Horror Minecraft has officially peaked... THE MIMIC DWELLER

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so I made a mod it looks like my friend Kim it even sounds like him help me but this isn't Kim it's something that's far more Sinister I taught myself how to kind of make Minecraft mods I used garg's cave dweller mod as a base and then made my own model animation sound effects and slightly changed the behavior this thing sounds like Kim and in the middle of the night it will yell out saying come outside of your base I need help hey come outside and if you make the mistake of going outside to help what you think is your friend calling out for help yeah you won't be making it back to your base so you can imagine the shock that Robert Shadow and especially Kim are in for now that this thing is in our Wilderness survival simulation World boy do I have a surprise for you all oh my Robert robber where did you get those oh no no no no no stop stop don't hit them don't hit them no no they're infected Jim who is hitting them I did not hit them I swear to God it's okay it's okay they'll they'll turn back okay well one one just roasted itself on the fire so it's where did you find all of these guys there's a herd of them a herd okay you really did that to my cow I never heard of I spent no it's all right Robert just put him in he'll he'll he'll turn back they turn back EV they turn back eventually no don't die help me beautiful boots Kim why are you saying help me no it's going to kill me it's going to kill me what's going on come on guys where are you where are you guys Kim what are you talking about Kim why are you saying help me that's not me what are you talking about K come on guys where are you where where are you guys when I saw that shadow was dead I was extremely happy thinking one man down two more to go I'm I'm a man who's going to win this thing for sure but the server was lagging pretty bad uh the physics mod was causing it to give us all sorts of problems and Shadow got stuck and lagged well in a berry bush and died and that didn't it didn't exactly feel Fair also didn't feel right having his him just get eliminated this way it wouldn't have felt right if we just said hey Shadow you're out now cuz you lagged into a bush so uh yeah we all agreed he can come back from the dead which is is another example of sometimes in these things we got to use creative mode to fix fix problems with the server like this why' you guys all go bucking on the cow and the Sheep we're freezing okay well I brought them all over here now don't you think I should get some of it well they'll regenerate here let's just sleep and need water look at this guy Robert he's out he's trying to get in was trying to get in you're a cow when does he turn back I don't know like two two 3 5 days I don't know business days and I heard who's saying help me it's Kim hear that help him someone help him all right Kim you go help him no I'm staying here okay where are you guys where are you guys Kim what are you talking about are you going out to peek I want to see who who's saying that I see so firsty I see him he's coming what what I see him where where I I just got a glimpse he's crawling around in the woods oh my gosh that cow that cow that's a cow where where can you is Straight Ahead he's behind the tree he's crawling out in the woods yeah yeah if I can why don't s under the tree we can't why oh yeah we can no no we can't we need a bed who's got some wool come on wait the wool is the most precious resource known to man right now I have a bed in my inventory here okay you add it to the bunk I want I want four men in the bunk beds come on add it up there oh no how you down Robert we're in trouble what yeah then you had make a p p what's going on Shadow we're in trouble why cuz we have no armor we have no defense I don't want to kill that cow I really don't want that cow to die right now I'm never going to find another cow like I'm wearing a Kim Kim so I don't know that's going to help me that cow is deadly the cow doesn't care for me okay well don't kill the cow Kim no I won't I haven't killed a single cow what what have you done oh W what did I see that correctly what was it he's right outside who's outside who's outside Kim oh I heard the sloshing sound Kim go out there talk to yourself talk talk him down we are surrounded I'm I'm I'm I can't put put on your iron armor and then change into your cold stuff when you need to we have to go that that cow is going ballistic out there I can't hit through the wall I think we have to kill it he's after me so I that's Mrs MooMoo yours there's a wolf out there oh it's going the cow's coming in don't let him in the door all right I don't see it anymore you going I just want to get water I want to get water I too why is there water outside you think we should put it inside yes I'm going to do that right now ow I'm going to put it right right where this Kim don't you dare all right everything everything's fine out here okay we got water indoors oh my God properly just a just a one block of water only for bottle use the sheep and cows are back what should we feed them is that how they return to normal I think that's how here let me give you some stuff to feed them Kim I have weat I have wheat feed them they're both after me I don't know why where they nothing to you i' never been in here you got to replant everything you take Kim I did they didn't they don't care for the food Shadow what have you done to these animals I did nothing look at them they they really want you I would love some I would love some of the wool of the sheep that I got okay I got three wool I I just want at least why is there another I forgot that they multiply wait why are they multiplying they'll multiply when you hit them that's just how that works okay I'll good I'll get them out of here it's that good though no it's not good Kim they're going to follow my tracks through the snow I'm freezing come on [Music] they F they're going to follow me from so [Music] far do they make tracks they're making tracks [Music] too why did I do that why did I do [Music] that some water okay they're still following me oh my God okay if I come down here that's got to be it now that's going to be far [Music] enough whoa forgot about this Village don't need that does anyone have wool in this Village if I get out of here fast maybe they'll stop following me I'm nice and warm now though though that's good good to be a warm man you know never want to be a cold man we need to build my tower soon okay I'm back I lured everything away good good good man where you going Kim I don't know look around you must build your own little house somewhere yeah exactly cuz he can't stay with us forever no cuz that that thing is going up in flames you know what I need leather it's not going to go up in Flames [Music] again this puts me nice and high away from all the shenanigans that's a good height I can see everything only problem is now how do I get down without dying oh I didn't really think that through did I that was really dumb coming up here how am I going to get down from this in a way that I won't have to spend much time cutting wood [Music] down [Music] oh I'm going to have to come back up here and fix all this this sucks and I can just jump in the tree I need some water down here won't freeze let's go dog too bad you couldn't jump in a pile of snow why can't you jump in a pile of snow oh you got more no don't come in here sheep shoot who stole my shears he must have broken okay hey Robert Mr and Mrs Mumu have been reunited reunited Robert all get get out of there you sheep yeah Robert what you going to need love for a thug what are you talking about Kim he's out there thugging he's Thug looking what the heck does that even mean I don't know but he's out there doing it okay I got a canteen finally that's good I need to get purified water though there's a there's a million manufacturers of it so are you full wool is that what you're doing I'm not full wool I'm not even close to full wool Are You full wool I don't know that's probably not a good idea right cuz wool doesn't really save you no it doesn't you guys make a baby yeah you dead good work cows okay I'm going to make some wool armor shovel off the snow off this thing get my wool head make some wool boots how about that seems like two pieces is good two pieces of wool and then two pieces of iron yeah my boots in my hood is my wool what' you use two diamonds for a sword joking me we're all going to have to go mining soon to get more diamonds I think that's a good yeah group uhoh uhoh it's a chicken chicken's angry at somebody yeah it's he's in the house with you where are you guys hey come outside Kim oh my gosh that's not Kim what that's not the Kim what did you hear that where are you guys hey come out Kim's asking us where we are where he keeps telling me to come out outside yeah he keep saying go outside of the house I ain't going outside how come I don't hear him I don't know you just hear in the darkness Kim going hey you guys come outside where are you but it sounds less laggy than normal it's a little little too clear it's really clear it's Kim oh what is that it's Kim where that sound right here right here you can see him he's just he's just tweaking a little bit he's thugging oh my gosh I think he's sa I don't think he means well we should should put a name tag on him and say that Kim you've been replaced oh my God he's coming he's coming he's coming get that door open oh where are you guys hey come outside what the heck is what happened to Kim did Kim turn into a zombie when you went out he's so big guess who's also here too now who oh what oh my God that thing is trying to get inside should we should we kill Kim try who else is here oh my God you scared me I heard Santa I got to get inside I got to get inside inside it's right there where come on guys where are you where are you guys he keeps saying come out I keep I'm hearing help me come outside I'm scared I need to get we have any seeds anywhere feed these chickens help me no oh my God Mar Christmas I think what we should do with Kim is we should get a boat or something or a cage and cage him in a cage and ask him what the meaning of this is you just take oh my what looking for that eye there's there's so much of it to be to go around all right listen up people are enjoying my hot tub just help me please oh my god oh he's right there what door's open door's open door's open door's open John John get in get in get in get in I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm holding the door I'm holding the door open where is he where is he I don't know get the door open get the door open ready it's open it's open it's open oh oh oh it's following I hearing oh my God that's I got jump scared by it oh man oh my god oh that scared me me please I'm not helping you enough of this guy oh my God okay well you got to deal with that now I have to deal with it I just want to build my little Tower where are you guys hey come on shut up K come on guys had enough of this guy you go down to a cave where are you guys help me come outside Kim I don't know what to do right now we just got to get through the night sleep and then tomorrow we where did Kim go he'll be fine Shadow yeah oh you forgot his bed okay well it's like we're not sleeping I I don't want to go out there he's trying to get in how how are my wool stuff already this broken it breaks really fast this is crazy I got to go Shear some more things then what him still after you I'm just going to leave alone yeah oh my God he's out there I see him he's just staring at the window there that wall go Robert can you can you dig a hole that he'll fall into uh yeah I'll dig it out back the chicken's back here Sean with jaw dangling kill it I don't know where it went yeah help me please oh what is that noise no oh my [Music] God feel like I'm always drinking water eating food or are you now un shoveling these things how often do you guys unshu these things I didn't do anything yeah I'm saying exactly how do I spill out water I don't want to drink you drink it oh nice full Full Cup uh full canteen of uh purified water can't get better than that oh it can Robert and it will oh I just threw a snowball at a cow by accident that could have been B head to the Bone guys come outside oh my God no no not again guys come aside is that Kim oh it's actually Kim oh wait was it real Kim that was actually Kim hey I was like no not again you back you made her back Kim where have you been uh looking around seeing what's out there you know what I mean we all should mine so we can find some joyous emeralds I want to make a house Who attack me I have no Health are you joking me I can't run I thought you were the I thought you were the dweller I need water I just turned all my bone meal into white dye by accident Kim you have to pay tax if you want to use these no you have to you have to give me this to to survive or else I have your head you'll have my head yeah you see your quick air spawn what is happening uh nothing just K and I are about to kill each other this about start fighting again how could my water turned to ice I can't believe this I need more armor no we have a gray sheep doesn't help are they not growing wool back no they are it's just super slow oh you can mix the you can mix next the color for armor oh really yeah hey stop that I need some water where's Safe Water here it's frozen but I take it all right are we going to go mining I'm going to build a house okay does feeding the baby sheep do anything it makes them grow faster apparently but I'll believe it when I see I just gave it like 20 wheat I'm not doing that's that's a whack all right we're going mining or what they said you're building a house I'm saying a lot of things right now I'm down to go mining we need more [Music] iron yeah keep an eye on them from up here oh see Robert can see Shadow who you talking to Sean and I can see Kim somewhere in there where are you let's just just say let's just say I'm up in the clouds Robert oh you're going to die from up there how would I die fall damage no keep doing stuff like that yeah you you keep doing things like this you're going to get yourself killed Kim I'm going to outlast you no I highly doubt that you think Kim you know what Kim's been through yeah Kim already came back from the ones I've seen things I'm making my house right here Kim who says you can have my potatoes I'm just helping you grow them okay well pass me the ones that you've picked actually better yet go go cook them for me potato tags yeah I'm collecting all right we have to go mining Kim I want 100 emeralds by tonight all right you will have that or else let's just say you're going to be sleeping with the animals let's just say oh I heard something what's that what is this thing okay oh no chicken make this sound what who who threw chicken eggs what are you talking about one of you guys started throwing chicken eggs and one chicken now is super angry they get yeah they get like that everyone make sure that they have iron pickaxes andow everything they need to go mining also I like how all of our crates are just just being loaded up with just the most random garbage I was thinking to myself maybe we should organize but then I thought that no didn't you put inventory sorder on yeah let's inventory sort these all right go for it that's so much where is your iron we have none oh make sure we get the iron okay oh pass me that Kim Kim give me those hanging lights I mean make sure we get iron when we go in they're in your inventory Kim we need a lot of iron kiberly yes I need to get a lot of that what was that noise the E we need to go down below where the sun don't shine to bring up back the prize As Above So Below you ever seen that movie yep I was actually in that movie what they cast me as a dead person on the laying on the ground truly truly I can't be serious Kim I saw in your video that you got a lot of coal so we're going to go ahead and need some of that I think you guys have pled of call too I seen I kind of like walked in your tracks see where you guys have been okay but we you guys have PL I think I think I think you need to hand over some coal I thought we had coal blocks no Kim Kim looted them oh stop looting not looting [Laughter] anything okay let's go so it's officially oh is it right yes yeah are we going to go where the sun don't shine which way are we going Kim where you taking us does someone have a furnace and stuff to bring down below so that as above so below I right or I right I think you are in the ballpark of being correct but I don't think you're quite there yet what was that did I just see fire starter oh that's cool what's going on with you Shadow we found we found a spot M by yeah all right let's go it goes right down trying to build my house all right see you later Robert oh my God goes right down all right is there water down there there looks like there's a little bit of water there where's is Kim down here I'm coming he was here I don't know where he went help me no where'd my canteen go oh I'll be back don't don't use that water yet make a couple torches burn out in like pour uh a gallon of water down into this hole oh wait what is that oh my God all your torches go out no matter what I'm being chased by C oh help me come outside oh my God oh my God oh my God it is not safe anywhere here oh my God I can't what Shadow's going to die how we were in the cave and guess who showed up Kim yes oh no I have all these unlit torches this sucks what Kim what ises that sound what I don't know know Shadow is out there with Kim I abandoned him I didn't see anything I just heard something terrible please go away all right Sean are we going to go help uh hold on I'm trying to light all these tches again yeah you guys going to come help where where are you Shadow I'm underneath you in the cave oh do we build to dig down to you I'm going to freeze Kim Kim's like sleep kimt Sean let's go let's go get okay I'm coming I'm coming get a shield where your Shield don't worry about that there's dwellers out here Robert no they go down right here yeah but Kim's down there and not the Kim that you know and love uh are you going down I don't want to I'm about to oh my God I'm freezing I got to go back to the house here here Shadow you still with us yeah I'm underneath you I think should we just should I just dig down to you it's lagging it's lagging bad Kim left again help me come outside no he's still around me no like other Kim where come on guys where are you where where are you guys real Kimberly yeah that might be what's causing the lag every time Kim leaves it starts lagging I'm taking a little break from what you guys got going on to get some more wool armor all right I'm on a I'm on a rescue mission shadow coming I'm going to dig up I don't know where he's at don't worry I'm coming come towards me digging down right towards you you whispering to yourself no oh my God what was that noise that my wife brought me coffee this is a big cave all Robert I'm good to go where are you I I dug down behind the house into the cave well I'm eating a potato that's going to take about 5 minutes cuz the leg Yeah I'm mining the same block seven times oh my gosh okay where did you dig down Robert behind the house oh I'm digging the same block over and over again though y me too come on guys where are you where where are you guys maybe maybe it is the Kim mob doing it cuz it didn't lag until it showed up my gosh this is like a huge van of coal help me come outside oh my goodness what is that my God what is the chains what do you mean the chains you know what the chains is the Jingle yeah there's a big big hole you know what they say about big holes right I'm not going to be in this cave with you what look look there's iron right there yeah but if you're making statements like that what does it say big big feet what is this giant chunk that's just coming down like this you see what I'm talking about it's underneath our house I had to so hot down here with the lava yeah Hey listen up Sean you get the furnace uh no where are you where's Shadow hello sh one up sh Shadow one upstairs I think oh my God Robert do you have water what yeah I have water bring it I'm trying to make a way down you know how many Waters do you have oh I have a canteen I have a bucket but it's not filled with water your bucket's empty yeah it's empty oh my God Robert looks like we got to go what do you want from me water why h Sean why do you do this come back down what can you just kill it kill what oh I just hit a clip com a what yeah Robert almost died to a creeper no Sean's just luring it around oh now I'm cold again oh no guys get down here get down get down they can't hear me get down what do you mean get down Santa I hear ho ho ho get down I'm not getting down I I want to go up if anything no get down where are you Sean I'm living my life I got to find these diamonds before them I got to be I got to be the man who get the diamonds it's my destiny to find diamonds stop not doing any more voices oh my God I'm going to get him look at this what do we have here okay that I like that I like even more I don't want to be down here though dwellers Kim Santa more diamonds right there I a man who I'm the diamond king oh my God oh my God okay just leav and just immediately running away from that I have to find and now I now that I got what I want I got to find Robert and Shadow got to find them got to got to find him right now got to find him right now got to got to go got to go W there's an ancient city there's an ancient city down there yeah oh gosh what is that song playing I just saw her Santa [Music] CLA is around he's coming to town yeah and I'm coming to some potatoes in a second cuz I'm hungry where are you guys going you guys got blocks I'm so scared yeah I got blocks okay Sant can you can't climb so try watch out one thing I need that I don't got whatever who cares um one thing I don't got is torches I got some but they're all out I'm L of water okay yeah the one who watches is also down there okay see yeah but you can just build up we need iron can you make better canteens no what the hell is going on over there where what do you mean where got you are on the naught oh he fled got you he fled he fled I didn't see him gotcha Robert gotcha when he says when he says you're on the naughty list he's gone okay gotcha gotcha I don't want did that man whoever did that voice AC one talented dude gotcha there's so much iron all right no come this way enough of this game too bad we too bad we couldn't wear it what do you mean enough of this game come down here you don't want any iron I want diamonds yeah we need diamonds come enough this I want to show you get the most diamonds you ever heard of is there actually diamonds down here yes I hear something bad you don't hear [Music] anything there's nothing what do you mean there's nothing it's incredibly dark down here go straight ahead you look into the ancient Village there a redstone there's Redstone torches over here someone set this up for us look at this we're not going in there why that's the ancient city if you're fast fine you want no you're fine just just make sure you crawl you crawl yeah like hey but you can't you got to open chests and stuff yeah then you just run all right I'm telling you right now the three of us going down there Warden spawning like within minutes Robert you worry too much no I don't I know what's going to happen but I can see like I can see like a thous chests yeah good luck getting any of them look there's two spawners literally right there you open one you open either of those chests they both go off okay well Herb's right behind you oh you got that's fine Yep this is great Sean he gave me Darkness oh wait did you just set that off I just shot I shot it yeah yeah no big deal he shot it with an arrow I there's Herobrine oh my God please it please please it please it sorry please it what do you want to please it I'm trying to say please stop I'm scared Sean's starting trying to start the new Riz yeah please it all right look we can go we can enter the city here we're not entering the city I'm getting this gold I gota get myself some gold apples trying to survive out here trying to make it a Christmas Day this is not how you survived to Christmas morning uh it's how I survive by eating all these arrows in the face don't I I'm getting Diamond I am highly against this mission of yours right now what are you what what you so afraid of him I can't speak today what are you saying I can't I got Herobrine in the an arrow in your head I do have an arrow in that just relax thinking straight oh jeez no took one step and I hear Santa Robert where's Santa can you hear him I I heard the the music Breathing heavily in my ear going oh there sh over there we don't need the Santa Claus all right who got a who got a canteen for me nope I got a canteen but I got no water yeah I'm I'm bone dry right now if we get one block of water we can get unlimited you can get unlimited just put the who's who's got a bucket of water that's what I'm saying none of us have a bucket of water are you kidding a bucket of water down we're all going to go thirsty oh I just save the day what happened found water ah it's purified water too how do you know that I don't know it's just working all right split up find diamonds don't find Santa or do we go to the ancient city I'm going to take this water with me I I want I want loot all right well let's go what what what is the only armor you can get in the ancient city legs and Boots yeah and diamonds yeah and axes enchant golden apples you get so much stuff down here Robert this is really good stuff guys you're going to end you're going to end your I I I already know what's going to happen so at this point it's just I'm watching Sean I'm not going to e you're going to be ending your Series going down there not me look I can see one two three shers right that's three shers like I'm going to end it all for you SE I'm going to I'm going to be honest I don't understand how the ancient city Works what are you doing why are you trying to push me off the edge so Sean you know how you you see all those shers near the the glowy ones there's two glowy ones those are the ones that spawn the warden if they get if they get notified by the the shrier thingies near them four times the warden spawns yeah but can't you just run away from the warden you can yeah but um you know it can blast you through walls if you get caught with your pants down he's not that scary Sean go down we'll watch from up here no no no no no Robert's the Robert's the Tech technical Pro Robert you go down there no I don't want to go down there you know what we need we need a lot of wool put put the water down you're going down you doing it yeah I'll go down I'll grab that chest and then I'll run for my life all right here you get the left chest and I'll get the right chest and we'll go back up yeah okay I just need to clear my inventory here these are there's four of them yeah did you already set it off we hit it once yeah but that was like 20 20 minutes ago okay you got it he look there's a lot of water going down you see that yeah Sean you got to go down what no I'm going to wait watch so I'm freak you can't stay up here with the only way out I I'll I'll keep watch I'll tell you where the warden is if you go blind you're going to steal you're going to steal the water ball no no no I wouldn't do that to you to make me make myself win the series what do you mean win this series no no no no no I hate this what if Santa goes down there then we're screwed oh he's trying to pick up the warden you have been naughty oh my gosh my god oh and he is here oh I just set it off are you down there Shadow I was yeah I just set it off he's going to snatch Robert all right well then enough of this Warden business let's go find Herobrine's right underneath you Sean still gone all right I'm going to go grab those chests all right one person's got to do it I just set it off yeah well you got two tries I know I know hey there's two noise there's two Endermen right here here take my fishing rod Shadow but then I heard Santa until I ran up then I heard Santa okay Santa's around here somewhere yeah he is I got wool you want wool it won't help there's way too much yeah you have to have a lot all right well get down there Robert good luck I'm going to go blind why I know what sneak 1,000 100 oh 100 I can't read I still have an arrow in the brain no I don't oh oh god oh gosh did you get anything good he's running absolutely nothing in these chests what's what was in them oh cover me with diamonds Robert it doesn't sound like anything I got I got I got Diamond legs perfect good bring me those yes well no bring me those the warden's going to spawn guys run what what do you mean he hasn't spawned no okay listen to these legs okay fire protection four Unbreaking three mending curse of binding curse of Vanishing oh there you go that yep now they're bound to me I can't even take them off you know what's crazy I made 63 torches and they're all burnt out no where are the diamonds at we need diamonds doing look at these Soul torches I got oh what the hell is that oh my wool just broke it's okay we it's not really a problem down here here Sean ready I'm going to kill you what was that XP oh so uh there's no diamonds you sure I don't know what what about way deep down that way there might be Diamonds oh actually you know what if you got a hoe if you break the blocks sometimes they're hidden under here really yeah kind of like how the snow covered the I have a hoe I have a hoe okay run run why oh no that was only the first one though wasn't it I I thought it's been has it reset I don't know I didn't we didn't set it off when I went down so Robert what are you doing right now Diamond what really one Diamond if we get really low maybe we can get even more diamonds well are there shers down here oh ho ho there's a streer right there what oh he's spawning he's spawning oh my God this is a different type of hor I don't know if he actually spawned I think we're fine all right let's find a different part of this tunnel system to get more diamonds I mean get some get some diamonds I got a diamond so far I've gotten I'm the only one that's gotten diamonds huh no I found one before I've gotten five and that was the five in the chest where where was your diamond when we went mining the first time did you get them though I got one yeah and then I got four today what what get all the diamonds now what's this stuff oh my don't worry don't don't worry he can't get us here why not oh I don't know he's breathing down my throat oh means he selected you he's breathing on me too oh shoot sorry there go my wool boots wa look at this spider dungeon spider cave spider dungeon yeah that's spooky oh do we need the strings for anything uh probably Str for it was for Wool Wool we can make wool but we also have a million sheep now so okay well at least get this stuff too so we can get even more where is Kim he's just he's just off this is wait wait wait wait Herobrine could actually burn our house down again I don't want I don't want to think about that look at this oh okay here B where he was right there oh I'm hearing horrible sounds fill your bucket up fill your cup eat your potatoes do what you got to do and then when you're ready take a dip you're going swimming hereb is all over the place right now he's just watching us you can't that there where you guys going I don't know we need diamonds that's where we're going I know but we're not low enough we to go this way more oh I see I see Mr Brian oh my God why do I keep looking at him I don't know why you do that to yourself and blinds you and then you can't see anything we're going up too much does it go down over here I don't know I'm just looking oh Soul torches don't go out in water really do they get much light though something man this place reminds me of when I was uh Thanksgiving you were at Thanksgiving on a Thursday yeah how' you know what's this you guys just pass the creepers and Sean Sean loves passing them and luring them to unsuspec dead end got to come this way anyone got wood yep I got coal I'm freezing coal the lava I need to make uh wool boots you got some of that some of that good stuff that oh oh yeah sorry oh he's here he's here Merry Christmas oh know but he's playing Jingle Bells into my ears or shaking his Shaker he's singing me a song He's serenading me I need to find the diamonds before they do I'm we the sun don't shine where are you hello who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my God what I told you guys I'm we the sun don't shine I s goes down real far no ancient city just us I I swear I didn't mean to do that Robert I'm so sorry I'm so close to dying and I I just made new boots and they're about a break I did not mean to shoot you with that Arrow um yeah I found a way down no ancient city just us and a straight shot to Diamonds Shadow they're all out that's okay you can have them thank you they're all yours can I have wool anyone yeah Robert just for you I just need four pieces of wool there you go four pieces that's it I just want to make boots and that all right let's go come on that's all that's all I'll be wearing hold on trust me when I say that this is a big opportunity for us you have to believe me I will believe you as soon as I am not dying cuz I'm constantly dying is it a trap no it's not a trap that would make me win the game you ready Sean yeah I'm Robert I've been ready for the last three hours okay well don't forget don't forget you and I got to play about seven hours of parasites today so let's oh my God all right let's go let's go get these Diamonds oh this is where the sun don't shine oh wow this just keeps going told you the sun don't shine down here I think I see what I want to see oh no it's a glowing squid oh oh I see something that I'd like to see don't mind me I must go for a dip oh my God I thought the water was I thought the water was much higher than that Holy bench Shadow no I don't I don't even have wood no Sean do you have a crafting bench no why do you have any wood for one no why CU I want to make doors oh I hear I'll get in the water oh my gosh as soon as I look back r this is why I wanted uh you know no I don't know Robert those are my diamonds I claimed them oh I got one Robert I brought you here to where the sun don't shine and you reward Me by didn't even get you didn't even you were Dilly ding John what we need uh wood I I need wood I don't have it don't you think I would have crafted that door faster than the sun don't shine we stop saying that I see more Robert but that's where the sun don't shine going even further down I'm going to get smoked climbing down these these things with my half hearts down I'm going to kill you I hope Santa takes you oh there's two there's two diamonds uh-oh uhoh there there's shers down here Sean just ignore them I thought I just heard Kim whoy you guy uh-oh yeah it is incredibly dark oh my God I found a diamond and I claim it but there's a lot of mobs around so I have to just remove them don't you dare I will I will kill you in the cave oh no Sean I don't care I'm going to die I don't care oh my God I'm going to die too okay Robert we have to work together we can't be doing this okay here here here here here okay here's another Diamond beautiful I I'm getting I'm getting real banged up here I need to I think I think it's time to go up to the surface what do you think now that I got I want to be down here this is horrible I just started getting diamonds how many diamonds you get I don't know I have like five what how many you have how many you you have more than me you were the I have five right now no you don't have five I promise you I have five you probably got like 10 no I don't lie I don't lie like you do I'm not I'm not lying to you I got five diamonds I actually have five every time I found a diamond who who comes running in with their little Diamond pickax been stealing and you got Diamond legs too and a diamond pickaxe what do I got I got a bunch of broken iron so let's relax about how many diamonds I have oh my God oh God just get me out of this cave I'm done I need water too I'm thirsty I don't know shouldn't be worrying about that right now you know what can can you put them in a boat I don't know ask the mod author actually I don't know give it a shot how much water give me give me a sip of that canteen oh here keep some water on you where are you Shadow okay you listen here Sean we got to make it out of here I would however like some more diamonds though well you want to keep going just getting pushing our luck we're getting greedy but I'll keep going I don't I I'm starting to think not all of us are going to make it out of the cave hey uh I I don't I don't know what the answer is here I Got No Light No torches I gotta I gotta find I got to go back where we were CU I put my stuff down yeah I need a backtrack we need a backtrack oh my God I need help oh no hereby what the hell what the hell what happened I just saw your with a name tag walking after yeah he's looking at me let's get out of this cave what are we doing down here I don't know where you are what do you mean where I'm right next to you I tried to get out but then there's like 20 mobs he you want to know how you get out yeah go this way this way what look look there's so many mobs yeah just go this way I is he coming for you Merry Christmas you know what I've had enough of Christmas I'm going to tell you right now I'm losing the Christmas spirit Santa how many blocks you got a lot yeah yeah I'm out I need to go back I I have so much iron and coal and a smelter back up where we just were okay well that's the worst way of doing it here Brian stop looking at me why does he got a name tag I don't know means he's Ang where is he he's gone I looked him in the face okay listen up which way you want to go to get out the way you came down here we got to we got to go back up don't turn around oh my God oh my God oh my God [Music] I don't know what to do right [Music] now get out of the cave who gives a about the oh my God what the heck I'm done with the cave Robert this way no you know what you're on your own you're on your own I'm getting out of here no I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming you left a hole in the floor I almost I almost died how much you got how much what durability I'm good I got a diamond pickaxe full all right get going we're just digging up yes John what we just dug into a mob spawner what or something Shadow I see you no no you hear that yeah it's Shadow uh give me your Di you want to die I don't want to be in here I found some more diamonds there's probably 30 mobs around I can't see anything cuz I don't have a torch it is Pitch Black hold on I got a couple torches I'm coming oh Robert sometimes what you got to do is this watch you're watching yeah oh nice wait how we're so far down Underground we are what are we at we're not in wait where's Shadow where's Shadow I don't know I'm like just right next to you I hear cave sounds why did I hear Blaze oh you're underneath us oh I have a iron pickaxe I heard a blaze I should have heard a blaze no he he lit a torch for this oh yeah oh oh they're working now yeah if you like them like once you place them okay so we just digging up I I don't want to going be down here anymore okay I found soil all my all my coal and iron is melted we'll go we'll find it we'll go back down are you using your diamond pickaxe yeah why are you wasting oh I was just this is where I was cuz it's fast how'd you get a diamond pickaxe Robert cuz I got Diamonds oh what's this room this is where I I was this is where I bunkered in so do you know where we were where I put that furnace down Shadow do you know how to get back there this way which way this way by the way there's no point wearing wool down okay never mind you guys already figured that out well no I I would be wearing it if it didn't break so fast all right I trust you Shadow I want to get back to that iron in Co yeah you shouldn't trust me John you leaving I'm getting out of this place maybe we should just cut our losses once I know how to get to it once we get back to the our house and things are going weird down here and I don't want to be involved in it anymore oh my God oh my God where are you guys I'm the guy who's got off alone in a horror movie right now oh look at this oh oh ho ho ho ho am I right not bad God I'm freezing though got to try to conserve my water here got to make it out it's getting hard to get through this stuff there it is please be daytime please be daytime it's daytime oh my God oh my God where am I I have never seen this area before what is that what is this all right okay oh look how high up in the mountains I am where's the water oh here's the water okay I'm a saved man oh [Music] oh [Music] it is good to be back and a village and meat well it's just a good day for me Isn't it come on come here come here why don't have my [Music] shield all these sheep too remember I looking for sheep look at this where am I right now and the sand this is in the village what is that dark stuff around here what is in here the ruins of a village [Music] but take that [Music] useful oh I feel so good to be free of that terrible cave a lot of another portal and that nothing see see right now that's my mouse right there if you ever see [Music] that remember Robert was looking for cows look at this I'm about to eat steak cooked steak fill me up drink some [Music] water I can't turn right now this is how bad my mouse is I'm going back in the woods I got to build my tower it's like sheep there that have been shaved down there's two sheep that have been shaved down do I still have that saddle I do let me on let me on who's shaving these sheep let me on let me on or I'm going to open you up and sleep inside of you there we go where's that saddle I go here it is oh yes this is how you survive the this start that over is a stop stop I want to get my speech this is how you survive the Canadian wilderness on Horseback until you get too stuck in these [Music] trees so jump scared me seeing Albert Einstein's bloodshot eyes right there oh my God what what is that it fall off the face of the Earth right there it's getting dark and I do not want to be out here oh I'm freezing here thought I thought I was warm what what is going on these [Music] days I need to return to [Music] the Village or our house so that I can use my diamonds there's a pink sheep isn't that rare you're rare apparently eh oh my go go go go go go go go go go did I go go go go what we're here where what do you mean here oh did you get a saddle from that uh yeah I found a pink sheep a pig sheep apparently they're very rare and I tried to kill it but guess who it was Mr bran your BR Shadow and I fall we tried to like follow your tracks up and out mhm and we finally got up and then we stumbled across Kim house here Kim this house is looking really good yeah I just started it's got a nice box look get off the horse right now I kill it I need a lead lead no what what is called Kim I don't think this is up to code got to get demolished Kim why are you living out here on your own um Kim lead us back to our home right now I don't know where we are yeah we have no idea where the house is Sean actually told me to get out of there yeah he didn't care what you guys said he said he's the mayor and I have to get out I said I said go build a house and then you can earn your stay here why' you build it so far away where where is our home Kim and is is it you I think this way someone's someone's been shaving sheep on the mountain side has it been you yes oh that was us Shadow I we had no idea where we were all right this way Kim are you lying to us no I'm not lying I think it's that way oh my gosh I don't think I be this way Sean Sean you just ruined my my freaking boots what oh Sean you ruined my boots you're freezing I'm freezing and your house is also on fire too from Herobrine so no it's not is it it's not okay it's not oh no no no no no no no no no no no he he put it on fire he put it on fire oh my gosh no no no no no help me you got to watch out for that he'll do it yeah Kim that thing's gone all right hopefully he told us where the good luck oh my God he's right there he was right he was standing right Herobrine oh I don't like how you're chasing me Kim I have nothing to do with this I was wool you guys got give me some wool there's you got a bunch of sheep on that on the side the mountain yeah oh my tower you made it why did Kim live so far away I don't know oh it's snowing how [Music] magical are you trying to put the horse inside yeah no don't do that what do you mean you can't do that why here I'll break that for you why can't I get them in cuz it's too wide horses are too big how do I keep him safe you got to make a shelter for him that's all on you D Dog Diggity diggity [Music] dog my horse his name you're a horse I think we saw that horse did you find the horse by all the shaved sheep yeah there's a few of them yeah we're seeing that oh it's so good to be home yeah it really is all right I'm feeling [Music] good feeling good feeling fine can't stop me nice and dark out here can't stop me from having a good time these days that was scary oh you made it yeah I got lost and then I seen a about to chop trees so I was like okay I'm going in the right direction here yeah I'm happy I'm feeling good how about you guys I want to make my house first doing all right ow ow ow ow ow ow Who removed my one diamond from this chest oh probably probably can was that noise here brine's in the forest I think Kim FL on diamonds so I'm making a declaration right now what are you declaring this right here is for Kim oh Tombstone I'm putting them in there tonight are you why what do you mean why he stole my he stole me diamond yeah you're right he stole her di you stole me diamond he always goes on about who stuck my diamond he's took your diamond I got to build my tower making like a little snow house yeah that was cool yeah that's right pretty cool I need food a lot of enemies outside don't you think oh what is that there we go right on Q what Mr claw Mr claw you've been a bad boy Robert time to have bit your butt spanked no no please apparently he says that he doesn't at 3:00 a.m. you if the clock reads 3:00 a.m. he says that he doesn't say [Music] that stop lying don't lie like Shadow yeah don't lie like me you not what are you doing I'm giving scary sounds scary don't set people's houses on fire like me was it you who did it yeah what oh kibs yeah that's so funny wait what happened it was Shadow who did it you set Kim's house on fire I just I just did one block I figured it'd be okay didn't nice little surprise that's all it takes is one block yeah he really deserves it too all right let's sleep what does Kim doing out there oh who who's making this wall around our house Shadow is oh great stop there's a sign that says stop what the what happened run run oh he's actually chasing you I'm St my oh my God I don't see him I think you're safe there's an invisible version of him next to me inside the house no way what yeah come up he's right [Music] here going is he outside oh my God his big lagy hands oh I see is he's oh man that is a loud noise go home go find Kim he's gone right yeah no he's not done this creepy one keeps standing on top of me the one who creeps found the Ghost of Christmas Past was inside the house yeah the the ghost the ghost the the goat are you okay man with me now I got the arrow in the Brain still can't who's next to me I feel like I actually should go to a doctor today just not nothing's working anymore what's happening Shadow is he supposed to be a ghost that's what I'm talking about this freaky ghost thing the ghost of Chris's past Shadows it scares me see him like that he's gone he's gone now yeah no he's right there what he's outside someone what is going on what there's two of them there's one on me oh my God can we kill the ghost what there's one right here okay what is is going on I like this you've got one too get out of here he's haunting all of us not haunting me pushing them out of the house there's two of them here now not for me all right you go they're following me around they're watching me I'm feeling good I don't got nothing following me so are these friends are these our friends now Robert there's a wild cow out here by the way all right get him got him so we're just hallucinating right now we're just seeing things oh my God the ghost I don't I don't like the ghost over here get him out of here he's right here Robert he's just in the woods oh yeah look at that Ione know how to get get that to go away I don't think it's unsettling I died I don't know the Ghost of Christmas passed he's just in here with me I would like it to go away what if one of them turns into the actual one oh just died died in the LA no no what I'm tired of the random Fire stuff what fire stuff my freaking tower that I'm building I just spent so much time God oh put it out put it out put it out that wasn't me I wasn't near that no your whole thing's going up yeah well what am I supposed to do at this point her has a sign over here it just says stop he doesn't want us to build here I don't think I think the fire stopped I'm losing my mind with this stuff the fires have stopped Sean everything's okay now put your marbles back in place I'm going to kill you Herobrine okay I'm going to kill you herob how do you make this stupid alter I'm taking this guy out there's people that want to kill me he keeps spawning on me you know what I'm going to go see I'm going to go speak to the man responsible for this what do you mean by that [Music] Kim that's really [Music] annoying okay that's really annoying I don't agree with the methods being used here today what methods these hallucinations everywhere what are you talking about I can't how do I get up my horse out of this hole seriously how do I get a horse out of a hole dig dig out I don't know how how wide does a horse need to be to go up you got a fat horse no he's a regular sized horse how do I get him out big big old horse how do I get him out of the O Robert I don't know B dig I said I'm pissed about my tower he pushing [Music] me my horse is really pissing me off what do you got to say for yourself I can't get this horse out of this hole what do you have to say for yourself huh are you talking to me right now yeah I have to say that I can't get the horse out of the hole that's what I have to say dig what do you I'm I've I've Unearthed metric tons of soil at this point there we go losing my mind there's just so many random holes in the boy [Music] boy hey Sean Sean I see you what are you doing here what are you doing what why are you attacking me are you muted Sean behind you behind you monster behind you Sean be careful why you burning down my trees Sean Kim have you seen the one who's been watching has he been watching you um he's out he's he's been harassing us I I don't see him okay you stop you're the one harassing me you're lagging like a crat boy too ow Kim you don't need a horse anymore you come here to arrest me Sean if you do that one more time I'm going to kill the horse for good oh oh just get you're literally just getting in my way at this point we got a Hu we got a huge problem what what Kim's going to come kill us what what did you do uh just don't worry about it these things are just getting in my way there's one just trying to get in the go away what did you do to k um I tried to burn down his house because he hit my horse they're spawning on me they're trying to push me off they're trying to get me to trying to get me to fall and die you got three of them next to you why is there so many next Robert they want you go away why do they want you so much here give them an egg you heard them they're asking me for my lunch money they're lagging the server that's what they're doing I think that's what they're doing yeah what happened and you don't see them and all of a sudden you get so many of them you're I like your little house you're making thanks probably the best thing I've ever built in this game well it's made out of wood so enjoy it for the next like 10 minutes I will I will try to enjoy it someone's going to come and burn it down everything I love has been burnt down why don't we sleep aisp burn to a a crisp I say we all take a snooze you're a snooze you can't rest now it is watching no I'm going to I what what is I can't can someone else sleep it's watching coming maybe that's what it is is that we didn't sleep that's why we're hallucinating now I thought we just slept not too long ago it's watching you cannot you can feel its presence who doing that are you guys can't you can feel presence it's the hallucination then how do we get rid of them just have to kill them but oh the one died shoot builds presents close it's close oh oh no it's not him that's doing this this hallucinations listen here bucko Santa Claus that was his update you can't sleep when they're around I'm fine I don't need to sleep we're fine we're not going to die we're not going to die today not now not never it's just a lag like you guys are lagging yeah oh where is he there who gotcha oh where I see him him hey Mr Claus oh help me oh no tr get in the house get in the house where is he you stupid sack he's right here let's kill him let's I'm sick of this guy going to kill it yeah oh I'm trying he's coming for you Sean I'm going to smoke this guy get him Robert trying hit him I can't hit him he's trying to get me he'll never get me wall what if he shot oh he's gone okay disappear oh man what a jerk yeah what an absolute jerk I don't know what to do with the back here should just put a it's so cold up here man you got you got to make a p no magma blocks where's my magma blocks I you get more wood oh my God that just happened to me too there you go can't watch it's watch it's watching us it's not watching us my freaking oh my God my mouse is so malfunctioning it's so malfunctioning yeah oh stop pushing me yeah this guy just gets in my way you y a which guy oh who do you think hallucination guy he's such a y oh my God scared me I just running and ran right into [Music] him there's another sign that says do you hear it too there's signs all over the place I'm sick of this guy too you know what soon as I get my thing on me and this guy are going to have a little chat oh never Mindy to put him in the [Music] cage the one who watches more like the one who breathes oh my [Music] god oh did you put the horse in here yeah is that all right I guess once I have my tower built he can stay with me but for now he's standing there I need to keep him safer than the Thursday on Thanksgiving those are pretty scary times safe not scary was a pretty safe scary times making my bed herob Brian doesn't want us to build here you I'm building [Music] here ah he keeps spawning in here who does the one the one oh my God my mouse I'm just locked stucking in One Direction what is wrong with this mouse it's so [Music] bad I'm ordering a Wired Mouse from Amazon right [Music] now I'm going to need deep slate [Music] soon [Music] oh my God what he's chasing me the one who watches but you can't climb up a ladder thank thankfully I was building a ladder that exact he's going Buck nutty down there What's happen what the one who [Music] watches come to my tower I hear that what is that oh I see him yeah go go he's looking at you I know he's going Buck nutty I happen to be building a tower that exact moment thankfully that's where you Shadow what does that mean so scared right now one false move I'm down down oh he's still down there I know that's why I'm not going down there he's breaking things down here yeah see that's that's why I'm in a tower I've I've had it I think he's coming after me living down there where all the things coming after you Sean hopefully those hallucinations don't spawn send you off the top of that right don't don't be saying something I think I need to build this floor out of stone in the event that something unspeakable happens yeah I think it's going to be me a stone not Cobblestone but stone is he still here here is this weirdo still here [Music] hello what was that o I will take [Music] that to ooh I'll take that as well what do you what are you even taking no no I need water how much I don't know a little bit I got it though headed indoors why see what you're stealing over here nothing nothing that you would even notice is gone I'm thirsty I'm toyy why did Herobrine leave that sign over here yeah he left a few of [Music] them yep see good thing I climbed up here don't I don't even know what that is oh it's Santa Claus for Robert oh my God I told you he's been such a bad boy that's what I always tell my viewers Santa Claus Robert's been a bad bad boy this year go get Robert okay come back over here you are on the naughty list it doesn't look all right my house is built I'm happy happy man with a built house I got most of my tower built made out of all wood so can't wait for that to go up in FL yeah I just changed mine from wood to stone look at all this stuff you're dropping all this wood down here if you want it you can take it if you don't want it on my way up I wouldn't come up here if I were you why I have mplayer defenses you don't stop I warned you Robert what I thought you going to break the ground underneath me no I wouldn't do that to a man climbed up here RIS his life to be up here with me but what I would do is sianara did you okay [Laughter] man that was a little close yeah was close whoops got to heal up a bit how' you survive I H hit a combo oh okay well just forget that happen don't be don't be returning the favor anything like that try trying to be the one who wins this you know me why don't you go visit Kim don't get out of my house I'm not no Sean you want to see me hit a sick clip yeah all I got to heal up a little bit more I don't trust it all right watch this ready yeah can you see you got you see me from there there's two zombies knocking on the door right now don't worry about them I watch this sick clip okay give me a countdown 3 2 1 go that was a sick clip did that was a good combo you want to you want to go visit with me yeah I will just let's sleep who's cooking copper and for what reason poer every time I see something uh looks like it's used for I feel its presence all right unscrew it no it's looking at me oh no you know that Shadow singing the song yeah Shadow I know it's his voice but that's him singing it to avoid copyright clams he sung that song that's Shadow Mech sung that song what we should do is we should get a shadow should upload a video on his channel called Shadow Mech the concert yeah and then uh every time someone uses that mod we let's go kill Kim okay you want to go kill him I mean see him shadow more like keep moving ow ow ow they can't hurt you if you move that's so untrue not true is untrue untrue is a word right yep to be a not of the truth to have without the truth you know where kin is we're going the wrong way oh it's right there actually don't know I see it I hear breathing down my neck you better watch out you better not cry you better not pout I'm telling you why I am I'm here to talk to you today he sees me you doing sleeping what when you're awake hey what said you come in here there's no rules In This Server Kim I know anything goes I noticed that with you I'm so hungry uh can you guys provide me some food what will you provide and return uh my company I'm trying to be the last man standing on this island this is this even an island uh I guess you could call Sean no Sean Sean Sean what you do I did not do that I've been standing here the whole time no no guys is it did it St it's not going to hit your wood you're okay look at that wall this is awesome how is my my chest plit is broken you guys do that to if you take damage I did not do that him I didn't do it you saw me the whole time no actually I think it was you Robert I don't have lava buckets I'm cold I don't have lava buckets one who SE who [Music] inside I'm freezing get inside [Music] then what is going on here because actually oh no the house is burning the whole wall is burning I'm never coming to Kim's house again Kim your house is up going up in flam Kim where's your heaters oh Kim where's your heers Kim Kim I'm trying to put out the fires no how could you let this happen this like the entire day is work [Music] gone it keep spreading okay I got to go back to our house where it's warm Kim's house is freezing cold Kim this isn't [Music] good I don't know if I'm going to make it it's too cold I'm going to freeze in a second got to stay out of the snow if the one who watches catches me out here right [Music] now oh oh oh what was that it's me no no what is that where where are you over by the gate the entrance I'm up on a tree oh the one who watches no not even close where where where where right out straight what is that thing he just chased me what is that thing I I don't even know what mod that [Music] is oh my gosh what mod is that it makes you dark or it gives you Darkness um I don't remember things are getting spooky around here I'm getting cold so it's time to SN here O Brien you're not even my worry right now okay he's not even on the radar this hallucination guy is not on my radar either he just just in the way he'll attack at some point what why the feel like our time here is running out oh my God it scares me so much every time I turn around okay okay okay okay get out of my house don't fre in my what do you want me to do I'll bring them in my house it's so scary yeah it's bad there's still looking at you
Channel: Forge Labs
Views: 4,177,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Simulate, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, #minecraft, minecraft song, minecraft music, minecraft video, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft videos, 100 days in minecraft modded, minecraft civilization, 100 players simulate civilization, 100 player minecraft civilization, 100 players minecraft civilization, minecraft civilization experiment, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft, Medieval Times, Medieval Times Minecraft
Id: oi93Owdu5mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 35sec (5675 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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