this from a lovely man that I murdered if he comes back I'm going to kill [Music] him yeah that's right yeah that's right run boy piercing four you know what it is if he comes from my base at all we're actually going to have a massive problem if he got if he tries to take it again I'm just going to keep an eye on this Village if he now steps into this lost city and poses any threat to me I'm just going to murder him I'm there's actually going to be no mercy and if he's listening to me I don't know if he's just being quiet if you hear me Bill I will kill you if I have to we even helped him and he tried to he actually just tried to rob that from me what a scumbag and we're safe in here no more fall damage please and I think yeah this leads right over to the other building okay this is good this is what I like okay he's been there obviously oh my goodness okay can I find a way to kill this guy oh he's out here he's out here okay oh okay I've been infected of course I have okay so even if you hold your shield and don't get hit by them you get infected that is terrible if there's nothing up here we're just going to go back to the base oh my God what Billy are you kidding me are you kidding me what mate you're dead you're dead you're done you're actually done you're actually done come here now come here now I got to go for real I got to go for real no no no no no come here now hey I found your secret chest buddy I that's fine that's fine either you drop the loot right now or you die neither of those things will be happening okay I'm just going to shoot you with my piercing FL crossbow and you're infected buddy I'm already infected so I can get hit by these zombies I'll kill you if I have to Bill I'm not joking no no no no no no no I will kill you if I have to mate oh my God what is that where the hell is he just gone oh my god what have I done oh ouch okay that's not good that's not good oh my goodness my cium infection too oh wow he's actually he's actually just finessed me completely he's taking everything of mine I've I've actually lost everything I literally get infected and what does he do he burns my house down I'm going to kill that man I'm going to kill that man run go go go go go I'm going to go down this cave I'm going to go down this cave I'm going to do it I'm going to do it he stole everything oh my goodness he stole everything and burned it I've actually lost everything he's actually screwed me even watching this back now I am furious Billy had taken and burned everything there's no way I'd be able to trust him fully ever again but instead of getting discouraged I began to mine in order to get the gold I needed to cure my infection and stumbled upon what is this is this a spawner sounds like a spawner oh okay yeah I'm guessing it is a spawner okay oh my that could have been terrible yeah destroy all of these do not get hit again and break the spawner yes okay this could be huge please tell me these barrels are all full and a crafting table okay oh my good you're actually joking that could not have been more perfect please okay I'll take cobwebs that's nice more cobwebs Cobble and chest name tag you never know you never know all right this is something this is some oh my oh my give me that now okay we're healed we are healed and we'll have another gold apple and we' got a silk touch book which you never know might come in handy we've got the melon seeds we might need he took all of my hay bales that one actually hurts and of course one more Golden Apple oh that makes me feel so much better it could have ended so much worse than this so at least there's that and thank you okay now I don't really know what the silk touch we've got will come in handy for but it's better to have and not need and to need and not have so we are now just going to find a way to SK staircase up and oh thank goodness okay daytime yep okay yeah I know you're all angry I know you're all Angry that's fine I don't know where I am I don't even need to ooh never mind I know where I'm going I was about to say I don't have a home however I might have a home is there a doorway yes there is there is a doorway okay doorway doorway oh is it oh this is nothing but a watchtower we going to make this jump we're going to make this jump oh my I fully thought I was going to have to land that clutch oo but this will be the good place to get flint for arrows and is this another lost city or is it the same one it's another one all right oh actually I can fight these guys they don't give me the infected they give me my celium good nice that's fine get this wood as long as I get one sapling I'm happy actually if I get four saplings I can make those giant trees ouch what oh he's got a bow oh he's he's going be a named one isn't he he's going to be a named one he's a proper evolved guy oh my there's so many there are so many more gold always always run for more gold wait I've just realized Wool Wool oh my goodness yes what what you hear the hows of The Horde oh my God another hoorde is summoned all right this is getting bad now this is getting really bad so what is it just another wave of more zombies as if that's oh my what the you're joking and of course they're going for the fish they're going for the fish to spread so this isn't just a zombie apocalypse this is what what this is fully an infection that just spreads and corrupts no you're joking now you're joking run in between run in between oh no I'm of course I'm infected again of course okay I've been here before I've been here before leaving leaving okay we're going on top we're going on top of this thing I'm pretty sure okay I'm pretty sure Billy's been here cuz he's are scaffoldings and I haven't this guy's going to shoot me you know we're not waiting anywhere we're not waiting we're leaving and yeah we're running past the old base I'm just I'm just going to have to go now because there are zings everywhere oh Billy Billy I heard you Billy hey you want to leave bro no I really don't because I want yep you ruined everything you actually ru ruined everything of mine well you should have helped me more what I literally gave you everything you asked for ow stop sh bro I've got an AK what did he just say he's got an AK mate I'm going to say my house bro I've claimed this land I've claimed it it's I was here oh my why do you think all the stuff's gone come on come on bro AK how do you have an AK cuz I built it oh my God that's actually a gun you actually have a gun do not thank you for the arrow bro what oh my got infity who W whoa whoa whoa okay okay okay I'm leaving I'm leaving actually ridiculous come do you want to like no I'm leaving goodbye oh he's leaving he can deal with that he can deal with that I'm not dealing with that at all nope nope I'm really not sure how but Billy had somehow managed to get his hands on a gun which put me at a massive disadvantage and I knew that the only way to survive was to move on and hope that he wasn't trying to hunt me down I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm going into this I don't know what it is I still don't know what it is but Billy found it and it might be good you never know oh what is it is it a Subway oh no that's bad that's really bad okay that's fine that's fine I've blocked him off so what is this is this the sewers is this the subway oh my goodness if we make a mine cart we could just travel along here come on on mine cart cuz if we can find something down here that would be humongous I began to explore the subway traveling Every Which Way got caught up in some sort of spider infestation and stumbled upon some things that I would begin to turn the tides oh my we're underneath something what is this what is this okay okay do not touch any of the plants note to self break okay I don't know what any of this stuff does so I'm just going to leave it is this empty oh oh my God we're going to get an insane sword oh my okay that is exactly what we looking for right now what is that alvic sack jeez okay this is gross really but I'll take it yeah you know what we're going back down we are going back down all right should I just keep going then just keep looking through this cuz we've just found good stuff from that hello okay hi buddy hey oh Blaze what what is a blaze doing in there um there's a blaze in there oh my wait I'm sorry I didn't even see the diamonds okay oh no okay we got infected that's bad we got a blaze rod and I'm sorry what diamond iron two diamond oh my God and chests food lapis oh my how how have we just found this I didn't even see what this was oh my where are these coming from where are you coming from there was a spawner here somewhere obviously oh my where did you keep coming from okay you might kill me you might kill me okay okay you keep coming from in this corner so I'm just going to block that off don't know where this spawner is though there's got to be a blaze spawner here there is isn't there not oh my okay there is yep okay it's down there it has to be where where okay there we go Poli spawner wait ooh wait potions would be nice and you guys are in there okay yep there we are good we might as well Farm a few blazes oh my God I'm actually ecstatic here we are come on buddy good more Blaze roll okay I like fighting blazes in the Overworld oh my good how many do I have five blaze rods so far got diamonds in there we've got name tag which we might need I think Billy stole my other one so that's good Jesus diamonds gold iron oh my goodness this is actually humongous I'm breaking this I'm breaking this I don't want to deal with it anymore we've obviously just got some sort of pocket here that's spawning loads of zombies so don't need that either but we're going to be able to make diamond armor oh my goodness this is insane oh my god oh that's where they're coming from okay they were spawning oh we have got 18 we're going to have 27 diam okay I'm going to make right now I'm going to make diamond tools everything cuz I'm sick of all my tools breaking yes I don't care if I get judged for this this I'm doing it because I think it's the right thing to do then I'm going to make a chest plate put that on and we're going to mine this diamond block thank you we are going to make a helmet and we are going to make diamond boots because then I can still make an enchantment table if I need to and what am I on here I'm on Infected two all right that's fine and I'll be cured I can make like three golden apples maybe even four how many how many can I make four golden apples yes oh my goodness now we are talking that is actually the changing Point look at me look at me okay we grabbed this iron and now now we need to think about setting up a place that we can live and I need to think about making this sword great sword so a claw requires claw fragments which we don't have okay that's fine so we need more so claw fragments what we're missing right now we've got everything for the this that's good everything for the living core everything for the fleshy bone okay so we have everything but claws which we need claw fragments for I'm going up I'm going up oh wait I'll eat a golden apple wait yeah I'll eat a golden apple and we'll go up carefully and slowly Up and Away baby okay wow right so how do I go about getting claws claw fragments that's what I want to know and can I see a city to set up near cuz that is what I would like right now we see a telephone Tower which means there's definitely one somewhere we see something over here what is that that's a huge off house uh okay what what I think we're going to enter from the top oh my oh my you are quick okay rering this from the top oh my what we are going to find a way to enter this safely Kill from within safely and then we're going to need to think about food all right this is something light it up all right yeah it's creepy and weird but it's something and it's got stuff I don't know what that enchantment I just read was reclaimed and a okay a weakness potion yikes there's balconies balconies which I can very easily oh and a lost city yes okay but balconies I can very easily repair oh okay get stuck in that oh that cobweb just saved my life okay there's looms is there more stuff in here if there's zombies I actually don't think this is worth it and unwavering nature okay well it can't be good because it's red so that sucks but there's enough books here to enchant about a million of them and should I be going down and trying to get the stuff or not oh my no no no no no okay okay okay you know what I'm leaving I'm leaving run run run o okay I don't like this place run run run towards the lost city run towards it I don't know if I want to be somewhere completely new but you know what we don't have a choice right now we're going in here going up to the top we're having a look around no nothing over there considering we got an anvil in one of these what the okay is there anything good in any of these or am I just wasting my time here it's just these are just abandoned we've got the occasional Anvil and that's it Anvil okay there we are speak of the devils and chest the coal will take you never know when you might need gunpowder another Anvil okay I don't like that I hear zombies and then I don't hear zombie oh my God oh my oh like oh there's a spawner here break yeah I see you buddy relax relax oh my goodness oh yep hello you're fine you're fine we're good don't infect me thank you okay red good what's this oh my God oh my God we can make guns we can make guns this is how Billy did it can I break this please tell me I can take this yes okay so we're getting guns we are getting guns and something I want to work on is security cameras I want to set up a base and I want to oh I need to reinforce a block so let's head up and make sure I've got everything on every level okay no one's out here oh yes they are good good we're fine I swear it's just always night time there are definitely shorter days as well so this is just this is just rubbish to be honest oh my oh okay that was lucky that was very lucky indeed where was that spawner yeah yep knew it good three levels let's block everything off as we go right if it's just going to be useless stuff do I bother CU all right we can see what we need okay I don't like any of that this is where I'm nervous cuz if something just jumps out so what is that doing here what this goes down even further [Music] oh whoa oh my goodness there's an NPC in here hello have you seen any food P wants four melon slices and three cooked chicken why do all of you want rubbish useless stuff that I can't even get myself okay I've just entered some sort of back rooms at the bottom of everything I don't like this they were literally at the bottom I don't like this at all oh I have 36 levels oh okay okay okay right yeah you know what we're going to take this we are going to take this right now we're going to run and set up I need a camp I need a camp goodbye buddy okay good good good I'm free I'm free all right let's start yeah cuz we're on top of trees this is good I like this when you're on top of the trees everything's calm don't think zombies come up this high so that's good but what is this this is something free stuff for me come on what's this yep quick hands what does quick hands do it's for guns I'm taking it look it off okay I think we're safe in here now and daytime is coming good impaling three oh multi-shot yes yes yes yes I think this is everything and then we'll check the graves if there are any yes respiration don't need don't spend any time in the water that okay well that's blooming horrible it's just a skull there this works thank you we can make another Golden Apple another skull and chest Mak okay brilliant up I really shouldn't be using these blocks but we're going to I'm going to use my furnaces and I'm leaving yes okay see a building there but I whoa whoa whoa whoo no that's got infections that has got exactly what we will need in it potentially if it's got the claws that we're looking for oh this could be big please let this be what I think it is oh okay okay yep yep yep yep okay ah okay okay whoa he was quick okay get in here just want to get to the chest get rid of all of these disgusting plants not touching him not touching him they're going to break this block that one oh that could have been bad oh man okay this is going to get annoying cuz they're just going to keep coming boom now they're not we have locked off the area good you can die please thank you need to not be messing up like this there's no claws around anything shoot collect all of this there we are oh wow we have got lots and lots of it this is getting very very good and we leave we leave go get into the water get in yes okay we left them behind we left them now I travel now I travel now despite having practically no food my spirits were up and obviously it was time for me to look for a new place to call home so I just traveled and traveled across ocean over the mountains until oh my what does that mean what does that mean okay oh okay it means there's more of them is that what it means yep instantly wait I'm actually seeing more already yep I'm seeing more okay oh my this could be perfect this could be the perfect place for somewhere to set up I've got a plan I've got a plan I'm not getting hit I'm not getting hit going straight into this place that's so mess any of them okay let me in there we are good we're in and now can check down here cuz I have no idea where this leads it's either better be somewhere good or somewhere good there is no there is no bad option yeah you're joking I I see a spawner I see a spawner right there and oh tell me that isn't terrifying tell me you're haunted with without telling me you're haunted literally look at that I'm going to going break the [Music] spawner oh no I'm not oh my okay that was close somehow I brought that back break it break it break it okay okay okay check for food medicine diamond iron okay okay okay I'm leaving I'm leaving we're going to come back for this I'm not doing this now nope it's just not worth it it could mean absolutely anything all of this and it goes on so much further yeah we're not doing this now we are absolutely not doing this now we are going to be smart no but before we do that we'll be stupid for a second and we'll go have a look from up here where do I want to set up this is actually really difficult I've got a plan though whilst we're here let's make a gun this is how we do this we stop wa we can make a Booka I didn't say that a bazooka which shoots missile which does 25 damage all right I like that AK 104 heavy oh attachments wa this is good so all the additions we can figure out I just a medium scope would be nice yeah we can we can get all that stuff later but now we look at ammo so small bullets Advanced bullets heavy bullet medium bullet short bullet right we need to find out what kind of weapon we want this is heavy bullets and it holds 30 I want to go with one that actually has like good good value if you see what I mean assault rifle see these are all cheap now see damage six no useless I want to go for a higher damage one the ak-15 this is what I'm going for how much do we need we need 36 iron doing it okay okay we've got a gun that's huge it takes heavy bullets now if I go over to heavy bullets we need bullet casing gunpowder and golden nuggets so this is where it's going to get painful cuz we have to give up a bit of gold but we've got four golden apples so that's fine heavy bullet casing make a load of casings why not that gives us o Lots okay heavy bullets as many as we can we need more gunpowder for more but we have got stack and a half okay okay so now hold down reload okay we have to stay still whilst we do it we can't walk oh we can walk and reload only has it stops okay and now oh my go why' I do that I'm Dum I'm actually dumb okay this is bad this is bad this is not the gun that I wanted okay it kills me in three shots all right I'll take it I'll take it and we have already used oh my we have used over half a stack of our bullets already that's good though it means we've got Panic Weaponry if we need it I really should have thought about the fact that they're attracted by sound I need kill all of them now okay I don't like this I don't like this they're breaking blocks they're breaking blocks go away go away whoa [Music] I just picked wait what these guys Dro backpacks wait that's huge I have oh my goodness I have so much more space Oh My go no don't you dare don't you dare don't you dare you better not break anything of mine okay right we now have a fully outed area and if people come if zombies come I can kill them yes there's a chance they'll break it but it should give me enough time to kill them first and more importantly it means that we can start farming oh yes okay this is huge and the fact that we just picked up two random backpacks does this have more space in it or something it's a skeleton traveler backpack I don't even know that's fine we're going to build some sort of a watchtower the way that you get into it is going to be only so that humans can get into it zombies won't be able to get their way in oh my goodness that was what I was worried about oh my goodness okay healing healing okay that's fine right okay so it works for a moment and then it does screw you to be honest I actually don't care about any of these guys they can all stay there that's fine it's the pickaxe ones I don't want to enable correct wrecked you're for line wrecked yes it's just so much quicker good 40 levels I like that I like that a lot but here we are right we're going to have this come up we're going to have it pop out so it's three no four so five there and then it'll pop out three yes nice I like this just getting a nice open space here so then we'll have a 4x4 area at the bottom here and that is where we'll have water coming out okay that guys got a pickaxe yep you broke that okay that's fine because up here you got good I don't like the fact they keep breaking my fences oh my God you again welome in okay good around okay just kill the pickaxe ones that's all I care about wrecked and boom oh my don't you dare don't you dare oh my goodness okay that's fine take a slime block nice but now from here go all the way around like that boom boom now we need to figure out a way that when I'm running I can run jump in place water above here oh yes thank you boom yeah now we need to have it as some sort of way that I can run jump catch on the ladder without failing that's that's the problem you like this okay and hopefully no zombie can make it through that but I don't know if that's actually the case so we're going to test it whilst I'm infected we're going to let one in oh okay can they come up oh my goodness I'm a genius all right this is an XP farm now we found wait if they they broke the ladder oh my goodness you're telling me wait is there really nothing I can do I don't like this I really don't like this yes okay they're just destroying my underneath that sounded so wrong I'm going to need to put something down there that they can't break like obsidian cuz they're just breaking everything now oh oh hunger Hunger Hunger okay that could have been bad was not paying attention I then thought you know what I'm going to attempt to build a potato farm underneath my base but obviously quickly realized that it was not practical because the hordes of zombies just keep breaking it and making my life impossible oh my okay oh okay okay into the base into the base destroy them destroy them and of course we're now infected you know what if there's nothing I can do because I can't escape I am just going to build storage room over here and enchanting room over there and then we'll figure out another room to go over here because this is just insane right now I don't know what I can do and if this just still isn't going like look at this they're still just Hoarding in corrupting the rest of the oh my God okay booksh El right we got nine okay okay we're getting somewhere we are getting somewhere where's my enchantment table right here boom what levels this go up to 18 sharpness two that sucks okay what is that okay okay that dropped a load of stuff that's a claw that's a claw okay oh my goodness okay okay okay come here come here I need more of those things to spawn how do I let them spawn do I let them evolve more okay well now I'm just fully sitting here like a duck oh okay okay heal heal heal ignore these guys ignore them ignore them these bones these bones oh w w w w how how how how how how okay of course they're all still down there yep yep just digging themselves into more of a hole that's fine I can kill them with lava if I need to okay this is definitely a terrible idea but I need the L so boom boom I'm safe I'm going to the toilet all right we're back um I'm praying that M oh my how did you get up here how how wait actually how it spawned up here there's too many there's actually just too many oh my what is that thing down there it's on oh my it looks like a Golem okay I need to figure out how to kill this oh my it can jump it can jump what where is it is it oh okay it's got vines on it now I need to kill this now it can climb oh my God it's going to hit me why can't I see it and why are those not moving come on okay this thing is ridiculous I need to kill this now please yeah whatever yeah okay we killed it okay and that's out of me bullets okay that's fine that's fine actually go away okay right this is good this is good hopefully I can kill these guys now and if they start spawning more I don't know what I do it's fine just kill them all kill them all and of oh my more happening okay okay okay I need to go down here grab what I can what was there claw fragments claw fragments claw fragments okay those guys can stay down there I don't care I'm leaving them you know what let's just take a second let's just take a second all right grabbing everything mutated and we're going to start looking into making stuff and the infected great sword we can craft the fleshy claw that's quite cool let's do we need one of them yes we do need three of them shoot okay the okay I can craft three that's good okay we need six more claw fragments and we can make this we literally have it all and then the three bones and we can craft the infected great sword in that case what I'm going to do let's put everything back in here and we're going to go mining yep takey bit of full damage that's fine just run just run don't let anything hit me there so many of them did I get it did I get it Le time I got some of it oh okay we made that jump good now bring them all up here come over here guys that's oh my God no that's really bad go go go go oh oh yeah I'm not dealing with this right now I need to just dig down I actually just need to dig it down right here oh that's bad okay I'm infected I'm infected but I'm underground I'm underground yeah so I now need to make this infection last the entire time I'm mining because otherwise I'm just going to waste food and I only have one golden apple and no apples so even if I get gold I can't craft it's crazy how the only time you're safe is when you're mining at least that's what it feels like go down and act ooh wood M [Music] shaft oh my God is this this is the place under the tower isn't it yep it looks like it all right all right oh deal with it deal with it deal with it for now okay good sticks torches all right we can get wood down here oh my God that's huge and we can cook down here that is also huge and food all the way around thank you we're going to have a stack of potatoes that is beautiful we can start exploring this place I'm grab all the wood from it first yeah come on get out of here oh my you're kidding me good thing I'm already infected goodbye okay okay right I actually just don't want to waste food and we are already uninfected too we just hit it I'm going to eat this Golden Apple now that might have been a terrible idea but I'm going to trust myself so I don't make stupid decisions for no reason I just don't want to waste all of my food going around this cave so let's do this and ooh chest another chest apples apples is huge and wait I did not realize there's a spawner do not do not do not okay I fully just looked at that and didn't register what it was bones yep that one of the things we needed place up torches and ooh stone bricks nice anything for blocks I love it gold yes okay that's amazing and all of the bones we need to make this great sword just need to kill and get more claw fragments okay yeah so now I believe right now we are underneath the tower cuz we came down here we had to look around and we decided not to do it because we even saw the note block yet we did the Juke Box hello Flint okay more bones regeneration yes now we're talking easy tiger easy yeah I've already been this way shelves take them oh yes plenty of gold thank you boom now we're talking that my friend is what we call a result boom boom w oh nice nice okay that's huge empty map ooh an empty map could be helpful I do wish that I had silk touch I could just grab all of these bookshelves not have to farm more wood but there we are and more emeralds okay you never know emeralds might be handy at some point oh oh my goodness there's a guy that smacks me f yep okay okay come on come on come on come on okay come on oh no this bad okay yep he smacks me far go away go away please oh my claw fragments three claw fragments hang on wait that's happened in the time that I was mining wood what the what oh no oh no come on in come on then come on in yeah you I can kill you I can kill you suck oh more clothes okay okay who oh yep you're quick you're quick oh okay okay good no Claws from that one which sucks but that's fine oh no why why why why why oh okay I keep getting too close to getting the infection again oh yep there's another one there hello oh my goodness that's terrifying whoa come on nice Claw is that claw claw fragments I've already got all this and do I keep going down or do I just leave it here yeah do I really want to do all of this again when there's a chance that no no absolutely not I'll come back down at some point because I'm happy to try and get more loot I'm not doing it now no I'm going to go enchant okay well we're back and you know what successful trip all right I got almost four stacks of wood actually after this room I will have four stacks of wood I got the rest of the claw fragments I got a new fancy shield and I got some potions and a new golden apple okay I mean I had to use my other one but the point is it's there I've got one and come on there we go 64 let's go back to the surface baby please please please know where it is okay okay okay into the base hello fellas oh hang on should I be breaking oh oh my oh my oh my no okay I'm infected again I don't care I just need to survive just survive just survive just survive just survive okay okay okay oh my okay it's fine it's fine it's fine I can survive this I can survive this okay okay okay I'm okay I got yes I did I knew I did more okay this is really good this is everything we need we're going to be able to make the great sword and we're going to be able to enchant it if it lets us we're very much okay and that guy is just completely glitch there okay hello home sweet home get rid of the infection don't need it thank you all right yes okay fleshy bone living Coe then two of these infected great sword boom oh my goodness okay oh I can I can now reach them from here yes and it it two hits them it's two hitting them oh my goodness that is awesome yes and what durability does it have I need to see this 2,000 oh yes oh yes now where is my lapis lauli please where are you we need books and wood oh come on Big Boy let's do this this is going to be fun 10 more bookshelves uh what's that on can we enchant this oh my goodness we can put sharpness on it this is going to be one of the strongest swords ever what we at now 28 sharpness three on this thing surely this is level 30 sharpness three sharpness three what's on the pickaxe un breaking three do I do that dep ooh depth strier three is really nice we're going to do it okay I'll take blast protection that's all right BS two still on the chest plate I'm going to do that oh yikes that's terrible fire protection three on the sword Smite four that's good for zombies Smite three ooh okay you know we're going to go for Smite four on the sword with not back two that's really good protection four of course we're always going to go for that stick that armor back on I'm breaking three I'm doing it oh that's terrible fore two no breaking through should I risk it should I risk it on this sharpness 3 Unbreaking 3 you know what I will take that that has now given us a 14 attack damage with plus three attack range can I hit where can I hit you from oh my yes you guys are doomed you are Act doomed and we've got Unbreaking three on it and I'm lit I'm going to be able to level 30 enchant again in a second once I kill all of you thank you thank you yeah you guys are done oh no oh no please please please please please yeah done oh my goodness done the reach oh my goodness got level 30 again right let's unenchant some stuff and I'm going to go for better pickaxe yeah cuzz this sucks oh my goodness I actually feel so much safer oh wow okay we got terrible enchantments but we've got the most insane sword I've ever seen and now we can go back to using our gun as well because I think we've got much more stuff to make plenty of ammo where is all this give me the gunpowder we're going to have a workbench here and a crafting table here why not heavy bullet we need the heavy bullet cases oh did they really all just go down there you kidding me right that sucks go away I need to go down and get my heavy casings oh shoot okay yep yep yep oh they can't get close they actually can't get close and my bullets heavy bullets we need what oh I got my heavy bullets nice okay that's 48 oh yes look at all of this now I actually think I'm ready to take on this lost city well we're back it's another day it's another dream and uh okay I'm uh I'm just more stressed that's what I'm noticing because we are going to take on this city and before we do that I also I just want more stuff for guns that is just massive here but going into this place is actually going to be quite a bit of a nightmare we've got good armor but we have no golden apples and only three gold so that's something all right so now we just need to get up high make sure we got blocks out all the rubbish oh my gunness the sword is huge okay guys okay uh oh there's spawners in there oh jeez all right everything in here right I really can't afford to be getting oh my oh I can't afford to be getting the infection right now I have no golden apples it's just going to take too much of my time are there any more in here this off okay yes gold that is exactly what we're talking about all of these things I need thank you lock all of these entrances off right yeah we are taking over this city oh my going oh oh my God oh my God okay that's scared I thought that was just fully a hole okay there's zombies above me I to be so careful it's fine I can reach him from here this sword is actually amazing now what they fully just went through me oh my they can't hit me on the ladder don't oh my goodness they can't hit me when they're on the ladder I actually just got so lucky be up here there's going to be some up here isn't there oh oh we're actually have safe up here okay nice that's good I like that look they're up Oh my he didn't take any KB oh okay this sword is actually saving me right now and col and Bones oh Redstone we need as well yes okay this is actually looking much better for me is this it of this lost city just one building no way no way have we actually just been finessed like that find everything for guns and bullets we're going to stick in here except for the actual bullets themselves oh okay why did I do that I thought that was water oh wow that could have been terrible that could have actually been terrible i've got dep strier yes okay I swim so nicely okay at least that's something while I am so low now I'm going to have to be actually smart about this I'm have to run straight past them run run run oh my okay keep going keep going okay they want something in there that's fine oh oh oh my goodness okay this is bad this is bad okay okay okay yep yep yep okay we got the melium infection that's fine oh okay I'm going to wait for these guys to come past me oh no this is going for a while no oh I didn't get infected that is so lucky oh there's more of them there's more of them I'm way too low I am way too low what oh okay I got infected okay Place water oh my God oh my goodness okay that's fine I'm safe here I'm safe here and you build up and you build up okay kill all of these wow okay I almost died there and I'm infected again I had to drink that regen potion I actually almost died there this is way more difficult than it needs to be guys I will kill all of you though we are is that enough am I safe are these all okay these are all mutations that's fine I don't get infected from them except for the mycelium infection that's fine good yes okay good it does lead to more City very good wow okay so this is much further away from my base than I thought oh that's actually really annoying okay okay up up up thank you who this is like a mole okay yeah we have found a good thing here this I like this I like this a lot make sure there's no way for them to get in and as I light it all up wow this is so dark yeah we can go check the uh the mall in a sec that would be so good if that is a mall it just has loads of good loot in it yeah see up here these kind of places we're safe and there's a huge house there that I could steal from so I like that and we are on Infected we're not un infected too yet so that's good that's something at least we haven't signed our death warrant yet we're going to have to go and check all the buildings nearby now we're just going to be looting everything we can taking it all back to the workbench and just making a massive amounts of bullets oh they're fighting they're revolving more okay well at least it's morning let's get out of here jump and go jump and go jump and go oh yeah I see you guys I see you I know you all want me dead oh I made that jump nice oh they're killing the villagers let's go up oh whoa that was close all right this this looks like a place where we can get a lot of food please Golden Apple oh ruined town map jungle Ruins map okay these s things might be helpful are we near any of them nowhere near that one jeez room town map kind of near that one okay okay Ru town we'll take and hay bells yes I'm really just hoping I can find a golden apple or at least a bit more gold what's that I just hear stomping okay we're doing it we're doing it we're entering this okay y that was coming okay good and you're done you're done let's light this place up I light it up they should spawn less and if we clear it they should not come in here anymore what is all of this this is fully like a canteen where we can see everything as well but they can't see us through the glass cuz they're stupid I'm infected so if I get smacked it's fine yeah you can die come here yeah oh there's so many of these glitched ones okay that's good I'd rather them be glitched than be real baby zombies because baby zombies suck there's more is there no chest up there nothing wow really nothing all right chest okay okay okay okay nice nice nice That's good Redstone exactly what we're looking for here gold as well okay that's actually huge and what's this I found any of these I found I found another bit of the city this is all just really sparely connected this is so weird oh yeah I don't like these but there should be gold in here please tell me there's gold gold block give me that give me good that's what we wanted perfect okay scares me every time that's fine oh thanks it's going I knew it was going to do that yep I need to craft a golden apple my Hunger is just getting depleted Golden Apple boom and we're on oh we're on infective four oh my goodness I need to eat this now go away go away now yes oh the reach is insane now that I had a sense of the city's layout I decided to head back to my base and began to gather what I needed in order to craft the security cameras I wanted to set these up in various locations to protect me and view over the entire place where are my diamonds my diamonds right here need to make glass panes boom boom boom we've got a laser block now we make the reinforcer which I believe is oh forgotten glass at the top yep we got everything boom and boom no other way around there we are lock reinforcer oh this you can just do it here that's cool boom make security camera we need reinforced glass iron okay so this is actually pretty easy now it only takes nine Redstone to make a security camera and the reinforced glass we just need the key panel for which is Stone buttons okay I need to make more Stone just put the whole stack in why not and what I might be able to actually is can I reinforce glass in here yeah you can okay let's do that so you just go make a couple of them nice perfect reinforced glass so now stick iron iron boom and boom security camera all right and then we need a camera monitor which is reinforced glass paint and iron okay so reinforc glass pain okay this is getting this is getting easier this is getting so much easier as I'm figuring it out iron camera monitor so now right we'll Place one where do we place one place one there so now if I use this boom oh right click security camera to view it okay there there we are bound camera so now I right click yes and we can move the camera around okay so I can see what's going on underneath my base directly underneath I can also see what's going on around here if I can't see yeah we'll probably want to move this but that is awesome and we can zoom in and zoom out are you kidding me that's so good oh my goodness okay left shift to exit the camera all right so and then if I please please don't destroy how I break it ah okay I made two new things a block modifier and a block remover so if I WR there we are okay of course it did of course it did can I even smack you from it I can nice now all of you have to die grab this thank you oh my goodness so many levels thank you thank you we get up and we leave nice all right now I've got my security camera I know how to look through it that's awesome now what I need to do is use it in the lost city I actually think maybe it's best if I stick one down here for now like on the bottom of my base and we go get more iron and stuff now because I need to make at least three or four security cameras to place around the massive massive place we got over there and we can have up to 20 30 oh we can have up to 30 cameras that's awesome yeah here we go stick that in there as well well that's everything we need for the security cameras we keep the camera monster and for bullets so that's what we're going to go mining for now is iron Redstone and we're going to place a security camera down here yeah we need we need to have one just watching the base get a security camera right there you know what for now it's good enough I can see what's underneath my base we'll place it so that it's sort of like here and we will zoom out there we are all the way zoomed out so I can now just see what's underneath my base If Ever I need to run back in without any issues get out of here down we go boom boom and if we go here we want to check okay is there anything by the hole that we've just come to yes there's nothing in there and we can see it all the way nothing even around it okay well the good news is I know that there's quite a few places that I haven't checked around here and now we can explore the rest of this get some better stuff yeah because this is going to be yeah this is going to be nightmarish down here this is going to be difficult break it break it break it okay okay there's a lot going on down here break it break it break it break it break it O Okay iron nice TNT and Nuggets this is exactly what we're looking for all of that stuff I need also it is a spider spawner but it will spawn other mobs uh we've got it set so that absolutely silk touch pickaxe that's huge that's that's a glitch that's not there yes okay that's huge thank you break it break it break it nope that's what I'm talking about go back oh he didn't take any KB please please please please you can fall in from up here let's create safe space good and more Bak potatoes more useless stuff more gold yes gold nuggets as well that's perfect eggs oh my God we can start a chicken farm oh wow that's huge FR us that is actually huge who my okay there's a spawner here let's kill all of you yeah one of them's got a pickaxe I need to kill these guys now don't get attacked break break break good oh my goodness go away okay you're dead gunpowder gunpowder is actually difficult to get as well so I want to get as much of that as I can Smite could not be more useful oh yes oh I love getting good stuff from these chests it's so nice more eggs oh my goodness we're actually we can spawn potentially so many chickens if we get lucky with this and another gold yeah this what I'm talking about this is why doing this is probably a little bit more eventful than mining for a bit it's just a bit more risky okay I'm just going to I'm going to go up to where the spawners are and break them as quickly as possible SP on you no no no no no okay good chest oh my God that's huge that is huge and Redstone thank you oh my goodness a thousand times yes an enchanted golden apple wow that'll actually save our life at some point wow three golden apples and an enchanted one and I'm guessing it fixes the Cure it better if it doesn't that is a scam oh my yes yes yes yes yes oh my we're getting absolutely Nic right now good and again don't spawn don't spawn don't you did it you are what why skeletons okay that doesn't make any sense right go away I don't know if they can give me infection what we just saw a skeleton in a zombie apocalypse a skeleton with armor okay nectar floral extract all right this is all kind of weird stuff now but we'll take it and oh this goes down even further okay this loot will just keep on getting better I like [Music] that good yes yes oh that's huge thank you oh is that it no it's not of course it's not good good and more Redstone this is perfect oh my goodness we have so many golden apples so many six golden apples so much extra gold so much stuff for bullets this could not be going any better something bad's going to go wrong something bad is going to happen I can feel it we go down let's continue going down and then we're going to start looking into caves hello buddy you can go I don't want you and you can go as well my friend oh okay the skeletons why are there skeletons spawning oh it's Strays they're not just skeletons okay wow okay fully just Enchanted all right go away breaking us I'm breaking this I'm breaking this don't infect me don't infect me okay good don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it all right oh infected of course okay it's fine I got the gold knackles oh that's so annoying oh my goodness this hurts oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay okay don't like this don't like this don't like this oh wow okay healing I'm no longer infected and killing all of you okay that's so quick good oh my goodness good break it bre it break it break again break it again too many oh my goodness break it break it break it okay good this off for now end Pearl steak I don't need Phantom membrane I don't need Reg generation I will take and you literally oh my goodness that's so much better than the pickaxe I've got oh my so much gold so much gunpowder oh God it goes down more it goes down more diamonds okay we have to just keep going then cuz this is this is just huge right now so much stuff you are very evolved you are very evolved go away thank you go away go away oh my goodness okay okay okay okay break break break break break break another spawner oh my oh my there's so many more there's more is there more oh my goodness there's spawners up here oh my break break break there's chests behind all of them is that all the spawners oh that's all the spawners okay diamonds yes just free stuff everywhere go away oh okay more more more more more more of course of course oh no get out get off some more can't come through and break the spawners that are behind good chest yes and another chest nope oh this is getting insane now we' fully reached the end we've seen this whole place now I lied of course I lied of course there's more oh my okay this is where the evolved ones [Music] are oh my God oh my God do not move okay right we're going to have to be infected okay wow this could be bad this could be really bad you're setting me on fire go away go [Music] away no okay okay this is bad iron sword wow baby zombie as [Music] well why do I keep getting infected like this is so annoying good good good this is so overgrown now this is it's still oh my goodness it goes deeper into way okay it's getting bad this is getting bad if I need to I can use my gun but I just I'm hoping I don't get swarmed this is this is turning into Nether and we're on we're on a let's just get rid of it we've got five golden apples we're fine I feel like it's just going to get more difficult the further we go down for that exact sounding reason yeah uh yeah this is what I'm worried about if they're just getting harder and more evolved as we okay one of you has a pickaxe no no nope don't you dare wow okay this is getting ridiculous they they've Enchanted bows there's how many of you are there okay okay you have half you have a flame bow you have a flame bow this is too dark is this wait okay yeah so the loot is worth it efficiency three more eggs yes that I like eggs I like these coal blocks they are blocks of coal wow yes thank you just free coal to be honest isn't it Happy Days and redstone blocks that I didn't even see and obsidian oh my good okay now we're joking now now we're taking oh don't oh I didn't get infected I didn't get infected okay I think I might just have to accept the fact that I'm going to get infected down here I think that's just an itable really given this look at this everywhere I go oh there good oh yep there we are okay fine yeah go away mate we get it you have a totem all right okay just staying infected we're staying infected whilst we're here there is just no point in me dealing with this and we are collecting as many of these redstone blocks as I need to go away good got sharpness three but wait wait a second C my gun on the floor I know it's not smart Shar three give me that boom boom sharpness four infected great sword 14.5 attack damage more eggs yes yes yes we've got 15 eggs oh my goodness we are actually we're on our way right now gun back up let's do this sure I'm picking up everything I need and lighting it up it's so dark in here I'm going to have to grab some of this obsidian as well yeah I get it mate I get it I get it okay probably a bad idea to run into it but that's fine oh wow you've got an IR sword okay wow that was close oh my jeez okay I'm low I'm low I'm really I'm really low got Golden Apple if I need it oh my God what is going on okay we are chucking out I'm going to stick this regen potion on just cuz I might as well what's this floral nectar do absorption 10 for a moment wow okay that's quite helpful how long does the absorption 10 last 20 seconds all right that's good an unstable mixture let's try this amous animus oh yep okay oh strength okay cool well we are kind of unbeatable right now where did you come from you fully just spawned in front of me fully just spawned in front of me didn't like that one bit what diamond armor down here oh okay don't like that and give me what is mine Thorns St better than what I've got Thorns one anyway okay my Armor's getting destroyed as well so it's a good thing we're getting some whoa okay okay and get rid of this infection okay here we go let's drink I saw a nectar in here let's drink it don't know what it does I think it's the absorption one yeah it is okay why not absorption will be nice this and yep nope not letting anything else spawn in there if it doesn't need to I think we've actually finally reached the final layer I know I've said that about four times now but yep we have two God apples and 61 gold we just got what okay what what did you have speed okay yeah freaking you is there more Yep there are they on every corner no and no okay we're fine but okay obsidian and then we're leaving wow that could not have gone better mining if I wanted it to I then mined obsidian and made my way back up to the surface oh all right yeah you guys want me come get me come get me I want to test you I want to test whilst I'm still infected okay one hit that was a one hit definitely but here we are this is what I was thinking so whil we're infected we'll do this thinking go 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 and then around here so now I don't think they can break that we probably want it to spread a little bit more and probably go around once more maybe at least this way so I can run in okay go away he okay good okay no longer infected healing up we've got a run in here that I don't think they can break anymore break this here okay go and we're up nice I think we actually have a base that the zombies can't get to now and we'll destroy all of this down here that we originally had because it is just useless just hearing Lots terrifying noises but they're not breaking my obsidian okay so zombies can't break obsidian wow all right that's oh what are they breaking okay they're not breaking the obsidian that's fine that's fine then now that the zombies can't destroy their way into my base I decided it would be best to start expanding there we are yes I like this this could look good do not tell me I have zero dirt to my name I have no dirt to my name I have zero dirt to my name where there's a will there's a way boom what is that oh my God another hoorde oh you're joking me okay okay that's wow wow okay I'm going to oh do I shoot these guys I I can't go down there whilst there's hoglins down there I'm going to track so many mobs doing this oh yes so many levels for me thank you but we got a stack and a half of spruce logs and nice all right so now I can do what I wanted to do which is just start building around this place because that is what needs to be done all right and now I basically just started designing my home and completely zoned out but I went until the base was completely [Music] done right I fully think that is done we have got a lovely looking base look at this bad boy you know what it's definitely not much but it is something to call home and it's completely uninfested unlike right here oh my goodness every day when I come back to this I just feel stressed but given the way we left off I'm actually I'm I'm excited about this because I can now start making all of my security cameras which is going to be awesome and we can make a load of bullets as well and I should have collected a load more iron where is it yes so much iron good let I'm I might make like four or five cameras let's do five cameras why not yes reinforced stuff and then iron there and security camera we've got five more security cameras and as you guys know we've got the one just below the base which is here although I actually want to change this so that it's the number one camera cuz I need to know I'm going to need to know what every single one is yeah is there anything below our base no we're okay to leave right now so this is literally now is going to be the time now is going to be the that just grew but now is going to be the time that we're going to be able to advance a lot I think this is yeah if we can set up security around this place that's going to be nice going to make bullets and we're going to get ready to go I'm going to bring quite a few backpacks with me I'm not messing this up absolutely not and then once we've got the security set up we're going to come back and start trying to summon some chickens oh if we can get a farm up here that will actually be huge we can have it connected to this this we can just have it building out more that'll be so nice and we'll bring the camera remover as well so if I misplace anything I'm fine there we go right bullets o actually should we look into another gun I'm thinking maybe making a sniper or something if it doesn't cost too much like a rifle would be insane a long bullet how much does a long bullet cost long bullet is the same it's the same as a heavy bullet yeah we're doing it I'm going to do it I'm going to make it okay we got it all right we just need long bullets now let's see what this looks like here oh yeah and if we make a scope for it as well bang okay I like this first things first we're going to make a load of heavy bullets because we can without using all of our gunpowder I want to save plenty for the sniper yep there we are we've got a stack of heavy bullets that's good so we can use our AK we'll make 64 long bullet cases and we'll do the same again give me yes okay good we can hold 10 Rounds in here so reload it this is a bad idea but I'm going to test it yep one shot we just one shot oh that's huge and The Recoil isn't too bad also the reload isn't too bad but we did just attract load them so I shouldn't have done that but I just wanted to test it that's brilliant we're going to worry about the scope later because that is just not the top of my priorities right now I need more food and then we will be good to go oh brilliant axe nice can I enchant guns I want to know what puncturing two that sounds pretty good oh my goodness about this one what's this one give me over capacity 3 does that mean I can hold more bullets oh my goodness I can now hold 25 bullets in it and Fire Starter why not I don't know what that means but that is huge okay we can now oh my goodness that's amazing this gun looks so sick now I want to see so how many how much damage does this do now still just 30 this one still does 25 but this one's Fire Starter so oh my goodness I'm going to burn the world to the ground right it's turning to morning finally so we're going to fix these boots good and we're going to put feather falling three on them and we're going to fix this helmet I would love Unbreaking on this so hopefully we can find stuff for that this should be good I think I think I'm ready to go actually think I am let's do this okay Qui Qui quick quick quick go here boom so that should be camera one now yep it is okay go there yep okay good oh go go go run all right so the base camera is camera one i o should I have something oh no oh okay okay okay really don't like these guys the fact that they're just so quick is ridiculous do I want to set one up inside here no okay okay okay we're going to do one over the other side of it cuz I don't need to know what's on this side of it I can see that from my base and if I can find amethyst anywhere we'll be able to make a scope for our gun which is annoying because cuz I've thrown away plenty of blocks of amethyst yeah I see you fellas I see you okay yeah we're going to set one in here definitely okay go away go away we're definitely going to set one up here here we are here we are boom and boom there we are oh that was close go away go away now there no one's looking we check two and yeah okay that's awesome okay this is now where I need to be thinking about where else I can place one because what I want is one on this building probably a bit high up so I can see around this Village yeah I'm definitely sticking one up here cuz I want to be able to view this Village see what's around if I need to I just want all the points of this place completely unlock we go H see maybe we'll do on top of this oh we can do like a pillar up as well if we do this here we go all the way up here we can get a little bit of over here and we can see this Village so let's go boom Oh we have to do it on the side of a block that's that's annoying okay that's fine boom let's see what that looks like yep yes we can see plenty here and yeah okay so we can't see behind that's fine we'll just have to set up another one we can see what's going on up there we can zoom in nothing too bad let see oh oh and see this why it's helpful I wouldn't have seen that that thing we can go get an amethyst block to get a scope for our gun all right nice head up here and make sure there's no way up there is no way up is there a way in it's my worry now okay okay we are in we are in the building we are safe okay where is this amethyst block please tell me I haven't been in this one I just saw an amethyst block actually don't I don't even care about the gold we get it anyway nice this no we can't turn into amethyst shards I'm so brain dead that is heartbreaking okay I need to now just explore this entire place and see where the best three cameras will go so we definitely want one probably somewhere on this side this is such a weird okay you're full iron are you joking me I don't know where these guys are coming from now but oh there's chests in this building okay we're going to do it on this building I think I'm going to go up here and stick it here boom so now camera four yes get a good view of here we can see the entire place I like it and now entering this building is going to be the ult part y That's why oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh wow that was close come on come on come on come on and place oh we're good oh there zombies in here yes there are okay that could have been bad another Golden Apple yes hey there oh okay we've got some of the uh evolves in here Max smacked smacked come on kill all of you good all right yeah you really want to do this yeah you can melium infection me but it doesn't do anything y there is oh you're kidding me that Gap we just got was completely wasted oh my good okay that's fine I might as well just stay infected for a little bit then oh wow yeah we're going to take some damage we're going to take some damage okay that's fine it's fine good okay we're just going to we're going to clear this place out whil we're infected and gold nice oh gunpowder as well yes that's literally what we were talking about please tell me there's more chests up here more free stuff yes iron as well we are not having to mine much at the moment which is just really nice so we've got one right let's see what we've got we've got one at the base so we give it we click one and give it a second guessing yeah has to load in the chunk okay so this is under my base and then two oh wow this is so sophisticated yep two we've got this place three is this one the one that's watching over this Village which is on this pillar just here and there is not much around here good I think there's quite a few guys Oh my Jesus Oh My they almost knocked me off the edge I could have actually just died there but we've got one on this building so that's fine we don't need any more here we'll jump down land it probably about I did doing that but into the building into the building good no we're going to completely block it off in case there are baby zombies yep like you and yeah we're going to break all these spawners come on free XP thank you and you can go away thank you fre oh my we're actually getting so lucky with apples and golden apples right now what oh my God it was n's one I'm actually hacking I just flicked and smack oh we've summoned in a hoorde of course we have yep okay we're going to be taking some damage here that's fine oh my God oh my God they can break what they can break Windows what I did not know that oh chests though chest and Multi Shot oh that's big I like that more gunpowder more bones they going to be more yet go away go away and of course okay oh my goodness oh my goodness okay swords swords are the ones that I really don't want to deal with right now y wow okay these guys are actually murdering me come on that I don't like oh my where did you just come from where is there a spawner underneath this there's probably just spawners yeah there is I knew it there's spawners every everywhere in these places okay go away I don't like that how how are they just coming upstairs now how they just suddenly changed they're breaking the ladders as well so I just can't escape which is just lovely you know what maybe we set one up yeah I'm definitely going to set one up by the tube or the way that we got him first coming through the subway whatever that is and you know what let's do it let's do it whilst we're infected come on oh okay okay there we are yeah you guys suck you actually all suck so much I want to know how many zombies I've killed oh wait okay we we want to set another camera up here we've got two more cameras I want one more shows just a lot of it yeah I'm going to do here going go right there good and good we got it now as I said we've got one viewing here but I want one viewing inside the subway probably this will be my final camera oh jeez what oh you have a b oh this is okay what you're so quick oh my goodness name tag player get away what okay that's my seum infection as well and yeah we are going to actually I'm going to put the last security camera I think here let's see what this looks like sixth camera okay there's me nice yeah we can see all the way through there and we can see pretty much down there to where I built so that's nice okay and there we are that's very good okay yeah back to the base back to my glorious glorious base come here my pretties thank you good good nice oh yes we can make so many golden apples and I'm going to save it though I only need six on me if I if I travel far I can make more there's just no need right now though is there a quick hands to do with a gun wow oh this already has fire starter on it okay yeah let's do that we can do quick hands I'm guessing that means I can upload Qui uh upload reload quicker uh I don't want to test but I'm just going to guess that's the case okay right I know what I'm going to do now I'm going to build out a two along walkway we're going to expand this so it's now the fourth area that I've got here so we've got enchanting storage somewhat farm and then wait wait screenshot it 1096 109 456 oh my God where is that that's so near this way just this way 1096 109 so it's higher oh it might be on that mountain okay well I I feel like I've got to do this now I actually have to do this I don't know how long it stays there come on okay okay okay let's go let's go oh no oh wow okay we lost water as long as there's no babies behind me I'm happy oh there's a guy in front of me oh and there's the sports no no no no no no oh man oh there's so much spreading over here okay just got to look out for something I don't know what it is I'm looking for going we're going go go go go go don't care about full full damage oh guy right below me oh my goodness get back get back get back good up up up oh man there's so many of them 1096 oh oh my goodness there's a sign there's a sign there's a sign oh my God okay wait what does that say what does that say known survivors use Channel One what oh my God how do I use this turn it on Hello okay my mic's muted now okay so green means it's on hello hello hello any known survivors hello there's nothing I'm not hearing anyone I'm just seeing more rubbish that's fine oh hello hello Billy am I you on the walkie-talkie am I crazy yes oh my God you've got a walkie-talkie over where are you bro okay I a bit of a sticky one hello Billy you're you're breaking uploads I can barely hear you over hello hello hello Billy Billy hello are we have I lost connection Billy can you hear me are we too far away from each other okay okay all right well I'm leaving good good come around this corner oh wow it is so dark without torches oh my okay hello does this work anymore hello Billy hello I need help over Billy wait did we lose connection oh my goodness okay what do you need help with over mate okay no just I need help in a I need to goodbye what what does that mean he just said he said he needs help and then just hung up hello Billy can you hear me over what do I do Billy help me Billy where are you where are you oh my God he he just keeps breaking up okay okay I'm getting to the base I'm getting to the base okay okay get in Billy Billy can you hear me over oh my oh of course why are you up in my base I hate you going to get rid of this infection I'm just going to keep holding on to this walkie talki I have to I I don't know if I just wait with the walkietalkie on and hope for Billy cuz he keeps cutting out if he's in trouble I can't help him if he doesn't tell me where he is I might just start farming chickens and hope that he contacts me cuz there's nothing else I can do yeah that is my only option I can't believe we actually lost talking with him that was so good I'm just going to keep everything out and ready in case Billy calls if Billy just suddenly starts talking again we know that we're in range I just need him to tell me where he is I need him to give some sort of clue oh oh my goodness oh my goodness the walkie talkie just no oh my my goodness right get time to test come on come on come on and up nice all right that's annoying that's another gapple wasted but oh man if I don't get two chickens I will cry good that's plenty of space plenty of fences here we go that right there should be plenty of space for chickens and boom boom nice two ways in yeah that gives him plenty of space doesn't it good okay now is for the bit that could just go horribly wrong I'm praying it doesn't please give me two chickens please oh my goodness oh my goodness oh there's one oh you beauty please give me another one give me another one I'm naming them I'm naming them right now I'm naming them right now one two yep there's my Anvil here Gerald and Martin good stuff Gerald and Martin you guys are going to be well better than best friends I guess you're going to be the starters of a uh a very big Colony Martin and Gerald you Beauties and if we can get some more oh no I'm sorry I'm so sorry Gerald please give me oh if I get two more that would be oh oh my goodness we got exactly two you guys are genuinely perfect you will never do anything wrong in your life we actually have we have got our own civilization up here I could effectively stay here and survive forever now I've got enough food to let these guys grow out and we can just feed them a ton oh my goodness this is actually Perfection the only thing that would make this place better is some dogs I haven't seen a single dog but if I do I will be bringing one home because that's what I've been saving all this rotten flesh for if I can get a dog he can live off rotten flesh he'll love it anything going on underneath I think there's just a load of zombies below me isn't there yeah oh wow there's a lot of zombies below me okay oh sucks for Billy though he could he could be dead for all I know chat is completely disabled as well so I can't I can't message in chat I won't see if he dies I I don't know anything he could like there's no way of knowing so that's great well I have been logged on the server for about 20 minutes is my guess the whole reason I did that was because these guys weren't grown up oh easy oh my god there are more of them spreading but yeah these guys wen't gr oh we got eggs as well nice thank you Gerald and Martin are you ready to become husbands I'll look away I'll look away nice good job guys so proud of where's the little guy can I not breed I am really worried about the fact that that chicken didn't spawn I've literally waited for 20 minutes to make sure that it would and they have actually just destroyed this area down here so that's really annoying oh yeah okay we need to go we need to go I don't know if the these zombies hanging about here will make them mutate I really don't understand how it works what else here bro hello hello Billy kit kit kit kit there's someone else here bro there's someone else close what is in what do you mean another player yeah man he's stacked as well he has an elytra what how I don't know bro but I'm giving you the uh the courtesy of letting you know okay so when I next need help please help me over okay well I guess we just wait that's terrifying but I don't know what I do now do I just I just have to wait for them to lay eggs that's all I can do because they won't breed they don't make anything I'm actually just going to have my guns ready if there's someone else here I don't want to know about it I just want to I I actually genuinely just don't want any problems oh going to check one last time if they breed please tell me I'm wrong no we just got an egg is that it really okay that's actually that's Terri that is terrible uh hello over hello Billy yep um so remember when I mentioned that there was another player yes yes they may have just taken my base and all my stuff it's Henry Henry yes bro he just came and just attacked me at all the gear in the world he probably had about 12 missiles now I'm stuck out here with all these zombies bro wait okay okay okay I'm going to make I'm going to try and see if I can make a bazooka if I can I can help you I don't know D I don't know if I want to help you I don't if I even know if you're telling the truth M I need help where are you I'm next to a city I've got basically three parts of a city near me and then my base and uh that's it really over well I've got nowhere else to go I'm coming to find you mate you need to help me bro he took my base he he's got basically all my stuff if if this is actually a lie we will fight if we have to okay fine but I'll take your base if I have to if you're not going to help me okay okay over wow okay okay okay I'm I'm keeping an eye out if if you're what you're saying is true I hate him I actually hate him I don't trust him at all he could be fully lying about that so yeah you know what I'm going to do I said I was going to do it I'm going to look and see if we can get the stuff for a bazooka minigun oh my goodness minigun would be unreal it take basic bullet oh my goodness that would be huge grenade launcher how do you make grenades grenade oh my good grenades are so easy we're going to do a grenade launcher we're going to do a grenade launcher is the grenade launcher and all of these grenades I'm going to make quite a few oh yeah I'm going to make quite a few 16 that should be plenty do I want to test this it's quick to load oh my ooh okay that's sick and we're going to enchant it accelerate it we're doing level 30 accelerator quick hands and over capacity oh my goodness it can now hold four grenades yep we're crafting more grenades right now oh my goodness that reload was so quick grenade thank you let's make all the ones we can nice let's use all of our gunpowder we've got 15 grenades and we can hold four at a time oh okay okay now if Billy wants to attack he can but he might regret it oh my that's insane that is insane building blocks it's getting dangerously low okay I'm in a city oh okay whereabouts what's the city look like like a city I can't do anything there's too many zombies okay wait let me check if it's mine let me check if it's mine uh here we go I see a zombie wait Billy you actually you might be at the city where are you oh oh my God Billy I see you I see you keep running over what where are you where are you run through the city run through the city I'm over the mountain yeah Billy I see that you're inside the building yes okay okay you're running straight past oh my God there's loads on you I'm coming to help you over I know where he is I don't need to walk talk anymore okay okay okay okay I need just stay infected cuz we're definitely going to get hit again there is no doubt in my mind okay he's going to be right over here he's literally right over here somewhere Billy Billy help me where are you okay I'm I'm on top of this building do you see me bro bro bro help okay wait wait I've got an idea I don't know if it's a good one but I'm going to do it oh run run run run I'm sorry I'm sorry what are you doing I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm coming down I'm coming down I'm coming down wait I'll shoot them from up above I'll shoot them from up above I don't trust you man no I promise I promise I was trying to blow them wall up keep going keep going I'm on fire Billy Billy get out get out get out I'm shooting him I'm shooting him I'm shooting him I'm shoo him okay I'm coming down I'm coming down oh oh are you infected yes of course I am I'm going to die help me okay okay okay block up block up get out get out Billy Billy Billy I'm getting so low I'm getting what bro you're telling me I'm eating a god Apple okay okay okay okay I'm keeping them off you you good are you good yeah oh my goodness okay okay you backstab me right now and we're done we are actually done here you you too man okay okay I don't like being this close to you mate you burned my house down you have no right to say that to me I'm sorry bro okay look I'm thank you for helping me man oh my god let's let's get out of here there's way too echo in here let's leave to where bro let's go I'll take you to my base I'll take you to my base also bro Henry is chasing me I just saw him in the railway system oh my God all right okay oh no oh you're kidding me I just ate a golden apple now there are problems yep you see just over there all those mutations there are loads near my base they are fully just festering so we're going to have to properly like run if we're going to try and make it to mine well come on then okay right we're going to go up this way so are we good though like this isn't you're not taking me to a trap right I swear I swear on my life if if you're telling me the truth that Henry's actually after you and killing you you said he has an elytra he's stacked bro he had some weird armor let me see if he's still at my base I got my cameras oh yeah good shot good sh I don't see him there bil by just okay okay if you don't see him you don't see him okay just be careful because you might get hit here oh my the server lags the server lags what is happening what is happening what is happening I'm so I was just looking at a camera I'm on four Hearts I'm on four Hearts oh my goodness go run okay thank you thank you oh my God I'm out of bullets okay okay okay okay okay and I'm infected okay that's fine I'm does that prove that we're good yeah yes we're good we're good okay yeah so my base is just down here do you see do you see look just over here over there the floating building with the spruce tree yeah what that's my base dude I found a way to keep the zombies out like at all the time so they can't break in what was that just make your building fly yes exactly but I've got a way of getting in so that they can't okay you good you good okay yeah so over there is where the affected off it's like a what is that by the way what in your hand this is my uh this is my uh great sword yeah it does it does okay I don't even care can we just get inside nice let's go let's go up here jump up and come through oh I so sick how sick is that okay all right sick man okay make some bullets make some bullets I don't I don't think I have any gunpowder I can give you I've got one I've got gunpowder do you have the other stuff uh yeah I've got iron gold nuggets there you are take it all it's all on the floor there you're my hero Henry fly just came and blew my base up I hear a lot of zombies kid yep I know they do just learn to Fester underneath me but uh it's fine I've just learned to deal with it so wait you're telling me Henry's followed you but yeah take what I don't know where he is now yeah but that's freaking me out the fact you said he's followed you and he's nowhere to be seen how many levels do you have by the way 38 can you repair my bow yeah sure it's got Infinity don't you dare steal it though cuz again missiles and that bro if this is going to work we need to stop threatening each other Billy this is 33 levels to fix yeah I know that's why I want you to do it how many levels do you have 22 just kill some oh my okay you owe me you actually owe me you actually owe me I just saved you from zombies on that roof uh yeah okay and I've saved your life from Henry so you're right now I'm stealing oh my God what Billy what are you looking at do you not he's coming down he's coming down oh my God oh my God shoot him shoot him is he wait is he good how okay what do we doen oh my God oh my God oh my God my base oh my God shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him oh my God you actually wen't lying find you Billy oh as Welly I thought you were lying I fully thought you were lying oh my God no yes okay he's defin oh my base my base is fully getting destroyed okay okay okay okay this is bad he got all those oh my God Billy oh okay okay okay I'm done okay we are going we are going just follow him just follow him he's flying away he's flying away okay him yeah yeah honestly I think he's low I think he's way lower than he thinks he is don't turn around oh my God okay yeah I won't where is he is he on top of the mountain I think he went up there yeah okay okay okay oh my God we need to get somewhat of a high ground oh man wait I'm infected four oh my goodness I didn't even realize I was still infected this whole time I'm eating a gapple and I'm going okay I've healed I've only got one enchanted golden apple left though yeah me too and I'm infected still where is he where the hell is he wait let me check cameras let me check cameras he might be at the other there's there's another thing connected to this oh my God I see him I see him he's on my bridge he's on my bridge Billy I know where he is we need to go now we need to go now we need go now we need to go now do we want to yes yes we do dude he flew away oh I see him I see him I see him see him on the bridge Bridge shoot him yeah I doot him well he knows where we are now that's fine I've hit him twice I hit him twice he's going to be low I'm doing oh my oh dude he's shooting me he shooting me I'm I'm grenading I'm grenading come on oh nice I can't see the explosion I'm moving around I'm going around the other way ah missile oh my goodness I'm infected I got knocked down by a zombie oh okay oh my goodness we're fully alone again me and Billy are fully alone he's all the way up there I need to not worry about zombies right now hemry is my mar hry is my wor Henry yeah get him get him dude his armor is insane yes yes yes oh he's just bazooka Billy oh my goodness okay it's fine oh no that was close Henry hey come on give me all your stuff and no one gets hurt come here oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God that took me down to one and a half hearts I have a bazooka with your name all over it come here buddy come here oh my God friends behind you oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my God oh my God oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness Billy Billy we need to stay together we need to stay together now we need to stay together nice ah go go go oh come on dude I have eaten my last Golden Apple I can't get infected me too I'm infected already nice okay come on M oh my goodness dude how are you not dead what is your armor look at my armor I can even fly if I wanted to you guys don't set a charge okay I just Wast a grenade bro these zombies okay there so many oh there's loads of oh my goodness yes oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God where's he gone Billy these things oh my goodness okay there's too many oh my goodness oh my goodness actually just shooting me Billy Billy where are you where are you already I as well do this okay okay okay yeah yeah just oh oh my goodness okay okay where did they just come from from inside the yeah in the tunnel in the brid okay okay where'd he go I don't know there's two oh it's These Guys these guys are actually strong oh he just blew something up oh he's up here he's up here come come on come on come on yes yes oh my goodness bazooka yeah yes Bill yes okay okay okay okay okay come here hry I'm going to melee him I'm going to melee him come here buddy oh my goodness you want a melee yeah that's that's melee come on buddy yeah you can't even get near me oh yeah you know what oh yeah baby I'm I'm done with you I'm done with you come on come on go go go oh my God I'm on one hot I'm on one hot no no no no no R oh my God oh my God I'm going I'm going oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God Billy come on what do you mean come on I think he's leaving I think he's leaving no he's watching us I think he's aiming at bazooka at me dude run oh my God H dude flying yeah no no no I'm getting in the sea the se you can't escape me B come on come on come on oh okay good I'm not infected I'm not infected okay I need to go help Bly I need to help Bly I'm out of grenades I'm out of grenades I'm almost out bullets I've got two bullets left one more missile he's up there he's up there hide hide hide oh that hurts that hurts I no I have no get in get in get in get in get in in coming in coming in I hit him come here come here Henry do not shoot another yes I'm hitting him I'm hitting him oh my God Henry that's it you know what I'm you guys oh my God oh my God what oh did he just say he was out of here and leave he's just flown away why did he do that uh okay K there zombies coming out I'm literally just smacking them I can't really move I can't I can't afford to get infected I'm already infected Oh Billy I'm coming I'm coming hundreds ofes here oh my okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming go go go go go go go go go go yes run into I'm trying to take some off you I'm going in here I'm going in here go go go go I'm trying to kill the toen ones oh they've got pickaxes I'm going up I'm going up W really I'm in I'm in from [Music] above I can't help hello hello oh my goodness oh my God okay Roof oh my goodness I heard roof I heard roof I don't care if it I'm blocking it off mate you hear me I heard that come on come on come on mate what do you mean I literally just saved your life I was joking come on are you kidding I've literally lost everything I've got no bullets except for the ones in my gun I've got no grenades yeah we're we're kind of messed up what do we do bro mate look how many zombies there are I also when we kill them they're just oh my God oh my God oh my God Billy mate I can't lie to you that there is literally there's room for one of us up here what are you doing going
Channel: Wisp
Views: 346,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, minecraft simulate, minecraft best players, minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, modded minecraft, hardcore, minecraft funny, dream, forge labs, silver, wisp, wispexe, custom minecraft, minecraft but there are custom, minecraft manhunt, battle royale minecraft, zombies, zombie apocalypse, minecraft zombie apocalypse, infected, surviving
Id: blxJE7ba3NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 50sec (7670 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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