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that's right welcome back Soviet Army for another late vlog my god bless you Holy Child hmm god bless my guys too all right that's enough Lucas there's a rule if you sneeze more than once like it turns from a bless you to like a nice alright anyway we're back and we have something special planned for you guys today as you know we love cars okay they're cool and everything whatever okay blah blah blah we have cars all right that's not we decided to turn it into a game though how can we expand how can we think bigger right what are we gonna do Cyrus we're do something really crazy today we're gonna adventure Pro cars to the test stealth mode hide and seek with supercars you choose your ride and I would say if you're faster you'll win that's mine that's mine I think I think it's like you find the best vibe yeah I mean I mean in this situation I feel like you can it's all about hiding right this is actually less of speed sighs well I mean I'm not playing tag oh my god I didn't see if you have more speed you can go to a faster sneak your location to find a better hiding spot so you have more time to get there while the person telling me if you just had it on the corner I know I think that whatever I use this car I don't think so I know so many of us sighs - all right let's play all right sorry I think Lucas and I gonna get the G Wagon okay and then you guys are gonna hide all right so you two are gonna be it you're gonna stick together because they're twins yeah and then so you're taking the G Wagon I see so you have more of an overview right yeah that's some okay maybe we get like a minute head start or something all right so Lucas and Marcus you're gonna be it they're gonna use that 4x4 G Wagon Cyrus and I are gonna take our own separate cars they're gonna give us a one-minute head start and um we're gonna sweep they can find us so me I got a rep Maya so this is gonna be fun I'm really excited also thank you guys so much for six million subscribers make sure you guys subscribe right here we love you so much and Wow we are all growing as a family but enough of me talking let's get started right yeah yeah start your engine player choose your ride let's go should you ride in the McLaren right now everyone's getting ready in their spaceships I deployed my rear wing air brake and it is time for battle let's go spaceship mode what you guys got I'm ready to be stealthy [Applause] yo Lucas are you stuck you'll be careful right maybe that will help I don't know yeah you put a second one alright [Music] here's that you pick that side up and lift it put it whatever oh my goodness science do you pick that side up we're gonna we're gonna have to get on square up put it right on the tire all right go baby wait bring another wood though bring another one another one let's line it up okay so I just pulled out of the garage it's game time we're pulling away off from the dobra headquarters um I don't know man looky some markets are pretty crazy so they might be able to find me but I know some places around here that I think I can hide so maybe I'll even go hide in a car wash I don't know but we have a minute so yeah let's go ahead and find a spot I'll see you guys in a little bit what happened bro my guys in Tucker's my guys I have to take the Tahoe yeah Wow you gotta use this coin out yeah it's crazy right yeah I'm gonna have to get it out sometime later yeah where's work yes bother you inside okay no also guys that brought my best friend richer along for the ride Oh as you know it's better to travel in tooth safer um you know it's an extra pair of eyes for me so I'm always thinking with my head you know what I mean but um dude richer I'm thinking about going in a car wash because I do need a car wash and like and I'm sure that's where it villains hide that's true I've been a bad boy so Lucas Marcus just got stuck Darius and I we're taking off right now two-minute head start I think I know where I'm gonna hide it's show time it's game night and we're off so I do feel bad saying this but at the same time not really because it's giving me a couple extra minutes to find a dope hiding spot make it a little bit harder for them to find me but um Lucas and Marcus's car actually did get stuck into mine so you know they had to go in and swap their car off for another one really quick so I mean hey I'm probably gonna be able to get a car wash and find a spot after that I can't really complain with that but at all if you guys give this video thumbs up and subscribe haha Eddie Morgan yeah Mehdi yeah yeah well how we gonna find them huh yes since but it's just a cause of really white colors like I said it would be easy to find I know but it's a big town like yeah that's true I think that it's so close to the house yeah I'm on the main road now I think I know where I'm gonna hide there's this building that I'm probably gonna hide behind keep you guys posted I mean Richard where do you think we should hide rolling what are you thinking car wash is a pretty good idea maybe the car wash just keep getting car washes until they find me could never hurt what about like up some abandoned warehouse or something we're like a garage downtown you know car wash still sounds pretty good all right car wash it is I got Darius right behind me let's see if we split off no he's right fine all right so it looks like Cyrus is actually going the same way as me but hopefully he's not going to a car wash - because that's my spot I think I found my hiding spot right here gonna hide behind this this building so it looks like Cyrus just pulling in here somewhere um it's not a bad spot I think it's a little close to that house but I mean good luck Cyrus looks like me and there's just splitting off right now or it goes Darius peace out bro he's off we still got a couple miles to go let's get to it right no I don't think that'd be here we may buy one in the city somewhere hmm but this is where I'm at I chose a parking spot all the way in the corner and hopefully they don't come back here think about it I mean I'm not trying to be too far away from the base but you know not too close either so not gonna lie though once they see a bit of the color of our cars they're gonna find this cuz these are pretty bright colors I mean got sat in Key West Lake and it pops good luck marks Louise I'm gonna call Marcus real quick you know and just taught them a bit yes I just call it yeah actually you know you find my saving tween my seed will find you eventually yeah what if we never find a match and I will find her all right we're gonna go ahead and do a couple of reps cuz my not right old green light okay I gotta go all right perfect perfect the light is green let's go ahead in and get this carwash do you think we should check this parking lot right here [Music] don't see anything I don't see anything great see anything nothing break that yeah yeah oh wait hold on keep going I didn't see anything right I guess so bicolor yeah [Music] look Jackie oh yeah yeah that's where I thought not gonna lie I would have really loved that if I had to love my life right here Christina I miss you baby Sarah brought you along for the ride I don't know guys should I move around a bit like maybe find a better more stealthier spot like there's not other spots here maybe I'll look around a bit oh look at this it's like cotton candy bro but we still gotta be quiet all right looky some markets might be out here somewhere but I think we're good there's no way they could see me right now what do you think they are Marcus well I've no idea yeah if you see a little blue a little yeah that's right what could they be don't see anything no catch yeah okay yeah excuse me guys yeah I have you guys see you guys in a yellow Lamborghini yeah I mean I can park in between those two cars or parking there somewhere you know there's some colorful things over there playground maybe oh I'll blend in more that's what I might do honestly yeah I think is my new hiding spot guys a little more hidden you know I don't know why right now I'm getting a little nervous I really don't want to come out of this carwash and see them there but I can see through it and they're not there um all right the carwash just got done I'm gonna drive out really slowly I think we're good guys I think we made it out alive what is the right boat yeah no what are you guys doing right now - you almost crashed into my car no we found you did you guys tell them where I was hiding bro is she the one I told you guys nah I met them they were pretty cool man no you know what's up guys oh you didn't find Cyrus yeah I know where he is but I can't tell you guys you guys where's me inside well I got money yeah I got money I got a dollar tell me where he's at all right he's parked at the church all right which one oh wait I can keep this yeah sure that she's a big one and so I wonder form the golf course oh hi we got him all right I'm following you guys all right II don't feel ill open that good stuff what's no problem and another thing that I love about the spas I could see my ride with my reflection fresh let's go let's go Marcus Lucas where are you guys like I actually want you to find me now yo so Darius told us where Cyrus is and this man up the street so one down one more to go hey you guys I'm throwing way too much attention here I'm have to move to another parking spot cuz uh this is not good this is not good alright this is much better far away from the building behind the tree hopefully this is enough they hid behind I see the blue I see the shark there he is there is here we got him that's another one here we got oh oh my gosh they found me and Darius 30 found Darius oh my god oh my god something wrong officer we're not officers but we're definitely the hiding seek relief [Music] what about a drought dude he gave me a dollar no he gave me a dollar man dollar all you Baba doesn't make chicken and I can't hear you all right you can't even buy a McChicken with the dollar because you gotta pay tax I'm a chicken is a dollar six and in California that's why we moved here all right Lucas Marcus you found us not bad I can't complain because I made a dollar ha ha ratted me out you ratted me out they were gonna find you anyway Cyrus come on I mean it's all just a game right we're gonna switch it up this time Cyrus and I are it Lucas and Marcus are hiding okay you mean flip that McChicken all right good luck [Music] yo you wanna hide together yeah hide together follow me what do you think I don't I guess we'll just find a place follow me all right you sure okay yeah I don't know where they are right now and this still isn't working like this is insane I guess we're gonna have to fund the service okay wait hold on hold on hold on I've seen any ketchup or mustard anywhere bro hold on I got them marked is dobre where are you all right we're goin I'm not really going to know I've been going the wrong way the whole the time my gosh but hey we're good now so let's go ketchup and mustard we're coming for you great see I don't think they're ever gonna find us because we're gonna hide together so y'all look it's where you go in what were we hiding don't just follow the be like I said yeah hurry up but here yeah I think they're gonna find us so sorry like at least puck in the corner what we got Richard helping us out - he's one of my best friends maybe we should hide like at the corner beau I'm never gonna find us we're literally in the middle of nowhere okay we got the location in we are on the way eta seven minutes there two point six miles away yeah and hopefully they're standing in the same spot and not moving around because I mean I'm gonna have to redo the whole find my location know wherever they are but Lucas Marcus yeah um assuming you guys are probably together because you guys always stick together you're probably together and um yeah we know where you are so you lose all you lose we all always stick together so it doesn't matter but yeah yeah they're from the same room you know I think he's moving bro yes yeah how many miles away did I say he was like 2.6 2.7 what's the update Darius all right we are one mile away three minutes to go I checked their location updated and they haven't something yellow where oh wait that's a sign uh actually thought you're being all right we got point nine miles left dude I don't know why but I really hope they're not eating without me because I really that's a fire of course come on man this series game stars no time for fooling around right two minutes away dude I've never driven down this road every two minutes out half a mile away no I again I'm feeling nervous really I really hope that they're here do you see anything sighs come on use those binoculars man don't see anything bro okay okay hold on I think they're about to be like right around this corner okay point three miles one minute away really they were around hearing you yeah I guess you really really thought you boys won really watch one do you see I don't see him I don't see it where wait where are we right now bro I don't know I've never been around here okay hold on 900 feet really hopefully they don't find us Bo and now that I cries - come on now there's no way that finding us do you see him I saw right over there oh this is like oh I think I have been around here bro what it's an abandoned Road all right well it says we've reached our destination but oh they're here they're not here right here they're here somewhere are you sure yeah wait I see taillights up there you see him Steve we're way up there way up there just been that car uh so what now you know hold on let's just go up out the whole area I'm gonna check the location again okay I think they're moving around they know that we're here oh dude dirt yo wait oh my gosh no I think he moved he knows wait they're not they're not hiding they oh oh wait I think did you see her name yeah I saw that did you see that yeah hold on Oh what did I see them yeah I saw a little little bit of yellow yeah what are they doing wrong all right all right are we playing tag now man like this obviously is in feather driving or hiding supposed to hide oh dude right there and I knew it that stop No yeah the rest right and there's your partner in crime get out of the car yep get out of the car come on let's get out come on you ought to know because you forgot to turn off your location bro you forgot to turn off your location oh no don't worry army-like car goes yeah anyone you guys forgot to turn up your location hey good game though not bad nah there's always a flaw in the system always I mean you know you win some you lose some you know Gordon they tell you oh hey guys they they told me Marcus I'm sorry I know I did hey yeah I'm good my location ah really yeah well you gotta think bro if you enjoyed it give it a thumbs up and subscribe folks every Friday and Saturday that's right it's actually pretty fun something different is a fun game you know um we love you guys more adventures to come with our cars with everything else if you love you guys peace
Channel: Dobre Brothers
Views: 3,835,030
Rating: 4.9024353 out of 5
Keywords: Dobre Brothers, The Dobre Brothers, Lucas and Marcus, Dobre Twins, Marcus and Lucas, Cyrus Dobre, Darius Dobre, Dobre Brothers YouTube, Lucas and Marcus pranks, Dobre brothers gymnastics, Dobre brothers pranks, Pranks, Gymnastics, Dance, Challenges, Music, Rap, Grocery Store, Cars, Reactions, Games, Food, Family, Collabs, porsche 911, hide and seek, hide and seek game, hide and seek with cars, hide and seek in massive mansion, hide in seek fortnite, mercedes benz g wagon, mclaren
Id: nsQinvqjpoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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