I Said YES to My WIFE for 24 Hours...

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today I'd listen to my wife for 24 hours I've already had to do this with my 13 year old little brother Joshua and it did not go well I think Breanna's even more of a savage than my little brother Josh in fact in this video she made me fly to Toronto Canada just to buy her real maple syrup it's currently in there signing merchandise I am going to pin a contract that it's gonna make me be the next person he has to say yes to for 24 hours oppressor what are you doing bro signing words probably my favorite things to do of the day well by the way Nick okay boss sorry really quick I just need you to sign this book contract for some supplies yeah a lines I got you I got you thanks a lot man appreciate it why is Briana squealing what do you thank you contracts before you sign though is that what the contractors for Nick that's where the contract is for so many videos we have to get done I know pressing ball work it's not my fault Briana's sneaky this is really funny he just ignored me I asked him to do some push-ups and he hasn't done anything I said you can't say no to a push-up okay I'm gonna beat you kid just working on a contract why are you doing push-ups yeah why am i doing push-ups well obviously if you didn't know the contract is electricity so whoever I touch has to do it to keep these are pretty sad push-ups don't judge my push-up I think you need to change shirts because you're a little sweating out yeah you're kind of what are those for gonna wipe my face yeah it's gonna be a long day Nick yeah he's definitely play home in the door for you I'm a jet on the gentleman opened the doors for their wives I really appreciate that no but I really want to drive you know what do one will have a lots time you drove this car nothing happened last time you drove it you get it a little bit of an oopsie I've been really wanting to drive this house I never get to drive okay okay just just go in the driver's side just thank you no hunting I bought that Sheila I'm so sorry I pray this will never happen again look at this please autopilot be strong today okay I'll meet you there wait Nick you're not getting the car I'm taking an uber Oh honestly smartest choice of the day bro a good luck driver Kenny please protect me mmm okay that was that was a little too tall weird [Music] what are you doing why why are you getting down food we have a cat cats don't eat dog food you understand what do you mean I'll understand what am I supposed to do is you're going to eat this are you definitely not what it's gonna be used for then you'll see what do you mean like Julian just get a lot of it should watch till the end of the video that's really bad when people say that no that's counter thank let's go to the cat area look at this when we're gone we're gone a lot we work a lot tell me she would not love it I think I might like it it's kind of fun to try and play away hey Preston she needs that one for sure you could be out like I'll do the expensive store right now she's just buying toys for panic it could be worse oh wait it can't so Eloise needs a new bed she has one that looks like a fish but she won't play in it I think she needs it to have sides I can get her the most fancy fluffy Wow look at the cat fries in this one it's really cute and soft Preston can we get this one yes three maybe she wants like different beds for different rooms Preston these cat beds are pretty expensive this one's $50 a cheap let's go with the blue boom sorted all the glitter said why don't we have to do this it was already all sorted it comes a container I know it's kind of weird but you know bruceman asking a lot of weird stuff lately I'm not gonna question it but it's sorted and just because I go the extra mile every time perfectly stacked ready to sort all of my glitter everybody sort of the glitter it's perfect I asked you here for a purpose right you didn't this was really easy precedent it's so good I'm really confused like when I'm filming my slime videos this always happens to me and I just like what do you do in there I don't know like how do you sort this all together I don't want to sort this Nick we're gonna be a four hours big life lesson everybody watching this and you and me too Nick oh you're the contract no read the contract before you sign me yeah well oh my it stuck everywhere Nick this is why you can't have glitter Nick I have no idea to sort this there's it's impossible well I see a blue one right here I'll take the blue one and see this isn't that hard we have to sort it press it we can't say thank you yeah I know we can't say no but you also gave us an impossible task like there's no way this is way too extreme for me bro Preston you have to at least try look I'm doing a really good job I think this is like the pink glitter and then this is makes you're totally doing nothing okay I'm done I'm throwing the glitter oh wait no it's no I'm not saying no I'm just improvising and we're just cooler than we're good we're going it's away Nick I'm doing this did you hear that yeah it sounded kind of like a dog do you have a dog no gonna tell you what a dog no there's no dog do I think I'm hearing I think it you're multiple dogs odd Nick this is bad what does Breanna do we know she's watching a nuts let's row I can't even get this open get it open the door yikes she got Breanna yeah how many dogs did you go um I I don't know I told you could only get one pet like I think like we're in love Breanna walked me through the decision-making for getting all these dogs at the pet store you can't just fall in love with one dog beautiful there's three dogs going into my office right now you can't just decide oh I want one with spots oh I want one with short hair oh I want with long hair no so you thought it'd be okay to get 20 dogs no pussing I can't be a part of this I know No oh I think he likes me big no no no no we are not keeping these dogs breed it's gonna have to take them back we can't keep this big dog yes it sounds like you're saying no no I'm just kind of dogs are so sweet Preston we oh you have a dog in the elevator Breanna what did you get for the dog yes this toy and I am this and we're gonna keep all the dogs we're gonna throw them toys and we're gonna have toy parties what are we going to name this one presser yeah this is not having Eve we're not naming all the animals if you name them she's gonna keep them and that's not okay so brie I think we should name one of them neck and then we can name one of them pizza and then Oh what about slide this one can be named Charlie this one's name is Sheila hi your name is Harley you know the song when you give a dog a bone and when you give a dog I don't think that's a song my son just thought kinda looks like you does not look like me okay although he's pretty cute what are you still doing here Ann what are you doing here at 3:00 a.m. walking dogs free made me sign the contract you weren't in the room remember it's not even been my 80 now why are you laughing the worst friend ever I'm literally no I'm staying in here we're going to bed we're going to bed oh good morning Breanna how'd you sleep pretty good because I mean president can't say no to me so I'm pretty happy that still happening huh yeah surprise for Preston I know he's probably not very happy but I am you wait plus it is that constant you okay but I walk all those dogs I lost a shoe I think one of the dogs a mine she requested that's the oldest excuse in the book dogs don't need shoes they'd homework everything no no no my shoe I already changed my pants I think I got peed on I just want the challenge to be over what 24 hours yet Nick no there's still lots of hours I figured it out 24 hours is like a whole day well Preston I bet you're really thirsty aren't you no I'm not Thursday I don't want anything please hey do you want water yeah okay let's get some water nope I got you there's water there's tons of water right here you know what the best water is from downstairs we just say the bottled water let's go for the downstairs I don't want to use this yeah well let's carry me downstairs what Percy can you carry me downstairs - no okay just get on the morning for us so you take all of that we don't even have a sink it's fresh and clean brand-new brand new water take your brand new water from downstairs because apparently the upstairs bottled water comes off three briea that was so cold it's walked a bunch of dogs I thought you might like it no thank you go to bed can we get one light for one tired Preston a good puppy hot dog stop brie we can't keep all these dogs there's no way okay we just can't keep them okay I can finish the rest of this video you can't say no wait please give me a give me authority here you know you can take care of all the person to be honest great pressing brand are you sure about this I don't know much about taking care of dogs and this there's a lot of doggies here you take a couple we'll take just a couple make okay couple dogs here we just got a couple of it you could do that later okay join any of you guys like pizza we're we're doing at the airport I told you I really lemon maple syrup wait wait wait wait so I'm gonna get maple syrup from well you know it's known for being really gonna Canada right you're sitting me to Canada to get me I'm not going no I'm a booked a flight for you to go to Canada yeah look and all your bags are packed in the back and everything is really good in three this is Brees idea okay I seriously thought we're just gonna go grab lunch no no this is the airport you can hear 30 degrees I'm not even dressed for it okay Preston don't forget the maple syrup thought it's a really important part it's like where am I going in Canada it's a surprise you look for the flight going to Canada yeah I guess I'm gonna go I said I think we're gonna have lots of fun no I'm not I don't even want to be going right now man how much were the flights gone for guys this is it's kind of stinks five bodies I think he's gonna have fun you two yes Nick look where we are we're at the Tesla dealership for you know why are we at the Tesla dealership well I mean Preston's in Canada he even wants to get me a new car so I thought we might as well come to Tesla and look at what they had you know we go by a new Tesla I mean it is the thing yes to me for 24 hours and he's not here to say no so these are our options I'm pretty much in love with this one I really like the white one you run one like pepperoni pizza oh I do love pepperoni but I don't know I kind of annealing the white Brannen oh can I borrow your phone I left mine at the pizza store Shore Nick thank you I'm just gonna just got FaceTime they're beautiful they're blue like this okay Brad hold on one second what do you want Nick president we have a problem Brianna's trying to buy a Tesla with your what a Tesla what no no no no no Nick I'm not even back from Canada yet I still have to buy the maple syrup you cannot let her buy a Tesla bro well press that she's looking at the different Tesla's and it looks like she really likes some no no no there's only two minutes left in the challenge dick you gotta hold her off for two minutes do not let her buy a Tesla bro two minutes I don't know buddy distract Rihanna for that long Preston Nick just talk about Disney movies she loves Disney movies anything gives me trust me it'll distract her for two minutes at least okay I think I think she just figured it out which one she wants to buy so on my trial do my best Nick Harvey please please okay let's go there two minutes are over No wait Breanna here's your phone back oh it's by the way have you seen that new Disney movie there's a new Disney movie yeah the one about the Dumbo yeah that one did you like it I like Dumbo but I didn't like how he was such he's an elephant that's right I saw that movie for sure story it's about to come out which I'm really excited about it miss you Jeannie and I love him weak I know I'm gonna cry a time that is the man no there's even more movies coming out this summer I can't wait to her I don't remember their names Oh Nick do you yeah I remember the Disney movie about the girl who was saying yes and then there was a guy the district yeah and then I had to distract you I mean why we had to distract you know why I'm blanking and dumb ball and Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse doesn't have a new movie I would know all about it I have like their Instagram I have a best friend now works at Disney World I know all the latest and the greatest and the Nick Nick gonna buy me so many pizzas people are cheaper than a tough law that's true I got it I got it I got the sir because of him dude wait are you back from Canada yes what I mean already it was like 10 hours I had a layover now breeze asleep I said this challenge is old man you realize how long I was gone it's ridiculous I can't believe I would throw this [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Preston
Views: 8,380,551
Rating: 4.8845654 out of 5
Keywords: kids, funny, challenge, yes, said yes, wife, 24 hours, prestonplayz, preston, i said yes to my wife for 24 hours, tbnrfrags, i said yes to my wife for 24 hours prestonplayz, presten, preston says yes for 24 hours, preston playz, preston plays, prestin, brianna playz, peston, prest, prestonplayz wife, prestonplayz 24 hours
Id: o5Dy5BJgPWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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