Surprising My Husband With His Dream Car! - Prank

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today I decided to send Preston on a crazy and silly scavenger hunt with the surprise ending he's sure to never forget I've had a couple of successful prints now though I thought I might as well keep these pranks going subscribe for more pranks bro yeah the Avengers are great so I really want to prank Preston it okay thinking of John I could use your help yeah of course what do you mean what do you think okay well we have to go downstairs I have the riddles I have like ordering the riddled scavenger I might give it away so uh let's go he wouldn't be good no let's go rustic okay John are you ready to find Preston I'm so ready for the scavenger hunt that's just one place we have a whole office to check what's protectable that's true maybe he's in the bathroom should we show him in the bathroom privacy gee John she had a nerf gun and she's asking me why I'm hiding no what I said I might lose it Preston you should come out from any scaredy-cat no hate scavenger hunt but I am no scaredy cat finally your own for your cave I was born out of this cave press it it's a scavenger hunt don't you love these pingyao take your clue Preston and figure out what you got I don't like aventura Hey load the gun because I'm so not there's not even any nerf bullets in this rock your blue he rhymes with first clue reading I'm something your car needs in order to run I'm also good on bread mix with vinegar and your done never seen this blue I'm something your car needs in order to run I'm also good on bread mix on bread me can you please add commas when you're supposed to add commas it's a really big run-on sentence I get your grammar a c-minus well Preston you better try to figure that out because I'm not helping you what Oh Bri where'd you go bust it Bri just vanish I know what I'm looking for what do you doing dude all I'm saying is when I find Brianna she's don't get it and also John I'm tired of losing my clues so I taped it to my chest is this a good idea it given me a double chin if I try to read it to ya I'm not very good at reading this John I'm just gonna need you to read the clue from now on okay here we go in [Music] I've been searching for hours and I still haven't even found the faintest hint to the next we should ask Bree something more before she bounced out with her magic Lukas dude we're both bad with riddles yeah you John no offense but hold on let me just get it's your challenge and it's your scavenger hunt relax John if you help me get the spoils of war I'll share some of it with you okay it's something in your car and we need it to run so what is needed for a car to run think about it yes city gas yes Hey a spark plugs but I guess that's like technically a mechanical primer you know not a driver I'm not a part of the ingredient John it's gotta be something else I need you to think with your head not with your stomach and apparently it's good with bread what is something that a car has that also mixes good with bread cooking I'm not Turkish I don't know exactly what this is Shelley olive oil a car runs on oil right now it runs on gasoline oil it's just used to lube okay really something like that is still an ingredient you're right don't catch me on the docks and I'll check the olive oil place here but if it's not there then you are going to get kicked out okay well I'm giving you one strike for saying that to me you can't give me a strike I've given you strike right now and strike the striker this is getting ridiculous there's a hottie running full of us well that's my wife - my wife wait do we find you was it olive oil I told you pressed a no cars I need oil not olive oil would you like a price you can clean your car Oh sack dude it's so much worse than the other videos guys please leave a like and subscribe right now if you think that these are terrible I am I think I'm gonna go throw this away hey you come back here but don't mess it he didn't even get his second clue Bree Oh Preston doctor see I told you he deserves one strike that's very pressing you uh you're being rude yeah I'm being rude because my gift that car was very rude that was being rude my gift I got whites what kind of man wants whites as a gift John no man give me that clickety click and gift it is it's not even my birthday yeah Bree I don't know if that makes sense okay you know what Bree take her birthday card back why don't you save it for when I turn 26 this year when your vamp oppressed I am NOT a grandpa now let me please digest my next clue before I hit get a yak I'm sure you've heard our song it's on TV a lot we've got parts for your car when you're caught and I'm not great this is even more difficult than the first clue and the first clue already smelled like a dirty old shoe I'm getting sick and tired of these clues John you have any idea what this means person I've only been thinking about for 30 seconds if the first clue smells so bad why did Tay tell you jazz you know I have a thing for losing things like my keys my wallet it was good to me and I didn't want to lose the first clue and he's about to lose me Bree where'd you go I know what the clue means what mayonnaise the man how'd you get mayonnaise from that cars runoff of mayonnaise John they do not look the clue says if it's a part of a song right and it's got parts for your car when you're caught in a not mayonnaise what gets not south mayonnaise Preston have you ever been stuck in and now there's a knot in your brain why are we at a grocery store suppose we lookin for car stuff I'll put the mayonnaise down let's go check out the bread maybe you're right John it does say something about a knot and guess what bread is kind of knotted like the dough then they faked it you know are you thinking I'm thinking straight I feel like you're not thinking straight and honestly right now I'm thinking about buying one of those dough not yes it's a donut you know how to pronounce donut not maybe we should buy a few we're not gonna buy a donut John Ronquillo we can't absurd why do you think we don't then think you might have to get some bread Preston no bread bread is not in the list we might need some bread maybe maybe it's in the watermelon section John where what are you talking best then you're loosing your brain these clues are making me lose my brain well let's have will let's stay on track with the core stuff you think the clues are leading us to a car that's what you told me last time what's the engine with bread and a car she gave you a car cleaner so Preston it probably has to do with car stuff okay what do you think we can buy a watermelon before we go what what guess what okay John I found the nearest auto parts store basically just for the record it was my idea yeah John's ideas haven't really been so good so far have they got first idea worked if you are right about this and Bree is around the corner I'm gonna be very upset no don't tell me she's right there here this is for your car it can make it smell good and then you can squeeze your car and make it pretty and then look this is bright and it makes your car colorful it's LED multicolored globe kicked like this hey press 8 turn your frown upside down this I don't want any of this stuff I don't like it okay I don't want any of it I see you're gonna try to my video games or something like v bucks it's for your car here put it in your pocket for later this is your second clue third clue what Claire are we on John Woo 3 breathe in 2 3 what this car turns into an actual car I don't believe you it does how do you do it then hold it a lot all right let me watch I'll taste cold origamis no I say your breath your day I don't think it worked John I tried to fold it and did some origami and it didn't turn and you ruin it I told you it wasn't magical John just read just read the third fine I'll read the third clue we will help you fix your car or truck now find this present fast or it will be bad luck yeah it's gotta be a rabbit they're fast I can give you bad luck or good luck this is how we're getting a third time John it's time to go to the zoo Mikey what are you doing here hey oh no no no no no it's you scavenger leaf you can't be a part of scavenger hunt Keith sorry cool kids only sorry key sorry Keith you gotta go just go run run Keith run faster I gotta go to you pass then what are we doing at the taco place look tacos are good luck everybody knows that and the clue in specific said find this present fast or will be bad luck tacos go bad really fast John so we need to find their taco really fast well that does make sense but Bree would be here if we were in the right place we've been going with cars all day long and ate some either way buddy you're two strikes down you better be careful this time that means if I get one more strike I'll have three which is a turkey if you play bowling I'm getting sidetracked John I'm starting to get a little bit hungry so look I'll do you a favor we're at Taco Casa now let's just check out popeyes chicken Louisiana kitchen or whatever and then maybe we'll find it there Preston this is a bicycle shop John but we've got tires oh yeah where you Frick why would you do that your clue by the way still makes no sense we will help you fix your car or truck and we're at a bicycle shop sometimes you got to throw a wrench in there Preston you don't know that or sometimes you have to throw an entire car off the bridge more like it get it give me my gift I'm so glad I had backups you bought more can I just get the next clue bring a banana Hannah it's gonna be epic Oh Bree that's cool what is it Bree it's going to be the crunchiest mom in the entire world I'm just gonna go and say that I'm gonna be the coolest dad give just a little crunchy part you're getting strike three right now I don't I'm disappearing Hassan you made her disappear yeah he's got to stop doing that it's starting to give me PTSD he would stop doing if you treat her better no don't pump the brakes instead fix them up we've got you covered here when you need a backup is it me or you certainly a little bit worried about Bri I don't know if she's all there anymore her brain is like in a different universe listen I am not worried about Bri at all what I'm worried about you you're looking at food okay we're going on car stuff well yeah and also John look at what's in front of us Oh Pizza John it's $5 if you all Don you why would I bring my wall because I don't have my wallet wait don't tell me you don't have your wallet either neither of us have more why god this garbage I can't buy our whole pizza with an empty bag of nuts John this is not gonna wait you gotta give what you got right dude where are we gonna find this next clue it's talking about brakes it's talking about pumps weight gas pumps John to the gas station - I don't see Bri anywhere me neither and more here at that gas station which conveniently is actually right next to the Little Caesars but no Brianna do you think she's inside of one of these dude we're Almighty in there press you hear me wait maybe Brees in the trashcan trashcan who's been right more times out of not well I was just about to tell you that this is the best place you've thought of so far related to cars you haven't really been on track with much of it yes I have actually if anything I think I have been the master detective especially since I kicked keep you're looking for your wife in a dumpster well yeah that's why I found her before I married her that's strike four that's it she was she hide in the trash I don't know my wife is known if he kind of sneaky I mean you saw she was vanishing right before our eyes well here I have an idea but there's a car wash down the street no why would she be okay John the clue literally says don't pump the brakes instead fix them up car washes don't fix brakes yeah but they fixed the look at your car yeah but not talking about the look at the cob we're talking about the brakes hey don't point what I did wrong because he tried to go to Little Caesars just want some Pater present I'm trying to climb this half-full John right nothing you don't need to climb it that's a big wall I just want to get up here cuz what in frame that's actually at the carwash there's stairs right over there only weak people use stairs I use this there's you call me weak I'm toast strong John I don't use stairs I could if they're so strong then why your eyes wearing such weird glasses because it makes me stronger okay good huh huh how much luggage I thought it was well we're at the car wash John do you see Breanna anywhere they're closed the car watches they even open well maybe the tip is still here Preston fine let's begin scouting the area Preston what are you doing you can't walk into the carwash I'm Preston place John I can do what I want that's not what that means and I can't even wear my sunglasses that's uh no you look silly yeah well you were born silly I told you John oh boy can you stop doing that and can you stop doing that thing where you go and then disappear I'm really getting sick up buddy can you not do that anymore that's getting creepy oh cool wait is a remote control yeah she's lying isn't she I think she is wait so it's not even remote control the ungrateful it's made in China whoa that's it don't ruin it I might want it hey you promised me part of the scavenger hunt so give what but I just figured out how to open up the Lamborghini doors Oh really cool yeah wait right my fine you can have that ha get the clue I have to put on my reading glasses to see this guy's I'm gonna I'll make you disappear not again John you lost sight of her eye how could I keep trying old is banishing like a magician I told you to put the tracking device inside of her head what do you think that's a surgery huh yeah well whatever I'm sure she'd be fine she's like a nurse or whatever next clue I'll make you disappear as fast as Houdini for this last wish you don't need a genie yeah I think it's safe to say Breanna has totally lost your mind please leave a like on the video if you guys know one need good Hospital okay let's go look for his next goal so Preston have you figured out this clue yeah no I've been thinking about it for as long as I can remember I'll make you disappear as fast as Houdini for this last wish you don't need a genie makes no sense I get it I said it this Clues driving me nuts it you just destroyed the final clue that's the best prize laureates at the picture that it's on my Instagram follow me receiving our frags I just don't understand what I'm supposed to be looking for I were in a parking lot I think we're near some kind of ice cream factory press and close your eyes I don't know whatever okay my game eyes closed I'm not trying to be mean debris but she normally gives me stuff like bath bombs or like Hot Wheels cars and like the cap your beanie Nintendo switch games and it's sweet but like hey listen you keep your eyes closed you quit complaining my eyes are closed I'm not ungrateful I'm just not very grateful precedent I want you to put your hands out okay boy and look down into your hands for your big surprise ready right are you happy what is that noise it's a Lamborghini wait you show that show me Oh what are you doing in my car keys I was I was just in there get outta here this is my car now you were just taking random pictures with someone's labor you know that's my Lamborghini okay breathe what model is it because there's a lot of Lamborghinis is it an Aventador is it a Huracan I can't hurt heat oh it actually does say hurricane oh my god it's our economy it's a spider this was a rush to get in the bring me a Tesla so I thought I might as well repay the favor oh my gosh guys wait hold on hold on we're gonna start it guys the best part of a supercar is when you start it okay even for the start up you still buckle up guys safety first I ready this is the best gift anybody has ever gotten me thank you so much I'll be right back I have to get him something oh I don't know birthing too cuz this they get any better for you no it can't and you know what the funny thing is my birthday was like a month ago she could have waited until like you know Christmas Hanukkah maybe my next birthday she got it for me just burnt right there solo oh dude I'm stoked guys I'm so you okay oh whatever I did you I know I love my wife so much we're right to present believe me sorry sorry Barney I gotta go press for you what is it what is this I have your paperwork waiting my paperwork oh my god okay what's that red lettering wait it's a rental you have it for a few more hours Brae how could you do this if I'm good for a few more hours I'm gonna join will be like this [Music]
Channel: Brianna
Views: 1,791,600
Rating: 4.8445024 out of 5
Keywords: kids, funny, comedy, challenge, family, prank, surprise, surprising, preston, prestonplayz, dream car, dream, car, pranks, husband, wife
Id: YSUGtRakpqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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