Surprising Brent Rivera With 24 gifts in 24 hours!

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they're literally in the middle of the street right my now what's up guys and welcome back to my channel so me and the boys are at the lake right now it's a beautiful day we got our kayak so we don't actually have a lake but we have a parking lot dude that's not the same thing at all yeah all right well yo who wants to come with me don't want to go no i'm actually good right here all right are you ready dude i don't want to do this bro such a bad idea guys go down below drop a thumbs up for our safety we're clearly going to need it they're literally in the middle of the street right now i thought i was gonna die dude i'm not doing that again oh my my god we hit the freaking shopping cart i'm dead this guy is crazy i almost got killed three times before i actually die we're done with kayaking this is too sketchy back for subscriber of the week this week we have connor sarah ava ryan and drake wait drake i guess drake likes to subscribe um thank you drake if you want a chance to be on the wall at my warehouse next week all you have to do is like this video subscribe to my channel comment down below when you are done and i will pick five people to be on the wall at my warehouse next week all right so about a year ago jeremy and i competed in an olympic challenge to see who was the strongest but we have been working out a lot in the past year so we're gonna find out today who is the strongest out of us it's definitely gonna be me um this guy has a shirt off already so i'm just gonna freaking join you whoa take my shirt off so we're competing in five challenges today and they are sprint high jump weight hold rope climb and who can live the most weight like this video if you think i'm gonna win and comment down below if you think i'm gonna win let's go okay so challenge number one is the sprint race are you ready let's go baby okay three two one go and they're off you guys better hurry better hurry i got smoke holy crap i'm gonna die okay well jeremy wins the first round round number two is who can lift the most weight so we have all these weights right here we will keep on getting heavier until someone wins losers go first wow easy easy yeah there we go all right so this is 115 there we go pounds go oh the next round is 135 pounds let's go oh ah now we're moving on to 185 pounds it's a big jump so oh oh my god what oh my god no i can't do it man you can't do it i win round number three is the high jump so we have this ramp right here and a bunch of foam big cubes each run we're gonna get higher and higher until someone messes up and then obviously they'll be a winner for comparison this wall is about eight feet tall oh no let's go back whoa i win the third round let's go all right ready three two one this is hard stop dude stop stop i'm reporting dude it's kicking me no stop cheating let's go alright whatever jeremy wins round four it's currently two to two round number five is the rope climb so fastest time to the top wins three two one start let's go ben oh my god holy crap ben got it in 6.6 seconds oh my god all right jeremy three two one go come on come on come on well there's nearly no time because he didn't make it to the top you lose dude oh my god you guys know what that means i'm the winner we'll do this challenge again next year to see who's the stronger friend but for now i guess it's me but jeremy's still strong all right guys so it is currently eight in the morning it is so early but today is brent's birthday and what we're doing is we're surprising him with 24 gifts in 24 hours so surprise number one is balloons and confetti he's still sleeping so let's go wake him up [Applause] happy birthday oh my god oh happy birthday bread what the world is going on so surprise number one complete surprise number one um surprise number two do you want to come in uh here we go we got some breakfast breakfast in bed for friends oh my gosh meet up get ready and we'll meet you downstairs for surprise number three okay all right brent and it's time for surprise number three turn around and see surprise number three a party box let's go yo no way yeah what this thing is huge this is sick [Music] all right time for surprise number four oh great they keep counting from kleenexes oh okay oh my gosh money tissues oh shut up are you kidding me okay brent so we're here at target for surprise number five you have five minutes to go on a shopping spree buy whatever you want and i'll pay for it okay all right the five minutes has started brent is on his shopping spree let's start with a friend's hat how about that he's he's going for everything classic right here gaming controller that's 65 bucks we're gonna be making some more music and we're gonna get a basketball a football why not right now you can play baseball yes i can't can i get this but buy it sure oh yo some dog food you don't even have a dog see i'm gonna get this heart right here okay kitkat kats hershey's eminem's all right brent made it to check out surprise number five complete what the next surprise is that you get this lamborghini for the entire day shut up we're currently in the lamborghini right now oh god [Music] oh my god oh this thing is so fast another surprise yay i have this envelope for you what does it say push anyone in the pool pass shut up so i can use this whenever i want yeah i mean everyone agreed to it that like you could push them in the pool whenever you want really i think i want to use this pass right now and i want to use it on you here wait what come stand over here back okay this is a terrible idea this backfire actually hold on should i push mason in the pool kiddo this surprise definitely backfired on me okay brent i have another surprise for you okay all right close your eyes okay so brett i got your crush to come today my crap your your dream girl yeah i got your crush her up and um you're gonna get a little kiss wait what yeah just [ __ ] her up did ava come all the way from mexico to do this to me [Music] ava she's beating me with a cucumber so pierson and i have another surprise for you will you marry me sure why did you stop he doesn't look very happy a new married man i love my new ring uh what about your new wife i like my ring more so as you guys know it's brent's birthday of course so i made him some t-shirts that we can wear we need some t-shirts oh my god all right we got our new shirts on i've never taken it off all right team brett is sexy on three ready one two three friend is sexy can i get one of these shirts no where do you find these i'm actually selling them i'm kidding no it doesn't hurt that's the bad thing about it it's so hot that's crazy happy b day daddy oh my gosh it's a tattoo no no well you know happy birthday daddy yeah thank you all right honestly guys i have lost track of the surprises we're gonna put it up on screen right here i have no idea which number this is but for this one we have mariachi man hello [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] everybody okay so brent i've set you up a little game each of these cups is worth a different amount of money as you can tell we got a hundred bucks a thousand bucks 50 bucks and 20 bucks you have five shots whatever cup you make it in i will give you that amount of money so five shots all right oh my god oh twenty one okay all right last one you got 40 bucks hey i am very happy about that okay so normally i wouldn't ever let anyone do this but since it's your birthday i thought i would let you post whatever you want on my instagram story really i'm really only letting you do this because it's your birthday literally no i pressed it i don't even want to know what it is i clogged brent's toilet again and i don't want to tell him thanks brent at least lexi's going to get a good laugh from that yeah let's get she can relate okay so we're back in the lambo and i feel like brent i haven't given you like an actual gift yet like i haven't given you a physical gift they've all done oh wow they've all been surprises okay oh and i i got you a gift you got me something from victoria's secret all right no way you got me airpods yeah it wasn't actually victoria's secret okay we have another game for you brent it involves a ping pong ball as well so as i drop the ping pong ball each time your hand goes under it 100 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 30 45 all right brent ben has another gift for you here you go open it up free prank pass on bed yeah this is definitely gonna come in handy now i have literally every right to prank him yeah i'm definitely going to use this when he least expects happy birthday to you that's a solo birthday but brent i got you a birthday cake blow out the candle it's not working honestly since you gave me so many surprises i feel like i should give you like a surprise let me get it out of my back pocket oh i got me a surprise that's not the surprise i thought it would be okay if you follow me this way you're gonna find some of your favorite foods oh my gosh we have like literally pounds of candy here um pizza with pineapple on it your favorite everyone knows i love pineapple on pizza enjoy your food ah thank you it oh my god guys brent is literally out there eating the candy wait brent like sickened me to come alright we are a little sore you give him a foot massage oh what it's my birthday hurry up brent just demanded a foot massage i'm coming brent is living his best life right now oh yeah oh oh wow i hate this so much oh my god all right i'm done i'm not doing that anymore all right we have done 23 surprises so far which is literally one more until we're done i'm broke and i have no more ideas so for surprise 24 i'm just gonna give you a high five because okay i'm out of ideas and i'm out of money all right guys go comment down below have you read the bread and also happy birthday to me because the day i'm posting this is also my birthday so hey for your birthday i'm not gonna give you 24 surprises i'm only gonna give you one thank you and that's this hug oh wait what thank you brad for everyone watching go give this video a like for ben's birthday and comment down below for brent's birthday oh okay all right guys well i'll see you guys next week i love you guys so much stay wild baby
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 9,519,491
Rating: 4.9620929 out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson
Id: fozqb0xZ_E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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