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mower always looks like it's smiling problematic that was way too hard something's coming if i had a dime for every time i've hit my head that was fun that was that was fun i didn't expect it to make me emotional but it has a little bit this has gotten really tall right here holy smokes all right it's about to happen y'all about to go full bunny on the yard on the weeds i i want to say that i'm going to mow the grass but really i'm mowing weeds there is some grass i'm gonna mow then i'm gonna um broadcast some weed killer stuff granules and fertilizer and i bought some seed so yeah getting serious today y'all but first we have to go around and pick up all the things that the dogs have strode everywhere that don't need to get caught up in the mower oh that was a splinter for sure all right oh yeah i sprayed that's uh that's getting ready to be gone hopefully i didn't kill my actual plants oh i love these sedum but i'm really bad about coming through in the winter and taking like dead taking the dead foliage off so maybe i'll do that in other news my beautiful fern that i was so proud of rusty has literally demolished someone recommended putting pepper spray on it yeah tried that didn't help and i had a um i had a yeah i had some ivy i've been growing for years that's what's left of that this got taken out yeah hasn't hasn't started chewing on these ferns yet but i assume that's coming good thing they're cute i reckon but before i can mow the lawn we've got to put out some hay okay y'all so whole red here oh red is about to get face lift well whatever just getting fixed we're gonna get a new tire and possibly even i've been told she might get a battery a battery a new battery why am i saying it like that battery so i don't have to jump start it every time i use it maybe that would be amazing the tools got the tools this mower always looks like it's smiling yeah it's got like a smile see the eyes and the smile nothing's ever easy it was easy i could do it i just kept going flat all right i need scrubbing doesn't it okay don't do that with your shirt all right getting there we're trying to get it on the rim and it's um proving to be a problematic come on [Music] close by we're close yeah buddy that was way too hard oh okay oh happy day happy day hey good day good day we have fuel we have oh we have tires we have a battery is she gonna crank without needing a jump start let's hope bonnie is working hard today too [Music] spring has officially sprung it's not coming in and out of gear it's coming in it's not it's not going out yeah it did that last year a lot but i just figured that's the way it was gonna be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] it feels good it feels good to have that done y'all yeah i had to make a slight alteration i had to put a bungee cord on the uh flap for lack of a better word the out shoot the shooter router yeah um because it was getting clogged but that worked perfect so we're good now austin wants to mow over at papa's house so we're going to get that done we're getting all the things done it is a beautiful day oh my goodness it's warm it's warm y'all it's amazing working on that farmer's tan okay yeah you can do this that is a nice outfit it's a good mowing outfit okay i like it it's great it's awesome all right here we go put it in put put the put it between the turtle and the rabbit yep push that in and start it uh-huh crank it put it never fails always miss a spot okay whatever we just won't look in the backyard funny girl all right we're here i'm pretty sure that another that i saw another limb out here that needs to be got up maybe not bonnie always barks she always barks that the neighbors going in their own drive that's that's not our drive bonnie so if you're kind of new here i refer to this as papa's this was my father-in-law's house that we um we lost him two years ago so we own this house now and uh yeah hopefully eventually we're gonna get that truck get his old truck restored that's my goal uh so we'll see how that goes this year um but yeah we gotta keep it up we gotta keep the yard up so she wants to know she likes to mow she likes them over here it's a good flat spot i do around the back there's some fruit old fruit trees that need to be taken down that are real pain to mow around but it's one of those things that's falling low on the priority pole totem pole whatever you want to call that oh wow here we go you can tell it's spring yes i'm gonna kill it ticks are back or did they ever go away no no they don't dead tick dirty nails [Music] she did really good she got all this mode and i'm not even gonna have to go over it all right cartwheel that that was good that was good good job team beef the viewers oh okay boom [Laughter] ooh me all right bonnie i'm gonna finish mowing the rest all right i get to use my new ramps to clean out from under here so i don't have to lift it by hand oh yeah that was a ticket right there y'all that is awesome got it all clean what are you doing reba what are you doing rava working on the pool whoa well let's see we have a trailer coming down more on that later but for now we're gonna mop away some sheep hair dog hair sheep dander dog dander supper spills milk spills oh there's a piece of cheese i didn't get back in all right so all the tires are pumped up it's ready to go it's got to go somewhere yeah something's coming woohoo we know what you don't yeah at least they'll know shortly soon enough oh lambs everywhere it's warm and it sounds like summer i'm a human sunshade what let's talk into the video okay it's always something we can't find on the hunt for some channel lock pliers we're not in the shop where oh where are the channel locks he said they were in here oh got it ow oh if i had a dime for every time i've hit my head for every time i hit my head farming uh we wouldn't we wouldn't have to farm anymore go for a day meanwhile the wood boar hunter what is it clown where'd it go i know she was jumping in the air doing 360s feeling a good spot in the shade huh come here reba munching on some grass some clover yeah okay get him get out there peter is it lunch time lunch time for reba over here yeah it is lunch time lunch time for everybody this was a stubborn nut you just call me a mechanic today right okay okay mechanic got it that was fun okay so he's gotta go get you call this a glad hand that piece is called a glide hand my glad hands i'd be glad to be done with it under here was that was fun [Music] oh stretch oh okay that's done okay next on today's agenda i i don't do this kind of stuff this is my dad's job this my dad is the turf man and my brother my brother literally sells grass for a living he works first company called super sod so if you're in the cary apex raleigh area you need to check out my brother at super sod and apex anyway just a little shout out there bro you're welcome wank wank he didn't pay me for that uh but now i'm gonna i'm gonna spread this turf builder triple action what i'm really kind of worried about it's it's a weed killer it's a weed and feed it's not seed it's weed and feed so i'm gonna try to i'm gonna spread it around and try to kill some weeds but now what i'm thinking it's probably gonna do is just make my my grass disappear because my grass is mainly weeds but i'm also gonna put out some seed so i'm trying i'm gonna try we'll see and also just a little shout out to case case knives i've had this for several years and i love it it's called a toothpick and of course it's my favorite color which is probably why it's my favorite but anyway and obviously it's got stuff on it but anyway it works okay now we're going to see i it said to set it to four and a half so that's where we're at and i think it's just supposed to work is it just supposed to work maybe you're supposed to push that oh yeah okay here we go here we go uh obviously there's nothing there but i'm putting it out anyway okay look at me go okay so i probably should have bought like two or three bags of that stuff whoopsie uh now i just dumped some uh i don't know something that's supposed to help bare spots it's like some rapid growth stuff but my guess is since uh we can't keep the animals off of it that it probably won't work but you know it's worth a shot okay this is where we're at oh claire and i are just sitting in the partial shade it's warm today y'all not gonna lie um so lawrence went all over town trying to find one of those things whatever that thing is that we took off the dump truck that connects the air hose the brakes the air brakes to the trailer anywho he could not find said part so now we get to put it back on but he says he's gonna put it back on in a different way to make it work that's um that and i'm sure he will because he's really good at that so that's what we're doing and and the time is slipping away he needed he needed to go somewhere and get something today with that trailer and in a short few minutes i'm going to need to take wesley the guitar so racing the clock per usual play pretty play pretty i know he appreciated that okay well he while he practices guitar i'm going to lamb milk replacer that's where we're at we're out um yeah so let's see what i can get done in 30 short minutes because he didn't want to go after practice to get them to get the milk replacer because he needs to get home and feed his lamb it will be time for it will be time for reba to eat again i can never get out of this place but anyway and my truck is screaming at me because the oil pressure gauge is still broke but let it be known this truck has oil in it it was just changed so i just have to listen to a gauge that doesn't work that screams at me constantly okay guitar practice is done lawrence and austin are off getting the thing they're getting that i will show you as soon as they get home with it uh i believe i'm going to plant some things i just don't know what so i bought these plants last year i honestly don't remember what they are i have no clue but i'm going to plant them anyway because they survived the winter in these pots and so far they have survived rusty because i put them up here on the table so i'm going to put them out in my bed and i'm going to plant them and maybe once they get big i'll be able to figure out what they are yeah i do know that i bought them with the intention of putting them in this bed so i'm assuming and hoping that they will grow and this bed we'll see though because this bed has issues some things grow well in it and some things do not uh so that's what we're doing we're going to put this mystery plant um here because yeah that's what we're doing and this is probably not the right shovel but it's a shovel and a shovel is a shovel in my book [Music] all right little buddy you've made it this far if you've made it this far you ought to be okay maybe next week i'll get some mulch that's the plan that's always the plan that never happens as soon as i want it to but i really want to get a control on these weeds this year i've already sprayed them so if i can mulch and get ahead of the game before they come back i will be winning okay little buddy be happy next uh is that too close i don't know because i don't know how big this is gonna get oh boy we'll come out a little bit [Music] okay they're back i just saw him come in i got supper going but i gotta go check this out come on come on [Music] [Music] look at that baby look at that how many problems do you have any trouble woohoo everything go good we saw owl on the way back going out we got something new new to us i'll let him tell you about it okay [Music] all right let off flip that button right here on the other side let off on it let him flip it there you go you want to talk about it now real quick what'd we get i know tell the people that might not know you don't know it's a kangaroo it's not a kangaroo it's a four-wheel drive tractor we got a four-wheel drive tractor so 89 or 90. 89 or 90. 44.55 you said 45 44 44 55. it's been a long time coming right yeah like forever yay second one in my life oh you've had one the little john deere yamaha [Laughter] ah the first one the first real one where's ryotar first real four-wheel drive tractor season beaut she's a beaut she looks good all righty bring on the mud now right those fenders not used to that i'm definitely not used to these big front tires it has 15 gears oh my gosh i'll never be able to figure that thing out oh gosh that poor poor trailer got it i didn't expect this to make me emotional pull it up baby i didn't expect it to make me emotional but it has a little bit need more shed space don't we she wants to get in oh we're all squished in the air wow that looks fancy compared to our other ones yeah a little custard right there about eight thousand dollars okay well hopefully it won't go bad babe all right are you parking in here sleeping in here [Laughter] she turned it off good day good day oh he's gonna bring him put some more stress on his band right there this was using it for tobacco so they had the tires out wide and he's saying he's gonna it's gonna take the extensions off and bring the tires back in some the front tires i'm gonna put the he said this came off going down the road and thank goodness it fell on the trailer and not the road oh my gosh you got lucky you see that what look that leg's going up like that mine goes down oh some of them are actually just standing some are standing and they have a leg up like that i did not know that the deer was different on oh yeah interesting so it's the same motor and the same what pump as the 4440. maybe change the pump a little bit 46 motor well that's good right it's not something new to learn good deal no problem full bunny go full bunny on it good girl she said we didn't scare her that time all right now to cut it off can't do it from the inside oh gosh that's jerry rigged for sure what's wrong with it the electric shut fuel shut off nothing the sorting stick won't fix how you feel about that i think it will be you
Channel: This Farm Wife - Meredith Bernard
Views: 173,555
Rating: 4.9675078 out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm wife, farm life, farm living, john deere, farmher, ranching, ranch life, women in ag, woman farmer, women farming, Meredith Bernard, This Farm Wife, farming videos, cattle farming, small farms, old farm equipment, farmall, farming with old equipment, farming in US, farming in America, US Farming, mom, parenting, lifestyle, vlog, how to
Id: hV7mD1NGeeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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