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the hottest noodles on planet earth [Music] what do you do how would you get it to come out of your nose like yeah i hate you i love you still open up what's up guys and welcome back to my channel so we are here standing in front of the hottest noodles on planet earth oh my god how to buy these online because no one sells them they're that hot first person to finish their plate of spicy noodles wins one thousand dollars oh i don't know why we're doing this dude are you guys ready on your marks get set go oh god oh god oh i don't know if i can do it bro there's no mouth [Music] oh my god i'm really sweating right now [Music] i need to dance so he goes away what do you holy crap sure it's coming off man what are you guys doing push-ups for i am dying right now i'm literally dying why are we all shirtless now oh oh my god all right well the winner of the thousand dollars is jeremy i gotta go i got it oh i'm definitely about to be on the toilet for the rest of the day so i'll see you guys later back in the podcast room for subscriber of the week so last week anyone who had subscribed to my new channel stay wild had a chance to be subscriber of the week so this week we have sebastian justin gymnastics kid hannah avery hayla elena abby joyce and jacqueline so thank you to everyone who subscribes to stay wild it means the world to me if you want a chance to be subscriber of the week next week we're doing this one more time all you have to do is subscribe to stay wild first link in the description that's literally it and you might have a chance to be subscriber of the week next week also a new podcast with pearson just came out on stay wild so check it out uh we exposed pearson you're not going to want to miss it so today i'm going to have my friends read some comments a lot of you guys leave super sweet comments on our post but others um not so much so today we're gonna be focusing on those comments and i'm pretty much gonna have my friends read their hate comments so let's go all right so i'm here with brent hello um we have the microphone again oh no last time my mom found out that i stained her couch i'm not doing this again okay i'm not exposing you this time okay so um as you know you get some comments on your post a lot of them are nice but some of them not so much what do you mean they're interesting oh great okay brent i like your hair how would you get it to come out of your nose like that this is funny oh my god i have a lot of hair in my nose brent's face looks like he's about to let out a big shh poop guys comment down below if brent looks like he um is about a poop pearson is going to be another ava situation if brent doesn't make a move [Music] and that one is hard all right well now it's time to go to my other friends and read their hey i want to see jeremy's hate comments oh god those those are going to be interesting okay oh jeremy oh ben what's going on man jeremy copied dom's hair to get girls what i've had this hairstyle for like seven years cherry's hair looks like he has a peacock on his head okay okay that's a little bit more understandable or real jeremy really be thinking he looks good my man looks like a boiled egg like this video if jeremy looks like a boiled egg jeremy is the type of person to wear the same underwear for two days and never wears a shirt jeremy be completely honest with me how long have you been wearing this pair of underwear okay listen this is literally the first time i've done this in a while you're telling me you wore that pair of underwear yesterday yeah why is it so accurate i'm not a dirty person at all i'm not even wearing underwear bro yeah all right i am with alan and alex alex alex is chill but the flamingo hair is too much for my eyes to handle why is that so funny is it me or does allen look like v from bts no i agree it's that time of the day oh no why does everyone hate the microphone lexi rivera is do i have to say all these relays say it all lexi rivera is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really ugly do you think they got the point i agree okay so i'm with dom and pierson and we're about to do one of the biggest videos i have ever done what are we doing biggest you have no idea what we're doing no all right let me uh let me show you three two one [Music] so we are going to be putting 1 000 pillows inside of a trampoline and then you know jumping in why do my videos always backfire oh all right so we definitely didn't just spend um three thousand dollars on pillows bro you know better things that you could have put that money towards you know we're donating them after so it's a good cause as well so let's get started so we have all our pillows and this trampoline right here the goal is to put all the thousand pillows inside this trampoline and then jump inside and see what happens i'm actually so down this is so fun it's time to fill the trampoline with 1000 pillows [Music] and the final pillow let's go [Applause] [Music] all right so we're climbing up to the second story right now to jump off into the thousand pillows before i jump in the pillow please drop a thumbs up on this video for my safety from all of our safety i could die guys like the video we need it whoa oh all right three two oh my god bro he literally just disappeared is he alive i'm alive oh my god yo guys that was the coolest feeling i've ever experienced you just like sink in the pillows okay i gotta try this oh my gosh mom's gonna go oh this one's for you oh no don't don't move i'm coming in oh my god oh my god and i'm doing a flip oh my god all right you know what's left to do pearson uh it's your turn i'm a little scared not gonna lie all right pearson here we go three two one she did it all right so we're outside real quick for a little challenge we each have a pillow with our first initial on it we're about to have a pillow throwing contest outside the person that throws the pillow the shortest has to jump on a trampoline full of legos oh well by the looks of it my pillow right here went to shoreditch all right well it's time for me to go jump on lego's bare feet there's another day in my life let's go so we got a bucket full of legos i don't want to do this these look really painful to be honest what are you guys doing oh uh we're actually about gotta jump on the trampoline with legos you're just gonna jump on it you're not gonna like i feel like you should jump off something are you you're trying to kill him i don't like that ladder what kind of idea is that i hate you i love you still no i'm just kidding oh my gosh oh my god i mean it's only right if i go shirtless exactly oh my god i hate this so much [Music] what just happened well that was a great challenge let's go back to the pillows where it's you know less painful and it's a bit softer all right if you guys don't remember we had a trampoline tower with five trampolines stacked on top of one another um we have two of them remaining we're gonna use them to jump into the trampoline with pillars here we go holy crap okay we figured that we have to pull the prank so uh dom's over there um we're gonna go over there grab dom's phone and then chuck it into the pillow dom uh good luck finding your phone buddy okay dom what's up i have a magic trick to show you okay can i see your phone real quick there we go okay see your phone right here yeah watch this it's gonna disappear in five four three go two no don't do that that's not funny no no no no it disappeared no literally like a thousand pillars in here man this is gonna take so long we should mix it up real quick so no no no no no no no i literally don't even see it from here bro i literally don't see it dude this isn't funny there's a thousand pillows and one phone it can't be that hard it's very hard man oh it's right there it's right there no i'm kidding so i wonder how dom's doing in the pillows um it's been about 10 minutes all i see is like hands flailing pillows flying everywhere oh there's so many pillows oh my god i found it after thinking about what to do next this happened no way dude you're joking for some reason we thought it'd be a good idea to take the trampoline and pillows outside and try to jump off the roof of my warehouse into the pillows oh my god guys this is about to be insane everything is all set up done are you ready um you know i just remembered i'm actually super busy right now so i actually have to go but don't worry i got my friend z here he's really good at jumping off stuff so uh i'm just gonna head out but thank you yeah cool you're lame all right well me and z are jumping off the warehouse that's running let's get it guys if you don't know see the train professional i am not holy [Applause] oh my god all right z you got this three two one oh my god oh we made it baby we survived i look lame now i'm just gonna leave all right we're climbing back up we're doing it one more time because why not mom dad i love you three two one one of my craziest videos i've ever done hands down now you guys know why it's called stay wild oh my god she got the perfect face
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 14,956,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, trampoline, trampoline challenge, last to leave trampoline tower, trampoline vs, pillows, mouse traps, funk bros
Id: _eZ_WrBhOdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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