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here we go we're all so far so good y'all so far so good i still hear something knocking this is going really well no comment okay uh i think something happened that's what i get for opening my mouth and saying that everything was going smooth sailing where is it coming [Music] today is the day whoa you ready babe yeah lawrence stay ready sometime i don't get to go okay stays ready sometimes you don't get to go one day i'm gonna put that on a teeth [Music] here's my favorite pretty girl number five she was the first in line okay here comes enjoy doing a little check of the hay this morning and dropping off some twine so we for once for once we got spared we got lucky and got spared usually we get spared and we wish it would rain that literally came just on the other side of the river we got friends on the other side of the river last night that got six tenths half inch six tenths and we just got a sprinkle shoo wee so going i even washed my hair for this baby i just washed my hair because i needed to wash it but i didn't shave my legs you didn't shave your legs i shaved my legs and wash my hair oh gosh see in a few hours oh look at this big old turtle said he's a long ways from the river look at him he's got a moss on his back hey buddy okay i moved him his little legs were his little legs were kicking mark shooted the horn and he thought it was really funny because he scared me he won't come out of the pong he's got like muscle in his back what do you call that a turtle or a terrapin or a wood we call them sliders a slider i don't know what's the real name okay y'all there is so much going on right now um okay so wesley is helping lawrence grease and hook up the equipment um i am trying to i'm trying to get ahead i'm trying to think ahead for a change because i know we're going to be out there until i don't know seven eight nine o'clock i don't know it depends on if the due starts setting in and uh we have to stop before dark but supper i'm trying to think ahead i decided to make a quick baked spaghetti i'm making the kids a fresh batch of chocolate ice cream i just made some pasta salad because it's austin's favorite thing just from the box box mix pasta salad yeah so she'll have that for later today or whenever um okay it's getting close y'all couple more hours and we're in the field okay y'all here we go okay we're gonna try right there okey-dokey okay y'all here we go we're all definitely different than what we've had so far this year and i wait not long not long uh these fields used to be really really bumpy like really rough but he totally reworked them last year and wow what a difference it's so much smoother and so much better okay off again start pulling straights now i made my laps he just radioed me and said this field is a lot smoother than it used to be ain't it said yes it is it really is y'all traffic jam okay okay all done over here y'all i just counted i think there's going to be at least 30 some in this first couple fields like two fields that make one field if that makes sense probably doesn't um so i'm gonna close it up so we can go to the next one but i'm gonna wait on him to get going he said to wait on him and let him catch up a little bit so that's exactly what we will do close close up rita all right very good might pull up a little bit forward not reverse forward so far so good y'all so far so good okay i gotta wait on him to get me out of this corner but i hear something out here knocking what is that [Music] oh whatever that antenna is for radio fell down let's climb up here okay let's do that scared me i heard knocking all right and this window i mean this mirror will not stay either i guess it needs to be tight super annoying it's always like right up against the window i still hear something knocking what is it oh my gosh y'all it's my water bottle pay attention marty it was a water bottle oh well the antenna's up now maybe the radio will work we're both rolling haven't had to shift down a gear yet field number two is done y'all this is going really well really well i mean i'm i'm really thinking that we might get this done today as long as the dude doesn't set in early i mean we are we're halfway done i know we are pretty much maybe a little less than half and we've been going like four three hours alrighty then i'm very sure he's gonna have to stop and get some twine soon anybody dizzy now i haven't been keeping count let's see if he has hey babe are you keeping count are you keeping count of the bales because i haven't been okay that's what i thought where are we at do you know okay we're doing good we're going to have 100 bales yeah i think maybe close no comment okay oh he's getting out why is he getting out why are you getting out maybe he's checking his twine and he's coming in for twine i will go help well i can i could drive a little closer oh whoa [Music] marty so so dusty oh my gosh uh i think something happened well that's what i get that's what i get for opening my mouth and saying that everything was going smooth sailing he's not a happy man not a happy farmer not a happy person a return a return has broke a fuel return maybe is what you'd call it i don't know i'm not asking any more questions but there's diesel fuel on the ground and the tractor is turned off and wesley is on his way to pick us up he's got to go to to get a part he said it's a plastic return he's not happy with john deere for putting plastic instead of metal on there i did catch that much oh well that's the way it goes and so we wait at the john deere place not holding out a lot of hope that they'll have what he needs either he's got two at home but he wants to get more because he says when he goes to change these things they typically break let's see if i can remember what he said he said the 4020s were not made the way that this tractor is the 2020s were made correctly with metal lines i reckon are metal fittings it's a tee it's a plastic tee and he said they just they break easily he said he probably he could have possibly kept going uh but there was a decent amount of fuel spilling out and his truck his truck his tractor was running very hot he said it had been teetering right at the edge at the tip at the the high mark whatever that would be running hot so anyway he said we definitely would have been done today had this not happened it's 4 30 right now so we still if you can get them fixed we still might be able to get a couple more fields and then we would just be left with a couple little ones but we did get the two biggest ones uh some clouds but hopefully no rain anyway tit for tat that is that that's how it goes they actually have them ready eight whoo huh you probably got it i got all eight of them i told them another pack of 25. cause that's going bad don't go bad okay well good here we go these things are a pain to get off it's going to require more work than had been hoped for yay it's like a surgeon with his assistance 9 16 15 16 3 8. they need to hold this wrench on the back side here i don't know if it's tight enough then the back side that may be welded on there didn't get him back home and get a bag off i'm gonna get it out and then get it back i get the prize for for going in there behind the very hot filter in the hot grease and finding one of these things which is my fingers because we couldn't see it but we knew it was lost anyway yeah okay all the new little things are back now you got to get it back in there and get them back on getting it in there is the first hurdle because it was hard to get out let's try to go in between there it's a problem it doesn't bend i mean oh my gosh there's holes everywhere and then and then getting them on the valves and getting the little clamps on them oh boy and there goes the sun going down down down [Music] well you got the bar in faster than what it was a lot faster than you took it out so maybe these will go on easier maybe you're just so hot pretty tight these guys are doing so good yeah he's got him on now he's just got to put the little clamps on which is really a pain wow okay the test before he puts everything up please don't leave please don't leave me huh hold on okay well i'm going to go ahead and just bail what uh had already raped luckily i hadn't started in the other field because i was about to um and then we'll come back tomorrow because it's already starting to get damp we just got some of it or as he says come in order come and order order order is the word so this has been how long three and a half hours time i don't know i think it's 7 30. yeah three and a half hours we would have been done y'all but that's okay we've got tomorrow it's not raining hopefully those clouds aren't bringing rain we'll definitely finish definitely is a strong word but we should you're a good help mom did some things right i got the last clamp on daddy tried to get it you tried to get it i got it it was not it's not easy and it was just luck i'm sure but i didn't get it anyway i'm ready to go to the house okay [Music] okay y'all we're about to see a bell baby being born where is it coming here comes here comes look at there isn't she pretty you
Channel: This Farm Wife - Meredith Bernard
Views: 139,065
Rating: 4.9612799 out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm wife, farm life, farm living, john deere, farmher, ranching, ranch life, women in ag, woman farmer, women farming, Meredith Bernard, This Farm Wife, farming videos, cattle farming, small farms, old farm equipment, farmall, farming with old equipment, farming in US, farming in America, US Farming, mom, parenting, lifestyle, vlog, how to
Id: oqGgXU3AeOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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