Surgeon Reacts to JOE ROGAN's Hair Transplant

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i had a hair transplant that was the dumbest thing i've ever done oh okay so here we go we're getting into it now so let's see why he thinks it was the dumbest thing he's ever done hey guys dr gary here today i'm gonna do a reaction to joe rogan's thoughts on hair transplants so joe rogan is pretty popular dude online and just in general he was on fear factor he's a ufc commentator and has a really impressive podcast i recently came across this article it's called i had a hair transplant joe rogan talks about the scar on the back of his head so there are a few videos that are brought up in this article so let's take a look at them and i'll give you guys my reaction to these videos the joe rogan experience little knives in the end it's like a cat's dick so he's just scooping it out of there is this a woman or a man i don't know it's someone who's not that fat oh if whoever this is if they just got on a carb-free diet for like a couple weeks so i think he's referring to like liposuction here so you guys know i'm a facial plastics guy and a hair transplant surgeon i don't do much body work at all the only thing i'll do is if we have to put hair somewhere on the body or take care from the body i'll venture out or if i need fat for facial fat transfer then i'll go into the belly and take some fat out but i don't do it for actually like sculpting the abs or making someone look skinny or anything like that it's not even that's like not that long of weight to lose i know a lady who didn't need it and got it done she literally didn't need it i don't know i don't so when he says you know he knows someone who didn't need plastic surgery and got it done i mean that's pretty much most people you know who get plastic surgery don't necessarily need it they want it so very subjective when he says that he didn't think she needed it that's his opinion it's all about what the person who gets the surgery wants and has in mind for their self betterment and improvement and you know just feeling more confident about themselves i don't think it's this place to judge that but then again you know all of us are passing judgment on each other all the time so you know i guess it's joe rogan's right but either way people get plastic surgery because they feel that it's something that would make them just feel better about themselves some feature that they just don't like and they see no other way to improve that situation so that's pretty common for someone not to need something especially in the cosmetic surgery realm but nonetheless they want it i don't know her that well but i remember her friends saying how much extreme discomfort she was in because she had to wear essentially like this these tights super tight compression pants everywhere to keep all your ass fat together yeah usually my understanding because again i don't do body lipo and other kind of body plastic surgery procedures but generally the compression kind of dressings and that you know on the face we sometimes do that after a facelift or after submental liposuction it's to kind of keep the swelling down and also to promote lymphatic drainage that's the way that the swelling basically resolves after a surgery the edema the stuff that gathers up has to go through the lymphatic channels in order to drain out and for all that swelling to go away so the compression helps promote that type of activity it's so intense it's so exciting like when i was having my ass fat loosened uh well i had a hair transplant that was the dumbest thing i've ever done oh okay so here we go we're getting into it now so let's see why he thinks it was the dumbest thing he's ever done david feldman that's what he did i have his giant scar on the back of my head it looks like a smile great that he's open about it the way that hair transplants were done for many many years and the way that they're still sometimes done today is with the fut or strip method and that's what leaves this kind of linear scar in the back of your head and the shape of it tends to be kind of like what he's saying like sort of a half circle or like a smiley face because it's following the safe donor supply on the back of the head the problem with it is exactly this he's regretting it now years later because it probably didn't do enough for giving him hair on top of his head and yet it left them with this long scar modern techniques are a bit better when it comes to the donor area and the scarring that it leaves fue as you guys probably saw in one of my other videos it's the one by one removal so you get these little tiny dot scars and if it's a well-performed fue usually even with a shaved head it's a little hard to tell that anything was done and you can even get scalp micropigmentation into all those dots which helps it's harder to cover up a long scar especially if it's a wide end type of scar a piece of meat you get like a scar from it yeah my joke was that it's like taking people from a town where everybody's healthy and moving them into a town where everybody's dying the only ones that were left were like the new recruits like the hair that was supposed to be up there like it was falling out yeah so where do you get it from like they take it from the back your head they take a strip off the back now the way they do it in a lot of place they do it differently do one individual follicle at a time that's the fue that's what he's referring to in that comment i just was scared that i was going bald i was like what can you do and they tell you they can fix it they're like oh great i'll just get it fixed but it doesn't really fix it yeah like i always tell people and and one of my recent instagram comments and quotes was that plastic surgery is about making things better it's not about making it perfect or fixing the problem it's really about just going for some degree of improvement it would be nice if more places were honest and told patients that you're not going to get all of a sudden all of your hair back and he maybe was promised that and kind of went for it and now regrets it so it would have been better to talk to him about medical therapy things to improve this his situation maybe without surgery and then if surgery became an option to discuss you know what would it do for him how much improvement would he get of course it's not going to bring all your hair back especially if you're advanced in your thinning and also kind of how it would look years later i mean that's always something that i'm thinking about and i'm going to make a video specifically on this but there are a lot of guys who reach out to me young guys and they want their hairline lowered it's a huge no-no in my opinion and i'll go into detail more in a separate video but yeah i mean realistic expectations is like the most important thing and it seems like he wasn't really told what he could expect what he should expect back when he got the surgery well how come because that's [ __ ] uh what's his name joel mchale from the suit because i remember him from those burger king commercials where he had less hair than i do and then all now he's got dragon ball z hair well it's like real thick it's almost like more thick than they start with sometimes do you have a killer transplant or is that just a guy a great had a hair man he could not he didn't you remember the burger king commercial right i do i do not nobody does it was when the office was getting popular not the american one yeah so that's what's so interesting about plastic surgery and hair transplants is that some people get these incredible transformations and then doctors offices surgeons like myself will put those patients up you know on our website and you know show off the best results but then what happens is people come in expecting that they're also going to have a result similar to that person but everyone has a different experience and certain surgeries are fairly predictable and you know you kind of know what you're going to get but a lot of times there's still this element of unpredictability with most of what plastic surgeons do and so you don't necessarily know exactly how it's going to work out for you that is why people have different experiences when it comes to hair transplants if you look at someone like elon musk i mean he looks like he has a great head of hair now and clearly he's had several hair transplants so i think part of it is setting again those expectations where you tell someone that hey based on your degree of recession and hair loss if you go down the hair transplant route you might need several procedures over time over many years to get to a place where you want to be but there are also other variables that go into this like for example how much donor supply you have some people have a fairly narrow area that you can pick from to move the graphs other people have a very wide and very dense donor supply the other thing is that some people's hair is quite thin and other people have very thick hair the thicker hair per strand is going to amount to a better transplant result than someone with really fine hairs and looking back at some of joe's old photos i mean his hair was more thin so all of those things play a role and so if you go to someone with experience they're going to explain all this to you and they're going to give you a personalized opinion and that's another reason why i don't love when people email me photos just like one or two photos of their head and they're like how many graphs how much is it going to cost it's not so simple we have to talk about your goals we have to assess your hair a little bit better and we have to discuss what's possible what's not possible it's never as easy as just looking at a photo and giving an opinion the american one and burger king had these commercials that were kind of like the office and he was like the wise i can't picture one burger you can have thicker hair works better there he goes that's what we were talking about thicker hair it works better he's absolutely right in that every bald guy is [ __ ] here everything has more hair i remember people with uh thick hair follicles can get away with it like my hair would have looked way better but i have thin hair the hairs themselves are thin so he understands that now but it would have been good if someone explained that to him back when he was signing up for surgery he'd have some pretty dramatic result if it's the right kind of thinning what age did you do it 30 no not even not even 30. yeah but what are you telling you're 30 when you die yeah i think i was 28. i was i just started acting on tv and there are definitely men in their late 20s and early 30s who are good candidates for hair transplants but again it requires a kind of a comprehensive approach a complete discussion about pros and cons of the procedure just started acting on tv and i was panicking because my hair was yeah seriously falling out and i was like this is going quick and i was like well where's it gonna go and um like you just get thicker pubes well i was like i was i knew that part of the reason why i was making money was the way i looked i mean i i was doing stand-up and i was acting in these shows and that's something else that isn't talked about enough it's not just plastic surgery making you feel better about yourself it's also how you're perceived by other people so that's really important especially if you're on tv especially if you're in the public eye like he is it's super important most people in most different you know jobs are sort of judged in part based on how they look and so when you talk about sort of aging issues which is somewhat related to hair transplants of course but also other types of facial changes that occur especially women are judged based on you know those types of changes so a lot of them feel that as the face starts to sag that it might affect their work especially if they're executive somewhere and you know they've reached a certain height of their career and they don't want to be sidetracked by people just not treating them properly because you know they're starting to look old or something like that so that's another impetus for people to get plastic surgery and it's very real and there are studies we'll put them up next to me here that show this that show that people's perception changes after someone gets plastic surgery and there's data to support it for hair transplant there's data to support it for other types of facial plastics procedures such as rhinoplasty and facelift so it's super real and it's not just you know people doing it for vanity and because you know they should just you know go see a shrink but instead they're doing surgery which is another common misconception that people always you know come out with me with like oh shouldn't your patients just go see some mental health specialists like no that's bs like they're normal people almost all of them don't have any type of psychiatric anything and they just want specific things changed or modified or reversed back to the way they were so i mean it's a lot about other people's perception that leads folks down the road of getting some kind of a plastic surgery procedure but i wasn't an ugly dude and it helped you know like i was getting certain kind of roles like boyfriend rolls it's like something that a chick has to go through yeah you'd be panic because you're like well this is how i'm making money and i never made any money before so all of a sudden wow i went from being completely broke and being a super struggling comic like if i got lucky i was making 300 a week 350 a week was a big week why is that bad is that bad for a week it's perfect if you're a 25 year old guy which is what i was trying to make it as a comic right then i went from that to making piles of tv money you're like how do i not go back i am not getting rid of this i gotta figure out a way to keep this rolling but if i should have just shaved my head i just didn't know well it's not just about not knowing it's about people's perception of you with a shaved head also you know i think when he was on television primarily in the 90s or so people didn't really walk around bald as often as they do now this is a subject that's close to my heart we bout to talk about going ball so it wasn't as accepted you know society was just different the way you know we view bald men especially in the united states has i think changed over time it's become a little bit more accepted now so it's not just about joe not knowing that he would have been happy with himself also it's about how other people would have seen him and i don't think they would have been as receptive as they are now to his bald look freedom even if i grew like a thick head of hair i guarantee you i'd still shave my head i don't want to go to a barber i had a really nice lady used to cut my hair too i loved her she's fun fun conversations but i have to go to her place and she'd have to come in no dude i wake up every four days i go where's your mommy yeah i mean it definitely is a lot less maintenance and uh i've discovered that myself because as you guys know i've got alopecia riada so i've got a pretty shaved head too so a lot of you guys on my youtube you'll be like oh i cool you to talk like look in your head you should treat yourself first but as you know i've got this autoimmune condition so it's a little bit different i don't have the option of getting a transplant which i think i would consider getting a transplant if i were a candidate for it but i'm not so whatever it's definitely i think like more freeing i personally don't like the way i look with my head shave so i would prefer to have my hair back and it's kind of growing in as you guys can see but you know it's like very patchy and whatever because of this alopecia riota but i'm glad that joe feels that you know he's looking good he's happy with his with his look and it's definitely a lot lower maintenance and that's a huge plus could you talk about that that chilling pursuit but i was on some uh jb smoothies at this like dinner show where it'd be like a couple athletes and like a couple comics oh yeah and i and i just i don't because i don't really follow sports but these guys originally is a hockey player in some football players have so much maneuvering they're talking about all these treatments they would get you know and um most of them start out as beauty treatments for for rich and hollywood women really and then they trickle down to athletes wow is that something cryo that's where i swear to god they were talking about cryo that way like it was for hot chicks because they're kind of like a hot chick is a kind of athlete right and then you go like oh she gets a red shirt yeah then you blow your arm out like kathleen turner like uh steroids for arthritis no way she didn't want to be she want people to know about some illness because she lets you get less work so she just was like took all the jokes about how she looked like a man just took all the jokes to work and then finally came out which i got i'm like hey good for you man if you got work at it because you know people are terrified of well people find out if they're sick yeah i mean being going from being an insanely hot woman that is a change of everything that's a change of character yeah and again that's exactly why people look to plastic surgery to give them like another chance at life it definitely hurts your ego you know if you get old and you're starting to show those signs and so plastic surgery can help reverse that in many situations it's just a better feeling overall and also other people kind of treat you differently which is nice it's a character builder it's like a rich guy losing all his money you find out who really liked you the whole time you know yeah it changes how you interface with the world like a beautiful woman interfaces with the world like the most popular celebrity possible yeah beautiful woman is like tom cruise everywhere she goes now we're going to look at the second video for joe rogan talking about being bald he's telling the world he can't remember things i wonder like they're really close to curing that you know really they're injecting people's brains with stem cells so yeah i mean we're definitely not that close to curing hair loss unfortunately every time it seems like it's five years away but no one's really that close to it there is a human clinical trial starting out hopefully in the next year or so out of japan but we'll see if that actually gets underway so we've only kind of grown some hair and mice so we're still not that close and no one's injecting the brain with stem cells for hair loss we have prp where the platelets are being injected into the actual scalp but but not not into the brain and there are people doing some like fat stem cell injections into the scalp but that's a little bit more experimental at this point and fixing all kinds of weird that's going wrong how is that stem cell i've been thinking about you asked me about it i've been thinking about it it's crazy so you heal like wolverine it's very strange so okay will it how far away are you going to grow your dick not my my hair what about hair why not why can't it stem us up they'll probably have something for that soon i don't know man i'm never talking about here again back up i like having a shaved head it's so easy so i got a good head for it i look better with a shaved head than i did especially with the hair that i had left it's just all sad hair sad hair coughing so yeah hair i mean over time goes through a series of miniaturization steps and that's how it starts to get really thin and falls out eventually and so that's part of the process of aging hair and it's usually the result of dihydrotestosterone and that causes that miniaturization process to occur dying people it's like having a cancer patient living on your head that's why does that do yeah it's over it's over i come out shorter i like it man i like having a shirt yeah it's it's bull it's like it was a waste of my energy you got a round enough yeah if you have a flat back that's the bat the worst kind of head it's like a laptop head somebody hit you with a shovel head back of your head just looks like a laptop it's just flat like a book there's a lot of dudes that have whacked domes i feel for them but you know what man this doesn't look good with harry either you know weird heads weird heads or weird heads what you need to do is get one of them like a head like a fake butt just put it in your head and plants that's the girl's really touching i'm like why is it all soft in the back that's probably totally a good idea probably most people aren't touching your head well you can always say yeah i was in a motorcycle accident oh my god that scar i love scars you tear me off meanwhile you just had a butt put in the back your head like a fake like it feels like a rotting apple you know consistency of it we're laughing at this right but they do that to chins put double chins in they put a fake chin in people i don't know what they're talking about with the butt and the implants in the back of the head they're just joking around but now he's starting to talk about chin implants and yeah i mean people get chin implants people have recessed chins and the chin implant can really improve the facial harmony quite a bit a chin implant can help if you're doing some sort of neck work if you're doing a neck lift having something that extends out instead of really recessed allows that angle to be recreated and also some people get chin implants when their nose appears to be like sticking out and be overly projected from their face so a chin implant can again balance those features out it's super common what do you mean they put a fake chin on people who does that plastic surgeons the material is usually silicone there are other materials that chin implants are made of like medpor but those are the most common ones and yeah i mean it's like a synthetic material that goes into that area i think they go in through the like the lip area where the teeth are so there are two approaches that you can take for the chin implant it can go on the inside of the lip or more commonly we actually go underneath the chin area so this is less likely to give you an infection than putting an implant through the mouth so usually they're done through here actually and they shove like an implant in your chin because some people have like very small chins like their chin is tucked up in their neck and they they feel like it's unattractive i know childless people it's weird frankie that [ __ ] he's chinless does it bother him no he makes jokes about it that's good yeah interesting conversation that joe had about plastic surgery about hair restoration hair transplants you know a lot of this comes down to just personal choice and also the cards that you're dealt right if you have thin hair if you have almost nothing left at the top or the front of your head and you have a really bad donor supply where the hair is very sparse then your odds of getting a great result with a hair transplant are just very low so you just want to be able to go to a clinic for hair or for plastic surgery where they'll explain all these things to you and just be honest about what options there are for you what would make sense and what wouldn't make sense sometimes you know i'd spend more time telling people that they're not good candidates for surgery than than trying to tell them what a great result they would get actually most of the time i'm doing that and some people don't understand like they reach out they're like oh i'm ready to get surgery like sign me up and i tell them like no no wait these are the reasons why i don't think that this would be a good choice for you and a lot of times they don't listen you know and they won't get the surgery with me then they'll go to the next person who will operate on them it's complicated i think joe has a healthy sort of perspective on it at least how it pertains to him but you know he's got also realized that there are a lot of other people with many different opinions and you know people make these decisions based on what is important for them hopefully you guys enjoyed that and let me know what you think make sure you like and subscribe thanks
Channel: Doctor Gary Linkov
Views: 1,997,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe rogan, joe rogan experience, hair loss, jre, hair transplant results, fut hair transplant, joe rogan hair transplant, joe rogan hair, joe rogan hair transplant scar, joe rogan FUT hair transplant, joe rogan hair loss, fut surgery joe rogan, joe rogan plastic surgery, surgeon reacts, dr. gary linkov, jre clips, joe rogan podcast, hair transplant
Id: tsFPAhthI7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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