Making a Walk-In Lemur Habitat in our Eco Zoo | Planet Zoo Franchise Mode Ep14

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okay I think we've done a pretty good job with this little uh African dog habitat African wild dog I should say they are wild they're not domestic dogs look at them they're basically like hyenas aren't they they look so cool I don't actually know really the difference between them there must be a very similar species like um genetically because they look so similar oh we've got some guests coming around oh you know something we missed actually is we didn't put any donation bins in that is a fatal error on my behalf right let's let's duplicate this here let's put one basically everywhere we're gonna have guests [Music] I can't believe I forgot Edition two I'm gonna whack education in probably on this side um I want them to be able to throw food in and this is probably the best area for it in fact we could even have um a seating area over here oh no pause don't inbreed that doesn't look like you're about to mate that looks very aggressive um I'm gonna say Rosie gone contraceptive large Larry you dirty fiend poor Rosie's fending him off um how can we sort this out let's have a think so we've got Rosie as our female we probably are they all related let's have a look at the other females if you go into genetics on the right hand side actually no it's in the the stud book you can see who the parents are so they're all gonna be siblings aren't they ah this is a problem we're gonna need someone who's not part of the gene pool and at the minute we have two of each I think two males two females oh four females and three males okay I'm gonna suggest that all the males uh large Larry Roberto and Fernando um are released into the world and then we buy ourselves a new male to be the uh the stud of this habitat let's go what they call Giant otters have we got any affordable oh we do perfect Felipe welcome to the zoo in fact let's give you a new name let's send let's first send him to quarantine and then when he goes into the zoo we'll uh we'll give him a new name um because we need to start renaming these animals I need to actually get on with naming them I kind of want to see how this plays out as well are they going to uh they're gonna fight oh no oh it was it was playful okay no I'm putting it into this right now okay this is not okay it's very cute but it's not okay when you consider that they're siblings um U2 and large Larry you're all going to get released wow look at looking wow that's amazing okay 234 there he goes now you're just oh interesting okay just a bit of levitation and you're back to normal there we go no babies for you let's hope no that's good we've also gotten a reward let's claim that high amounts of litter oh no this isn't good oh wow there really is I think we've got bins everywhere so it's probably just because we've massively overloaded our staff um I've got loads of Keepers in the last episode I'm gonna train them up um a little bit overkill on the keepers but I'd rather be Overkill than under um I don't know what the opposite of Overkill is because I'm sure it's not under kill underprepared I'd rather our animals have the best uh that we have to offer we've only got two caretakers and they are so cheap um we should really be paying them more um you can actually just pay them more and it'll improve their happiness but they honestly love their job they say they're doing efficiently though um I'm a bit confused because this doesn't look very efficient to me and there are bins literally everywhere they're just overflowing so I'm gonna I kind of think we need another caretaker I'm gonna put one more in right in the hot spot of where it's going wrong and then let's put you on zoo and you can start clearing up this mess and they also think that the tickets are underpriced I'm gonna just make this 30 and 15. I have lost all concept of how much this Zoo should be valued at like what ticket should be I think thirty dollars is getting up there now like if I had to pay 30 to get in I'd expect a pretty good zoo and at the minute we've only got this many this much going on I think I'd I'd want at least the whole Africa section to be done in real life um because we're planning on doing a whole Africa section and then we're gonna have our easy Asia section over here uh and then we can get all the endangered animals in uh but yeah we'll leave it how it is let's see let's see we can always earn more money and I'm happy to charge the Earth for this um for the zoo if guests are willing to pay it uh let's get back to our education though so I'm gonna put a new oh every time every time I I start to do something yes please have more babies you adorable things [Music] oh cute they are oh not not oh expecting offspring officially they've officially mated before I tell you what before we add any more animals into the habitat uh into their habitats I'm gonna put quarantine have you you haven't passed quarantine yet it's because I've been paused the whole time probably um I'm gonna go through and just rename a few of the animals that we've got that haven't been named yet because at the minute I don't even know who this female is because it's one of the new ones and I feel like everyone needs a good name so first up on the name train we have Bridget the now pregnant giraffe we also have Ophelia which is a very cute name I've noticed that now we've got two males in this habitat the Nile lechwe slash reticulator of habitat so we're gonna have to release this one into the world too because it's only supposed to be one male and then up to 49 females so apologies were Kessa uh enjoy your time in the wild this little null lets me playing around is going to be cupcake and her sleepy little sister is going to be sugar and the other sleepy sister is going to be called muffin and the last nail let me that we haven't named is gonna be Shakira because look at those hips move now we need to name our baby penguins as well so we're gonna have waddles dragon fruit pancakes you'll as we're getting in the spirit now the Mario Pingu and carrying on our Madagascar theme we're gonna have skipper Kowalski Rico and private and then we're gonna have snow Oliver Scamp Tanner Speedy who's living up to their name Bob you gotta have a bob and then we're gonna go tree core fudge and fat Gus to round us off wow okay we just named a lot of baby penguins um we got a another reward for breeding oh our quarantine's passed on our otter let's move them into the otter habitat and then I think we've got another award ah we've got some some research complete perfect the copy research is going well we'll leave them on that and our mechanic research is plowing through barriers I'm gonna leave them to continue doing barriers because I want to get to one-way glass and then some of our more shy animals uh we'll just have an easier time they're not gonna get stressed like particularly the null letchwig get a little bit stressed when they uh when they eat in front of guests so it'll be absolutely fine because we had so many penguins though I think we've reached the capacity that we kind of wanted to be at so I'm gonna put all of the boys on uh contraceptive now because we don't want any more penguin babies okay I've just put all of the male Penguins on contraceptives because at the minute we have 20 babies and 30 Penguins overall so we've got five adult males five adult females and 20 babies and we said we were going to get to 30 and I think 30 is a good number to stop at otherwise this happens I was going to get a little bit out of control we could take it wait be honest because they live in groups of up to 500 which is absolutely crazy and maybe we'll take them off in the future but I just want to let these babies grow up and uh yeah we can always take them off if the numbers start to decline or something but I think we I think we're probably okay as it is uh thirsty seems quite a lot of penguins and I think this is the perfect time to put some more education in our African wild dog habitat so I'm gonna add an education point right there a talk point I'm gonna put set it to the African wild dog they can throw food in which is what I really wanted so they're gonna throw it around here which is awesome and I think I might put some seating in we've already got some seating over here so I'm just going to duplicate that with Ctrl D and then we can add some seating over here [Music] foreign and then just move this talk Point very slightly to the middle there we go can you still throw food they can now all we need to do is get an educator for this section of the zoo I don't know if we've got an educator over here for your copy we don't we don't have one okay so I'm gonna put one in over here as well let's add a talk point there this might create a bit of congestion with this path here but I don't think it's going to be too bad and we can always move this access way it's just for our facilities anyway and this is all going to get revamped later so I don't really mind doing that now look at our little area no one's over here we need to pull people this way I need to get some more animals um that is the focus of today's episode which we will get around to in just the second which is putting some beautiful lemurs in this habitat area we have right here but for now I think if we set up this so they're gonna start in let's start them in let's start them in March March is fine okay we need to get a new educator so first off we need a new work Zone and this is going to be for here in fact I'm gonna delete this on work zone 8. I'm just going to take our African middle work Zone and add these uh education points into it and then we can just assign the Educators to the same work Zone as the uh the keepers and it just makes it nice and simple so I'm going to add those in there I've noticed we've got quite a few outside of the zoo work Zone quite a few power points so I'm just going to add those in so our mechanics can go and fix them if they have any problems I think that's a little bit of a of upkeep I didn't do in the last episode and add these in as well add these education the talk points in so now we've got a whole new section there let's get a new educator I'm gonna drop them in here and it's November so we'll have a talk in a bit we're going to need a new name for this one it looks very similar to Steve Irwin that we had before but with slightly grayer hair oh we got our first dogs meeting oh they're beautiful colors look at the difference I've got like a much more brownie and a much gray one it's gonna be beautiful babies did it work it was very quick yes it did very nice we need some names for these uh African dogs please do put some names in the comments I love renaming the animals and I know you guys love suggesting names so please continue to do that it's been really fun so far I think now we're at the point in the episode where we can get the animals for this I'm gonna look for Lima we've got black and white rough Lima and I believe all types of the Lemurs are endangered let's just have a look black and white black and white reflemers are critically endangered so they're definitely coming in the zoo we've got the Red Rough Lima is critically endangered and the ring-toed Lima is endangered so you know all of them are in serious need of conservation um less so the ring-tailed but you can't have lemurs without having King Julian so we're gonna get some black and white rough lemurs uh some Red Rough bloomers and some ringtone lemurs and put them all in the same habitats because I believe they can all share yes they can they can all share habitats together because they are friendly and gorgeous and just the best animals um I'm going to we need two I think we need at least two I'm gonna get this one and oh I don't want this one because it's got no fertility we want them to breed I'm gonna get these two what groups do they need to live in so let's go for the uh Lima I think it's the black and white rough lemur they need 2 to 16 so we could just get two of each type if we needed to um and then that would probably be okay uh let's let's have a look and see if we can get any more um if we refresh the list ah there are many more okay these are just a bit cheaper I've got some more males they're getting quite expensive so I'm going to go through and get the Red Rough Limas next and if we can get at least two of each that's perfect that's a decent female quite cheap then these are really good um we've got zero immunity but other than that isn't too bad at 85 yeah I think we can stretch to 85 let's get a good male there um are there any more females size I don't mind okay so let's go for that one and then let's sort by appeal again I should have done that before to find the best ones um I'm assuming that's in reverse order uh one eight seven five versus one nine okay so these are the best at 36 it's pretty good let's get you okay and then ring-tailed lemurs uh we can buy them with cash much easier I've only got males oh there's an albino one though albino albino I don't know you say we don't have the conservation credits for it but look at that that's very weird um let's get let's get two males just so we're ready to get some females uh when they come in I'm tempted to go for they've got very similar values I'm gonna go for this one because it is good on fertility and fertility is the main thing I'm really looking for here like we want to make sure they're breeding let's refresh no okay so at least we've got breeding pairs so far let's let's maybe go back and have a look at the the black and white raft I want to make sure we've got as many as we can get oh no she's got zero fertility there any more no that's it okay we've got some lemurs now we've got enough let's send all of them to storage to quarantine not to storage that's not something you do with animals okay so they go you can see quarantines they're going to take them out of the animal Trade Center move into storage uh why do I keep saying storage moving to quarantines they're going to check if they've got any diseases or anything it's just started to rain so that's amazing that's going to be really nice for our guests and I think the special thing about Limas is that the guests can enter the habitat which I love I love it when animals let you enter the habitat I do think so these are neutral I'm going to go through them and check that they're all actually okay with it because I don't want them to be particularly shy no it says they're neutral but I know if they're neutral they can get stressed sometimes so you've got to kind of you got to see how it how it goes start for having to queue for which facility oh that's fine that's we don't need a bigger quarantine happy for them to queue for that um I think we've got our keeper door over here we do so they need to go all the way around probably or apparently this isn't the quickest route um I'm gonna put a guest gate in that they can walk through though so I'm gonna pause the game I'm gonna play the game actually because we want our lemurs to come through I'm gonna have to edit this barrier though okay I've just added the guest gates in and I've had a thought as oh no scoop's got low welfare oh it's stressed this is why we need our barrier research so it's okay it'll be absolutely fine we'll get the um we'll get the barrier research done soon but plowing through our vet research we've got more on the African penguins I think they're probably okay they have quite a lot of uh enrichment as it is already so I'm gonna move Dr Doolittle on to the African wild dogs because I want to make sure that they've got enough and then I think I I do want more for our giraffes because they don't really have a lot as it stands oh we've got four of our lemurs or past quarantine I'm gonna wait till they're all past quarantine and then just move them all at the same time uh the only problem is which I've just thought is that I believe they can climb yes so they need grade one climb proof more than 1.25 meters and they need all water that's more than three meters wide and one meters deep so they can't swim um or they can't swim very well so I'm gonna pause the game so we don't keep getting alerts so we what you could do is just have water separating them from the the guests what I'm gonna do is probably use glass because it's resistance grade three which is way more than they need which is one and it's not climbable whereas wooden logs are climbable um so I'm going to just stretch this up here and make these all glass foreign [Music] but then it's raised up around the door so it doesn't look too odd and then I'm going to just put a little path through the habitat and again I think I'm going to use this natural path that has the little fence on it because I really like this little fence it's very cute and I'm just going to make a little part through the habitat that our guests can walk through foreign I've kind of made like a bit of a flowy path through just a very basic one um I don't want to make it too complex I actually want to leave a lot of the space open because I know that lemurs can get stressed sometimes and I want them to be able to uh to escape if they need to um from the area they can also climb over the path and I'm going to build bridges over so I'm not too worried about dividing this habitat into which is sometimes a concern if you put a guest Gator two ends which is why I've I've put them at two ends in this case so guests can completely walk past the habitat if they don't want to go in um or if they have accessibility issues and they don't want to go through a habitat with lemurs and it's going to be stressful or something it's absolutely fine they can just walk past the habitat um but if they do want to go in they can go through this lovely little windy route that we've put in for them and it does take them quite close to this barrier's Edge I might just move this very slightly over so that we can have some trees or something and make it a bit nicer rather than being up against the wooden posts but other than that I'm pretty happy with the shape there we go I think that's a little bit better and it stopped raining which is great okay let's get all of our lemurs in here let's select all of them they're all past quarantine let's move you into habitat 34 or as it shall now be known lemurs we also need to add lemurs to the work Zone I don't think we've done that already so let's select work Zone Africa middle oh we have we've already added it that's perfect um in that case we can start doing things like oh quarantine's fault that's okay we're moving them out you can see the number start to drop on there they're going to just take them out and put them into this habitat we've had babies ah we've had poppies listen adult no though oh my goodness there's three puppies how cute are these foreign adorable oh find that Mom very very cute our mechanic research is complete wow we're getting more barriers by the second this is great I'll leave them to carry on the only concern I have about having glass barriers is they're quite weak but I think it's going to be fine in this instance I just need to make sure that yeah it's 1.9 meters on this side so it just needs to be above 1.25 I think yeah they're not they're not specially Adept at climbing glass we need to be careful with our trees though that you don't have the trees overhanging the uh the path because if you do and they're climbable um particularly climbable trees they'll just climb out of them and drop onto the path and terrorize your guests here we are who are Limas are being are arriving oh there's some long grass here I'm gonna quickly just go on to terrain and uh reiterrane this before it gets too crazy and then we can uh we can have a look at them all foreign ERS can run through the past so I don't even have to worry about having walkways over that's perfect look at them running around having a great time these are really cool wow okay they're good at jumping that's how they're getting through they're jumping over oh I do have I have concerns about this side of the habitat now though because this is all climbable I didn't think about that before I'm just gonna quickly add in another layer of habitat right here foreign [Music] [Music] I think that's what you were running towards valona you cheeky little thing um but we've uh We've sorted it out now let's have a look at the others oh it's all the Red Rough Limas are in here now oh we've got another reward as well adopt and place two different habitat species we're doing so well with this we have a ring-tailed lemur and it's the male well there's no other name than King Julian for this guy I I didn't even mean to create a Madagascar so it's just kind of happened organically but I absolutely love it and I have no regrets oh the people are starting to come through here as well which is amazing I'm just gonna pause though because I don't want them to do anything like litter so I'm gonna put some recycling bins along here because I want to make sure that they're throwing away any rubbish that they're bringing in with them and I'm also going to add in some donation bins and now I'm gonna add some of these do not disturb signs so that people are quiet and are aware that they need to be respectful of the animals while they're in here I'm gonna go in the heat maps and click on security I believe it is and then I can show do not disturb signs okay the coverage of this is good we probably just need one more uh at the entrance here there we go we could also have some do not feed signs because that is also very important um I don't want it to become too much of a you're not allowed to do this but at the same time we need them to be respectful of the animals so I'm just going to put them as double signs everywhere foreign there we go now our guests know you're not oh those people just blipped out uh now I guess no you're not allowed to feed them and please be respectful and quiet of the animals so hopefully the animals will be a lot less shy in here our little lemurs um they need a lot more climbable area but we can sort that out that's absolutely fine and they need more plant coverage and they need it from Africa tropical which is really cool um I think it's similar on the Okapi habitat and I love these plants so I'm gonna have a really good time decorating this one um we've got low welfare at the minute I don't know why that is it's the social group we need we need more adults that's absolutely fine let me just check again I believe all of them need two uh if we do need more we can always get more uh animals oh it's three to Thirty for the ring total limit so we have to be careful um that we've actually got enough okay it's just the uh the black and white rough Lima that needs two all the others need three so the Red Rough limb is absolutely fine but we need to get some more ring-tailed lemurs we can see we've got a really good male here um I'm gonna get this gonna get this mail while we can um I can't see a good female that we can afford right now um I can maybe refresh the list uh but no I don't think they're coming in so we'll have to just keep our eyes open for another one and move this ringto De Lima into quarantine and then put them into the habitat also realize that we've got our new male otter in here Felipe he's having a great time gonna need a new name for him uh we had uh big Tony and then large Larry I believe so maybe we need another big something or something like that uh please do suggest in the comments what you want them to be called he's having a great time though at the minute and we can get some proper breeding going on again I'm gonna take the females off of uh contraceptives because they don't have to be on them anymore oh and we've got our black and white rough lemurs in as well look at these guys how cool are they wow these are probably my favorite they look so fluffy and cuddly look at them adorable guests think tickets are underpriced I'm gonna make it 34 and 16 or 18. 17. can't do maths anymore I think it's 17 yeah oh no Animal Welfare is attractive protesters what's wrong they need more they're fine they they're not amazing on space but I think that's just because they haven't got any climbing yet so it's just basically that we need to put the stuff in that I'm going to do now so I'm going to put some nature in the habitat and then that will also give them climbing but then I'll probably put some enrichment climbing in as well um in fact I'm going to start with enrichment climbing while it's easier to see and then I'm going to add some nature into the habitat [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] one structure here that's kind of like a little walk along frame and then we've got another structure that's kind of like a a tree house type platform thing which I think is a bit weird and a bit different I think because there are so many climbable trees now uh in the game I'm gonna do the rest with just nature so yeah I'm gonna add some nature in now checking in on what types they like it looks like they like African tropical plants so these are going to be awesome foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay I think I've done quite a lot of plants there what I love is that we've got these beautiful cake box in which are just the biggest trees um in the game I think unless maybe redwoods might be bigger but they're absolutely massive I just want to check that the dogs next door are gonna be happy and none of the plants have kind of spilled into their territory no they haven't that's good okay and now we just need to check that the Lemurs are all happy ah so they're not happy there's one the bohab tree this is what I wanted to check which needs to move very slightly over here and then we can just check it again yeah and it's gone now um so they're all happy with their their plants now they're at 58 coverage they probably need some hard shelter they do because they've not got a lot with all of this I think I might actually just build some into this Rock area over here um look at them look at them just climbing on the rocks oh a bit of a jump [Music] so cute but I wanted to build in these privacy areas with the Rocks because whilst they're happy to be around humans they do get a bit shy sometimes or that they're neutral around humans I think so oh and this is what I was afraid of um so let's uh emergency capture this animal or can we uh maybe it's because it's not officially landed there we go emergency capture the animal we need to check that they can't escape and if they can we need to make sure that they can't so there is now a route here because of these rocks I think we're quite lucky and that's it um okay that's not too bad so we just need to make sure these rocks are moved slightly further in so that they can't jump quite as far let's see if that works now oh there's still some here because they can stand here let's just move this one in recalculating they can't get out I was worried whether they could climb the k-pops and jump out but I don't think they can so I think we're all good on that front which is great so our animals can't escape we only had one minor incident um oh we've got a reward as well breed exhibit species nice we're doing that and now they can run along the side but they can't get out that's what we want and at some point we'll probably have one-way glass here because it'll get them less stressed anyway but for now I think this is fine and I believe that this is a the feeding platform at the bottom here so it's it's not just a normal one this is where they're going to get fed they've got their water here it should be clean water so they've got all their needs as far as that they just need I'm gonna pause the game because a lot is happening um they just need their shelter so I think we're just going to whack a wooden shelter in as we've as we've done before all right there we go we've got a nice wooden shelter just built into these rocks here and they've got some some bedding in there so I think that's everything they need on that front and we've already got all our donation bins oh here we go so low welfare so it could be due to stress space oh okay a little bit stuck if I trap them in yes I have so that's okay I'm just gonna box the animal they now can't get down and then I'm gonna can we move it let's just move you over here in the habitat launch them away and now he's happy again he's got lots of space lots of climbing area that's what we want it means they can't get on top of here but that's not a bad thing because we don't want them to jump out so I'm not gonna make it so they can climb on here especially um I'm just going to leave it as it is let the game Run a bit we've got our donation bins in here we've got our normal bins they're just walking around we're telling people not to feed them and to be quiet this is going quite well oh look there's a balloon look at that they've got these new uh balloons you know and I think this is in the uh one of the free updates um they've added balloons like animal balloons which is awesome oh look at them they're using our our platforms very cool and they can climb down the tree I did put a little ramp on this side as well if they're feeling lazy they can just they can just climb the lamp uh the lamp the ramp don't climb a lamp they're a bit warm okay so I think what we need to do now is we need to add some education because I don't think we have any uh at this point no we don't um we do need to get an educator to come I think I'm just gonna there's one here I'm gonna grab one of these and put it over here maybe um let's go there we're gonna need some more power but that's fine there we go and now we can just link this seating up confirm the link and we want this to be on which one are we gonna do okay so the ringtone lemur is the least it's endangered but the uh the Red Rough Lima and the black and white Lima are critically endangered so they've got 29 000 is the lowest number we got there let's see how many of the black and white one thousand okay so we're gonna do the black and white rough Lima because they're by far the most endangered animal so it's the one that needs the most talking about I think for our Zoo um we need people to be donating to this in fact we have donation bins outside we don't let's grab some of these donation bins and put them outside as well okay lots of chances to donate now uh we've got our nice little city here over here I think we need to check the time that they're running um let me just do that quickly okay so this one wasn't set correctly either so we've got March for the uh a copy let's have this one in May the African wild dogs otherwise they'll be in two places at once and then we can have this be May June July we'll have them do the Lima talk in July or perhaps it makes a bit more sense for them to do this one in may actually let's have you in May and then you in July African dogs because then they can just walk around can't they makes a bit more sense they start here they come round then they go back here and then they can come all the way back and have a bit of a rest or something we'll give them a bit of a rest after uh July in fact they could probably use both staff rooms I'm just going to edit their work Zone because that's quite close to there let's have Africa middle be able to utilize this star from as well because that is quite close and maybe the keeper Hut too which I think is this building uh yes it is so I got both keeper Huts they can use whichever they want I think that just makes a bit more sense and then we need to make sure that the zoo work zone now includes our solar panel and make sure that our unassigned staff I'm assuming this is the Africa middle keeper uh not keeper educator so now we've got Steve Owen on exhibits oh we don't want to run Zoo okay African middle we want uh Lynette to be on the entrance one so you've got the giant otters and birds tape here taper um so we've got these two habitats uh in this first one then we've got uh Africa middle or Africa entrance we need an Africa middle so we actually need another educator because I believe we've got education points we do let's hire a fourth educator I'm aware that they could probably do more but I'm not I'm I'm not especially worrying about it I'm just going to train everyone up because uh we do have a lot of money from this Zoo currently and it could be a little bit better spent perhaps but I'd rather the staff had less to do and make sure they did it right every time rather than trying to like maximally optimize everyone's time um and once they're more trained up then we can always re-jig it later because they're going to be more capable of doing stuff when they're uh when they're more important when they're better at their job but I mean we've only got one Idol staff member at the minute and that's really not bad and it's vendors as well and I'd rather the vendors be idle sometimes but still always have like someone on the place to look after it because if you don't have anyone there you're just losing money essentially because no one's selling anything so let's have you on Africa entrance so we've got Africa entrance Africa middle the actual entrance to the zoo the first two habitats and then exhibits that's everyone so everyone should be getting a nice education talk now we've also had a quarantine passed on our ringtone Lima so let's move them in to make sure that our lemurs aren't lonely perhaps we should have a look and see if they're any more um oh there are okay let's get this I don't mind them being small so much let's get this one and then let's move them to the quarantine I think we just need to check the numbers to check how many are in here so we've got one of each on the black and white rough Lima then we've got two of each for the Red Rough Lima and two males can release we actually need two females uh assuming that they've put yes they have put the box one back in oh that was a red Red Rough lemur anyway I think so let's get another female let's get this one as well and if I've miscounted you can never have too many lemurs so many albino animals or I'll I'll buy no animals I don't know how you say it uh we can get more males I'm gonna go for a fairly cheap one I'm gonna go for this one because I don't want to use our conservation conservation credits too much on on Limas okay and now I'm gonna send you to quarantine foreign very nice and carry on doing that I'm just going to link this up I'm going to change this later so I don't mind leaving it like that for now and I think that's everything for this episode if you've liked it please give it a like it really does help the channel and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: PawsBuild
Views: 70,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo franchise mode, planet zoo animals, planet zoo game, planet zoo playthrough, planet zoo playthrough playlist, franchise mode, pawsbuild, pawsbuild planet zoo, planet zoo let's play, planet zoo let's play franchise, franchise mode let's play, zoo, planet zoo conservation, planet zoo eco zoo, eco zoo, planet zoo ring tailed lemur, planet zoo red ruffed lemur, planet zoo black and white ruffed lemur, planet zoo lemur, planet zoo lemurs
Id: BJ_Rbc0zW6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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