How I Reversed My Hair Loss + Greying

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so genetically I should be bald I started to lose my hair and go gray in my late 20s I'm Now 46 it's been a lot of hard work to keep the hair I have today I'm going to walk you through my protocol what I do on a daily weekly and monthly basis I'm also going to share with you some special tips on how we've reversed my gray hair preliminary results but we're encouraged now it's important to note that the best time to work on your hair is before you start losing it a lot of people wait until they start seeing a lot of shedding don't wait start doing hair care immediately now if you're in your early 20s mid 20s good time to start taking note that it's important otherwise it's harder to catch it when you're already done that path first thing I do in the morning every day is I wear this red light therapy cap it has 32 laser diodes you put on the head you turn it on it's battery powered and so I can walk about and do my morning routine without having to sit down it increases uh blood flow and also stimulates hair follicle activity the studies on this are are pretty good it's not the most powerful treatment we do but still it's part of the stack and so all these little things add up so every day 6 minutes all right the next thing I do is I apply this topical to my scalp on a daily basis you've probably heard of it of topicals like Rogan and minoxidil 5% both are effective we added a bunch of other goodies to our topical formulation we found it in the evidence and then we had a a local compounded Pharmacy make it for us so we've published this recipe and you can take that recipe share it with the compound of Pharmacy and have them make it for you kind of a hassle I know but it's the only way to get it done you can also go to uh groups that sell these for these formulations they may not have all the things we've listed but if they've got you know the basics like Med oxidil uh then cool but we really tried to create the most powerful hair formulation and that's what we have so hopefully it's helpful for you at least to know the things we're trying to play with on the topical I apply it once a day you you can apply it twice a day morning and evening so really your preference and the one thing we do to enhance the benefits of the topicals this and others is we do micro needling uh we've been not consistent with this so we did it for a while and then we did so many things in the blueprint protocol it kind of got pushed out so we think it's efficacious we think it's also a good thing uh we are also a little worried because I was doing uh so many things for my hair I was doing PRP and Micron needling and we were a bit worried that I was causing too much trauma to my scalp so just a note that I do sometimes pair Micron needling with the topical then also there's just some basic stuff like uh being careful with your hair you know not combing too hard not pulling really hard the follicles it's delicate uh so just being mindful about that uh not having hair pulling fights you know that's not a good thing for hair care we're always pushing for something new and more powerful and so this is what's worked today we've gone through the basics let me show you what I'm doing for gray hair reversal let's go as I mentioned before I started going gray when I was in my late 20s uh right here initially it was kind of a crazy time in my life I was building brain fre VMO I had three little babies I was in a challenging relationship trying to leave my born into religion a lot going on also I was really depressed and so I started going gray by my mid to late 30s I was basically all gray and so blueprint we have been trying to reverse it and we've tried a lot of things the first year of this effort we were largely unsuccessful over the past uh year we've been successful now many people have said I dye my hair I actually don't uh going to the salon using a chemical process I did that before in my 30s I haven't done that for the past year or so so I'm going to show you the two formulations I use one of them has an herbal extract which has a color and that's what you see in my hair but what's compelling to me again is we biopsy my hair we looked at under the microscope and we see that the hair the color is being produced beneath the scalp so it's actually working so let me show you the two things we use one is a gr7 this is a company in the UK that makes this this is applied I do this uh three or four times a week in addition to gr7 is uh my Rocky this is the one that has the herbal extract that has some color as part of the formulation I use these in tandem so I apply the gr7 a few times a week this maybe once or twice a week and again if you look at my follicles underneath the microscope I've increased the production of of color in my hair so we like it's going uh gray hair reversals very hard uh it takes a lot of effort just like maintaining your hair uh when you're going bald so in summary if you're losing your hair first I feel you it's psychologically stressful it's complicated it's tough uh also if you are trying to do something about your hair and everything I'm talking about seems overwhelming you can start with the basic this hair formulation just 5% minoxidil Rogan is a really good place to start you can get them at uh any number of places they sell it you don't need the longer formulation that I have you can do the simple one and that will really help you get started now if you want to add other things like red light therapy uh PRP micro needling um these more advanced things surely and I'm going to be reporting back to we just started a new therapy using exosomes so actually we're using tixel uh which is a skincare uh system and also uh exosomes so we open up the channels and the hair and the in the scalp and we put the exosome so we're going to see the efficacy of that it'll probably take a few months for us to get results but uh overall I hope this is helpful for you and I hope that it helps you gain ground on slowing the loss of hair and maybe even restoring some that has been lost
Channel: Bryan Johnson
Views: 1,260,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bryan Johnson, Blueprint, Longevity, Anti-Aging, anti-aging, Anti Ageing, Anti-Ageing, Brian Johnson, brian johnson, anti-ageing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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