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[Music] i'm really bad about reading minds i love that story let's go girls nope have a trail we got a calf out yeah this is what we're doing now this is what we're doing this is so frustrating okay we're going down we're going down [Music] well lucky looking y'all didn't know this was gonna happen this morning it's snowing just in time to go feed it's pretty though in it how about them apples well uh we're late feeding this morning but he had to meet somebody to do something and evidently he's been waiting on me and i didn't know that because i'm really bad about reading minds geez all right we're heading to feed now in the snow it's sticking on the trees it's pretty [Music] mud and snow did the weather woman predict this not the weather man nor the weather oh my gosh here comes my ride starting to slow down a little bit but still coming well it looks like that's about it for the snow supposed to change over to rain i think yay morning ladies well it's spitting rain the sun it can't decide what it wants to do still cold muddy oh it's a mess in here all right babies i need you to go through there i need you to go okay that works there you go come on 12 you got it come on oh okay i can't move fast because it's sucking my boots come on okay got him that was a workout in that mud oh my gosh [Music] they didn't want to go where i wanted them to go [Music] let me pull it up you let me pull okay it's so windy out there he wants to sit out there i do not so i'm gonna sit in my truck and wait wait on our friend our buyer to get here at least that's done i'm telling y'all it is the weirdest weather day so weird so weird um the sun comes out one minute and then the next minute it's either raining or snowing and then the sun comes out again and now the wind's picking up it's it's strange day it reminds me of the day austin was born she was born in late january and on the day she was born it did every type of weather imaginable it rained it snowed it sleeted it hailed and the sunshine and uh it kind of fits her to a t right i think it does i love that story it's right on time the cutest little boys all righty okay ladies one more time sounds like you're gonna get to go be mamas you're gonna get to go be mamas too so that's good all right let's go girls nope last one [Music] and they go trying to find all the things we can wipe all the mud on all right that feels feet up yeah we don't have to feed cabbies oh yeah we finally get to use the new creep feeder woo hoo clown up a little it just can't make up its mind today that's a trail okey dokey we're going to fill up the creep feeder finally getting to use this creep feeder that we got from sheffield's yay this means in the morning we only have to feed silage we don't have to feed can feed anything come on man thank you guys do uh just keep going straight all right that's in yeah it's in okay i uh had a little bit of a hard time getting that thing cranked up well it's going in just can't see it going down down now [Music] close it yeah it's easy to open and close that's good all right going to put that out and put out some more minerals doing our chore in this afternoon without she is hanging out with her most bestest buddy so she's a happy she's a happy girl today uh sun shining it's cool but it's a good day it's a little muddy still isn't it it's coming for you ladies [Music] very good you gotta be able to get i had to jack it up and then jack it down to be able to get the back one down and then jack it back up a little bit all right so we'll see how this goes he said it might be might be open a little too much we're just gonna wait and see how this goes okay dry as a bone going through the minerals i tell you yeah look at that hair dude when you got it you got it and the cat was sneezing that's until yeah got a calf out in the wrong lot he's a little chunkster we'll see if he's smart enough to realize the gates open right at the end of this line sometimes they're not that smart come on buddy you're almost there you're almost there you're so close come on no no see this is what we're saying don't do this it was right there right there come on funny looking ass that's what we just went through oh cat oh my gosh he drove that thing like a horse this is actually when it would not be nice to be on horseback you should work them so much better on horseback yeah this is what we're doing now this is what we're doing this is so frustrating oh my gosh i am not running all over this pasture that's not even where you go his mama's over there cows and calves they can be so much fun okay we're going down we're going down yay he went through [Music] a little stinker so at least that works always get the the easy job i don't want drove him in there i do all the work she don't have to run i mean i'm smarter than you yeah you are you're smarter than me oh well could have been worse everybody needs to do what they're good at i can't run i know you're right he used to run oh i've never been a good runner he's coming i actually did track one year in middle school it was terrible i hated it a mile i ran track and stole i ran the mile what i hated it you ran track for four years i didn't know that shot put that's him that's him right up there i hear somebody hollering that's him oh it's the calf i hear holler [Music] so pretty right there the one out on the highway he's got to be hungry he's hollering mama where are you mama i need some milk it's the fun thing to do all righty i just get strong okay ladies you should be good to go at least a week i hope look at you 24. whoo pretty girl yeah they're not interested in checking out a creek feeder for some reason they think they must think it's a booger they're all bunched up down in the corner got feet in it y'all [Music] you
Channel: This Farm Wife - Meredith Bernard
Views: 94,619
Rating: 4.9790487 out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm wife, farm life, farm living, john deere, farmher, ranching, ranch life, women in ag, woman farmer, women farming, Meredith Bernard, This Farm Wife, farming videos, cattle farming, small farms, old farm equipment, farmall, farming with old equipment, farming in US, farming in America, US Farming, mom, parenting, lifestyle, vlog, how to
Id: FxbHIh7giAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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