❤️ Peppa Pig Celebrates Valentine's Day

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[Music] this is daddy pig's old accordion i used to play this to mummy pig when we first met oh daddy pig i remember this tune [Music] george wants to play the accordion too are you sure george the accordion is quite difficult george the accra it's almost as difficult to play as my truck okay george oh maybe george is a bit too little to play the accordion daddy what other instruments are in the box just this horn can i try you have to blow it very hard [Music] that does not sound right it's impossible i think i used to be able to play it [Music] that really does not sound right maybe it just needs someone big and strong like me that does not sound right either peppa's right it is impossible to play never mind daddy pig just stick to the accordion you play it beautifully well i do play it quite nicely even if i say so myself and i'll play my violin and i will play by trump mummy pig plays the violin daddy pig plays the accordion pepper plays the drum but what instrument will george play it's just a harmless bush and it's covered in lovely blackberries george has seen some really big juicy blackberries careful george or you might get tangled i have a stick for picking hard to reach blackberries but the best blackberries are right at the very top that's why i've brought the ladder um don't lean too far over mummy pig don't worry i've been climbing this blackberry bush since i was a little girl yes but you're not a little girl now i know what i'm doing oh dear mummy pig has fallen into the blackberry bush mummy can you get out uh no i'm stuck you're stuck in a bony bush like sleeping beauty what once upon a time there was a princess called sleeping beauty one day she fell asleep in a thorny bush and she stayed there for 100 years yes that's a nice story peppa it is susie sheep hello peppa hello suzy my mummy is in a blackberry bush and she'll be there for a hundred years like sleeping beauty and she'll be rescued by a handsome prince who will give her a kiss [Music] my mummy is having an adventure i wish my mummy would have adventures like that um can someone think of a way to get me out of here don't worry mummy in 100 years a handsome prince will rescue you i'll be that handsome prince grandpa pig may i borrow your pruning shears please of course you may brave sir daddy pig stand back everyone take that you connie bush you [Music] oh my prince my princess [Music] should i practice that practice what jumping why not there you're a natural is that it yes you are now fully trained [Applause] all aboard i'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump daddy pig it's okay mummy pig i'll come up in the plane with you good luck mommy [Music] don't worry mummy pig remember you've got a parachute yes daddy pig oh we are a long way from the ground oh dear daddy pig has fallen out of the plane there she goes no wait that's daddy pig wait for me daddy pig mommy pig has jumped she is going to rescue daddy pig oh she's got him my mummy to the rescue thank you for saving me mummy pig oh teddy pig you're starting to slip mr bull has just finished mending the school roof lovely job it'll last for years i can't hold on ah daddy is daddy pig all right oh oh i'm fine good because you'll need to do that parachute jump again what to raise the money to fix this new hole in the school roof oh all right [Music] daddy pig you're riding peppa's scooter yes scootering is such fun you should try it sometime [Music] peppa and george are painting pictures at playgroup modern gazelle we came to school on our scooters today very good peppa and george let's all paint pictures of how we came to school today i came on my bicycle very good i walked here so nice to get the fresh air in your lungs my grandad brought me in his truck green broom brain lovely it is time for mummy and daddy pig to pick up the children from play group have you got the car keys daddy pig i don't think we should take the car mummy pig but it's a long way to walk to play group we don't have to walk i made that mistake this morning we can scooter race you are you sure okay mommy and daddy pig are scootering to playgroup to pick up peppa and george [Music] that was great i told you we wouldn't have to walk mommy daddy you brought us scooters ah yes that seems to leave us without scooters for the journey home daddy pig you said we wouldn't have to walk we won't have to walk but we will have to run race you hey wait for me this is fun peppa george oh wait for money and daddy peppa and george love scootering everybody loves scootering [Music] daddy pig peppa and george [Music] granny pig and grandpa pig have arrived for mummy pig's birthday happy birthday mummy pig aren't you coming inside oh i can't come in yet daddy pig peppa and george are doing secret things for my birthday how lovely see you later bye mummy would you like to come inside now i'd love to close your eyes keep your eyes closed mommy one two three open your eyes a lovely surprise blow the candles out and make a wish mommy mommy open your present can you guess what it is i've no idea open it and see it's a beautiful dress oh you're beautiful mommy now you just need somewhere nice to wear it what's this two tickets to the theater tonight thank you mummy pig loves going to the theater and granny pig and i are going to babysit the little ones what a super birthday i'm the luckiest mummy in the whole world and the most beautiful [Music] [Laughter] mummy mummy we'll dance to swans peppa did very well i had to dance beautifully and gracefully that's lovely can i show you how i did it let's get home first then you can show daddy pig and george and me bye bye peppa and mummy pig are home daddy george i'm going to show you how to do ballet is it difficult it was easy for me but you george and mommy will find it very hard first we need music good now george daddy and mommy you must copy what i do madame gazelle used funny words but really it's just bending your knees and jumping ah the pettygetty daddy you know the funny words mummy pig and i used to be quite good at ballet do be careful daddy pig our favorite was the padded that wasn't quite how i remembered it silly daddy pig maybe we should leave the ballet to peppa yes i am the best at it [Music] i am a beautiful swan [Music] are we all ready yes daddy pig then let's go [Music] i'm winning it's not a race pepper it's just a gentle bicycle ride yes daddy but i'm still winning now we're winning i don't like cycling uphill peppa we won the race no you didn't daddy because i wasn't racing that time but now i am can't catch me you cheeky little piggy hello ducks we're having a cycle ride ah i'd forgotten how much i love cycling oh i'd forgotten how much i hate cycling up hills the ground is getting quite steep i don't like cycling up hills but look at the beautiful view [Music] my goodness this is hard work mummy pig you're not peddling oh sorry daddy pig i was just enjoying the view peppa and her family have reached the top of the hill all peppa's friends are here hello peppa hello well we're going to have a race on our bikes peppa do you want to race too okay as long as we can race downhill okay peppa and her friends are going to race down the hill are you all ready you can start when i honk the horn like this pedro has set off too soon [Music] hello daddy pig speaking happy birthday daddy happy birthday thank you peppa don't be late home daddy bye bye bye bye happy birthday daddy pig thank you there's just one more thing to do before daddy gets home yes daddy's birthday surprise george remember it's a secret shhh [Music] peppa and george have buckets of water mummy pig has balloons i wonder what daddy pig's birthday surprise can be daddy's home quick back to the house daddy pig is home from work happy birthday daddy pig [Music] thank you everyone wow what a lot of candles that's because you are very very old daddy you must blow out all your candles in one go i'll do my best hooray [Laughter] and here's your birthday present thank you new booths fantastic let's try them out peppa george and mummy pig are wearing their boots daddy pig is wearing his birthday boots daddy pig has found a little puddle let's see if these boots work the puddle is a bit too little for daddy pig hmm what i need is a big puddle why not try over here daddy pig oh what's this it's your special birthday surprise [Music] can i speak to mummy pig please oh it's daddy pig daddy pig you're not supposed to ring on this phone it's only for emergencies this is an emergency i can't find the tomato ketchup anywhere daddy pig shall i light the barbecue now yes please mr rabbit do be careful with the barbecue daddy pig trust me mummy pig we daddies know all about barbecues bye maybe it needs more charcoal give it a bit of a blow put a few more fire lighters on now we just have to wait for a fire how long do we have to wait oh it could be a long time i've been waiting ages how many files have you actually put out miss rabbit uh none not one fire but you've got to be ready it's the fire phone oh can you answer it peppa it'll probably be your daddy again okay hello fire station hello peppa oh daddy it is you you're very naughty this phone is for fires only can you put miss rabbit on please there's a good girl catty wants to speak to you hello daddy pig this phone is only to be used when there's ah oh dear daddy pig's barbecue he's on [Music] fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's miss rabbit's fire engine stand back daddies mummy dog turn on the water aye aye mummy pig granny pig mummy pig and daddy pig are still waiting to eat dinner that bedtime story doesn't seem to be working i'm the expert at telling bedtime stories i'll [Music] i'll finish this story i'll be down in a minute okay there's a boy a beanstalk a castle a beautiful princess a brave knight a cook a wizard and a scary and a very hungry king so they all had a big dinner and lived happily ever after the end then they had a party right i think i'd better sort this out daddy pig they're almost asleep thank you i'll take over now you have to finish the story mummy all right quickly now tell me what's happened once upon a time in olden days a long time ago mummy pig's been up there for a long time i can hear snoring at last pepper and george are asleep and then they all lived happily ever after the end peppa george shush mommy is asleep oh it looks like princess pepper is the best at telling bedtime stories that's right i am [Music] mummy daddy i've got some very good news what's that peppa i am doing a new school project school project oh what is it peppa i need to make a castle okay why don't you use this empty cereal box stick these yogurt pots on the sides and what have you got a box with pots on it no daddy it has to be good peppa what exactly did madame gazelle tell you to do she told us to use our imagination and a fantastic castle is what i am imagining and my castle has to be big enough for me to live in i see right it is breakfast at suzy sheep's house madame gazelle told you to make a real fairy palace yes with all the little fiddly bits hello sorry but i can't come into work today it's a school project yes yes thanks but i should be able to manage this is what my castle looks like but much much bigger if it needs to be big we should use concrete no daddy pig we just need to find a big enough cardboard box have we got a big box uh no delivery for daddy pig i don't remember ordering anything this large ah it's just a new light bulb why do they use so much packaging for these things shall i take the box away for you oh yes thank you no daddy we need that box look what i've got great that's your castle almost done hooray it's not almost done we have to stick things on paint it add the glitter glitter hello hello can i speak to peppa please peppa it's susie sheep hello susie how's your school project going i'm doing very well [Music] waves are getting too big for pepper and kylie oh is it time to go home are you kidding these waves are perfect for grown-ups to surf [Music] woof [Music] kylie where's your little brother he's out there with mom having fun joey your turn to surf guys thank you but i'm quite happy to watch why don't you ever go mr pig why not it does look fun oh the waves have gone too bad mr pig looks like you've missed your chance to surf today oh that's a shame but it's just right for little george to go paddling in no surfing george but you can sit on me instead george likes sitting on top of daddy pig look at that wave coming crikey it's a big one daddy there's a big wave coming [Applause] what's that i think they want us to wave george [Music] george is using daddy pig as a surfboard wow george has got great balance you're a natural surfer george maybe you can teach me a few tricks [Music] this game is too easy okay peppa's turn i will do the hiding this time mummy pig is going to put the rubber duck somewhere for peppa to find i will see it straight away ready the rubber duck is somewhere in the kitchen i've come to find you rubber ducky i know where you are you're in the sink oh the rubber duck is not in the sink i know you're hiding under the table the rubber duck is not under the table give me a clue please it's sitting with something else that's yellow something yellow that lives in the kitchen bananas there you are peppa has found the rubber duck it was in the fruit bowl hooray well done i want to play the rainy day game again okay this time you can both look for the duck daddy pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for peppa and george to find ready i'm in the sitting room [Laughter] is it on the sofa no is it on the television no it's not anywhere would you like a clue it's sitting on something very big and very wise and very handsome daddy it's on your head that's the best hiding place ever oh the rain has stopped why don't we play outside but i want to play the rainy day game again i think you might like this outside rainy day game even better [Music] i don't look like a tourist do i you look perfect is everybody ready yes daddy pig then let's go [Music] this is gabriela's village [Music] here is the shop of my auntie can i send a postcard who is it for a goldfish a goldfish maybe a postcard of the sea yes goldie the fish likes water bongo drums carpets garden gnomes who buys all this rubbish tourists oh hello bonjourno mummy pig is buying lots of things to take home mummy pig we haven't got room for all this in our suitcase don't worry daddy pig they sell suitcases too this is the village cafe ciao my uncle makes very good pizza you eat pizza in italy pizza is italian food oh goody i like pizza a little bit of tomato a little bit of cheese into the oven and into my tummy maybe we let them cook first no okay peppa let's write the postcard to your goldfish yes i miss her very much too goldie wish you were here loving kisses peppa you can pause the card here goodbye postcards fly home quickly pizza pizza pizza yummy peppa loves pizza everybody loves pizza did you like that teddy yes it was delicious magnifico uncle goat there will always be a special place for your pizza in my tummy [Music] suitcase is heavy are you sure we need all this stuff mummy pig these are important souvenirs from our holiday okay is everybody ready yes daddy then let's go home oh look oh dear peppa has forgotten teddy [Music] what a lovely holiday yes i have never felt so relaxed [Music] ah hello officer whatever i was doing i won't do it again mr pig here is your teddy please take a better care of him teddy we're going home today susie sheep cannot wait for peppa to get back home hello susie is peppa home yet no susie but she's flying home now flying high in the sky flying high and i hope it's sunny when we get home peppa's family have arrived home granny pig grandpa pig goldie what has grandpa done to you um she has filled out a bit hasn't she naughty grandpa you've fed her too much she was always hungry we've brought you some presents from italy look grandpa a beautiful garden gnome oh you really shouldn't have granny has my postcard arrived no peppa not yet oh [Music] that's my postcard hello oh it's only susie how do we get over there we take a little boat you call it by ringing this bell hello it is grumpy rabbit in his rowing boat would you like to cross the river yes please oh stop daddy pig there's no more room oh bye bye daddy don't worry i'll come straight back for you [Music] picnic spot everybody off thank you grumpy rabbit daddy pig is still waiting to get across the river hello mr pig here are the wolf family what are you doing here we're having a picnic would you like to join us yes please mr pig more passengers uh women and children first oh stop the boat is full oh i'll be straight back for you two bye-bye oh lord roll your boat gently down the creek if you see a big flat wolf don't forget to shriek hello peppa hello wendy we're joining your picnic oh goody but where's daddy pig i left him with mr wolfe i'm getting a bit hungry don't worry we've got the picnic all aboard [Music] stop mr wolf there's not enough room for you oh dear i've got an idea you wait here grumpy rabbit and we'll go over all right i could do with the rest mr wolf and mr pig are crossing the river together the big blue aeroplane is flying very high and very far it just keeps on going bye-bye aeroplane oh bye bye now i need to find my important work papers has anyone seen any pieces of paper um uh maybe you should follow me is this one of your important papers yes that's one of them is this one of your important papers daddy yes thank you peppa uh why are we at the duck pond oh i see thank you mrs duck the only paper i'm missing now is a big blueprint hmm is it big and blue like the aeroplane you flew a long way away daddy oh um the one that we said bye-bye to yes maybe i should ring the office this is daddy pig's office hello daddy pig did you find the papers i found some of them the only one we need is the big blueprint that might be a problem daddy threw it away threw it away and it flew and flew forever ah it's here it just landed on my desk hey what a great idea to make it into a paper airplane and throw it to us oh yes well i am a bit of an expert at throwing things thank you daddy pig now the blueprint is delivered daddy pig can take the rest of the day off work ah that's nice daddy we need your newspaper what for making paper airplanes [Music] now i can give you a lift home but what about daddy hello daddy pig can you make your own way home miss rabbit is giving us a lift okay daddy daddy we went up and down and round and round oh oh i'm really sad to have missed that see you back at home who put that pipe there [Music] i know i'll take a shortcut [Music] it's a bit money come on car daddy pig needs to get home daddy pig is stuck i'll ring for grandad dog's pickup truck [Music] hello breakdown recovery i'm stuck in the mud can you come and rescue me please sorry daddy pig i'm moving a big metal pipe that some maniac is left in the road i'll pass you on to the next rescue service hello fire service i'm stuck in the mud can you rescue me please sorry daddy pig i'm rescuing a tortoise that stuck up a tree come down tiddles i don't know why you like climbing trees you're a tortoise don't worry daddy pig i'll pass you on to the highest rescue service in the land watch that noise helicopter has rescued danny pig lucky daddy gets a helicopter ride after all should we show him what my helicopter can do yes [Music] that was a very big splash in fact i think yes it's a new world record [Music] daddy you're not the champion anymore everyone will be sad i'm sure they've got more important things to worry about peppa daddy pig you lost the world record everyone wants you to be champion again it's important really yes okay i'll do it tomorrow but i'll have to train myself to jump in muddy puddles again everyone knows how to jump in muddy puddles daddy ah but not everyone is a champion pepper daddy pig is the master daddy are you going to practice jumping up and down no peppa i must be at one with the puddle what to jump in a puddle i must think like a puddle do you need to do running no do you need to do press-ups no i need to sleep and dream about bundles it is the day of the big huddle jump daddy pig is wearing his puddle jumping costume i can't find my golden boots i gave those old boots to grandpa for his gardening my lucky golden boots to be used as gardening boots you've got other ones it's not the same hello grandpa remember those old boots i gave you uh yes daddy needs them back urgently you have been looking after them um they have been watered grandpa pig is growing tomatoes in daddy's lucky boots we need them for the puddle jump today right oh [Music] yes peppa but look what it's done to everything else oh dear peppa's red dress has made all the white clothes pink pink isn't a very good color for a football shirt oh daddy pig is home from work hello everyone hello daddy uh daddy pig we've got a bit of a problem and um tell me later mummy pig i've got to get ready for football now where's my football shirt here don't be silly peppa that's one of mommy's dresses it's pink no daddy it's your football shirt it got a bit muddy so we washed it and it all went a bit wrong sorry daddy but i can't wear a pink football shirt why not daddy pink it's a lovely color hmm what do you think george george does not like pink here are daddy pig's friends mr bull mr rabbit mr pony and mr zebra oh is steady pig coming out to play he'll just be a moment my team are in white i need a white shirt but daddy you have a white shirt just take off your jacket see fantastic thank you peppa hello everyone hello daddy pig like your shirt very smart thank you come on let's play football [Music] yes daddy you've made your shirt all muddy of course peppa football shirts are meant to be muddy oh look at me i'm susie sheep see what i mean and you say this mickey mackie that's nothing like me it is a bit like you susie you're just as noisy as me i can be quiet it's not easy it's not that hard peppa okay you do it then let's all do it we can show my mummy mummy they're all going to be quite very quiet so quiet you can drop something on the floor and hear it quiet as a mouse you're not being quiet at all you're all being very noisy we can be quiet whenever we want start being quiet on the count of three one two i'm not ready okay now on your marks right get reset three hello i'm home oh i thought the house was empty peppa and her friends are playing at being quiet it's not playing it's very hard work oh peppa cannot stop herself from talking oh daddy i think i might be a chatterbox that's not such a bad thing peppa it's good to talk in fact i think you're an expert at talking that's right i am an expert at talking i'm an expert at talking too no you're not i'm the chatterbox i'm more of a chat box than you you two are just the same yes we are that's why we are best friends chatta chat peppa loves talking chat suzy loves talking everybody loves talking [Music] what's this daddy it's a machine that looks inside things put your bags on here please look it's my bag with teddy inside diesel that's magic this is the aeroplane that will take peppa and her family on holiday george loves aeroplanes welcome aboard we hope you enjoy your flight with us today can i sit next to the window of course peppa yes george you can sit next to a window too this is captain emergency speaking is everybody ready yes captain emergency then let's go [Music] look teddy we're flying what can you see out of the window peppa it's all cloudy and rainy oh now it's sunny that's because we're on top of the clouds the plane is flying higher and higher oh are we flying up to the sun no but we are going somewhere [Music] sunny peppa and her family are flying through the sky on their way to a sunny holiday are you sure we need everything in here mummy pig yes it's all very important are we going to get lost like we always do no peppa the sat nav will tell us the way in italy the sat nav talks in italian maybe we don't need this satin mouth uh let's go this way remember daddy pig this is another country they may drive differently here oh oh driving is driving mummy pig it can't be that different [Music] driving in italy is very different to driving at home hello yes we're on holiday daddy why are they beeping their horns at us i expect they're saying hello can we say hello of course we can everyone is so friendly here peppa and her family are on their way to their holiday house ah we're almost there yes i can feel myself relaxing already teddy i love teddy on the airplane hey what we have to go back for teddy oh dear it is a policeman hello officer i don't know what i was doing wrong but i promise i won't do it again good day i am returning this young bear he was left on the aeroplane oh thank you teddy have a lovely holiday here we are peppa and her family have arrived at their holiday house what have you got in this bag mummy pig it's all important stuff for our holiday [Music] peppa likes playing with twinkle toes perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside yes mummy hmm it's a bit steep here maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill and the quickest way down the hill is to ride down are you sure daddy don't crash like you always do oh oh i know what i'm doing peppa i'm a grown-up [Music] how are you going to stop daddy uh i don't are the know clever daddy you use the duck pun to stop what was that big splash what big splash daddy pig did you know you've got a duck on your head oh uh yes well i did fall in the pond george wants to ride on the toy horse go go oh george cannot make the horse go if only there was someone big and strong to push george along i'm big and strong i can push george what a good idea peppa george she's called twinkle toes horsey twinkle toes horsey i know because the present is for both of us we'll call her horsey twinkle toes peppa and george love playing together with horsey twinkle toes [Music] how are we going to find the right big tree oh it's usually me that walks into trees mummy pig has found the big tree clever mummy i knew it would still be here this way at the everybody pond yet almost there but i'm getting a bit hungry don't worry there's a cafe on the way oh lovely i could do with a nice cup of coffee can george and i have ice creams please of course ice creams for everyone the cafe should be just about here oh where's the cafe is it behind that rotten pile of wood i think that rotten pile of wood is the cafe there's not going to be any ice creams coming out of that today hello what can i get you oh a cup of coffee and three ice creams please of course thank you hmm delicious next stop the fish pond this way oh you don't want to go that way that goes straight into a blackberry bush aha it's the shortcut it's the way i went when i was a boy no if you want to go to the fish pond you need to go up that path well i'm taking the shortcut all right who wants to go through a blackberry bush me and who wants to go on the path me race you daddy i'll get there first bye i hope the fish pond is still here yes everything seems a bit different to what daddy remembers what's that it's the fish pond george let's see the little fish oh daddy said that the fish were tiny but they're ginormous it's been a long time since daddy was here when you were little we moved into this house we brought all our things on top of our car [Music] mummy pig put some pictures up daddy pig put up a shelf [Music] and grandpa pig made us a lovely flower garden where's grandpa's lovely flower garden now daddy pig looked after it uh we had the wrong kind of soil for flowers oh and anyway you needed somewhere to play you and susie love to play in the garden was susie my friend in the olden days yes you and susie have always been best [Music] friends in the olden days did susie and me jump up and down in muddy puddles no peppa you were babies you couldn't even walk oh what did we do you cried you burped and you laughed we were babies baby susie baby pepper soon after that you were toddlers and where was george he was a baby in my tummy yes you were in my tummy george you've got a big tummy daddy is there a baby in there oh no peppa this tummy is pure muscle and so george was born and granny and grandpa gave george a very special present can you guess what it was mr dinosaur that's right [Music] here we are the seaside the beach is covered in snow oh that sea looks cold i was looking forward to having a swim you still can the sea's not frozen over come along what are you waiting for um i can't swim because i've sprained my ankle and i think i might have a cough come on in mummy pig it's lovely are you sure it's lovely of course the sea is wonderful today okay then mummy pig is going for a swim is it cold mummy it's a little bit cold it always feels cold when you first get in if you keep moving you'll warm up okay i'll keep moving mummy pig has run out of the sea let's get you dry peppa george and daddy pig are warming mummy pig up by rubbing her with towels oh that's better are you going for a swim daddy pig maybe not today who wants an ice cream [Music] everyone likes ice creams at the seaside i wanted to make sand castles but the beach is covered in snow we can make snow castles first we fill the buckets with snow we turn the buckets upside down give them a little tap and hey presto a snow castle castle i love the seaside and i love the snow i love the seaside and the snow [Music] this is rosemary i like to use it in my cooking hmm it smells interesting [Music] this is mint oh that smells very minty and this is lavender oh that smells like granny pig's perfume wow that's a strong smell of lavender [Music] ah granny pig you smell nice thank you grandpa pig granny granny smell this what is it it's my perfume oh yes it's lovely has george made some perfume too no granny he doesn't like the smell of anything there must be something you like the smell of george has found a muddy puddle ah george what have you got there have you made some perfume actually that smells quite nice it smells lovely i say that is delightful what did you put in it george [Music] george's perfume is made out of muddy puddles ah perfumed a muddy puddle granny pig you smell even nicer than you did before yes you should use perfume the muddy puddle more often [Music] no they are too small let's see what fish are in the next room okay here is candy cat and her family hello candy hello peppa you know what are you doing here we come here all the time it's better than watching tv we like fish we've come to find a friend for goldie the fish oh what's in this tank i can't see anything oh daddy pig there's a fish right in front of you [Music] it is a very big fish wow do you think this fish could be a friend for goldie no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room what's in this tank dinosaur george thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur george it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes i like fish can the seahorse be goldie's friend uh no it's too dinosaury one more room to go oh what's in this tank nothing it's just green slime look that green slime is algae there must be some sort of fish in here whoa there's a fish with big long ears it's a rabbit fish it is miss rabbit wearing a diving costume she is cleaning the fish tank miss rabbit is saying hello it is difficult to talk underwater hello miss rabbit you just need a bit more practice george watch me wow oops i'll just get the ball back hello mummy pig uh can we have our ball back please yes but please play more carefully in future yes mummy big sorry mummy pig here is danny dog what are you doing we're playing baton ball my daddy is very good at it he batted the ball all the way into the house wow can i play better ball too uh maybe it's time for a different garden game like what limbo what's limbo when it's at home i'll show you i know you jump over it it's much too hard to jump over oh we go under the limbo pole and we need music to do it daddy pig is very good at limbo wow ah but now we'll put the pole a bit lower okay oh daddy your tummy is too big to go under the pole my tummy is not too big i just can't bend like i used to well done everyone now we'll put the poll even lower it's impossible nobody can go under that wow yours can do it she's flown into a tree here peppa look through the binoculars the binoculars make everything look bigger i can see one two three baby birds ah i wonder what they're eating yeah they're eating worms that's disgusting george has found more footprints oh what little footprints the footprints are being made by ants they're collecting leaves to eat are they going to have salad for lunch yes talking of lunch let's have our picnic oh the picnic daddy pig you've left the picnic in the car haven't you uh yes but it's not a problem we'll just go back to the car to eat but which way is the car my map will show us this way oh who put that tree there it's not on the map oh daddy pig we are lost aren't we yes how are we going to find our little car george has found more footprints hmm what big footprints dinosaur very interesting what has george found some real dinosaur footprints no these are our footprints and if we follow our footprints we'll find the way back to our car and our picnic nothing can stop us finding our car now we're home and dry oh i wasn't expecting that luckily i remembered the umbrella the rain is washing the footprints away how are we going to find the car now and our picnic it's the ducks they always turn up at picnics sorry mrs duck we haven't got a picnic this time [Music] hello my little ones it's granny come on up [Music] [Laughter] this is our attic wow it's very full yes it's full of old junk pepper and george are here to help us throw some things out good let's start by throwing out this box oh not that box do we really need this that's my ship in a bottle and this that's my other ship in a bottle and these they're my other ships in bottles i need them all well we have to throw something out uh how about this box no not my hats oh dear we can't decide what to throw out i know we let pepper and george decide okay let's throw away this old case oh not that one this isn't just any old case it's a record player [Music] and this was our favorite record can we play it yes oh we haven't heard it for years oh this takes me back [Music] come on pepper and george fix dogs mummy pig is here to pick up pepper and george [Music] hello where are you mummy pig can't find anyone what's that noise [Music] yes who is it it's mummy pig have you room for any more visitors hmm you have to say the secret words then you can come into our house i see and what are the secret words i have to whisper it up to you the secret words are daddy's big tummy i see [Laughter] say the secret words daddy's big tummy that's right daddy's big tubby i think those are silly secret words [Laughter] before you come in our house you must take off your boots of course there's room for daddy too say the secret words daddy can i have different secret words all please daddy's big tummy that's right you can come in now daddy take your boots off i don't think i can fit through the door that's because your tummy's too big i know daddy pig can climb in through the top pepper george mummy pig and daddy pig are all in the tree house granny i love our tree house i don't want to ever come out that's nice peppa but are you sure you don't want to visit me in my house no thank you granny in that case grandpa pig and i will just have to eat my homemade cookies all by ourselves cookies [Music] more cake please of course come on everyone coming daddy daddy i'm queen peppa you must bow when you speak to me oh i'm most terribly sorry your royal highness and what do you do i'm your daddy hmm that must be very interesting yes it's very interesting and what room is this this is the dinosaur room the dinosaur room george this is the dinosaur room dinosaur where is the dinosaur he's somewhere in the room i can't see him he must be very small actually peppa he's very big wow these are the bones of a real dinosaur dinosaur george imagines being a big dinosaur [Music] [Applause] [Music] the dinosaur room is george's favorite room my favorite room is the king and queen's room and it looks as if daddy pig is already in his favorite room which room is that mummy the room with the cakes in daddy pig's favorite room is the museum cafe oh come on tuck in oh yes this is a very nice room [Music] ah the old cuckoo clock why is it called a cuckoo clock there's a little wooden bird inside called a cuckoo i've never seen the cuckoo that's because we stopped winding it a long time ago the cuckoo got a bit annoying oh can we wind it up again please all right daddy pig is winding up the cuckoo clock there daddy pig sets the clock to the right time it is nearly nine o'clock daddy can we see the cuckoo now you'll see the cuckoo soon what does she look like daddy now let me think she moves her head like this and she flaps her wings like this and she says um that's a noisy little cookie look it's going to do something wow [Laughter] silly george you missed the cuckoo the cuckoo was really really brilliant she went cuckoo and you missed it never mind george you can see cuckoo next time but you'll have to wait cuckoo only comes out once an hour waiting is boring come on george let's play outside george does not want to play outside he is waiting to see cuckoo [Music] it is nearly 10 o'clock george has been waiting for cuckoo for almost an hour george come and play mr dinosaur wants you to play too [Music] don't worry peppa daddy pig will rescue teddy you'd better hurry daddy pig it's just about to rain i know all about thunderstorms it won't rain for ages as i thought plenty of time before it rains poor teddy he's soaking wet yes poor teddy let's get him dry oh daddy [Music] there you are teddy all dry what about poor daddy i'm soaking wet too oh sorry daddy pig let's get you dry [Laughter] there you are daddy pig nice and dry rain is coming in the house the floor is getting wet oh dear what can we do daddy pig don't worry daddy pig is using a bucket to catch the drips well done daddy pig easy's pie hey what quick find something else to catch the water well done pepper easiest pie mommy the center bags are very loud it's okay children don't be frightened let's count between each flash and bang the higher we can count the further away the thunderstorm is one two three [Music] where's the water [Music] daddy pig please turn off the water no need to panic oh dear everyone is wet at least the car has been washed we've all been washed you go and dry yourselves while i polish the car see you later see you later daddy pig is polishing the car so well he can see his face in it [Music] what a funny face oh more funny faces it's peppa and george and mummy pig what a lovely shiny car yes i am a bit of an expert at these things come on i'll drive today is everybody ready ready then let's go i hope you will all keep this car clean today yes mommy pig yes mommy pig mummy now you've made the car all muddy again naughty mummy naughty messy mummy [Music] and what's that noise oh i'm not sure it's daddy's tubby my tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature it means it's time to eat i love tomato soup so do i there's another one of daddy pig's sounds of nature what come on children into the tent it's bedtime we won't all fit in the tent is too little it will be fine in you go move further in mummy pig daddy you're too big for the tent never mind i'd rather sleep outside anyway good night daddy pig good night daddy night night good night everyone mummy pig peppa and george are sleeping in the tent daddy pig is sleeping outside under the stars ah i love camping sleeping in the open air with the stars above me maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all [Music] it is morning daddy it was lovely and cozy in the tent oh where's daddy daddy pig has gone poor daddy pig he must have been cold and wet and now where is he what's that sound it sounds like flooring [Music] daddy pig what daddy you're safe of course i'm safe i'm an expert at camping i slept in the car silly daddy i love camping bath time is over now it's time to clean your teeth before going to bed peppa and george brush their teeth okay that's enough brushing into your beds oh i think our teeth need a bit more cleaning when you're in bed daddy pig will read you a story [Music] peppa and george like stories when peppa goes to bed she always has her teddy tucked up with her when george goes to bed he always has mr dinosaur tucked up with him are you feeling sleepy now no daddy we need lots and lots of stories daddy pig will read you one story now which book do you want um the red monkey book okay i'll read you the red monkey book peppa and george like the red monkey book once upon a time oh sorry daddy pig once upon a time there was a red monkey and this red monkey had a bath and cleaned his teeth he got into his bed and soon he fell fast asleep good night red monkey peppa and george are asleep good night pepper and george sleep well [Music] now peppa and george are asleep mummy pig and daddy pig are going to watch some television and now it's time for the amazing mr potato i've been looking forward to watching this program the amazing mr potato is always ready for action he runs fast he jumps high he never sleeps what a splendid picnic please make george and i leave the table and play with zoe yes peppa zoe i've got my teddy i've got my monkey dinosaur i've got a thai picnic set let's play oh picnics the ducks they always turn up when we have a picnic we've got pretend orange juice and we've got pretend cake it's pretend cake it's very nice oh dear i do not think the ducks want pretend cake oh well that means there's more for monkey mr dinosaur and teddy monkey says the best cake ever peppa george home time bye bye zoey bye bye are we all ready yes daddy pig [Music] home time for us too zoey yes daddy cups plates monkey teddy oh no you shouldn't be here teddy peppa has forgotten her teddy again peppa and her family are home oh that's enough driving for one day all i want to do now is relax put my feet up and watch some teddy i forgot teddy oh peppa now daddy pig will have to drive all the way back to the picnic spot uh yes of course it's mr zebra the postman i thought it was your day off today mr zebra it is my day off but zoe's got a very special delivery for a miss peppa pig pepper stop what we don't put bottles in the rubbish bin they can be recycled what does that mean all the things we can't use again we put in the rubbish bin for mr bull but all the things that can be used again are put in these recycle boxes the red one is for newspapers the blue one is for tin cans and the green one is for bottles peppa you have a bottle so which box does it go in um the green one yes this is fun now it's george's turn can you find a newspaper for the red box george wants to recycle daddy pig's newspaper oh oh i haven't finished with my newspaper just yet george you can have it in a minute oh all right here you are george newspapers go in the red box george now that we have collected enough things we can go to the recycle center hooray let's go mummy pig has the bottles peppa has the tin cans and george has the newspapers is everybody ready yes daddy pig then let's go recycle recycle we're going to recycle tin cans [Applause] newspapers [Laughter] this is miss rabbit's recycle center we're here hi hello there hello miss rabbit [Music] peppa have you decided um you only have to choose one toy yes and it will help pay for a new school roof okay i'm going to give mr dinosaur mr dinosaur is george's favorite toy peppa you can't give away mr dinosaur can't i no oh bother sorry george dinosaur why don't you give your old jack in a box okay now it's your time daddy what we must all give something to the jungle sale i'm giving this hat and george is giving this ball so what shall daddy give i know the television not the telly no it's too useful um i know daddy smelly slippers no too smelly i know daddy's old chair but that's an antique what does antique mean antique means it's very old and valuable but you found it on a rubbish tip daddy pig it's worthless it'll be worth a lot of money when i mend it you've been saying that for ages daddy pig i know i'll give these lovely socks that granny pig made me good i've come to collect your things for the jumble sale here they are thank you [Music] and would you like this old chair oh [Music] good bye bye mommy you gave away daddy's chair shh don't tell him he'll never notice [Music] and i will start tomorrow daddy pig you have to start exercising now oh don't worry daddy i will help you oh all right peppa you're in charge of getting me fit what should i do first first you must do some press-ups easy what very good daddy now i want you to do 100 100 yes come on children help me make lunch i'll help as well no daddy you've got 100 press-ups to do oh mummy pig peppa and george are in the kitchen making lunch daddy pig is still doing his press-ups daddy is doing very well ten yes i do hope he's not overdoing it i'll go and see thirteen fourteen fifteen 16 17. daddy pig you're cheating you should be doing press-ups oh uh there was something interesting on the tv naughty daddy maybe daddy will have more success with my old exercise bike aha this looks like fun i'll be able to cycle and watch tv at the same time it's impossible this bike is too noisy i can't hear the tv you've got to get fit somehow i know you can use my bicycle yes and then you'll get some fresh air as well daddy pig is going to ride on peppa's little bicycle daddy these are the pedals these are the brakes and this is the belt yes yes thank you peppa i know bye-bye this is pie [Music] is the water cold it's lovely and warm you started it daddy pig maybe that's enough splashing daddy i love being at the beach peppa and george love the beach everyone loves the beach peppa george would you like to play with your buckets and spades yes please mommy daddy daddy can we bury you in the sand uh well please daddy no all right [Laughter] pepper and george are burying daddy pig in the sand there now you can't escape my head is getting a bit hot can i have my straw hat well if you say please please can i have my straw hat yes you may daddy that's nice oh baby i'll just have a little sleep george let's make sandcastles pepper and george are making sand castles first we put sand in the bucket like this we turn the buckets upside down and tap them and lift the bucket up hey presto a sand castle hey pesto another sand castle peppa george home time don't leave any stuff behind [Music] this pancake is for mummy pig hooray you still aren't flipping them high enough mummy pig the next pancake is yours daddy pig so now you can show us how it should be done delicious is everyone watching the secret of making a good pancake is to flip it high into the air a one two three hoopla [Music] silly daddy oh maybe that was just a bit too high oh what a shame that was the last pancake it should be a simple matter to get it down [Music] oh dear daddy pig cannot reach his pancake don't worry daddy pig i think i know a way to get it down let's go upstairs children this way what is mummy pig planning to do on the count of three we all have to start jumping up and down one two three jump what are they doing it worked now daddy pig has his pancake daddy has a pancake on his head syrup on your pancake daddy pig yes please [Music] delicious yes i am a bit of an expert at these things watch out for the trees you might get the kite stuck in one don't worry i know what i'm doing [Music] oh dear daddy pig has got the kite caught in a tree oh no [Music] don't worry george daddy will get the kite down yes careful there's a big muddy puddle pepper and george love to jump in muddy puddles chloe jump in the puddle please no i don't want you covered in mud oh stand back children please be careful daddy pig i know what i'm doing please be careful [Music] just a bit further daddy daddy pig you are much too heavy for that branch nonsense i know exactly how heavy i am there hooray daddy pig has rescued the kite oh dear everyone is covered in mud it's only mud [Laughter] luckily daddy pig hasn't hurt himself and the kite is out of the tree hooray mummy now that we're all muddy can we jump in the puddle i suppose so after all you can't get any muddier [Music] my tummy is not big but later i will get some exercise even if no one else does let's eat good idea mummy pig i'm really hungry [Music] delicious ah i feel quite sleepy i thought you wanted to run around a bit daddy pig later look there's a little duck pond yes you can feed them the rest of the bread pepper and george love feeding bread to ducks mommy i think they want some more that was the last of the bread i'm sure they've had enough sorry mrs duck we've no more bread the ducks want more food so much for daddy pig and his exercise what you lot again peppa told you there's no more bread mommy we do have strawberry cake well if there's any cake left over you can give it to the ducks everyone likes mummy pig's homemade strawberry cake oh a wasp i hate wasps shoo what a fuss mummy pig it's only a little wasp go away wasp just stay still mummy pig then it will fly away there you see all you had to do was stay still okay get away scram [Music] hold on to your hats no the wind has blown george's hat off don't worry george daddy pig will catch your hat look it's in that little tree hmm i'll just climb up and get it the tree is much too thin to take your weight daddy pig so how can we get george's hat simple i'll give the tree a little shake huh maybe if i shake it a bit harder i thought that sort of thing only happened to me it's not funny it is a bit funny mummy i suppose it is a bit funny where's george's hat it's on your head here's your hat george hold on to it this time the wind is blowing all the leaves off the trees look at me i'm leaning into the wind the wind is strong enough to hold pepper the wind is strong enough to hold georgia daddy i'm a bit too heavy come on daddy it's really fun oh all right the wind is strong enough to hold up daddy pig i say this is fun come on mummy pig give it a try but if the wind stops i'll pull over the wind won't just stop the wind has stopped it's not funny it is a bit funny daddy pig is wearing his swimming costume mummy pig is wearing her swimming costume peppa is wearing her swimming costume hurry up george everyone's waiting george is wearing his swimming costume peppa george let daddy put on your armbands george your armbands make you look very grown up now me [Music] now we can go in the water it is george's first time at the swimming pool why don't you put just one foot into the water maybe you should try the other foot maybe george should try both feet at the same time oh good idea but you don't need to splash quite so much here is rebecca rabbit with her little brother richard rabbit hello rebecca hello everyone richard hold on to this float and you can practice kicking your legs george would you like to try kicking your legs very good but try not to splash big children don't splash we're very good at swimming when george and richard are older they'll be able to swim like us won't they rebecca yes [Laughter] oh richard has a toy watering can stop it richard [Music] i was very good when i was a little piggy but now you have a big tummy but i can still touch my toes [Music] nearly all right daddy but you must run very fast the mummies and daddies will run the first part of the race and then hand the batons to the children mommies and daddies ready ready go daddy pig is in the lead [Music] thank you daddy you did very well now it's my turn peppa stop talking and run oh and the winner is emily elephant [Applause] oh daddy i haven't won a prize yet don't worry peppa there's still one more event and now for the last event of the day the tug of war toys against girls when i say go you must pull the rope with all your strength the girls will win no they won't the boys will win ready steady go come on boys [Music] [Music] and the result is a draw so both teams win i love the school sports day especially when i win prizes [Music] that's right they were all living there as well did cake daddy have a big tummy of course not he was very handsome like me anyway there was also a dragon dinosaur a dinosaur oh yes it wasn't a dragon it was a dinosaur living outside was a huge fierce dinosaur oh dear maybe the dinosaur wasn't quite that fierce daddy pig sorry george no the dinosaur was very gentle it ate lots of grass [Music] daddy pig oh sorry i was being the dinosaur [Laughter] daddy why is the princess called the sleepy princess i'm coming to that you see the sun set and the stars and moon came out and everyone got very sleepy but the most sleepy of all was the sleepy princess [Music] peppa are you sleepy no daddy i am not sleepy at all but somebody is george wake up you'll miss the end of the story well peppa might not be sleepy but the sleepy princess certainly was looking at herself all day in the mirror had completely worn her out let's carry you to bed good night [Music] you
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 22,922,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig full episodes, pepa pig, peppa pig song, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, cartoon, for kids, kids videos, kids animation, kids entertainment, kids education, preschool, toddler, wolfoo cartoon, cartoon for kids, video for kids, kids playing, kids cartoon, 2d cartoon, kids stories, kids stories about baby, wolf, woolf, wulf, pop it, safe cartoons for kids, Made for Kids, Pre-school
Id: YB6_FWfNpC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 23sec (6503 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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